651 research outputs found

    Dynamic ion structure factor of warm dense matter

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    The dynamics of the ion structure in warm dense matter is determined by molecular dynamics simulations using an effective ion-ion potential. This potential is obtained from ab initio simulations and has a strong short-range repulsion added to a screened Coulomb potential. Models based on static or dynamic local field corrections are found to be insufficient to describe the data. An extended Mermin approach, a hydrodynamic model, and the method of moments with local constraints are capable of reproducing the numerical results but have rather limited predictive powers as they all need some numerical data as input. The method of moments is found to be the most promising

    Photoluminescence spectrum of an interacting two-dimensional electron gas at \nu=1

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    We report on the theoretical photoluminescence spectrum of the interacting two-dimensional electron gas at filling factor one (\nu=1). We considered a model similar to the one adopted to study the X-ray spectra of metals and solved it analytically using the bosonization method previously developed for the two-dimensional electron gas at \nu=1. We calculated the emission spectra of the right and the left circularly polarized radiations for the situations where the distance between the two-dimensional electron gas and the valence band hole are smaller and greater than the magnetic length. For the former, we showed that the polarized photoluminescence spectra can be understood as the recombination of the so-called excitonic state with the valence band hole whereas, for the latter, the observed emission spectra can be related to the recombination of a state formed by a spin down electron bound to n spin waves. This state seems to be a good description for the quantum Hall skyrmion.Comment: Revised version, 10 pages, 5 figures, accepted to Phys. Rev.

    One-electron self energies and spectral functions for the t-J model in the large-N limit

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    Using a recently developed perturbative approach, which considers Hubbard operators as fundamental excitations, we have performed electronic self-energy and spectral function calculations for the tJt-J model on the square lattice. We have found that the spectral functions along the Fermi surface are isotropic, even close to the critical doping where the dd-density wave phase takes place. Fermi liquid behavior with scattering rate ω2\sim \omega^2 and a finite quasiparticle weight ZZ was obtained. ZZ decreases with decreasing doping taking low values for low doping. Results are compared with other ones, analytical and numerical like slave-boson and Lanczos diagonalization finding agreement. We discuss our results in the light of recent ARPESARPES experiments in cuprates.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Artifact of the phonon-induced localization by variational calculations in the spin-boson model

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    We present energy and free energy analyses on all variational schemes used in the spin-boson model at both T=0 and T0T\neq0. It is found that all the variational schemes have fail points, at where the variational schemes fail to provide a lower energy (or a lower free energy at T0T\neq0) than the displaced-oscillator ground state and therefore the variational ground state becomes unstable, which results in a transition from a variational ground state to a displaced oscillator ground state when the fail point is reached. Such transitions are always misidentied as crossover from a delocalized to localized phases in variational calculations, leading to an artifact of phonon-induced localization. Physics origin of the fail points and explanations for different transition behaviors with different spectral functions are found by studying the fail points of the variational schemes in the single mode case.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Role of electron-electron and electron-phonon interaction effect in the optical conductivity of VO2

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    We have investigated the charge dynamics of VO2 by optical reflectivity measurements. Optical conductivity clearly shows a metal-insulator transition. In the metallic phase, a broad Drude-like structure is observed. On the other hand, in the insulating phase, a broad peak structure around 1.3 eV is observed. It is found that this broad structure observed in the insulating phase shows a temperature dependence. We attribute this to the electron-phonon interaction as in the photoemission spectra.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Zn-impurity effects on quasi-particle scattering in La2-xSrxCuO4 studied by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy

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    Angle-resolved photoemission measurements were performed on Zn-doped La2-xSrxCuO4 (LSCO) to investigate the effects of Zn impurities on the low energy electronic structure. The Zn-impurity-induced increase in the quasi-particle (QP) width in momentum distribution curves (MDC) is approximately isotropic on the entire Fermi surface and energy-independent near the Fermi level (EF). The increase in the MDC width is consistent with the increase in the residual resistivity due to the Zn impurities if we assume the carrier number to be 1-x for x=0.17 and the Zn impurity to be a potential scatterer close to the unitarity limit. For x=0.03, the residual resistivity is found to be higher than that expected from the MDC width, and the effects of antifferomagnetic fluctuations induced around the Zn impurities are discussed. The leading edges of the spectra near (pi,0) for x=0.17 are shifted toward higher energies relative to EF with Zn substitution, indicating a reduction of the superconducting gap.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Calculation of overdamped c-axis charge dynamics and the coupling to polar phonons in cuprate superconductors

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    In our recent paper we presented empirical evidences suggesting that electrons in cuprate superconductors are strongly coupled to unscreened c-axis polar phonons. In the overdoped regime the c-axis metallizes and we present here simple theoretical arguments demonstrating that the observed effect of the metallic c-axis screening on the polar electron-phonon coupling is consistent with a strongly overdamped c-axis charge dynamics in the optimally doped system, becoming less dissipative in the overdoped regime.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure. to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Determination of the electronic structure of bilayer graphene from infrared spectroscopy results

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    We present an experimental study of the infrared conductivity, transmission, and reflection of a gated bilayer graphene and their theoretical analysis within the Slonczewski-Weiss-McClure (SWMc) model. The infrared response is shown to be governed by the interplay of the interband and the intraband transitions among the four bands of the bilayer. The position of the main conductivity peak at the charge neutrality point is determined by the interlayer tunneling frequency. The shift of this peak as a function of the gate voltage gives information about less known parameters of the SWMc model, in particular, those responsible for the electron-hole and sublattice asymmetries. These parameter values are shown to be consistent with recent electronic structure calculations for the bilayer graphene and the SWMc parameters commonly used for the bulk graphite.Comment: (v2) 11 pages, 7 figures; Important typo fixes and bibliography addition

    Small-q electron-phonon scattering and linear dc resistivity in high-T_c oxides

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    We examine the effect on the DC resistivity of small-q electron-phonon scattering, in a system with the electronic topology of the high-T_c oxides. Despite the fact that the scattering is dominantly forward, its contribution to the transport can be significant due to ``ondulations'' of the bands in the flat region and to the umpklapp process. When the extended van-Hove singularities are sufficiently close to EFE_F the acoustic branch of the phonons contribute significantly to the transport. In that case one can obtain linear TT dependent resistivity down to temperatures as low as 10 K, even if electrons are scattered also by optical phonons of about 500 K as reported by Raman measurements.Comment: LATEX file and 4 Postscript figure

    Analytical Results for a Hole in an Antiferromagnet

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    The Green's function for a hole moving in an antiferromagnet is derived analytically in the long-wavelength limit. We find that the infrared divergence is eliminated in two and higher dimensions so that the quasiparticle weight is finite. Our results also suggest that the hole motion is polaronic in nature with a bandwidth proportional to t/Jexp[c(t/J)2]t/J \exp [-c (t/J)^2] (cc is a constant). The connection of the long-wavelength approximation to the first-order approximation in the cumulant expansion is also clarified.Comment: 12 papes, 2 figures available upon request, revte