4 research outputs found

    Elvytyskoulutuksen järjestäminen somalialaistaustaisille

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    Tämän toiminnallisen opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli suunnitella ja järjestää elvytyskoulutus somalialaistaustaisille aikuisille. Opinnäytetyön kohderyhmä valittiin yhteistyökumppanimme kanssa. Opinnäytetyön yhteistyökumppanina toimii Suomen somalialaisten liitto. Koulutuksen tavoitteena oli, että kohderyhmä saisi elvytyskoulutuspäivästä tietoa ja taitoa maallikkoelvytyksestä. Loistavaa olisi, jos kohderyhmä hakeutuisi Punaisen Ristin järjestämälle ensiapukoulutukselle tämän opinnäytetyön myötä. Opinnäytetyössämme ja elvytyskoulutuksessa keskeisiä aihealueita olivat ensiapu, ensiapukoulutus, peruselvytys, defibrillaattori ja kohderyhmän ohjaus. Opinnäytetyön kirjallinen osuus sisälsi teoriaa elvytyksestä, ryhmänohjauksesta ja somalialaistaustaisien kulttuuritaustasta. Elvytyskoulutuksessa käytettiin Power-Point esitystä ja opetusvideoita. Elvytys harjoituksessa otimme käyttöön Anne-elvytysnukkea ja neuvovaa harjoitusdefibrillaattoria. Toteutuksessa hyödynsimme Laurean ammattikorkeakoulun opetusvälineistöä. Halusimme hyödyntää tässä toiminnallisessa opinnäytetyössämme omia elvytystaitoja ja sitä osaamista mitä meillä on. Henkilökohtaisena tavoitteenamme oli kehittää omia tapahtuman suunnittelutaitoja ja toteutusta, sekä edistää omaa ammattitaitoa liittyen ensiapuun ja elvytykseen. Koulutukseen osallistui 10 aikuista. Osallistujat olivat asuneet Suomessa 3-8 vuotta ja he puhuvat kohtuullisen hyvää Suomen kieltä. Elvytyskoulutus oli erittäin onnistunut. Saimme positiivista palautetta osallistujilta, sekä yhteistyökumppanilta. Koimme henkilökohtaisesti että, ensiapu, elvytys, ohjaus ja ryhmätaitomme ovat kehittyneen tämän opinnäytetyön prosessin aikana. Antoisaa oli, että suurin osa ryhmästä oli todella kiinnostunut hakeutumaan Punaisen Ristin viralliseen ensiapukoulutukseen.The purpose of this functional thesis was to plan and organize Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)-training for adult people from ethnicity of Somalia. The target group was chosen with our partners. The partner to our thesis was Finnish Somali Union. The goal of the CPR-training was that our target group receive knowledge and basic skills in resuscitation. It would be pleasing if the target group were to seek out first-aid training organized by Red Cross through this thesis. In our thesis and CPR training the most pivotal focus were on first-aid, first-aid training, resuscitation, defibrillator (AED) as part of the CPR procedure and guiding the target group. The theoretical frame of our thesis included CPR, guiding the target group and background information about people from Somalia. The CPR-training included a PowerPoint-presentation and tutorial videos. In our practical training we used “Resusci Anne manikins” and a defibrillator meant for practice. In our CPR-training we used the Laurea University of Applied Sciences teaching materials. In this functional thesis we wanted to use our own resuscitation skills and the knowledge that we possessed. Our personal goal was to develop our own event planning the skills and the implementation. We also wanted to promote our professionalism in CPR and first-aid. There were 10 participants in out CPR training event. They had lived in Finland between 3 and 8 years. The majority of them spoke Finnish well. CPR-training was very successful. We received positive feedback from the participants and from our partner. We personally felt like our, first-aid, resuscitation, guidance and teamwork developed during this thesis process. It was rewarding that most of the participants were really interested in getting into the Red Cross’s official first-aid training

    Impact of perlator on the cooling liquid flow and hottest point temperature of superconducting windings in HTS transformer

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    The generated heat by the superconducting windings and the other parts such as current leads in transformer increases the hottest point temperature (HPT) and causes the high temperature superconducting (HTS) windings to quench. Due to the properties of superconducting windings, reducing the HPT is of critical importance for the stable operation of the HTS transformer. The cooling system of HTS transformers, not only provides the cryogenic temperature for the proper operation of the superconductors but also is responsible for dissipating the generated heat by the windings. In this paper, the effect of the angle of inlet pipes in cooling system was investigated. This was a simple and effective solution which increases the heat transfer in liquid nitrogen. It was shown that inlet angle has a significant effect on the flow turbulence and the windings temperature. The Perlator is used as a lattice sheet which is installed inside the inlet valve and increases the turbulence of inlet flow of liquid nitrogen to increase heat transfer and reduce HPT. The thermal analysis is obtained by finite element method using ANSYS Fluent software. The influence of changing the inlet pipe angle and different structures of Perlator on heat transfer was investigated

    The Cardioprotective Effect Of Selenium In Myocardial Ischemia Reperfusion Injury

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    The objective of the current study is to assess the possible cardioprote-ctive effect of selenium in myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury induced by ligation of coronary artery in a male rat model. 24 adult male spraguedawley rats were randomized into 4 equal groups: (1), Sham group, rats underwent the same anesthetic and surgical procedures as the control group except for LAD ligation; (2), Active control group, rats subjected to regional ischemia for 30 min by ligation of LAD coronary artery and reperfusion for 2 hours; (3), Control vehicle group, rats received D.W (vehicle of selenium) via IP route and subjected to ischemia for 30 minutes before ligation of LAD coronary artery & reperfusion for 2 hr; (4), Seleniumtreated group, rats pretreated with selenium5mg/kg via IP injection 30minutes before ligation of  LAD coronary artery & then subjected to reperfusion for 2 hr. In control group, as compared with sham, tissue TNF-α, IL-6, IL-10, caspase-3 and BAX, plasma cTn-T and serum MDA significantly increased (P<0.05), while serum GSH significantly decreased (P<0.05). Histopathologically, control group showed a significant cardiac injury (P<0.05) compared with sham group. Selenium significantly counteracted (P<0.05) the increase of TNF-α, IL-6, caspase-3 and BAX and counteracted the increase in plasma cTn-T and serum MDA. Selenium produces a significant elevation (P<0.05) in cardiac IL-10 and serum GSH with significant reduction in (P<0.05) cardiac injury. In Conclusions, Selenium minimizes myocardial I/R injury in male rats via interfering with inflammatory reactions and apoptosis which were induced by I/R injury