153 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of E-marketing to Strengthen the Product Quality Customer Trust and Commitment with Organizations. A Systematic Literature Review from the Last Two Decades

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    Our daily lives have become increasingly digitized. It is changing the way consumers and businesses engage in the conventional sense. Consumer behavior is changing due to digitization, mainly social media, with significant implications for businesses, goods, and brands. This study evaluates the determine of consumer perceived value influences the relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty. Another objective of this study is to evaluate the quality of e-services that influence customer pleasure, leading to customer loyalty. For this purpose, we used the Scopus database for the data extraction; the PRISMA statement 2015 inclusion and exclusion framework is used to select data. E-marketing and customer satisfaction keywords are used in the search bar, and 1725 results are shown and follow the screening process. The final 51 articles and reviews are used for the systematic literature review after the detailed screening process. The results have classified the literature into segment, focus, and findings. The study's findings demonstrate that e-marketing is significantly enhancing customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. Keywords: The Effectiveness of E-marketing, Strengthen the Product Quality Customer Trust and Commitment with Organizations. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/13-18-01 Publication date:September 30th 202

    Approximate Regular Modules

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    There are two (non-equivalent) generalizations of Von Neuman regular rings to modules; one in the sense of Zelmanowize which is elementwise generalization, and the other in the sense of Fieldhowse. In this work, we introduced and studied the approximately regular modules, as well as many properties and characterizations are considered, also we study the relation between them by using approximately pointwise-projective modules

    A Review of Skin Cancer Detection: Traditional and Deep Learning-Based Techniques

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    واحدة من أخطر أنواع السرطان هي سرطان الجلد. إن ارتفاع عدد حالات سرطان الجلد ومعدل الوفيات العالي وتكلفة العلاج الطبي العالية تستدعي الكشف المبكر عن أعراضه. يتم اكتشاف سرطان الجلد والتمييز بينه وبين الميلانوما باستخدام معايير الأورام مثل التماثل واللون والحجم والشكل. ونظرًا لأهمية هذه التحديات، قام الباحثون بتطوير مجموعة متنوعة من النهج للكشف المبكر عن سرطان الجلد. تتم مراجعة هذه المقالة بشكل شامل للتقنيات التقليدية وتقنيات التعلم العميق للكشف المبكر عن سرطان الجلد. يتم تقييم أداء هذه التقنيات بناءً على مقاييس مختلفة، وتحليل المجموعات البيانية المستخدمة للتدريب والاختبار. وتم تحديد الدراسات التي تستخدم تقنيات مثل الفحص السريري و تنظير الجلد والأنسجة الطبية، وتم تحليل بنية الشبكات العصبية العميقة المستخدمة للكشف عن سرطان الجلد. تم تقديم مقارنة شاملة للتقنيات الكلاسيكية وتقنيات التعلم العميق للكشف عن سرطان الجلد في هذه المقالة الاستعراضية.One of the most serious types of cancer is skin cancer. The rising number of skin cancer cases, high mortality rate, and high cost of medical treatment necessitate early detection of its symptoms. Skin cancer is detected and differentiated from melanoma using lesion criteria such as symmetry, color, size, and shape. Given the significance of these challenges, researchers have developed a variety of early-detection approaches for skin cancer. This paper comprehensively reviews classical and deep-learning techniques for detecting early skin cancer. The performance of these techniques is evaluated based on various metrics, and the datasets used for training and testing are analyzed. Studies using techniques such as clinical examination, dermoscopy, and histopathology are identified, and the architecture of the deep neural networks used for skin cancer detection is analyzed. A comprehensive comparison of classical and deep-learning techniques for skin cancer detection is provided in this review paper

    Diagnosis of ferlaviruses in snakes and characterization of isolates based on gene sequences

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    PMV are important pathogens for reptiles especially snakes and have been isolated from wild and private collections. During a period (2009-2011), a total of 495 clinical samples originating from 251 snakes of several families including Boidae, Pythonidae, and Colubridae were screened for the presence of PMV by RT-PCR described by Ahne et al. (1999) targeting a partial sequence of the L gene and virus isolation on the reptilian cell line viper heart cells (VH2). Samples with positive amplicons (566 bp, L gene) were subjected to RT-PCR targeting partial sequence of HN as described by Ahne et al. (1999) and Marschang et al. (2009) and U gene as described by Marschang et al. (2009). All RT-PCR positive amplicons were subjected to sequencing in order to exclude false positive results. Phylogenetic analyses using several programs (Phylip 3.36 and Mega 5.05) were carried out to explore the associations between the viruses detected and to broaden our understanding of their taxonomic relationships. Unspecific size products and specific size products with non specific amplicons were repeatedly obtained using the previously published protocol. Several trials were therefore carried out in an attempt to increase the specificity of the original RT-PCR protocol (Ahne et al., 1999) including optimization and sensitivity tests. Several concentrations of MgCl2 (1, 1.5, 2, 2.5) mM and different annealing temperatures (45, 48 and 51) Cº were used in order to eliminate the unspecific size products. Sensitivity tests using several ferlavirus isolates were conducted using new degenerate primers targeting the conserved L gene. Changes in annealing temperature and MgCl2 concentration did not decrease the number of unspecific reactions detected. Sensitivity tests showed that the RT-PCR protocol described by Ahne et al. (1999) has the highest sensitivity. However, this protocol has been shown to be highly unspecific. Sequencing of RT-PCR products is therefore necessary to ensure specific results. Ferlaviruses were detected in 5.97% of the snakes tested (15 of the 251 snakes screened). All ferlavirus positive snakes were from the families Colubridae and Pythonidae. The low infection rate might indicate a fluctuation in the infection rate. A total of six different partial L gene sequences were obtained from 19 RT-PCR products using RT-PCR (L gene) and verified by sequencing. Three of these products clustered within subgroup B isolates. The one detected in an Indian python was 97% similar to FDLV (AY141760.2) (Subgroup A). Two (Pangut GER09 and Hobuc HUN09) were not assigned to subgroup A or B. However, they clustered together forming the first two representatives of the novel subgroup C within the Ferlavirus genus extending its classification into three squamate subgroups; A, B and C. Concurrent viral infections (PMV, reo and AdV) were detected in a group of corn snakes in Germany which highlight the significance for testing for different pathogens and different organs and tissues. In order to assess the degree of genetic diversity within this group of viruses, complete CDS regions of the F and HN genes from nine ferlaviruses were sequenced and compared (on both nt and deduced aa sequence levels) with each other and with the corresponding sequences of other genera of the Paramyxovirinae. Phylogenetic analyses were conducted for each gene separately and for the concatenated sequences of F, HN and the extended portion (1544 nts) of L gene. On a genomic level, squamate ferlaviruses are closely related; however they are distributed into three different genogroups (A, B and C). Deduced animo acid sequences of both F and HN genes of all ferlavirus isolates revealed conserved domains corresponding to those described for other members of the Paramyxovirinae. However, the chelonid ferlavirus showed for both genes and for some motifs some differences to the squamate (snake and lizard) group.PMV sind bedeutende Krankheitserreger bei Reptilien und konnten sowohl aus wildlebenden als auch in Gefangenschaft gehaltenen Populationen isoliert werden. Über einen Zeitraum von drei Jahren (2009-2011) wurden insgesamt 495 klinische Proben von 251 Schlangen verschiedener Familien wie Boidae, Phytonidae und Colubridae auf PMV untersucht, dabei wurde das Virus mittels RT-PCR nach Ahne et al. (1999), die auf das L-Gen des Virus abzielt nachgewiesen und Virusisolation durch Vermehrung in VH2 (Viper Herz Zellen) durchgeführt. Proben mit positivem PCR-Ergebnis (566 bp, L-Gen) wurden weiterhin in RT-PCRs, welche auf die Gene HN und U abzielen, getestet. Alle positiven PCR-Ergebnisse wurden sequenziert um falsch-positive Resultate auszuschließen. Die erhaltenen Sequenzen wurden des Weiteren phylogenetische Analysen mit unterschiedlichen Programmen (Phylip 3.36 und Mega 5.05) unterzogen um die genetischen Relationen zwischen den Subtypen weiter zu erforschen und das Verständnis der taxonomischen Zusammenhänge zu erweitern. Produkte mit unspezifischer Länge und Produkte mit spezifischer Länge aber unspezifischen Amplicons Sequencen wurden wiederholt getestet. Dafür wurden verschiedene Anpassungen des ursprünglichen Protokolls (Ahne et al, 1999) vorgenommen. Außerdem wurden Sensitivitätstests anhand neuer Primer, welche auf das konservierte L-Gen abzielten, durchgeführt. Veränderungen der Annealing Temperatur und der MgCl2 Konzentration hatten keinen Effekt auf die Anzahl unspezifischer Reaktionen. Sensitivitätstests zeigten, dass das RT-PCR Protokoll nach Ahne et al. (1999) die höchste Sensitivität aufweist. Da die PCR nach diesem Protokoll jedoch einen hohen Anteil falsch positiver Resultate aufweist, sollten, um spezifische Ergebnisse zu erhalten, die Produkte stets sequenziert werden. Insgesamt wurden in 5.97% der getesteten Schlangen (15 von 251 Tieren) Ferlaviren nachgewiesen, dabei gehörten alle positiv getesteten Tiere den Familien Colubridae und Phytonidae an. Die in der Studie gemessene geringe Infektionsrate könnte durch eine Schwankung in der Gesamtinfektionsrate zustande gekommen sein. Aus den 19 RT-PCR Produkten wurden sechs unterschiedliche partielle L-Gen Sequenzen nachgewiesen. Drei dieser Produkte ließen sich dem Subtyp B zuordenen, eines aus einer indischen Phyton wies 97% Homologie zum FDLV (AY141760.2), (Subgruppe A), auf. Zwei Isolate (Pangut GER09 and Hobuc HUN09) konnten in keines der bestehenden Cluster der Subtypen A oder B eingeordnet werden. Sie bildeten zusammen eine eigene Gruppe und sind damit die ersten Mitglieder des neuen Subtyps C innerhalb des Genus Ferlavirus, welches nun erweitert und in die drei squamaten Subgrupen A, B und C unterteilt werden kann. Es wurden multiple Virusinfektionen (PMV, reo und AdV) in einer Gruppe von Kornnattern/Kornschlangen in Deutschland entdeckt, was die Bedeutung des Testens verschiedener Pathogene und unterschiedliche Organe und Geweben hervorhebt. Um den Grad der genetischen Diversität innerhalb dieser neuen Virusgruppe einzuschätzen, wurden die kompletten CDS Regionen der Gene F und HN von neun Ferlaviren sequenziert und untereinander und mit entsprechenden Sequenzen anderer Mitglieder der Paramyxovirinae verglichen (sowohl auf der Ebene der Nukleotidsequenzen als auch der abgeleiteten Aminosäure-sequenz). Die phylogenetischen Analysen wurden dabei zum einen für jedes Gen separat und des weiteren anhand der aneinandergereiten Sequenzen der Gene F, HN und einem erweiterten Anteil des L-Gens (1544 Nuckleotide) durchgeführt. Dabei konnte gezeigt werden, dass die squamaten Ferlaviren auf genomischer Ebene eng miteinander verwandt sind, sich jedoch in drei verschiedene Genogruppen (A, B und C) aufspalten. Hergeleitete Aminosäuresequenzen der F und HN Gene aller Ferlavirusisolate in dieser Studie zeigten konservierten Domänen übereinstimmend mit denen anderer Mitglieder der Paramyxovirinae, allerdings konnten in beiden Genen und einigen Motiven Unterschiede zwischen dem cheloniden Ferlavirus und den squamaten Isolaten (Schlangen und Echsen) nachgewiesen warden

    Identification of Lines Based on Form Factor and Geometrical Descriptors

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    The problems of releasing and identifying features of key elements and their identification in images are shown. The basic algorithms and methods for forming descriptors for key elements in the image are considered. The main disadvantages of existing methods in aerospace images are the loss of stability and the presence of a large number of false key elements when changing recording to the conditions (for example, brightness and contrast of the received images). To eliminate these drawbacks, it is proposed to use selected lines as key elements, and their geometrical characteristics to form a descriptor. To analyze the proposed algorithm and the SIFT method, fragments of aerospace images changed in brightness and contrast in a graphic editor from -50 to +50 percent of the original were used, which made it possible to evaluate the operation of these algorithms in conditions close to the real survey. It is shown that the proposed algorithm is more stable than the SIFT method with increasing contrast and decreasing the brightness of the test aerospace image. Also, the proposed algorithm is characterized by a smaller number of detected false key elements compared to the SIFT method

    Identification of Lines Based on Form Factor and Geometrical Descriptors

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    The problems of releasing and identifying features of key elements and their identification in images are shown. The basic algorithms and methods for forming descriptors for key elements in the image are considered. The main disadvantages of existing methods in aerospace images are the loss of stability and the presence of a large number of false key elements when changing recording to the conditions (for example, brightness and contrast of the received images). To eliminate these drawbacks, it is proposed to use selected lines as key elements, and their geometrical characteristics to form a descriptor. To analyze the proposed algorithm and the SIFT method, fragments of aerospace images changed in brightness and contrast in a graphic editor from -50 to +50 percent of the original were used, which made it possible to evaluate the operation of these algorithms in conditions close to the real survey. It is shown that the proposed algorithm is more stable than the SIFT method with increasing contrast and decreasing the brightness of the test aerospace image. Also, the proposed algorithm is characterized by a smaller number of detected false key elements compared to the SIFT method

    Review of Parameters in Routing Protocols in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks

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    Vehicular Ad_hoc Network  (VANET) is a sophisticated elegance of devoted cellular network that permits automobiles to intelligently communicate for different   roadside infrastructure. VANETs bring with it some of demanding situations associated with Quality of Service (QoS) and performance. QoS relies upon on many parameters which includes packet transport ratio, bandwidth, postpone variance, records latency, etc. This paper, discuss numerous troubles associated with latency records, bandwidth usage, and transport of packet in VANETs. The demanding situations have been recognized in offering security, reliability and confidentiality of posted records. Finally, numerous packages of VANETs also are introduced in the modern computing scenario

    Differential responses of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) to elicitor fractions from Colletotrichum lindemuthianum

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    Polysaccharide elicitor preparations from culture filtrate and cell walls of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum had broadly similar monosaccharide compositions. Treatment with culture filtrate or cell wall elicitors had no effect on the electrolyte leakage from bean leaf slices or mesophyll cells and resulted in similarly reduced viability of suspension cultured bean cells. Both elicitor preparations had similar effects on the induction of extractable activities, synthesis and mRRA activities of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase, chalcone synthase and chalcone isomerase, on the induction of synthesis and mRRA activities of chalcone synthase multiple subunit isoforms in bean cell suspension cultures and on the patterns of active phenylalanine ammonia-lyase and chalcone synthase multiple forms separated by chromatofocussing. Both qualitative and quantitative differences were observed in the effects of the two elicitor preparations on the accumulation of 5-deoxy and 5-hydroxy isoflavonoids, deposition of wall-bound phenolics and on the levels of free and esterified hydroxycinnamic acids. The two elicitor preparations induced prolyl hydroxylase activity although only the cell wall elicitor induced accumulation of hydroxyproline in the cell walls of suspension cultured bean cells. In addition, although the overall patterns of polysomal mRRA activities in bean cell cultures following treatment with cell wall or culture filtrate elicitors were broadly similar, distinct differences were observed in the effects of the two elicitor preparations on the induction/reduction of the activities of mRNAs encoding a number of polypeptides as shown by two-dimensonal gel electrophoresis.An unaltered monosaccharide composition and ability to induce phenylpropanoid biosynthetic pathway enzymes were associated with all fractions obtained after chromatography of culture filtrate elicitor on the basis of size and charge. Fractions obtained after affinity chromatography on Concanavalin A-Sepharose had different monosaccharide compositions but exhibited similar effects on the viability of cultured cells and on the induction of synthesis of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase, chalcone synthase and chalcone isomerase as did the crude culture filtrate elicitor. However, although the three Concanavalin A-Sepharose-purified fractions induced chalcone synthase activity to higher levels than the crude culture filtrate elicitor preparation, little or no induction of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase and chalcone isomerase activities was observed following treatment with the Concanavalin A-unbound and a-methyl mannoside-eluted fractions. In addition, the Concanavalin A-Sepharose-purified fractions induced the activities of mRNAs encoding phenylalanine ammonia-lyase and the most basic chalcone synthase subunit isoform to higher levels than the culture filtrate elicitor. The three Concanavalin A-Sepharose-purified fractions had broadly similar effects on the overall patterns of protein synthesis in vitro although their effects were clearly different from those obtained with crude elicitor preparations. Possible physiological importance of putative multielicitar components with non-identical biological activities and their value in elucidating biochemical control mechanisms underlying regulation and co-ordination of host gene expression are discussed.<p


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    Objective: The aim of our study was to compare between flavonoids and phenolic acids contents of leaves and fruits of Melia azedarach since no phytochemical investigation had done previously in Iraq.Methods: The leaves and fruits of Melia azedarach were extracted by soxhlet using 80% ethanol then the dried extract was suspended in water and fractionated using petroleum ether, chloroform, ethyl acetate, and n-butanol. The n-butanol fraction was hydrolyzed by acid and partitioned with ethyl acetate. The different fractions containing flavonoids and phenolic acids were analyzed by HPLC and HPTLC.Results: The HPLC results revealed the presence catechin-7-O-glycoside in fruit only, while kaempferol-7-O-glycoside is found in the leaves only. Catechin and its glycosides are more abundant in the fruits than in the leaves. The HPTLC results revealed that kaempferol and quercetin are present in all fractions of leaves and fruits as aglycones and as glycosides. Free chlorogenic was found in both leaves and fruits.Conclusion: No major differences were found between the flavonoids and phenolic acids contents of the leaves and fruits of Melia azedarach