8 research outputs found

    PCS-15 Study Anatomy of Testis and Epididymis of Timorese Fruit Bats (Pteropus vampyrus)

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    Fruit bats (Pteropus vampyrus) is one of the bats in Timor Island, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). Fruit bats have unique behaviour when mating which is hanging upside down (Corbet and Hill, 1992). The ability of male bat in maintaining the position when mating is according to the characteristics of male fruit bat reproduction system morphology. Testes are male genital organs which synthesis androgen hormone (especially testosterone) and the site where spermatogenesis takes place and eventually  producing sperm. Epididymis plays role in transporting, storaging and maturating the sperm (Syahrum et al., 1994)

    Carbohidrate Distribution In The Small Intestine of Sumba Ongole Cattle (Bos indicus)

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    The small intestine has cells that function to secrete mucus that protects the intestine from pathogenic agents and mechanical damage. One of the components of mucus is carbohydrates. This study aims to knowing the distribution of acidic and neutral carbohydrates in the small intestine of sumba ongole (Bos indicus) cattle. Six samples of the small intestine were collected from East Sumba Slaughter House. The tissue was fixed in formalin 10 %, continued with processed histologically and AB-PAS staining. The results showed that acidic and neutral carbohydrates were distributed in the tunica of the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum with varying intensity. The strong intensity was seen in goblet cells, Lieberkuhn crypts, and Brunner's glands. The different distribution of carbohydrates in the small intestine is related to the mucus secretion of each cell and that function

    Karakteristik Morfologi dan Distribusi Karbohidrat Netral pada Uterus Kelelawar Buah (Pteropus Vampyrus) Asal Pulau Timor

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    Timorese fruit bat(Pteropusvampyrus)is the only fly mammalian with its unique behavior which hanging upside down inspite of its pregnancy. This research is aimed to reveal the morphology of the Timorese fruit bats and the distribution of neutral carbohydrate within this organ. Three uterus samples derived from three different Timorese fruit bats were used in the research.Both macroscopical and microscopical examinations using H&E and PAS methods were applied. Macroscopically, Timorese fruit bats showedsoft reddish white duplex uterus. Meanwhile microscopically, endometrium consisted of epithelial layer and lamina propria and was the place where simple tubular glands located. The epithelial layer comprised of simple cylindric secretory cells and ciliated cells. Neutral carbohydrate distribution was seen within this epithelial layer. Myometrium was a thick circular smooth muscle layer which consisted of smooth muscle separated by collagen and elastic fibre. Perimetrium was a visceral layer and consisted of mesothelial cells


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    Increasing the economy of rural communities is a process of improving an economic effort to meet the needs of life through an empowerment system form that meets human needs by utilizing surrounding natural resources. Natural resources owned by rural communities are the potential to be developed to improve the economy of the village community. If freshwater aquaculture is well developed and managed properly, it will bring beneficial results in line with the increase in fulfillment of public’ requirements. The purpose of community service program activities in Camplong II Village, Fatuleu District, Kupang Regency was community empowerment through freshwater aquaculture using the pond method. The people of Camplong II village have limited access to obtaining fresh fish products as its location is around 45-50 km from Kupang city which is known for its fresh sea products. Thus, the activities implemented were training on the installation of a square pond, providing 500 fish seeds and fish feed for 2 periods, mentoring and monitoring the maintenance of this pond, and developing human resources. The results obtained: installation of several fish pond with a diameter of 3 meters and a height of 4.0 m, an increase in community knowledge and skills, an early fish harvest stocked from this period which can improve the welfare of the community in Camplong II Village, Kupang Regency. From the results obtained there is potential in the form of land, water sources, and facilities that can be empowered to increase fish water farming production


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    Ayam hutan merah merupakan salah satu satwa endemik di Pulau Timor yang telah mengalami penurunan populasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui struktur histologi dan distribusi karbohidrat netral pada esofagus dan proventrikulus ayam hutan merah (Gallus gallus). Bahan utama penelitian ini berupa potongan tiga sampel jaringan esofagus dan proventrikulus. Ayam dimatikan dengan dislokasi servikal untuk mengambil organ esofagus dan proventrikulus yang difiksasi dalam formalin 10%. Struktur histomorfologi organ diidentifikasi dengan pewarnaan hematoksilin-eosin (HE) dan distribusi karbohidrat netral dengan pewarnaan Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan struktur histomorfologi esofagus terdiri empat lapisan yaitu tunika mukosa, tunika submukosa, tunika muskularis, dan tunika adventisia. Struktur histomorfologi pada proventrikulus terdiri empat lapisan, yaitu tunika mukosa, tunika submukosa, tunika muskularis, dan tunika serosa. Distribusi karbohidrat netral pada kelenjar esofagus menunjukkan reaksi positif kuat sedangkan lamina epitel serta jaringan ikat longgar di lamina propria dengan reaksi positif lemah, dan pada proventrikulus terlihat reaksi positif kuat pada sel-sel yang melapisi epitel dan rongga kelenjar tubular sederhana. Kata kunci: Ayam Hutan Merah, Esofagus, Proventrikulus, Karbohidrat netral