43 research outputs found

    Educación Musical y Musicalidad: una implementación en el aula con alumnado de la Eso

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    La musicalidad ha sido considerada por la enseñanza tradicional como un don innato reservado para unos pocos privilegiados con talento musical. No obstante, estudios recientes demuestran que la musicalidad es una cualidad inherente al ser humano y, por tanto, susceptible de ser implementada sistemáticamente en las escuelas e institutos para beneficio del alumnado. El presente artículo describe una experiencia musical que se ha llevado a cabo con alumnado de tercero de la ESO de un instituto de secundaria público de Valencia (España). La práctica ha consistido en enseñar una misma unidad didáctica a dos grupos distintos, utilizando un modelo pedagógico diferente para cada uno de ellos. En el primer grupo se han abordado los contenidos mediante el modelo de la clase magistral, mientras que en el segundo se ha implementado una metodología activa sirviéndonos de los elementos mediadores de la música: la voz, las flautas dulces y los instrumentos de pequeña percusión Orff. De esta manera el alumnado ha podido interpretar música, responsabilizándose de su propio proceso de aprendizaje y se ha fomentado el desarrollo de la musicalidad. Finalmente, el alumnado ha verificado en un breve cuestionario si la metodología empleada les ha resultado útil y motivadora para llevar a cabo el aprendizaje de los contenidos. Musicality has been considered by traditional teaching as an innate gift reserved for a privileged few with musical talent. However, recent studies show that musicality is a quality inherent to human beings and, therefore, susceptible of being systematically implemented in schools and institutes for the benefit of students. This article describes a musical experience that has been carried out with third-year students of the ESO of a public institute in Valencia (Spain). The practice consisted of teaching the same didactic unit to two different groups, using a different pedagogical model for each of them. In the first group the contents have been addressed through the model of the master class, while in the second one an active methodology has been implemented using the mediating elements of the music: the voice, the recorders and the small percussion instruments Orff. In this way the students have been able to interpret music, taking responsibility for their own learning process and the development of musicality has been encouraged. Finally, the students have verified in a brief questionnaire if the methodology used has been useful and motivating to carry out the learning of the contents

    Comparison of the Diffusive Flame Structure for Dodecane and OMEX Fuels for Conditions of Spray A of the ECN

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    [EN] A comparison of the flame structure for two different fuels, dodecane and oxymethylene dimethyl ether (OMEX), has been performed under condition of Spray A of the Engine Combustion Network (ECN). The experiments were carried out in a constant pressure vessel with wide optical access, at high pressure and temperature and controlled oxygen concentration. The flame structure analysis has been performed by measuring the formaldehyde and OH radical distributions using planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence (PLIF) techniques. To complement the analysis, this information was combined with that obtained with high-speed imaging of OH* chemiluminescence radiation in the UV. Formaldehyde molecules are excited with the 355-nm radiation from the third harmonic of a Nd:YAG laser, whilst OH is excited with a wavelength of 281.00-nm from a dye laser. In both cases, the beam was transformed into a laser sheet in order to excite an axial flame plane and the fluorescence radiation was collected with an intensified camera (ICCD) and proper filtering. Consequently, two-dimensional maps in the axial flame plane were obtained at different instants after the start of injection (ASOI). Signal from both formaldehyde and OH chemical species can be compared, in order to analyze spatial distribution and interaction. When dodecane and OMEX are compared, several differences arise. The second one presents larger lift-off length but remarkably shorter flame length. Additionally, it has been possible to appreciate for this fuel a lower amount of soot formation during combustion.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Programme, grant agreement n° 828947, and from the Mexican Department of Energy, CONACYT-SENER Hidrocarburos grant agreement n° B-S-69926.Pastor Soriano, JV.; García Oliver, JM.; Micó Reche, C.; Tejada Magraner, FJ. (2020). Comparison of the Diffusive Flame Structure for Dodecane and OMEX Fuels for Conditions of Spray A of the ECN. SAE TECHNICAL PAPERS. https://doi.org/10.4271/2020-01-2120

    Aprendizaje por proyectos en la clase de Bachillerato: la opereta La Corte de Faráon

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    Project-based learning (PBL) is very appropriate to learn the skills set by the high school curriculum from the interdisciplinary approach. Different areas should encourage this type of teaching in which the student learns globally, while stimulating cooperative work. Unlike classical methodology, project-based learning starts from a specific question that students try to answer by building a project. This educational modality acquires more significance today, because of the different levels of learning students have. In addition, teaching by projects helps to combine the different areas of interest that students show. In this sense, The Court of Pharaoh is ideal for project work because it is a play where the arts come together in an exemplary manner and whose theme is of interest to students. This operetta is proposed as a project-based learning strategy. Through testing music and dance, team work and valuable skills such as cooperation, respect and accountability for achieving a common goal are encouraged. On the other hand, this type of projects arouses student interest by integrating all knowledge into a final objective.El aprendizaje basado en proyectos (ABP) resulta muy apropiado para aprender las competencias que fija el currículo de Bachillerato desde el enfoque interdisciplinar. Las distintas áreas deben fomentar este tipo de enseñanza en la que el alumno aprende de forma global, al tiempo que se estimula el trabajo cooperativo. A diferencia de la metodología clásica, el aprendizaje basado en proyectos parte de una pregunta concreta a la que los alumnos tratan de dar respuesta mediante la construcción de un proyecto. Esta modalidad educativa adquiere más significado hoy en día, debido a los distintos niveles de aprendizaje que poseen los alumnos. Además, la enseñanza por proyectos ayuda a aunar las distintas áreas de interés que muestran los estudiantes. En este sentido, La Corte de Faraón es idónea para el trabajo por proyectos por ser una obra teatral donde confluyen las artes de forma ejemplar y cuya temática es de interés para el alumnado. Se propone esta opereta como estrategia de aprendizaje basado en proyectos. A través del ensayo de la música y de la danza se fomenta el trabajo en equipo y valiosas habilidades como la cooperación, el respeto y la asunción de responsabilidades para la consecución de un objetivo común. Por otro lado, este tipo de proyectos despierta el interés del alumnado al integrar todos los conocimientos en un objetivo final

    Music therapy in the school context: a case study with autism spectrum disorder

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    La musicoterapia es una disciplina muy útil en la prevención y el tratamiento de muchos trastornos habituales en el contexto escolar. La actitud positiva que muestran los niños hacia la música y las actividades relacionadas con ella hacen de ésta una herramienta susceptible de ser introducida en contextos escolares o educativos, especialmente entre los niños con necesidades educativas especiales. Las sesiones musicoterapéuticas posibilitan la recuperación y el reforzamiento de la autoestima, la integración del esquema corporal, el aprendizaje de la lecto-escritura, así como la adquisición de conceptos fundamentales. Así mismo, la música abre nuevos canales de comunicación, favoreciendo la integración y la socialización, aspectos tan relevantes en el desarrollo del ser humano. En el presente artículo se describe una intervención completa con musicoterapia, llevada a cabo por un musicoterapeuta cualificado durante nueve meses en un colegio público del área metropolitana de Valencia. El paciente era un niño de once años de edad diagnosticado con trastorno del espectro autista y discapacidad intelectual.Music therapy is a useful discipline in the prevention and treatment of many disorders. The positive attitude shown by children towards music and related activities make this a tool that could be introduced in school or educational contexts, especially among children with special educational needs. Musical activities allow for the recovery and strengthening of self-esteem and personality, the integration of the body scheme, learning literacy and the acquisition of fundamental concepts. Similarly, music opens new channels of communication, promoting integration and socialization as relevant aspects in the development of human beings. In this article a complete intervention with music therapy is described, carried out by a qualified music therapist for nine months in a public school in the metropolitan area of Valencia. The patient was an eleven-year old boy diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability.Educació

    Musical education in the formation of identity: an experience with school students.

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    La formación de la identidad es un proceso multideterminado e influenciado en gran parte por la cultura, por lo que la música ejerce una fuerte influencia en su formación. En este sentido, los maestros en Educación Musical, tratamos de ofrecer un amplio abanico a nuestros alumnos en lo que a estilos musicales se refiere con los objetivos de enriquecer a los niños en la diversidad cultural, enseñarles a adquirir una mayor aceptación de uno mismo y, al mismo tiempo, instruirles en la tolerancia y el respeto por las producciones propias y ajenas. En este artículo describimos una experiencia musical con el alumnado del cuarto curso de educación primaria de un colegio público de una localidad metropolitana de la provincia de Valencia. El profesorado pretendió aumentar el bagaje musical del alumnado, con el fin de ampliar su visión de la música, aumentar sus gustos y flexibilizar los convencionalismos estéticos y musicales que hacen que el alumnado tenga un conocimiento restringido de las obras artísticas. Estos convencionalismos musicales pueden promover una formación de la identidad rígida e hipotecada. Sensibilizar el gusto por la estética musical a partir de una base experiencial supondrá permitir al alumnado una fase de exploración activa en su identidad respecto a sus gustos musicales.The formation of the identity is a multi-determined process and influenced to a large extent by the culture, reason why the music exerts a strong influence in its formation. In this sense, teachers in Music Education, we try to offer a wide range to our students in what refers to musical styles with the objectives of enriching children in cultural diversity, teaching them to acquire a greater acceptance of oneself and, at the same time, instructing them in tolerance and respect for their own and others' productions. In this article we describe a musical experience with the students of the fourth year of Primary Education of a public school in a metropolitan town in the province of Valencia. The teachers intended to increase the musical baggage of the students, in order to broaden their vision of music, increase their tastes and make more flexible the aesthetic and musical conventions that make the students have a restricted knowledge of the artistic works. These musical conventions can promote a rigid and mortgaged identity formation. Sensitizing the taste for musical aesthetics from an experiential base will allow students to actively explore their identity with respect to their musical tastes.Educació

    Learning projects through the work of the musician Vicente Peydró: the convergence of the arts.

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    Vicente Peydró fue una de las figuras artísticas más destacadas de la Valencia de finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX, en una etapa que se denomina Renaixença. Su trabajo como compositor, periodista, poeta, actor y dibujante le convirtieron en una persona sumamente conocida, querida y respetada por todos los valencianos. En el presente trabajo se realiza una propuesta didáctica desde la metodología de Aprendizaje por Proyectos (PBL) en el alumnado de secundaria y bachillerato. La figura de Peydró es idónea para enseñar a nuestros alumnos de secundaria los valores que deben regir en el arte, ya que este autor demostró poseer unos inquebrantables principios morales. Asimismo, su ecléctica obra teatral es ideal para el trabajo interdisciplinar, integrando la mayor cantidad de áreas que sea posible en la programación de los objetivos que pretendamos alcanzar. Es muy importante la integración curricular que permite este proyecto, aunando visiones, compartiendo y motivando al profesorado.El aprendizaje basado en Proyectos (LPB) es un marco metodológico idóneo para integrar estas disciplinas y proporcionar un proceso de Enseñanza/Aprendizaje al alumnado que le permita desarrollar múltiples competenciasVicente Peydró was one of the leading artistic figures of the Valencia late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, a stage which is called Renaissance. His work as a composer, journalist, poet, actor and artist made him a very well known figure, loved and respected by all his countrymen. In this work a didactic approach is made from the Learning Projects methodology (PBL) in middle and high school students. Peydró figure is suitable to teach our students in secondary school values that should govern in the art, as this author demonstrated steadfast moral principles. Likewise, his eclectic theatre work is ideal for interdisciplinary research, integrating as many areas as possible in the programming of the objectives that we intend to achieve. It is very important curriculum integration that makes this project possible, combining visions, sharing and motivating teachers. (LPB) Learning Projects is a suitable methodological framework to integrate these disciplines and to provide a process of teaching / learning to students to enable them develop multiple skills.Educació

    El folklore en la zarzuela valenciana: una propuesta didáctica para bachillerato

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    El folklore ha ejercido una gran influencia en la música de zarzuela valenciana. Compositores de la talla de Salvador Giner, Ruperto Chapí, Vicente Peydró y José Serrano se sirvieron de los cantos tradicionales y las melodías populares en sus composiciones de mayor enjundia. Sin embargo, a pesar de la relevancia que ha tenido el folklore en la música teatral y sinfónica española, su presencia en nuestro sistema educativo es bastante escasa. El presente artículo expone algunos ejemplos de la utilización del folklore en la zarzuela valenciana, al tiempo que presenta una propuesta didáctica a través del folklore susceptible de ser trabajada por el alumnado de bachilleratoEducació

    Musical Education and collaborative practice: A experience with university students

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    La competencia colaborativa es una herramienta muy útil para el alumnado universitario. La diversidad de ámbitos profesionales que existen hoy en día demanda unos trabajadores competentes que se adapten a una realidad laboral compleja y cambiante. En este sentido, las relaciones interpersonales cobran gran importancia al requerir la colaboración entre profesionales para conseguir un objetivo final. El presente artículo describe una propuesta de trabajo colaborativo que se llevó a cabo con el alumnado universitario del cuarto curso de Magisterio de la Universitat de València que cursaban el itinerario de especialización en Educación Musical.Collaborative competition is a very useful tool for university students. The diversity of professional fields that exist today demand competent workers to adapt to a complex and changing labor situation. In this sense, teamwork becomes very important to require collaboration among professionals to achieve a final goal. This article describes a proposed collaborative work carried out with university students in the fourth year of teaching in the University of Valencia who were in the path of specialization in Music Education.Educació

    Antibacterial Properties of Nanoparticles in Dental Restorative Materials. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Background and Objectives: Nanotechnology has become a significant area of research focused mainly on increasing the antibacterial and mechanical properties of dental materials. The aim of the present systematic review and meta-analysis was to examine and quantitatively analyze the current evidence for the addition of different nanoparticles into dental restorative materials, to determine whether their incorporation increases the antibacterial/antimicrobial properties of the materials. Materials and Methods: A literature search was performed in the Pubmed, Scopus, and Embase databases, up to December 2018, following PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis) guidelines for systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Results: A total of 624 papers were identified in the initial search. After screening the texts and applying inclusion criteria, only 11 of these were selected for quantitative analysis. The incorporation of nanoparticles led to a significant increase (p-value < 0.01) in the antibacterial capacity of all the dental materials synthesized in comparison with control materials. Conclusions: The incorporation of nanoparticles into dental restorative materials was a favorable option; the antibacterial activity of nanoparticle-modified dental materials was significantly higher compared with the original unmodified materials, TiO2 nanoparticles providing the greatest benefits. However, the high heterogeneity among the articles reviewed points to the need for further research and the application of standardized research protocols

    Oral health-related quality of life of adolescents after orthodontic treatment. A systematic review

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    Given the prevalence of malocclusions and the impact they have on oral health, patients? quality of life assessments provide useful information, not only in terms of patients? needs and expectations before treatment, but about whether or not orthodontic treatments meet them satisfactorily. The present systematic review was carried out to evaluate changes in the quality of life of adolescent patients after orthodontic treatment. An electronic search was conducted in the Pubmed, Embase, Cochrane and Scopus databases. The review followed PRISMA guidelines for systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Of the 817 studies identified in the initial search, only 10 met the inclusion criteria. In relation to the instrument used to assess oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL), half the studies used the oral health impact profile-14 (OHIP-14) and the other half the child perceptions questionnaire (CPQ 11-14). All the studies, with the exception of Benson et al., reported a significant improvement in OHRQoL at the end of treatment. There is a positive association between OHRQoL and orthodontic treatment in adolescent patients