181 research outputs found

    Characterization of a Brg1  hypomorphic allele demonstrates that genetic and biochemical activity are tightly correlated

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    Mammalian SWI/SNF-related complexes are recruited to the promoters of numerous target genes, and the BRG1 catalytic subunit confers ATPase activity necessary to slide or evict nucleosomes and to regulate transcription. Based on gene-targeting experiments in mice, BRG1 is essential for early embryonic development. However, Brg1 null mutants have provided limited insight into gene-dosage considerations and structure-function relationships. To extend our knowledge of BRG1 function, we describe the genetic and biochemical characteristics of an ENU-induced hypomorphic mutation that encodes a protein with a single amino-acid substitution (E1083G) within the bilobal ATPase/chromatin-remodeling domain. Brg1ENU1/ENU1 mice have ~50% genetic activity and survive embryogenesis but exhibit a postnatal developmental phenotype associated with runting and incompletely penetrant lethality. The E1083G mutant protein is stable, and experiments with recombinant FLAG-tagged BRG1 proteins demonstrated that it retains full ATPase activity. Yet the biochemical activity of the mutant protein is diminished to ~50% of normal in chromatin-remodeling assays. Consistent with these findings, the E1083G substitution is predicted to disrupt a structurally conserved α-helix within the lobe that participates in DNA translocation but does not contain the ATPase catalytic site. We propose that this α-helix participates in the DNA translocation cycle by mechanistically linking DNA interaction surfaces at the DNA entry/anchor point to those within the Helicase C domain of lobe 2 of the bilobal ATPase motor. Taken together, these results demonstrate that BRG1 genetic and biochemical activities are tightly correlated. They also indicate that BRG1 ATPase activity is necessary but not sufficient for chromatin remodeling

    Outcomes of Recurrent Head and Neck Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    Recurrent, advanced stage cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) is uncommon with limited publications on patient outcomes. A retrospective study including patients who underwent surgical resection for recurrent, advanced stage cSCC of the head and neck was performed (n = 72). Data regarding tumor site, stage, treatment, parotid involvement, perineural invasion, positive margins, metastasis, and disease-free survival was analyzed. The majority of patients were male (85%) and presented with recurrent stage III (89%) cSCC. Two-year disease-free survival was 62% and decreased to 47% at 5 years. Parotid involvement, positive margins, nodal metastasis, or the presence of perineural invasion did not correlate with decreased survival (P > .05). Distant metastasis was a strong indicator of poor overall survival (P < .001). Adjuvant postoperative radiotherapy did not improve overall survival (P = .42). Overall survival was poor for patients with advanced recurrent cSCC despite the combined treatment with surgery and radiotherapy

    Combined histomorphometric and gene-expression profiling applied to toxicology

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    We have developed a unique methodology for the combined analysis of histomorphometric and gene-expression profiles amenable to intensive data mining and multisample comparison for a comprehensive approach to toxicology. This hybrid technology, termed extensible morphometric relational gene-expression analysis (EMeRGE), is applied in a toxicological study of time-varied vehicle- and carbon-tetrachloride (CCl(4))-treated rats, and demonstrates correlations between specific genes and tissue structures that can augment interpretation of biological observations and diagnosis

    Genome-scale model development and genomic sequencing of the oleaginous clade Lipomyces

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    The Lipomyces clade contains oleaginous yeast species with advantageous metabolic features for biochemical and biofuel production. Limited knowledge about the metabolic networks of the species and limited tools for genetic engineering have led to a relatively small amount of research on the microbes. Here, a genome-scale metabolic model (GSM) of Lipomyces starkeyi NRRL Y-11557 was built using orthologous protein mappings to model yeast species. Phenotypic growth assays were used to validate the GSM (66% accuracy) and indicated that NRRL Y-11557 utilized diverse carbohydrates but had more limited catabolism of organic acids. The final GSM contained 2,193 reactions, 1,909 metabolites, and 996 genes and was thus named iLst996. The model contained 96 of the annotated carbohydrate-active enzymes. iLst996 predicted a flux distribution in line with oleaginous yeast measurements and was utilized to predict theoretical lipid yields. Twenty-five other yeasts in the Lipomyces clade were then genome sequenced and annotated. Sixteen of the Lipomyces species had orthologs for more than 97% of the iLst996 genes, demonstrating the usefulness of iLst996 as a broad GSM for Lipomyces metabolism. Pathways that diverged from iLst996 mainly revolved around alternate carbon metabolism, with ortholog groups excluding NRRL Y-11557 annotated to be involved in transport, glycerolipid, and starch metabolism, among others. Overall, this study provides a useful modeling tool and data for analyzing and understanding Lipomyces species metabolism and will assist further engineering efforts in Lipomyces

    Economic outcomes of percutaneous coronary intervention with drug-eluting stents versus bypass surgery for patients with left main or three-vessel coronary artery disease: One-year results from the SYNTAX trial

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    Objectives: To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of alternative approaches to revascularization for patients with three-vessel or left main coronary artery disease (CAD). Background: Previous studies have demonstrated that, despite higher initial costs, long-term costs with bypass surgery (CABG) in multivessel CAD are similar to those for percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). The impact of drug-eluting stents (DES) on these results is unknown. Methods: The SYNTAX trial randomized 1,800 patients with left main or three-vessel CAD to either CABG (n = 897) or PCI using paclitaxel-eluting stents (n = 903). Resource utilization data were collected prospectively for all patients, and cumulative 1-year costs were assessed from the perspective of the U.S. healthcare system. Results: Total costs for the initial hospitalization were 5,693/patienthigherwithCABG,whereasfollowupcostswere5,693/patient higher with CABG, whereas follow-up costs were 2,282/patient higher with PCI due mainly to more frequent revascularization procedures and higher outpatient medication costs. Total 1-year costs were thus 3,590/patienthigherwithCABG,whilequalityadjustedlifeexpectancywasslightlyhigherwithPCI.AlthoughPCIwasaneconomicallydominantstrategyfortheoverallpopulation,costeffectivenessvariedconsiderablyaccordingtoangiographiccomplexity.Forpatientswithhighangiographiccomplexity(SYNTAXscore>32),total1yearcostsweresimilarforCABGandPCI,andtheincrementalcosteffectivenessratioforCABGwas3,590/patient higher with CABG, while quality-adjusted life expectancy was slightly higher with PCI. Although PCI was an economically dominant strategy for the overall population, cost-effectiveness varied considerably according to angiographic complexity. For patients with high angiographic complexity (SYNTAX score > 32), total 1-year costs were similar for CABG and PCI, and the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio for CABG was 43,486 per quality-adjusted life-year gained. Conclusions: Among patients with three-vessel or left main CAD, PCI is an economically attractive strategy over the first year for patients with low and moderate angiographic complexity, while CABG is favored among patients with high angiographic complexity

    Regulation of Yeast-to-Hyphae Transition in <i>Yarrowia lipolytica</i>

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    The yeast Yarrowia lipolytica undergoes a morphological transition from yeast-to-hyphal growth in response to environmental conditions. A forward genetic screen was used to identify mutants that reliably remain in the yeast phase, which were then assessed by whole-genome sequencing. All the smooth mutants identified, so named because of their colony morphology, exhibit independent loss of DNA at a repetitive locus made up of interspersed ribosomal DNA and short 10- to 40-mer telomere-like repeats. The loss of repetitive DNA is associated with downregulation of genes with stress response elements (5'-CCCCT-3') and upregulation of genes with cell cycle box (5'-ACGCG-3') motifs in their promoter region. The stress response element is bound by the transcription factor Msn2p in Saccharomyces cerevisiae We confirmed that the Y. lipolyticamsn2 (Ylmsn2) ortholog is required for hyphal growth and found that overexpression of Ylmsn2 enables hyphal growth in smooth strains. The cell cycle box is bound by the Mbp1p/Swi6p complex in S. cerevisiae to regulate G1-to-S phase progression. We found that overexpression of either the Ylmbp1 or Ylswi6 homologs decreased hyphal growth and that deletion of either Ylmbp1 or Ylswi6 promotes hyphal growth in smooth strains. A second forward genetic screen for reversion to hyphal growth was performed with the smooth-33 mutant to identify additional genetic factors regulating hyphal growth in Y. lipolytica Thirteen of the mutants sequenced from this screen had coding mutations in five kinases, including the histidine kinases Ylchk1 and Ylnik1 and kinases of the high-osmolarity glycerol response (HOG) mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase cascade Ylssk2, Ylpbs2, and Ylhog1 Together, these results demonstrate that Y. lipolytica transitions to hyphal growth in response to stress through multiple signaling pathways.IMPORTANCE Many yeasts undergo a morphological transition from yeast-to-hyphal growth in response to environmental conditions. We used forward and reverse genetic techniques to identify genes regulating this transition in Yarrowia lipolytica We confirmed that the transcription factor Ylmsn2 is required for the transition to hyphal growth and found that signaling by the histidine kinases Ylchk1 and Ylnik1 as well as the MAP kinases of the HOG pathway (Ylssk2, Ylpbs2, and Ylhog1) regulates the transition to hyphal growth. These results suggest that Y. lipolytica transitions to hyphal growth in response to stress through multiple kinase pathways. Intriguingly, we found that a repetitive portion of the genome containing telomere-like and rDNA repeats may be involved in the transition to hyphal growth, suggesting a link between this region and the general stress response

    Production of cyanophycin in Rhizopus oryzae through the expression of a cyanophycin synthetase encoding gene

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    Cyanophycin or cyanophycin granule peptide is a protein that results from non-ribosomal protein synthesis in microorganisms such as cyanobacteria. The amino acids in cyanophycin can be used as a feedstock in the production of a wide range of chemicals such as acrylonitrile, polyacrylic acid, 1,4-butanediamine, and urea. In this study, an auxotrophic mutant (Rhizopus oryzae M16) of the filamentous fungus R. oryzae 99-880 was selected to express cyanophycin synthetase encoding genes. These genes originated from Synechocystis sp. strain PCC6803, Anabaena sp. strain PCC7120, and a codon optimized version of latter gene. The genes were under control of the pyruvate decarboxylase promoter and terminator elements of R. oryzae. Transformants were generated by the biolistic transformation method. In only two transformants both expressing the cyanophycin synthetase encoding gene from Synechocystis sp. strain PCC6803 was a specific enzyme activity detected of 1.5 mU/mg protein. In one of these transformants was both water-soluble and insoluble cyanophycin detected. The water-soluble fraction formed the major fraction and accounted for 0.5% of the dry weight. The water-insoluble CGP was produced in trace amounts. The amino acid composition of the water-soluble form was determined and constitutes of equimolar amounts of arginine and aspartic acid

    An Interactive Database for the Assessment of Histone Antibody Specificity

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    Access to high quality antibodies is a necessity for the study of histones and their posttranslational modifications (PTMs). Here we debut The Histone Antibody Specificity Database (http://www.histoneantibodies.com), an online and expanding resource cataloguing the behavior of widely used commercially available histone antibodies by peptide microarray. This interactive web portal provides a critical resource to the biological research community who routinely use these antibodies as detection reagents for a wide range of applications