38 research outputs found

    Динаміка етимологічного гнізда праслов’янського кореня *verp-/*vьrp- як генетичної мікросистеми

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    (uk) Опис системи праформ різних слов’янських етимологічних гнізд дозволяє відновити механізм праслов’янського словотвору, визначити певні тенденції щодо закономірностей номінації цілих лексичних груп. Прояснення всіх основних структурно-семантичних нюансів дії генетичних мікросистем тільки сприяє систематизації архітипів.(en) The description of old-forms of different Slavonic etymological clusters makes possible the restoration of the mechanism of old Slavonic word- formation and establishing tendencies concerning principles of whole lexical groups nom ination. The explanation of all major structural- semantic pecularities of the action of genetic microsystems contributes to the systematization of the archetypes

    Праслов’янський гідронімікон Словенії. І

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    (uk) Статтю присвячено проблемам реконструкції та етимології праслов’янського шару в гід­ронімії Словенії як частини західної зони південнослов’янського ареалу. Пропонована стат­тя — фрагмент більшого за обсягом дослідження з відповідної проблематики.(en) The article is devoted to the problems of reconstruction and etymology of Old-Slavonic stratum in hydronymy of Slovenia as the part of the western zone of South-Slavonic area. The publication is the fragment of more capable study in fact

    New characterization measures of pore shape and connectivity applied to coatings used for controlled drug release

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    Pore geometry characterization-methods are important tools for understanding how pore structure influences properties such as transport through a porous material. Bottlenecks can have a large influence on transport and related properties. However, existing methods only catch certain types of bottleneck effects caused by variations in pore size. We here introduce a new measure, geodesic channel strength, which captures a different type of bottleneck effect caused by many paths coinciding in the same pore. We further develop new variants of pore size measures and propose a new way of visualizing 3-D characterization results using layered images. The new measures together with existing measures were used to characterize and visualize properties of 3-D FIB-SEM images of three leached ethyl-cellulose/hydroxypropyl-cellulose films. All films were shown to be anisotropic, and the strongest anisotropy was found in the film with lowest porosity. This film had very tortuous paths and strong geodesic channel-bottlenecks, while the paths through the other two films were relatively straight with well-connected pore networks. The geodesic channel strength was shown to give important new visual and quantitative insights about connectivity, and the new pore size measures provided useful information about anisotropies and inhomogeneities in the pore structures. The methods have been implemented in the freely available software MIST

    Driving Change With Narratives

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