319 research outputs found

    Role of the mononuclear phagocyte system in the uptake and accumulation of nanoparticles designed for biomedical applications

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    The unique physical-chemical properties of Nanoparticles (NPs) make them suitable for many biomedical applications (drug delivery, imaging, cell tacking) (Yildirimer et al, 2011). However the design of nanoparticle-based platforms for nanomedicine is extremely challenging and must overcome a number of physiologically constraints, including the Mononuclear Phagocyte System (MPS) (Dawidczyk et al, 2014). The aim of this study was to assess the role of MPS in the biodistribution and accumulation of metallic NPs [iron-oxide NPS and silver NPs (AgNPs)] after single intravenous administration in mice. 24 hours after the treatment mice were sacrificed and underwent complete necropsy. Liver, kidney, spleen and lung were collected, stained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE), Perls stain (for iron-oxide NPs) or autometallography (for AgNPs), and evaluated under a light microscope. Immunostaining for Iba-1 (pan macrophage marker) was applied to localize the NPs aggregates within MPS cells. Histologically, in all treated mice, intracytoplasmic brown granular material (consistent with iron or silver pigment, as confirmed by Perls iron stain and autometallography) was found in stained sections of the liver (within Kupffer cells), spleen (MPS of marginal zone and red pulp) and lung (MPS within alveolar septa). Iron/silver deposits were mainly found in the cytoplasm of MPS cells (Iba1 immunostaining), indicating that most of injected particles were removed from blood circulation by phagocytic cells. These findings indicate that MPS greatly influence NPs biodistribution. For this reason, strategies able to increase bioavailability of NPs by minimizing MPS-mediated clearance are needed. Moreover the potential toxic effects due to the persistence of NPs in MPS should be further investigated

    Models of Corporate Criminal Liability in Comparative Law

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    This Article considers modern systems of criminal justice and the different models of assessing responsibility for crimes committed to benefit corporate interests. The analysis is two-pronged. First, this piece examines systems that have adopted the principle of corporate criminal liability. Within this category, a further important distinction must be made between the most evolved models, which have accepted a requirement of corporate culpability, and those models that reject the idea of an organizational mens rea, imposing instead various corporate liabilities without any separate measure of corporate blameworthiness. Second, this piece considers those models that reject the principle of corporate criminal liability and are restricted to the use of extra-criminal mechanisms for the regulation of corporate crime

    The quest for a prime mover: a critique of Deirdre McCloskey's theory of change

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    Within a framework of history of political thought, this essay examines the original, albeit questionable, account furthered by Chicago economist Deirdre McCloskey. First, I will present an intellectual profile of the author in order to provide a broader perspective on her thoughts about ethics, politics and economics, and to show how her position in these areas intertwines with the main thesis expressed in the Bourgeois trilogy. Secondly, I will propose, on the basis of an alternative reading of historical materialism, that Marx’s theory of change is more complex than she admits. Finally, I will show the problematic aspects of McCloskey’s theory of historical change. My main point is that McCloskey’s account is motivated by her polemic intent against Marxism –as her intellectual background shows –and because of that she ignores alternative readings of historical materialism. As a consequence, her theory of historical change presents a few flaws. In fact, the “revolution of ideas” which McCloskey indicates as a direct cause of the Industrial Revolution, may appear as an attempt to replace the accumulation theory of the Marxist tradition with another all-purpose label. It is risky to rely on a theory that seeks a single cause for historical change, because it entails a linear conception of history rather than a more complex and comprehensive one. In short, I maintain that strict causal monism cannot explain the evolution of society

    Reframing language, disrupting aging: a corpus-assisted multimodal critical discourse study

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore two channels of communication (i.e. texts and images) from a non-governmental organization website called #DisruptAging with the aim of finding how multimodal knowledge dissemination contributes to dismantling misconceptions about the aging process. Design/methodology/approach This analysis is based on an integrated approach that combines corpus-assisted discourse analysis (cf. Semino and Short, 2004; Baker et al., 2008, Baker, 2010) and multimodal critical discourse analysis (Machin and Mayr, 2012) via the American Medical Association format (2007) and the suite of FrameWorks tools (2015, 2017), which are applied to the collection of texts and images taken from #DisruptAging. Findings A total of 69 stories corresponding with 218 images of older adults have shown to be powerful textual and semiotic resources, designed both for educational and awareness-raising purposes, to promote the so-called “aging well discourse” (cf. Loos et al., 2017). Social implications This discursive approach to the textual and visual material found in #DisruptAging hopes to influence the governing institutions that we construct, and the people who are given power to run them, with the goal of fostering fair treatment of older people within society. Originality/value There is a lack of studies investigating counter-discourse forms available online, which use textual and visual language to change the way society conceives the idea of aging

    Referees' physical performance over a soccer season

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    Background: An important role of soccer referees is to apply the rules of the game by observing the match closely. Thus, referees have to undertake training to keep up with play and attain an optimal position when making critical decisions. We analyzed the variation of the soccer referee physical performance during official championship. Methods: The referees were classified into three groups according to ages (16–20 years; 21–29 years; 30–45 years) and physical fitness variations were studied at the start (T0), at the middle (T1) and at the end of the competitive season (T2). In each period, Yo–Yo intermittent recovery test level 1 (YYIRT1) and 40 m sprint test were performed and VO2max assessed. Finally, the referees’s rating (i.e. the mean of numerically quantification of the performances received during the season) was also evaluated. Results: The mean distance covered by the referees during the YYIRT1 test increased significantly from T0 to T1 and T2, and from T1 to T2, in all age groups, with a higher effect observed for group 16–20 years in all testing periods. This group significantly improved YYIR1 performance and VO2max at T1and T2. Referee ages correlated with differences (Δ) in running speed test (40 m sprint test), of YYIRT1 and VO2max. Finally, the referees’ rating, based upon training, experience, performance and fitness assigned by qualified officials, ranged from 8.20 to 8.65. A positive correlation was found between the excellent rating and younger age (p = 0.015 by Chi-square test χ = 8.6). Conclusions: The young referees performed better physical performances than adult referees and obtained better assessments by qualified officials

    Gestione delle emozioni e benessere psicofisico: il ruolo dell'educazione motoria e della pratica dell'attivitĂ  fisico-sportiva

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    Da un punto di vista educativo, lo sport costituisce un esercizio per il quale Ăš anche necessario gestire dinamiche emotive e relazionali, rispetto all'impegno, alla responsabilitĂ , al senso del limite e al suo miglioramento. In questo contributo esploreremo come l'educazione motoria e la pratica di attivitĂ  fisico-sportive possono rappresentare, accanto ad altre, delle opportunitĂ  di esplorazione ed elaborazione delle proprie emozioni in relazione a sĂ© e agli altri. È noto che le emozioni rappresentano certamente uno dei motori che motivano chi pratica sport e attivitĂ  motorie: esse possono quindi agire a sostegno, ovvero interferire con le attivitĂ  motorie e di allenamento. Cercheremo di illustrare a quali condizioni le emozioni possono essere adeguatamente modulate e canalizzate attraverso un percorso di educazione motoria e sportiva affinchĂ© siano un valore aggiunto, con la possibilitĂ  di ricadute, anche piĂč complessivamente, nel processo di costruzione identitaria

    L'intreccio infinito tra sport, guerra e pace

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    A review of the psychosocial and criminological factors underlying COVID-19 conspiracy theories

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    Conspiracy theories and misinformation are becoming increasingly pervasive in recent years and have been spreading at an astounding rate during the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to a range of problems, including non-adherence to safety protocols, refusal to be vaccinated and disregard for public safety. The uncontrollable spread of dubious information has been dubbed an infode-mic and is facilitated by social media and the internet. The belief in, and diffusion of conspiracy theories is linked to various factors familiar to the psychological and criminological fields. Key among these factors is a trait known as conspiratorial thinking. In order to combat this pheno-menon, it is essential that we understand how and why conspiracy theories spread and what makes people prone to believing in them. This literature review aims to highlight the principal research into the identifying characteristics of conspiracy theories, as well as the psycho-social and criminological factors that sustain them. It also explores the effects that conspiracy belief can have on people and groups. It then delves into the role of social media in the diffusion of conspiracy theories during the pandemic. Finally, it illustrates the main strategies that have been used to counter misinformation and conspiracy theories and suggests some areas where further research is required

    In favore della giustizia sociale. Alcune riflessioni a partire da Contro la tribĂč

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    The ideas contained in this essay unfold from the reading of Contro la tribù. Hayek, la giustizia sociale e i sentieri di montagna, by Alberto Mingardi. The purpose of this essay is to collect some of the suggestions contained in Mingardi’s volume to elaborate on and criticize them, in order to contribute to the debate around key issues such as the concept of distributive justice, the antinomy between freedom and equality, and the relations between some of the internal currents of political liberalism. The main theme underlying this essay can be summarized as the following question: is it possible for a world so wealthy, like the one that followed the Industrial Revolution, to be fairer, too
