203 research outputs found

    Reconciling credibility and accountability: how expert bodies achieve credibility through accountability processes

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    Arguments about the legitimate role of expert bodies in Europe often centre on the following question: Does their independence help to make policies credible or should they be made democratically accountable to principals and stakeholders? This article claims this is a false dichotomy. It does so by arguing theoretically that credibility can be achieved through accountability processes. Then, drawing on exemplary case studies, this article identifies distinctive accountability processes for ensuring credibility: revisable competencies, deliberation over institutional design, and engagement in public justification. Credibility and accountability are thus not conflicting, but co-constitutive aims of delegation to expert bodies. The analysis provides European policy makers and others with a guide for thinking beyond the contrast between ‘democratic accountability’ and ‘independent credibility’

    The emergence of pottery in Africa during the tenth millennium cal BC: new evidence from Ounjougou (Mali)

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    New excavations in ravines at Ounjougou in Mali have brought to light a lithic and ceramic assemblage that dates from before 9400 cal BC. The authors show that this first use of pottery coincides with a warm wet period in the Sahara. As in East Asia, where very early ceramics are also known, the pottery and small bifacial arrowheads were the components of a new subsistence strategy exploiting an ecology associated with abundant wild grasses. In Africa, however, the seeds were probably boiled (then as now) rather than made into brea

    The emergence of pottery in Africa during the tenth millennium cal BC: new evidence from Ounjougou (Mali)

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    New excavations in ravines at Ounjougou in Mali have brought to light a lithic and ceramic assemblage that dates from before 9400 cal BC. The authors show that this first use of pottery coincides with a warm wet period in the Sahara. As in East Asia, where very early ceramics are also known, the pottery and small bifacial arrowheads were the components of a new subsistence strategy exploiting an ecology associated with abundant wild grasses. In Africa, however, the seeds were probably boiled (then as now) rather than made into bread

    Archaeometrical study of Khmer stoneware from the Angkorian period: Results from the Cerangkor Project

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    In the area around Angkor, Cambodia, several ceramics kilns dating from the ninth to 15th centuries ce have been discovered since 1995. The technical, typological and compositional characterization of their production has been one of the main goals of the Cerangkor Project. Samples of green‐glazed ‘Kulen‐type' stoneware and non‐ glazed stoneware produced in five kiln sites in the Angkor region were analysed chemically by wavelength‐dispersive X‐ray fluorescence spectrometry (WDS‐XRF) and also petrographically. The data indicate that some workshops used similar raw materials for the same types of ceramics, suggesting the exploitation of the same geological formations in the whole region. Several references groups were established for each type of stoneware offering an important database for future provenance studies of sherds from consumption sites

    Independent policy learning: Contextual diffusion of active labour market policies

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    This chapter analyses in which ways diffusion based on interdependent policy learning explains the spread of active labour market policies (ALMP) in the OECD countries. By applying error correction models using multiplicative spatial Prais-Winsten regressions for analyzing the diffusion of ALMPs in 22 OECD countries from 1991–2013, we find evidence of governments adapting labour market policy strategies that have proven successful, that is, perform well in increasing labour market participation in other countries. However, interdependent learning is conditional on the institutional framework: policymakers rather learn from the experience of other countries in the same welfare regime. Even more importantly, the results bear witness to the importance of the European Employment Strategy (EES) as an international coordination framework facilitating policy learning

    Wettbewerb und Regulierung

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    Wettbewerb und Regulierung werfen sowohl aus einer wirtschafts- als auch aus einer politikwissenschaftlichen Perspektive interessante Fragestellungen auf und haben daher in beiden Disziplinen umfangreiche Beachtung gefunden. Der vorliegende Beitrag gibt eine Übersicht ĂŒber beide Herangehensweisen. Dabei wer-den zunĂ€chst die grundlegenden Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten offengelegt (Abschnitt 2), bevor die disziplinĂ€ren Schwerpunkte in der Analyse vorgestellt, und aus Sicht der jeweils anderen Disziplin kommentiert werden (Abschnitte 3 und 4). Wir kommen zu dem Ergebnis, dass beide Sichtweisen in erster Linie komplementĂ€r sind und sich gegenseitig befruchten können

    Finanzregulierer in der Krise

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    UnabhĂ€ngige Regulierungsbehörden sind in den letzten Jahrzehnten zu einem wichtigen Faktor in der Politik geworden. Seit der Finanzkrise sind Regulierer wie die Schweizer Finma auch der breiteren Öffentlichkeit bekannt. Sie verfĂŒgen ĂŒber zahlreiche Kompetenzen und hohe Autonomie. Mit ihrer UnabhĂ€ngigkeit von der Politik wurde mehr GlaubwĂŒrdigkeit und höhere Effizienz in der Regulierung von MĂ€rkten verbunden. Dagegen ist ihre Verantwortung gegenĂŒber demokratischen Institutionen schwĂ€cher ausgeprĂ€gt. Am Beispiel der Finma und der britischen FSA wird erörtert, ob von einem ernsthaften Defizit an Accountability, also der Verantwortlichkeit und Rechenschaftspflicht, solcher Kontrollorgane ausgegangen werden muss

    The Alps - a barrier or a passage for ceramic trade ?

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    The Alps as a barrier: ceramic remnants of the so-called Laugen-Melaun culture (c. 11th to c. sixth centuries bc) can be found in the northern Italy (Trentino/Alto Adige)— eastern Switzerland—Liechtenstein and western Austria region. A petrographic study of 454 sherds from this area covering a time span of 500 years reveals the following. (1) The pottery from the Trentino/Alto Adige contains a predominantly volcanic temper, which can be linked to the volcanic rocks of the Bolzano area—in other words, to the core region of this culture. This material is therefore of a local/regional production. (2) These ceramics were imported from the Bolzano region to southeastern Switzerland (the Inn Valley) and the amount of imported pottery decreases markedly from the 11th century bc (approximately 70% imported) to the seventh to sixth centuries bc (approximately 10% imported). (3) No imported pottery can be detected north of the Alpine crest in Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Austria, and in this region serpentinite temper was preferred by ancient potters. These results demonstrate that long-lasting contacts and ceramic trade existed between the populations of the Inn Valley and the Trentino/Alto Adige. Such contacts could have been motivated by intermarriages between the two populations and/or economic exchange. The potters north of the Alpine ridge adopted the Laugen-Melaun style and produced such pottery locally. The use of serpentinite temper is puzzling and not related to any technological advantage. (Could it be recycled material? Or does it have any sociocultural specificity?) The Alps as a passage: 59 fragments of a black gloss ware, the so-called Campana, unearthed at 11 Late Latene sites (second to first centuries bc) in Switzerland and neighbouring Germany were analysed chemically by X-ray fluorescence. The results revealed: (1) that all of them were produced either in Italy or Lyon and then exported to the north; (2) that two principal south–north exchange routes existed, (a) fluviatile, along the Rhîne–Rhine corridor and (b) trans-Alpine, using the Alpine passes, such as the Simplon and the Grand St Bernard
