19 research outputs found

    Providing information about a child's oncological disease - a challenge for a pediatric oncologist

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    Introduction: The diagnosis of a serious illness in a family affects all members. The child is a special subject, as he cannot yet understand many aspects of life at such a high perceptual level as an adult. Communicating difficult information is part of the doctor's task and is one of the most difficult parts of the therapeutic process.  The aim of the study: To analyze the methodology of communicating difficult information to pediatric oncology patients. Material and method: Polish and English-language scientific literature from 2012 - 2022 from databases such as PubMed, SCOPUS, Google Scholar, Web of Science was reviewed. Searches were conducted according to keywords: communicating difficult information, oncology, pediatrics, physician. Results and conclusions: One of the most well-known protocols for communicating difficult information is SPIKES. It describes the basic and necessary steps for properly informing parents and the child about the diagnosis, for example. Healthy siblings should also learn about their brother's illness, but this task falls to the parents. Psycho-oncological support for both the child and parents should be holistic, based on best practices, and tailored to the family's needs. &nbsp

    Efficacy and safety of atropine to control childhood myopia progression

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    Introduction: Nearsightedness is one of the most common eye defects in people all over the world. If left untreated, it leads to a number of serious eye complications that can result in irreversible loss of vision. It is estimated that by 2050. Half of humanity will be burdened with this disadvantage, so it has become a priority to try to find ways to prevent and treat myopia, among which the administration of atropine drops is very effective. Aim of the study: The aim of this study is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of atropine in controlling the progression of myopia and to investigate the relationship between the dose of atropine and the effectiveness of controlling the progression of myopia. Material and methods: The PubMed and Google Scholar databases were used to review the literature. Results: Eye drops with 1% atropine showed the greatest efficacy in the control of myopia. However, their use was limited due to the occurrence of side effects such as impaired accommodation and photophobia. In the ATOM 2 study, which investigated the use of atropine in a variety of concentrations, it was found that 0.01% is the optimal concentration with good efficacy and minimal side effects. One of the breakthroughs was the LAMP study using atropine at a concentration of 0.05%, 0.025%, 0.01% in eye drops. This study provided evidence for the first time that low-concentration atropine is effective compared with placebo in myopia. In addition, both efficacy and side effects followed a concentration-dependent response ranging from 0.01% to 0.05% of atropine. Among them, 0.05% of atropine was the optimal concentration to achieve the best efficacy and safety profile. Conclusion: Low concentration of atropine is effective in the control of myopia. Its widespread use can help prevent the progression of myopia. However, further investigation of the rebound phenomenon and a long term, individualized approach to treatment are warranted.   &nbsp

    The problem of tissue and organ transplantation in the light of the dogma of world religions

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    Background: Transplantation affects almost everyone, often affecting many almost directly, whether as donor or recipient.  The presence of an incurable disease, failure, or irreversible damage to a particular organ leads the patient and his or her treatment team to seek effective life-saving methods, including the possibility of tissue or organ transplantation. The development of the field of transplantology has enabled many patients to continue living. Paradoxically, the death of one person can offer life to another. Aim of the study: To analyse the attitude towards transplantation about the dogmas of the main world religions. Material and method: A non-systematic review of Polish and English-language scientific literature was carried out according to keywords: transplantation, transplantology, religion, denomination, and attitude. No time or methodological limitation (quantitative, qualitative, etc.) was indicated to qualify publications for review. The following databases were searched: PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar. Results and conclusions: The Catholic Church, the Protestant Church, the Orthodox Church, Islam, Judaism, and Jehovah's Witnesses do not directly oppose organ transplantation, although some denominations place certain conditions on the acceptance of transplantation. Gypsies, followers of Confucianism and Shintoism are opposed to performing transplants from deceased persons. The religions presented do not promote among their followers either to be donors or recipients of transplants. The level of transplantation worldwide varies. So far, there is a perception that undergoing this procedure is against one's religion and tradition.

    Is it possible to diagnose endometriosis at the level of endometrium?

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    The endometrium of women with endometriosis has a different expression of cytokines, angiogenic and hormonal factors compared to healthy women. Endometriosis is a disease occurring mostly in women at a reproductive age with a frequency of 7–10%. Despite many studies and hypotheses on the pathogenesis of the disease, marker specific to endometriosis has not yet been detected. Thus, laparoscopy remains the gold standard in the diagnosis, particularly in the case of peritoneal form that cannot be visualized by means of an ultrasound test. Other forms of endometriosis – ovarian (chocolate cysts) and deep infiltrating – can be identified in an ultrasound test. Scientists are currently searching for markers that in a specific combination would ensure maximum sensitivity and specificity of the non-invasive detection of endometriosis, even at early stages. The article presents selected factors, such as interleukin 8, vascular endothelial growth factor, platelet-derived growth factor, nerve growth factor, detected in the endometrium, which can be a potential diagnostic target. Diagnoses made at the level of endometrium would facilitate the identification of endometriosis and would significantly reduce costs associated with the necessity to conduct laparoscopy.Endometrium pacjentek z endometriozą charakteryzuje się inną ekspresją cytokin, czynników angiogennych i hormonalnych niż u kobiet zdrowych. Endometrioza występuje głównie u kobiet w wieku reprodukcyjnym, z częstością około 7–10%. Mimo wielu badań i hipotez dotyczących patogenezy nie wykryto dotychczas swoistego markera dla endometriozy. Złotym standardem diagnostycznym, zwłaszcza w przypadku postaci otrzewnowej, której nie udaje się uwidocznić w badaniu ultrasonograficznym, pozostaje laparoskopia. Inne formy endometriozy – jajnikową (torbiele czekoladowe) i głęboko naciekającą – można rozpoznać w badaniu ultrasonograficznym. Obecnie poszukuje się markerów, które w określonej kombinacji zapewniłyby maksymalną czułość i swoistość nieinwazyjnego wykrywania endometriozy, nawet we wczesnych stadiach. Czułość oznaczeń wykonywanych z krwi nie jest niestety satysfakcjonująca w odniesieniu do otrzewnowej postaci choroby. W artykule zaprezentowano potencjalne cele diagnostyczne – wybrane czynniki wykrywane w endometrium, czyli interleukinę 8, czynnik wzrostu śródbłonka naczyniowego, płytkopochodny czynnik wzrostu i czynnik wzrostu nerwów. Pobranie endometrium do badań jest łatwe i może być wykonywane ambulatoryjnie. Diagnozowanie z poziomu endometrium ułatwiłoby rozpoznawanie endometriozy i znacząco zmniejszyło koszty związane z koniecznością przeprowadzania laparoskopii

    Polish agricultural holdings towards climate change and agricultural policy - baseline analysis

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    Households engaged in agricultural production and agricultural holdings of natural persons with characterisitics of enterprises. Economic standing and investment activity of agricultural holdings particularly vulnerable to agricultural drought and other holdings in 2006-2013. Organisation and efficiency of Polish agricultural holdings specialising in field crops against holdings from selected countries. Gross margin from selected agricultural products in 2014 – regional approach. The smallest and the largest domestic agricultural entities of natural persons not covered by the monitoring of the Polish FADN in 2010-2013

    Agricultural company and agricultural holding towards climate and agricultural policy changes (2)

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    It is the second of a series of five publications devoted to operation of national agricultural holdings in the conditions of climate change and expected change in the agricultural policy that can take place in 2021 and its further implementation in the next years. Chapters: Semi-subsistence agricultural holdings towards climate and economic changes. Agricultural farms from the LFA as compared to other farms. Effectiveness of Polish horticultural holdings against a background of similar holdings from the selected countries. Fruit and vegetable producer groups and organisations as a method of improving the competitive position of fruit growers in Poland. Gross margin from selected agricultural products – regional approach

    Agricultural company and agricultural holding towards climate and agricultural policy changes (3)

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    It is the third out of five publications devoted to functioning of agricultural enterprises and farms under conditions of changes in climate and the anticipated change in agricultural policy which is expected to take place in 2021 and beyond – its performance in the next several years. Chapters: Problems that farms will have to face by 2025. Evaluation of the development capacity of medium-sized farms in the context of climate change and economic policy. Efficiency and farms afforesting lands against a background of other farms in 2006-2014. Competitiveness of the Polish dairy farms and beef cattle farms against a background of similar farms from the selected European Union countires. Gross margin of selected agricultural products in 2016 – regional perspective

    Does age pay off? Effects of three-generational experiments of nanodiamond exposure and withdrawal in wild and longevity-selected model animals

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    Nanodiamonds (NDs) are considered a material with low toxicity. However, no studies describe the effects of ND withdrawal after multigenerational exposure. The aim was to evaluate ND exposure (in the 1st and 2nd generations) effects at low concentrations (0.2 or 2 mg kg_ 1) and withdrawal (in the 3rd generation) in the wild (H) and longevity-selected (D) model insect Acheta domesticus. We measured selected oxidative stress parameters, immunity, types of cell death, and DNA damage. Most of the results obtained in the 1st generation, e.g., catalase (CAT), total antioxidant capacity (TAC), heat shock proteins (HSP70), defensins, or apoptosis level, confirmed no significant toxicity of low doses of NDs. Interestingly, strain-specific differences were observed. D-strain crickets reduced autophagy, the number of ROS+ cells, and DNA damage. The effect can be a symptom of mobilization of the organism and stimulation of physiological defense mechanisms in long-living organisms. The 2nd-generation D-strain insects fed ND-spiked food at higher concentrations manifested a reduction in CAT, TAC, early apoptosis, and DNA damage, together with an increase in HSP70 and defensins. ROS+ cells and cells with reduced membrane potential and autophagy did not differ significantly from the control. H-strain insects revealed a higher number of ROS+ cells and cells with reduced membrane potential, decreased CAT activity, and early apoptosis. Elimination of NDs from the diet in the 3rd generation did not cause full recovery of the measured parameters. We noticed an increase in the concentration of HSP70 and defensins (H-strain) and a decrease in apoptosis (D-strain). However, the most visible increase was a significant increase in DNA damage, especially in H-strain individuals. The results suggest prolonged adverse effects of NDs on cellular functions, reaching beyond “contact time” with these particles. Unintentional and/or uncontrolled ND pollution of the environment poses a new challenge for all organisms inhabiting it, particularly during multigenerational exposure