51 research outputs found

    Friedrich Froebel's pedagogucal concet within Polish pre-school education: the revival of 19th century thought in modern institutional upbringing of children

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    The article presents the profile of Friedrich Wilhelm August Froebel (1782-1852), the basic postulates of his philosophy and pedagogy. It describes the origin of kindergartens, which became the bedrock of young child education spreading across the world, and the birth of the institution of kindergarten. Froebel's thought reached many countries, among others Great Britain, USA and Poland, thanks to its popularizers. The first Polish kindergarten was set up thanks to Teresa Mleczkowa. However, it was Maria Weryho-Radziwiłowiczowa (1858-1944), who contributed the most to the popularization of Froebel's pedagogy. Together with J. Strzemeska, she developed the methodology of working with young children on the basis of Froebel’s concept. She adjusted Froebel's pedagogy to Polish conditions by rejecting some of its elements and adding some new ones. Unfortunately, the 20th century in Polish pedagogy was a moment, when F. Froebel was forgotten. The situation was very different in the international arena: there were institutions arising in the world, which through publications and research spread the views of the German pedagogue. Modern Polish popularizers of Froebel (among others Barbara Bilewicz-Kuźnia, Froebel.pl association) undertook to interpret the thought of F. Froebel and with a new curriculum proposal for preschool education The Gift of Play they are trying to revive Froebel’s pedagogy by adjusting it to the modern conditions. As a result of their actions, more and more kindergartens are transformed into Froebel preschools. However, they are still considered pedagogical alternatives

    Sexual behaviours taken up outside of a steady relationship with a partner by women with a young child — own research

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    Wstęp. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest próba oceny, czy kobiety posiadające małe dziecko podejmują aktywność seksualną poza stałym związkiem, a jeśli tak, to jaką. Materiał i metody. Materiał empiryczny służący opracowaniu zagadnienia zebrano, obejmując badaniami 254 kobiety posiadające małe dziecko. Dobór do grupy badanej miał charakter celowy. Metodę badawczą stanowił kwestionariusz do badania aktywności seksualnej kobiet. Wyniki. Stwierdzono, że 21,8% badanych kobiet zrealizowało aktywność seksualną poza podstawowym związkiem, z czego 8,2% zrealizowało takie zachowanie jednorazowo. W żadnym przypadku motywacją do podjęcia takiego zachowania nie były przymus lub przemoc. Wnioski. Uzyskane wyniki są nieco niższe niż u innych badaczy, co można tłumaczyć faktem, że badana grupa jest bardziej nakierowana na opiekę i budowanie poczucia bezpieczeństwa dla powstałej rodziny. Mimo to można wnioskować, że gotowość do podejmowania aktywności seksualnej poza podstawowym związkiem wzrasta nawet w grupie, która z założenia wykazuje do tego mniejszą gotowość emocjonalną oraz społeczną. Seksuologia Polska 2011; 9 (1): 1–10Background. The aim of this article is an attempt to describe whether and, if so, what type of sexual activity is taken up outside of a steady relationship by women with a young child. Material and methods. The empirical material gathered in order to research the issue was based on the study conducted among 254 women with a young child. The choice for the studied group was purposeful. The research tool was a questionnaire containing questions about women’s sexual activity. Results. 21.8% of the studied women had a sexual activity outside of the main relationship, of which 8.2% had this activity once. In no case the motivation for undertaking such a behaviour was compulsion or violence. Conclusions. The results are a little lower than those of other researchers, which may be explained by the fact that the studied group is more focused on care and building up the feeling of safety for the family. Still, it can be suggested that the readiness to undertake sexual activity outside of the main relationship increases even in a group which, by assumption, shows less emotional and social readiness. Polish Sexology 2011; 9 (1): 1–1

    Authenticity in Developing English for Specific Purposes

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    Włączenie zasobów i aktywności online do sylabusa tradycyjnego kursu akademickiego wymaga restrukturyzacji programu nauczania w celu osiągnięcia efektu synergii. Rozwój technologii internetowych umożliwił edukatorom przejście od czysto instruktywistycznych praktyk dydaktycznych do zajęć opartych na ideach konstruktywistycznych i konstrukcjonistycznych. Dzięki zmianie paradygmatu nauczanie i uczenie się jest bardziej ukierunkowane na studenta. Większą rolę zaczynają odgrywać interakcja, praca zespołowa i autentyczny kontekst edukacyjny wynikający z kształcenia wykorzystującego materiały autentyczne używane w czasie wykonywania autentycznych zadań kształtujących autentyczne kompetencje potrzebne do osiągnięcia sukcesu w autentycznym środowisku pracy. W artykule przedstawiono część rezultatów badań nad rozwojem umiejętności użycia języka angielskiego specjalistycznego u studentów Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Poznaniu i Politechniki Gdańskiej. Celem zaprezentowanej fazy było określenie korelacji pomiędzy rozwojem poszczególnych umiejętności językowych, a autentycznym kontekstem, w jakim były one kształcone.Incorporating online resources and activities into a university course curriculum involves restructuring the whole teaching programme to achieve a synergistic effect. The development of web technologies has enabled educators to move from instructivism towards constructivism and constructionism, i.e., towards interactive, collaborative, and student-centred learning in an authentic context structured around the ideas of text authenticity, competence authenticity, learner authenticity, and classroom authenticity. This viewpoint is supported by the research into ESP skills that has been conducted at Poznan University of Medical Sciences and Gdańsk University of Technology. This phase has aimed to investigate correlations between authenticity and an increase in particular language skills.Barbara Kołodziejczak: [email protected] Mokwa-Tarnowska: [email protected] Roszak: [email protected] Barbara Kołodziejczak - Uniwersytet Medyczny w Poznaniu, Katedra i Zakład Informatyki i Statystykidr Iwona Mokwa-Tarnowska - Politechnika Gdańska, Centrum Języków Obcychdr Magdalena Roszak - Uniwersytet Medyczny w Poznaniu, Katedra i Zakład Informatyki i StatystykiAckermann E., Piaget’s constructivism, Papert’s constructionism: What’s the difference?, 2009, http://learning.media.mit.edu/content/publications/EA.Piaget%20_%20Papert.pdf, [online], dostęp 02.09.2017.Anthony L., English for Specific Purposes: What does it mean? Why is it different?, http://www.laurenceanthony.net/abstracts/ESParticle.html, [online], dostęp 31.08.2017.Bachman L.,What does language testing have to offer?, „TESOL Quarterly 1991”, nr 25(4), s. 671–704.Benson P., Voller P., Autonomy and independence in language learning, London 1997.Breen M., Authenticity in the language classroom, „Applied Linguistics” 1983, nr 6/1, s. 60–70.Ching-ning Chien, Wei Lee, Li-hua Kao, Collaborative Teaching in an ESP Program, „Asian EFL Journal”, Vol. 10, No. 4, Conference Proceedings, Volume Innovation and Tradition in ELT in the New Millennium, P. Robertson, R. Nunn, D. Lingley (red.), 2008, s. 114–133.Dudley-Evans T., Developments in English for specific purposes: A multi-disciplinary approach, Cambridge 1998, s. 4–5.Gajewska E., Sowa M., LSP, FOS, Fachsprache... Dydaktyka języków specjalistycznych, Lublin 2014.Gilmore A., Authentic materials and authenticity in foreign language learning, „Language Teaching” 2007, nr 40, s. 97–118.Guariento W., Morley J., Text and task authenticity in the EFL classroom, „ELT Journal” 2001, nr 55/4, s. 347–353.Krajka J., Analiza potrzeb w planowaniu kursów językowych do celów zawodowych – o roli technologii społeczeństwa informacyjnego, [w:] Nauczanie języków specjalistycznych na potrzeby rynku pracy, M. Sowa, M. Mocarz-Kleindienst, U. Czyżewska (red.), Lublin 2015, s. 221–237.Kramsch K., Language and culture, Oxford 1998.Lewkowicz J., Authenticity in language testing: some outstanding questions, „Language Testing” 2000, nr 17/1, s. 43–64.MacDonald M., Badger R., Dasli M., Authenticity, culture and language learning, „Language and Intercultural Communication” 2006, nr 6 (3–4), s. 250–261.Mokwa-Tarnowska I., Interaction and communication in the e-learning environment, [w:] E-learning in teaching foreign languages at the tertiary level, L. Zielińska, W. Górski (red.), Kraków 2013, s. 87–96.Mokwa-Tarnowska I., E-learning i blended learning w nauczaniu akademickim: Zagadnienia metodyczne, Gdańsk 2015.Papert P., Harel I., Constructionism, New York City 1991.Półjanowicz W., Roszak M., Kołodziejczak B., Bręborowicz A., An analysis of the effectiveness and quality of e-learning in medical education, [w:] E-learning and intercultural competences. Development in different countries, E. Smyrnova-Trybulska (red.), Katowice–Cieszyn 2014, s. 177–196.Rost M., Teaching and researching listening, London 2002.Strevens P., New orientations in the teaching of English, New York 1977.van Lier L., Discourse analysis and classroom research: a methodological perspective, „Int’l. J. Soc. Lang” 1984, nr 49, s. 111–133.Wenzel R., The education of a language teacher, Gdańsk 2001.Widdowson H.G., Explorations in applied linguistics, Oxford 1979.Widdowson H.G., Learning purpose and language use, Oxford 1983.Wilczyńska W., Michońska-Stadnik A., Metodologia badań w glotodydaktyce: Wprowadzenie, Kraków 2010, s. 145–174.2114716

    E-learning practice at medical universities in Poland in the perspective of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

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    The epidemiological situation resulting from the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic caused the Polish universities to fully switch to distance education in March 2020. Medical e-learning has not yet been broadly implemented into the education process. Therefore, examples of successful e-learning implementations or the organization of the process of medical e-learning offer a valuable source of knowledge today, which is needed immediately. The article presents e-learning practices at the Polish medical universities during the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic during the period from March to September 2020, covering seven universities in Poland that offer medical and health studies. The organization and implementation of e-learning classes is presented, including knowledge evaluation practices, providing example decisions issued by university rectors, on which the teaching process was based. A detailed presentation of the schools’ organizational units or workgroups that played an important role in the process of coordination of measures supporting e-education is also included. The article also presents a description of the software applications, utilities, and services used at the schools in the course of the process of online education. Below are some examples of specific such implementations in selected university courses

    Multivariate analysis of mineral constituents of edible Parasol Mushroom (Macrolepiota procera) and soils beneath fruiting bodies collected from Northern Poland

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    Caps and stipes of 141 fruiting bodies of Parasol Mushroom (Macrolepiota procera) and surface layer of soils collected from 11 spatially distant and background (pristine) areas in Northern Poland were analyzed for Ag, Al, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Rb, Sr, and Zn by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy and cold vapor atomic absorption spectroscopy. In terms of bioconcentration and bioexclusion concept, K, Ag, Cu, Rb, and P were highly bioconcentrated in caps, and their bioconcentration factor values varied for the 11 sites between 120 and 500—67–420, 70–220, 10–170, and 45–100, respectively. Cd, Zn, Mg, and Na showed bioconcentration factors (BCFs) between 3.3 and 36, 3.7–15, 0.92–6.3, and 1.4–44 while Al, Ba, Ca, Co, Cr, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Sr were excluded (BCF < 1). The Parasol Mushroom is a species harvested in the wild, and its caps are of unique taste and can contain a spectrum of essential and hazardous mineral compounds accumulated at elevated concentrations, even if collected at the background (pristine) areas. These elevated mineral concentrations of the caps are due to the efficient bioconcentration potential of the species (K, Ag, Cu, Rb, P, Cd, Zn, Mg, and Na) and abundance in the soil substrates (Al, Ca, Fe, Mn). The estimated intake rates of Cd, Hg, and Pb contained in Parasol Mushroom’s caps show a cause for concern associated with these metals resulting from the consumption of between 300- and 500-g caps daily, on a frequent basis in the mushrooming season

    E-Learning as a Factor Optimizing the Amount of Work Time Devoted to Preparing an Exam for Medical Program Students during the COVID-19 Epidemic Situation

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    The COVID-19 pandemic had a huge impact on the learning and teaching processes, particularly in healthcare education and training, because of the principal position of the cutting-edge student–patient interaction. Replacing the traditional form of organization and implementation of knowledge evaluation with its web-based equivalent on an e-learning platform optimizes the whole didactic process not only for the unit carrying it out but, above all, for students. This research is focused on the effectiveness of the application of e-learning for computer-based knowledge evaluation and optimizing exam administration for students of medical sciences. The proposed approach is considered in two categories: from the perspective of the providers of the evaluation process, that is, the teaching unit; and the recipients of the evaluation process, that is, the students

    Volunteers of generations X and Y in the Peace Patrol of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity foundation

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    Wolontariat jest fenomenem społecznym wywodzącym się z filantropii i dobroczynności, definiowanym jako dobrowolna, nieodpłatna praca na rzecz osób lub organizacji. Aktywność wolontariacka obejmuje wiele sfer, występuje pod różnymi postaciami. Ta różnorodność dotyczy również funkcji, jakie pełni wolontariat, oraz motywacji kierującej ludźmi działającymi charytatywnie, o czym szerzej pisał Mirosław Górecki. Dane statystyczne pokazują, że jedynie 35% Polaków udziela się społecznie. Są to przede wszystkim ludzie młodzi, szukający ciekawych perspektyw, doświadczeń. Różnice w aktywności uwidaczniają się również pod względem przynależności generacyjnej. Z raportu Młodzi 2011 wynika, że pokolenie Y jest bardziej zaangażowane społecznie niż poprzedzające je pokolenie X. Różnice pomiędzy przedstawicielami pokolenia X i Y pojawiły się także w przypadku wolontariuszy Pokojowego Patrolu w fundacji Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy. W przeprowadzonych badaniach zapytano respondentów o: motywację, jaka towarzyszyła im w wyborze wolontariatu w Pokojowym Patrolu; doświadczenia z nim związane; korzyści, jakie z niego czerpią. Aby uzupełnić obraz, przeanalizowano materiały zawarte na stronie fundacji Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych analiz ukazane zostały funkcje wolontariatu w Pokojowym Patrolu oraz różnice w motywacji wolontariuszy pokolenia X i Y.Volunteering is a social phenomenon originating from philanthropy and charity, defined as voluntary unpaid work for the benefit of individuals or organisations. Voluntary activity covers many spheres and occurs in various forms. This diversity also applies to the functions performed by volunteering and the motivation driving people who work, which is described in more detailed form by Mirosław Górecki. Statistical data show that only 35% of Poles volunteer. These are mainly young people, looking for interesting perspectives and experiences. Differences in activity are also visible in terms of generation. The Youth 2011 report shows that generation Y is more socially involved than previous generation X. Differences between representatives of generations X and Y also appeared in case of the volunteers of the Peace Patrol of the Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy (Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity). In the conducted research, respondents were asked about the motivation behind their choice to volunteer for the Peace Patrol; their experiences, and the benefits of the experience. To complete the overview, materials from the website of the Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy (Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity) foundation were analysed. On the basis of the analyses carried out, the functions of volunteering in the Peace Patrol and the differences in the motivation of the volunteers of generation X and Y were shown

    Parenting in conflict – parental alienation: netnographic research

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    Parental alienation is a phenomenon that appears after the divorce or break-up in a situation, where there is high conflict between the separating parents accompanying the termination of the relationship. It includes actions intentionally taken by one of the sides, who is seeking to distort the relationship between the child and the other parent. As a result of the alienation, the child starts to excessively prefer the custodial parent and intensively reject the non-custodial parent. The discussion concerning parental alienation was initiated by Richard Gardner, a psychiatrist, who introduced the idea of PAS ‘parental alienation syndrome’. His concept was widely commented by its supporters as well as by sceptics and opponents, as a result of which its modified version, PA ‘parental alienation’, was developed. Published research concerning the subject can be found in English-language scientific articles as early as in 1998. However, in Polish academic literature parental alienation is almost non-existent. The objective of this article is to open a discussion on this subject. Apart from theoretical analysis of the phenomenon, the narratives of parents who believe to experience PA were analysed. The analysis regarded aspects such as: definition, characteristics and sources of parental alienation. The article analyses also actions, which are the alienated parents’ reactions to PA. The performed analysis was of netnographic nature.    