21 research outputs found

    Hospital infections - medical, legal, economic and ethical issues

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    The aim is to present factors that threaten the health and life of the patient staying in a hospital setting. Objects and tools that, as a result of human error, penetrate the patient's tissues and body cavities, cause a high risk of infection. These include surgical instruments, gynecological instruments, needles, syringes, catheters, and dressings. The requirements for the cleanliness of equipment, objects and tools are manifold, depending on the degree of risk of infection. The sterility of the equipment and tools is maintained thanks to the proper handling of the material before sterilization, properly carried out sterilization process, compliance with transport and storage rules. Analysis of deactivation conditions and assessment of its effectiveness provides a guarantee of prevention of nosocomial infections [4]

    Evaluation of the life quality of patients with lumbosacral spine pain performing sedentary work after using Kaltenborn-Evejth manual therapy techniques

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    Introduction: Pain in the lumbosacral spine is a substantial problem of modern civilization. It leads to lowering the quality of life and to the reduced functioning in social and professional context. This problem mainly affects people with sedentary work such as drivers and office workers. Long-term work in one position and a frequent lack of physical activity are two of the factors conducive to the occurrence of pain in people doing work in a sitting position. Aim of the study: To assess the influence of Kaltenborn-Evejth manual therapy techniques on the quality of life of people doing sedentary work. Material and Method: The research was carried out in the Medi-Sport Rehabilitation and Sports Center from March to October 2018. The study included 60 people doing sedentary work of which 37 were women and 23 men. The Oswestry Questionnaire was the research tool. In the study group there were 21 people aged 30-40, 23 aged 41-50 and 16 aged 51-60. Results: The use of Kaltenborn-Evejth manual therapy techniques in people doing sedentary work reduced pain in the lumbosacral spine, improved its functions, which improved the quality of life of patients. After the therapy, the severity of pain in the lumbosacral spine decreased. Conclusions: Techniques of Kaltenborn-Evejth manual therapy mobilization significantly reduce pain in the lumbosacral spine, which improves the quality of life of persons performing sedentary work. The severity of pain in the lumbosacral spine decreased after the therapy

    First-line ultrasound assessment of penetrating Crohn’s disease in pediatric patients

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    Introduction: Crohn’s disease is classified as chronic inflammatory bowel disease. The incidence in Europe ranges from 1 to almost 11.4 per 100,000 population per year. Ultrasound examination plays an important role in imaging diagnostics of inflammatory bowel lesions. It allows for assessing response to therapy as well as recognizing possible penetrating complications of the disease, i.e. fistula or abscess

    Penetrating Crohn’s disease – adult vs pediatric patients

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    Crohn’s disease (CD) is increasing in prevalence worldwide, especially with young people. Magnetic resonance enterography (MRE) differs from routine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) by oral administration of neutral fluid contrast before scanning. It allows for recognising and monitoring changes during therapy as well as assessing complications, which makes it valuable diagnostic modality

    Comparison of Magnetic Resonance Enterography Findings and Clinical Index of the Disease Activity Score in Crohn\u27s Disease

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    Introduction Crohn\u27s disease (CD) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract. It usually affects younger people, with the peak of illness between the age of 15 and 25. MR enterography (MRE) is a proven and reliable modality in the evaluation of the lesion extent within this group of patients

    Production of recombinant colicin M in Nicotiana tabacum plants and its antimicrobial activity

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    Antibiotic-resistant microorganisms causing a life-threatening infection pose a serious challenge for modern science. The rapidly growing number of incidents for which the use of standard antibiotics is ineffective forces us to develop new alternative methods of killing microorganisms. Antimicrobial proteins and peptides (AMPs) can be promising candidates to solve this problem. Colicin-M is one of the representatives of this group and is naturally produced by Escherichia coli acting on other closely related bacterial strains by disrupting their outer cell membrane. This bacteriocin has huge potential as a potent antimicrobial agent, especially, since it was recognized by the FDA as safe. In this work, we present the expression of colicin M in model transgenic Nicotiana tabacum L. plants. We demonstrate that purified colicin retains its antibacterial activity against the control Escherichia coli strains and clinical isolates of Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae. Our results also show that plant-derived ColM is not toxic for L929 and HeLa cell line, which allows us to suppose that plant-based expression could be an alternative production method of such important proteins

    Aktualna wiedza o bazofilach i ich roli w reakcjach alergicznych

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    Basophils are one of major effector cells participating in the immune response despite the fact that they constitute a small population of peripheral blood leukocytes. They are activated by cross-linking of an antigen with IgE through FcεRI and then they release a wide range of mediators, implicated in the pathogenesis of allergic diseases. Basophils are essential cells in IgG-mediated systemic anaphylaxis and currently are considered as antigen-presenting cells. This review summarizes recent studies and reports on basophils, their origin and role in the immune response, and their participation in diseases. Widening of our knowledge about basophils can help us to understand better the mechanisms of the complex processes in which those cells are involved.Bazofile to jedne z najistotniejszych komórek uczestniczących w odpowiedzi immunologicznej, mimo iż stanowią niewielką populację we krwi obwodowej. Ulegają aktywacji w krzyżowej reakcji wiązania antygenu przez przeciwciało IgE do receptora FcεRI. Uwalniają szerokie spektrum mediatorów, co przekłada się na implikacje w patogenezie chorób alergicznych. Odgrywają także znaczącą rolę w uogólnionych reakcjach anafilaktycznych z udziałem przeciwciał IgG, a także jako komórki prezentujące antygen. Ta praca jest podsumowaniem aktualnej wiedzy o bazofilach, ich pochodzeniu i roli w reakcjach alergicznych oraz znaczeniu w jednostkach chorobowych. Poszerzanie wiedzy z tego zakresu jest niezbędne do lepszego zrozumieniu mechanizmów skomplikowanych procesów, w których bazofile uczestniczą

    „Skuteczność stosowania fali uderzeniowej w wybranych dysfunkcjach narządu ruchu”

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    Introduction   In medicine, the shockwave was first used in the 1980s for lithotripsy [1]. Over time, new reports appeared about its positive impact on the human body, including on the musculoskeletal system. Nowadays it is successfully used in many fields of medicine. Shockwave is a relatively new method used in physiotherapy. More and more often it is used to treat musculoskeletal dysfunctions, incl. Patellar ligament enthesopathy, lateral epicondylitis of the humerus or heel spur. The studies conducted so far prove its high efficiency and low invasiveness [2,3]. From the point of view of physics, it is a mechanical wave characterized by a large change in pressure in a short time and a low frequency [4].     Objective of the work     The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the shock wave application in patients with patellar ligament enthesopathy, lateral epicondylitis of the humerus and heel spur.   Material and methods The research was carried out in CM Luxmed, ul. Zwycięska 6a and CM MEDISPORT at ul. Łabędzia in Lublin in the period from 01/12/2020. until December 10, 2021 75 patients took part in them. 25 of them were diagnosed with patellar ligament enthesopathy, another 25 with lateral epicondylitis of the humerus. The remaining 25 people received shock wave treatments for the heel spur. Each respondent underwent 5 shock wave treatments. Before starting the research, the respondents were informed about the purpose of the research. Moreover, they were guaranteed anonymity.   Results:      Among the surveyed people, in general, 50.7% (n = 38) of all respondents were women, and 49.3% (n = 37) - men. 36% (n = 9) women and 64% (n = 16) men were among the respondents treated for lateral epicondylitis of the humerus. In the case of the jumper's knee, the study group consisted of 60% (n = 15) women and 40% (n = 10) men, while in the group of patients with the heel spur, women constituted 56% (n = 14), and men 44% (n = 11).   Conclusions:       Based on the research carried out, the following conclusions can be drawn: The application of the shock wave reduces pain among the respondents. The application of the shock wave reduces swelling in the treatment area. The application of the shock wave improves the mobility of the diseased joint. Shock wave treatments improve the functioning of patients in everyday life. Shock wave treatments improve the quality of professional work."Effectiveness of using the shock wave in selected dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system" mgr. Magdalena Momot-Kuryło Rehabilitation and Sports Center "Medi-Sport" in Lublin dr Michał Grzegorczyk Department of Physiotherapy Rehabilitation, Chair of Rehabilitation and Balneotherapy, Faculty of Health Sciences, Medical University of Lublin.   Introduction     In medicine, the shockwave was first used in the 1980s for lithotripsy [1]. Over time, new reports appeared about its positive impact on the human body, including on the musculoskeletal system. Nowadays it is successfully used in many fields of medicine.   Objective of the work     The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the shock wave application in patients with patellar ligament enthesopathy, lateral epicondylitis of the humerus and heel spur.   Material and methods The research was carried out in CM Luxmed, ul. Zwycięska 6a and CM MEDISPORT at ul. Łabędzia in Lublin in the period from 01/12/2020. until December 10, 2021 75 patients took part in them. 25 of them were diagnosed with patellar ligament enthesopathy, another 25 with lateral epicondylitis of the humerus. The remaining 25 people received shock wave treatments for the heel spur. Each respondent underwent 5 shock wave treatments. Before starting the research, the respondents were informed about the purpose of the research. Moreover, they were guaranteed anonymity.   Results:      Among the surveyed people, in general, 50.7% (n = 38) of all respondents were women, and 49.3% (n = 37) - men. 36% (n = 9) women and 64% (n = 16) men were among the respondents treated for lateral epicondylitis of the humerus. In the case of the jumper's knee, the study group consisted of 60% (n = 15) women and 40% (n = 10) men, while in the group of patients with the heel spur, women constituted 56% (n = 14), and men 44% (n = 11). &nbsp

    Derivatives as hedging instruments against foreign exchange risk in Polish enterprises

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    Wzrost umiędzynarodowienia działalności gospodarczej przedsiębiorstw w Polsce prowadzi do większej ekspozycji tych podmiotów na ryzyko zmiany kursów walut obcych. Pojawienie się tego rodzaju ryzyka wymusza stosowanie odpowiednich metod służących jego ograniczeniu. Celem artykułu jest ocena powszechności występowania ryzyka walutowego w polskich przedsiębiorstwach wraz z analizą skali wykorzystania pozagiełdowych i giełdowych instrumentów pochodnych do zabezpieczenia się przed negatywnymi konsekwencjami zmian kursów walutowych. Realizacji wyznaczonego celu posłużyła analiza literatury przedmiotu oraz danych statystycznych, które zostały udostępnione przez Narodowy Bank Polski oraz Główny Urząd Statystyczny. Na podstawie dostępnych danych statystycznych stwierdzono, iż wykorzystanie walutowych instrumentów pochodnych zależy z jednej strony od poziomu oraz zmienności kursów walutowych, a z drugiej strony od poziomu aktywności polskich przedsiębiorstw na rynkach zagranicznych, głównie w zakresie wymiany handlowej. Najczęściej wykorzystywanymi instrumentami pochodnymi, które przyczyniają się do zmniejszenia ekspozycji na ryzyko walutowe, są kontrakty forward. Wynika to z możliwości dostosowania warunków tych transakcji do potrzeb danego przedsiębiorstwa oraz większej łatwości ich stosowania w porównaniu z innymi instrumentami pochodnymi. Wartością dodaną niniejszego artykułu jest kompleksowa analiza ryzyka kursowego występującego w przedsiębiorstwach w Polsce w latach 2007-2016 wraz z przedstawieniem stopnia wykorzystania walutowych instrumentów pochodnych do ograniczenia ekspozycji na to ryzyko.Increasing involvement of companies from Poland in international markets leads to greater currency risk exposure in these entities. This forces enterprises to use appropriate hedging strategies to reduce this risk. The purpose of this paper is to assess the prevalence of currency risk faced by Polish companies and to analyse the extent in which over-the-counter derivatives and stock exchange derivatives are used to protect companies against this risk. The authors present a review of the literature and relevant statistical data published by the National Bank and the Central Statistical Office of Poland. Based on this database, the authors demonstrate that the use of derivatives depends on the levels and fluctuations of currencies, as well as the involvement of Polish companies in international markets, especially in terms of external trade. Moreover, the analysis proves that forward contracts are the most frequently used derivatives to reduce exposure to foreign exchange risk. This is because the conditions of this type of transactions can be adjusted to the requirements and needs of enterprises. These instruments are also easier to use than other derivatives. The added value of this paper is a comprehensive analysis of the exchange rate risk in Polish companies in 2007-2016, accompanied by a presentation of the scale on which derivatives are used to hedge against currency risk.Magdalena Tekień: [email protected] Lewkowicz-Grzegorczyk: [email protected] Magdalena Tekień - Wydział Ekonomii i Zarządzania, Uniwersytet w Białymstokudr Katarzyna Lewkowicz-Grzegorczyk - Wydział Ekonomii i Zarządzania, Uniwersytet w BiałymstokuBennett D., 2000, Ryzyko walutowe – instrumenty i strategie zabezpieczające, Dom Wydawniczy ABC, Warszawa.http://stat.gov.pl/ (data wejścia: 06.04.2017).http://stat.gov.pl/obszary-tematyczne/podmioty-gospodarcze-wyniki-finansowe/ (data wejścia: 05.04.2017).http://swaid.stat.gov.pl/SitePagesDBW/HandelZagraniczny.aspx (data wejścia: 05.04.2017).http://www.nbp.pl/home.aspx?c=/ascx/koniunktura_prezentacja.ascx (data wejścia: 06.04.2017).http://www.nbp.pl/home.aspx?f=/kursy/arch_a.html (data wejścia: 03.04.2017).https://www.gpw.pl/biblioteka-gpw-lista?gpwlc_id=10 (data wejścia: 24.03.2017).Kalinowski M., 2012, Ryzyko walutowe, Wydawnictwo CeDeWu.pl, Warszawa.Loderer C., Pichler K., 2000, Firms, do you know your currency risk exposure? 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