890 research outputs found

    La France et les enjeux sécuritaires globaux : la coopération environnementale franco-chinoise

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    Aujourd’hui, les réflexions sur l’actualisation du Livre blanc se centrent toujours sur la nécessité urgente d’anticipation et d’adaptation à un monde en contant changement147. Aussi, afin de mesurer le degré d’intégration et d’application des ambitions établit en 2008, nous proposons de nous interroger sur la position de la France face aux enjeux de sécurité globale dans le nouveau contexte stratégique contemporain via l’exemple de la coopération francochinoise de l’environnement..

    Environmental Disclosure and Financial Performance of Firms in Kenya: A Stakeholder Approach

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    Using panel data analysis this study examined the influence of environmental disclosure in annual reports on financial performance of companies listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange in Kenya. Environmental disclosure information was collected using quantitative content analysis for the period 2007–2015 while financial performance data was collected for the period 2008–2016, a one-year lag behind the environmental disclosure data. Control variables were firm size, industry type and leverage. Environmental disclosure was found to be statistically significantly positively related to the firms’ return on assets but not statistically significant with return on equity and Tobin’s Q. The overall results suggest that disclosing environmental activities neither improves financial performance nor deteriorates it. Keywords: Environmental disclosure; Financial performance; Developing country; Kenya; Panel data DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/11-14-07 Publication date:July 31st 2020

    Space optical instruments optimisation thanks to CMOS image sensor technology

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    Today, both CCD and CMOS sensors can be envisaged for nearly all visible sensors and instruments designed for space needs. Indeed, detectors built with both technologies allow excellent electro-optics performances to be reached, the selection of the most adequate device being driven by their functional and technological features and limits. The first part of the paper presents electro-optics characterisation results of CMOS Image Sensors (CIS) built with an optimised CMOS process, demonstrating the large improvements of CIS electro-optics performances. The second part reviews the advantages of CMOS technology for space applications, illustrated by examples of CIS developments performed by EADS Astrium and Supaéro/CIMI for current and short term coming space programs

    Le rôle de la diététicienne dans la prise en charge de l'anorexie mentale: travail de Bachelor

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    Introduction L’anorexie mentale (AM) est la maladie psychiatrique causant le plus de décès. Le traitement de ce trouble du comportement alimentaire (TCA) se base sur une approche multidisciplinaire, où les compétences nutritionnelles et diététiques d’une diététicienne1 sont requises, mais peu détaillées dans la littérature. But Le but du Travail de Bachelor est d’établir des perspectives destinées aux diététiciennes diplômées de Suisse romande pour la prise en charge nutritionnelle et diététique de patientes2 atteintes d’AM, en milieu hospitalier Méthode Une revue de littérature narrative sur la prise en charge de l’AM aux niveaux médical, nutritionnel, diététique, et multidisciplinaire, est comparée à une enquête par questionnaire documentant les prises en charge nutritionnelles et diététiques de l’AM dans les hôpitaux suisses, ce qui permet l’élaboration de perspectives de prise en charge. Résultats La revue de littérature narrative comporte huit articles de recommandations de prise en charge de l’AM. L’enquête par questionnaire regroupe quinze questionnaires issus des trois régions linguistiques de Suisse. Les recommandations générales de prise en charge de l’AM mentionnent les actions nutritionnelles et leur importance, sans spécifier qu’il est du ressort de la diététicienne de les effectuer. L’enquête par questionnaire met en évidence la présence de la prise en charge nutritionnelle et diététique dans le traitement de l’AM en Suisse, mais également le manque d’uniformisation des pratiques. Conclusion Le manque de consensus dans la prise en charge nutritionnelle et diététique de l’AM peut constituer une entrave à une prise en charge optimale. Par le rapport de pistes de prise en charge nutritionnelle et diététique découlent de nouvelles perspectives de recherches, visant à mieux définir le rôle de la diététicienne dans la prise en charge de l’AM

    Discussions on "Riemann manifold Langevin and Hamiltonian Monte Carlo methods"

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    This is a collection of discussions of `Riemann manifold Langevin and Hamiltonian Monte Carlo methods" by Girolami and Calderhead, to appear in the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B.Comment: 6 pages, one figur

    Research-grade CMOS image sensors for remote sensing applications

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    Imaging detectors are key elements for optical instruments and sensors on board space missions dedicated to Earth observation (high resolution imaging, atmosphere spectroscopy...), Solar System exploration (micro cameras, guidance for autonomous vehicle...) and Universe observation (space telescope focal planes, guiding sensors...). This market has been dominated by CCD technology for long. Since the mid-90s, CMOS Image Sensors (CIS) have been competing with CCDs for consumer domains (webcams, cell phones, digital cameras...). Featuring significant advantages over CCD sensors for space applications (lower power consumption, smaller system size, better radiations behaviour...), CMOS technology is also expanding in this field, justifying specific R&D and development programs funded by national and European space agencies (mainly CNES, DGA and ESA). All along the 90s and thanks to their increasingly improving performances, CIS have started to be successfully used for more and more demanding space applications, from vision and control functions requiring low-level performances to guidance applications requiring medium-level performances. Recent technology improvements have made possible the manufacturing of research-grade CIS that are able to compete with CCDs in the high-performances arena. After an introduction outlining the growing interest of optical instruments designers for CMOS image sensors, this paper will present the existing and foreseen ways to reach high-level electro-optics performances for CIS. The developments and performances of CIS prototypes built using an imaging CMOS process will be presented in the corresponding section

    Bedside Testing for Chronic Pelvic Pain: Discriminating Visceral from Somatic Pain

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    Objectives. This study was done to evaluate three bedside tests in discriminating visceral pain from somatic pain among women with chronic pelvic pain. Study Design. The study was an exploratory cross-sectional evaluation of 81 women with chronic pelvic pain of 6 or more months' duration. Tests included abdominal cutaneous allodynia (aCA), perineal cutaneous allodynia (pCA), abdominal and perineal myofascial trigger points (aMFTP) and (pMFTP), and reduced pain thresholds (RPTs). Results. Eighty-one women were recruited, and all women provided informed consent. There were 62 women with apparent visceral pain and 19 with apparent somatic sources of pain. The positive predictive values for pelvic visceral disease were aCA-93%, pCA-91%, aMFTP-93%, pMFTP-81%, and RPT-79%. The likelihood ratio (+) and 95% C.I. for the detection of visceral sources of pain were aCA-4.19 (1.46, 12.0), pCA-2.91 (1.19, 7.11), aMTRP-4.19 (1.46, 12.0), pMFTP-1.35 (0.86, 2.13), and RPT-1.14 (0.85, 1.52), respectively. Conclusions. Tests of cutaneous allodynia, myofascial trigger points, and reduced pain thresholds are easily applied and well tolerated. The tests for cutaneous allodynia appear to have the greatest likelihood of identifying a visceral source of pain compared to somatic sources of pain

    Pathway results from the chicken data set using GOTM, Pathway Studio and Ingenuity softwares

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    Background: As presented in the introduction paper, three sets of differentially regulated genes were found after the analysis of the chicken infection data set from EADGENE. Different methods were used to interpret these results.[br/] Results: GOTM, Pathway Studio and Ingenuity softwares were used to investigate the three lists of genes. The three softwares allowed the analysis of the data and highlighted different networks. However, only one set of genes, showing a differential expression between primary and secondary response gave significant biological interpretation.[br/] Conclusion: Combining these databases that were developed independently on different annotation sources supplies a useful tool for a global biological interpretation of microarray data, even if they may contain some imperfections (e.g. gene not or not well annotated)

    Simulation of mass and heat transfer in an evaporatively cooled PEM fuel cell

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    Evaporative cooling is a promising concept to improve proton exchange membrane fuel cells. While the particular concept based on gas diffusion layers (GDLs) modified with hydrophilic lines (HPILs) has recently been demonstrated, there is a lack in the understanding of the mass and heat transport processes. We have developed a 3-D, non-isothermal, macro-homogeneous numerical model focusing on one interface between a HPIL and an anode gas flow channel (AGFC). In the base case model, water evaporates within a thin film adjacent to the interfaces of the HPIL with the AGFC and with the hydrophobic anode GDL. The largest part of the generated water vapor leaves the cell via the AGFC. The transport to the cathode side is shown to be partly limited by the ab-/desorption into/from the membrane. The cooling due to the latent heat has a strong effect on the local evaporation rate. An increase of the mass transfer coefficient for evaporation leads to a transport limited regime inside the MEA while the transport via the AGFC is limited by evaporation kinetics