2,420 research outputs found

    Comportamento do Angiostrongylus costaricensis em planorbídeos

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    Some terrestrial mollusks are natural hosts of Angiostrongylus costaricensis. In the laboratory, this nematode can be maintained in certain planorbids, which are aquatic mollusks and intermediate hosts of Schistosoma mansoni. Mollusks can be infected with Angiostrongylus costaricensis by ingestion of or active penetration by the first-stage larvae. In this work we assessed the ability of Biomphalaria glabrata to attract first-stage larvae of A. costaricensis. Movement of the nematode larvae towards the mollusks was observed after 15 min, 30 min and 1 h. B. glabrata did not attract the first-stage larvae of A. costaricensis in any of the three intervals. The susceptibility of two populations of Biomphalaria tenagophila to infection by A. costaricensis was also determined. One population was genetically selected for the susceptibility to S. mansoni while the other was not. Third-stage larvae were recovered from the snails 30 days after exposure of the two populations to 120 first-stage larvae. All the mollusks were infected. However, a significantly higher number of third-stage larvae were recovered in mollusks not genetically selected.Alguns moluscos terrestres são hospedeiros naturais do Angiostrongylus costaricensis. No laboratório, esse nematódeo pode ser mantido em planorbídeos, que são moluscos aquáticos e hospedeiros intermediários do Schistosoma mansoni. Os moluscos podem ser infectados com A. costaricensis por ingestão ou por penetração ativa de larvas de primeiro estágio. Neste trabalho, testamos a habilidade de Biomphalaria glabrata em atrair larvas de primeiro estágio de A. costaricensis. A movimentação das larvas do nematódeo em direção aos moluscos foi observada após 15 minutos, 30 minutos e 1 hora. B. glabrata não atraiu as larvas de primeiro estágio de A. costaricensis nos três intervalos de tempo. Verificamos também a suscetibilidade de duas populações de Biomphalaria tenagophila à infecção por A. costaricensis. Uma população era selecionada geneticamente para a susceptibilidade ao S. mansoni, enquanto a outra não o era. Larvas de terceiro estágio foram recuperadas dos moluscos 30 dias após a exposição das duas populações a 120 larvas de primeiro estágio. Todos os moluscos estavam infectados. Entretanto, um número significativamente maior de larvas de terceiro estágio foi recuperado em moluscos não geneticamente selecionados.19920

    Achernar: Rapid Polarization Variability as Evidence of Photospheric and Circumstellar Activity

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    We present the results of a high accuracy (σ≈0.005\sigma \approx 0.005%) polarization monitoring of the Be Star Achernar that was carried out between July 7th and November 5th, 2006. Our results indicate that, after a near quiescent phase from 1998 to 2002, Achernar is presently in an active phase and has built a circumstellar disk. We detect variations both in the polarization level and position angle in timescales as short as one hour and as long as several weeks. Detailed modeling of the observed polarization strongly suggests that the short-term variations originate from discrete mass ejection events which produce transient inhomogeneities in the inner disk. Long-term variations, on the other hand, can be explained by the formation of an inner ring following one or several mass ejection events.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, Accepted to Ap

    Evaluation of an intervention program for families with children at risk for maltreatment and developmental impairment: a preliminary study

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    This study evaluated the preliminary effects of an early intervention program for parents and children at-risk. In this study, a sample of 40 children were randomly assigned to a 9-months intervention program (intervention group, n = 20) or remained in usual practice conditions (control group, n = 20). The intervention involved group dynamics with children in pre-school and individual work sessions with the parents and the children at home. A repeated measures design 2 x 2 was used to test the program effects on parenting practices (Maltreatment Questionnaire) and on children’s mental and social development (Griffiths Mental Development Scales). Results revealed that the program had a positive impact mostly on parenting practices, decreasing physical and psychological abuse (d = −1.01), physical neglect (d = −0.71) and lack of supervision (d = −0.48), and also on measures of cognitive development (i.e., hearing and language; d = 0.31). The program reinforces the importance and effectiveness of attunement intervention programs for parents and for children.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Otimização de protocolos de extração de RNA em diferentes tecidos de milho.

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    Neste trabalho, foram testados cinco métodos de extração de RNA (CTAB microextração, Concert? Invitrogen, Concert? Adaptado, TRI Reagente® Sigma e TRI Reagente® Adaptado), em dois diferentes tecidos de milho (mesocótilo e raiz), com o objetivo de estabelecer um método eficiente de extração de RNA, visando posteriormente estudos de expressão gênica. Observou-se que o método Concert,utilizando o protocolo adaptado, foi o mais eficiente para a extração de RNA de ambos os tecidos de plântulas de milho, originando 2351,35 ?g por 100 mg de tecido para mesocótilo e 893,75 ?g por 100 mg de tecido para raiz, considerando tanto a quantidade como a qualidade das amostras, podendo ser submetidas às etapas posteriores de tratamento com DNAse e construção de cDNA para estudos de expressão gênica. Pôde-se observar que pequenas modificações nos protocolos, como, por exemplo, mudança no tempo e na posição dos tubos durante a incubação e o incremento de duas lavagens com clorofórmio, podem melhorar muito tanto a qualidade quanto a quantidade do RNA extraído

    Magnetic reconfiguration of MnAs/GaAs(001) observed by Magnetic Force Microscopy and Resonant Soft X-ray Scattering

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    We investigated the thermal evolution of the magnetic properties of MnAs epitaxial films grown on GaAs(001) during the coexistence of hexagonal/orthorhombic phases using polarized resonant (magnetic) soft X-ray scattering and magnetic force microscopy. The results of the diffuse satellite X-ray peaks were compared to those obtained by magnetic force microscopy and suggest a reorientation of ferromagnetic terraces as temperature rises. By measuring hysteresis loops at these peaks we show that this reorientation is common to all ferromagnetic terraces. The reorientation is explained by a simple model based on the shape anisotropy energy. Demagnetizing factors were calculated for different configurations suggested by the magnetic images. We noted that the magnetic moments flip from an in-plane mono-domain orientation at lower temperatures to a three-domain out-of-plane configuration at higher temperatures. The transition was observed when the ferromagnetic stripe width L is equal to 2.9 times the film thickness d. This is in good agreement with the expected theoretical value of L = 2.6d.Comment: 16 pages in PD

    Description of an incompressible variable density approach for the description of supercritical fluids flows

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    The simplification of the incompressible but variable density jet is based on the visualization of data similarity. Given the initial encouraging results obtained in the past, we extend, in the present paper, this hypothesis to a broader range of conditions to ascertain its applicability and its role as an alternative to the more commonly fully-compressible formulations encountered in the literature. Transcritical and supercritical injection conditions are considered for nitrogen, which works as a surrogate for the oxygen-hydrogen mixture combination, characteristic of liquid rocket propulsion. A close agreement is found between experiments and numerical results in terms of axial profiles and jet spreading rates.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologiainfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cardiac Hydatid Cyst in a Child

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    Cardiac hydatid cyst is a rare disease, especially in children. An 11-year-old boy with a previous anaphylactic reaction and episodes of abdominal pain was admitted for workup of an acquired long systolic murmur. Echocardiographic investigation disclosed a tumor of the right ventricular anterior wall, with multiple loculations. Magnetic resonance imaging characterized it as a multilobular tumor with cyst formation and disclosed another cyst in the right pulmonary artery. With a positive ELISA reaction the child was admitted for surgery with the diagnosis of cardiac and pulmonary hydatid cysts. Cardiac surgery was performed with good results, followed by medical treatment with albendazole
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