282 research outputs found

    Dynamics of innovation patterns: some insights for Portugal

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    Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gestão de InformaçãoInnovation has increased its importance in the past few years in several areas, calling the attention of many sectors of our society due the key role that innovation has in firm's life, namely in determining its competitiveness and sustainability (Freire, 2006). Consequently, innovation is also crucial to the economic growth of a country (Bilbao-Osorio and Rodríguez-Pose, 2004). The aim of this work is to identify and characterize Portuguese firms innovation patterns using CIS3 (1998-2000) and CIS4 (2002-2004) data for both manufacturing and service sectors and to compare the results between them. Through a Cluster Analysis we identify and define three clusters in each sector for each period of time. The results show that there are differences between sectors and that some changes occurred through time, namely those related to innovation objectives and sources of information. We conclude that innovative pattern of firms in service sector in period 2002-2004 is significantly different from the innovative pattern of manufacturing and service sector firms in 1998-2000. Comparing our results for CIS3 and service sector with those obtained for Spain and published by Camacho and Rodriguez (2008), we conclude that there are differences in the strategies of the innovation activities and in the distribution of innovation expenditures between the two countries and similarities in what concern with the main innovation objectives and sources of information. The two countries also differ in the way firms of different industries innovate; in service sector, in 1998-2000, while Spanish firm’s innovative behaviour was heterogeneous within industries, in Portugal the firm’s behaviour was homogeneous

    Development of a force scaling method for upper body musculoskeletal models to estimate muscle fatigue

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica (ramo Biomateriais, Reabilitação e Biomecânica)A acumulação de fadiga física resultante da execução de tarefas que obrigam à aplicação de forças intensivas durante longos períodos é um fator de risco grave para as lesões musculoesqueléticos relacionadas com o trabalho (LMERT), resultando numa debilitação e absentismo dos trabalhadores a longo prazo, perda de produtividade e piores ambientes de trabalho [1,2,3]. Tipicamente a fadiga é estimada utilizando sensores de Eletromiografia (EMG) que ainda que precisos, apresentam a desvantagem de serem intrusivos e a sua colocação necessita do conhecimento prévio da anatomia humana [4]. Uma possível abordagem é o desenvolvimento de um modelo músculo-esquelético que permita a estimação de fadiga a partir de informação cinemática. Para tal, é necessária a criação de um modelo músculo-esquelético específico ao utilizador, ajustando tanto as propriedades geométricas como as de força [5]. O dimensionamento das propriedades de força e respetivos procedimentos são em geral pouco abordados, em particular para modelos de membros superiores, pelo que esta dissertação tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento e validação de um método preciso e prático para dimensionar a força de um modelo músculo-esquelético de corpo superior. Utilizando o software open-source OpenSim, foi estudada a influência de várias abordagens de dimensionamento de força na exatidão da ativação muscular prevista pela simulação. Foram recolhidos dados experimentais de 5 participantes durante a realização de exercícios do membro superior, e posteriormente foi calculado o erro entre ativações estimadas e experimentais para cada método. Analisando os resultados, concluiu-se que os métodos de dimensionamento de força desenvolvidos não contribuíram significativamente para a diminuição do erro inicialmente calculado, no entanto verificou-se que o ajuste das propriedades de força do modelo influenciaram significativamente a precisão da estimativa quando foram aplicadas forças externas ao movimento.The accumulation of physical fatigue resulting from the execution of tasks requiring the application of intensive forces over long periods is a serious risk factor for work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs), resulting in long-term debilitation and absenteeism of workers, loss of productivity, and worse working environments [1,2,3]. Typically, fatigue is estimated using Electromyography (EMG) sensors which, although accurate, have the disadvantage of being intrusive and their placement needs prior knowledge of human anatomy [4]. One possible approach is the development of a musculoskeletal model that allows fatigue estimation from kinematic information. This requires the creation of a user specific musculoskeletal model, adjusting both geometric and strength properties [5]. The scaling of force properties and approaches to perform such scaling are generally poorly addressed, particularly for upper limb models, so this dissertation aims to develop and validate an accurate and practical method for scaling the force of an upper body musculoskeletal model. Using the open-source software OpenSim, various force scaling approaches were investigated with respect to their influence on the accuracy of muscle activation predicted by the simulation. Experimental data was collected from 5 participants during execution of upper limb exercises, and then the error between estimated and experimental activations was calculated for each method. The results demonstrated that the developed force scaling methods did not contribute significantly to the decrease of the initially calculated error, however it was found that the adjustment of the model's force properties significantly influenced the estimation accuracy when external forces were applied to the movement

    Efeito do exercício terapêutico nos défices dos doentes com Alzheimer: revisão sistemática

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    Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em FisioterapiaA doença de Alzheimer (DA) é uma desordem neurodegenerativa irreversível, levando a amnésia progressiva com aparecimento posterior de perda cognitiva, comportamental e alterações que prejudicam a função e actividades da vida diária (AVD’s). Vários estudos têm demonstrado que o exercício terapêutico apresenta benefícios na DA. Objectivo: O objectivo da presente revisão sistemática foi verificar os efeitos do exercício terapêutico nos défices dos doentes com Alzheimer. Metodologia: Pesquisa na base de dados PubMed, para identificar os estudos randomizados controlados, publicados na língua inglesa entre 2009 e 2014, que abordassem os efeitos dos exercícios terapêuticos com pessoas com a DA. Os critérios de inclusão foram: doentes com a DA e programas de reabilitação com participação do fisioterapeuta. Critérios de exclusão: estudos em que os participantes tenham a coexistência com outras doenças e estudos que não descrevem programas de exercícios. Resultados: Foram identificados 9 artigos randomizados controlados, com classificação metodológica de 7,4 na escala de PEDro, incluíram 1025 participantes. Conclusão: Os resultados dos estudos sugerem que exercícios terapêuticos são benéficos nos principais défices da DA.Alzheimer´s Disease (AD) is irreversible neurodegenerative disorder, leading to a progressive amnestic disorder with subsquent appearance of other cognitive, behavioural and neuropsychiatric changes that impair social function and activites of daily living. Several studies have demonstrated that exercise has a therapeutic benefit in AD. Objective: The purpose of this systematic review was to evaluate the effects of exercise therapy in patients with deficits of Alzheimer´s. Methods: Search in the PubMed database to identify randomized controlled trials, published in english between 2009 and 2014, that adress the effects of therapeutic exercises for people with AD. Inclusion criteria were: patients with AD and rehabilitation programs with participation of the physiotherapist. Exclusion criteria: studies in wich participants have coexistence with other diseases and studies that did not describe exercise programs. Results: 9 randomized controlled articles, with methodological rating of 7.4 in the PEDro scale, included 1025 participants. Conclusion: The results of the studies suggest that therapeutic exercises are beneficial in the main deficits of AD

    The unité as universal model : housing in Angola and Mozambique

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    The 16th International Docomomo Conference Tokyo Japan 2020+1 : Inheritable Resilience : Sharing Values of Global Modernities / coordenação de A. Tostões, Y. Yamana. – Tóquio, 2021. ISBN 987-4-904700-69-3. – P. 306-311.In Angola and Mozambique, Le Corbusier’s work had a special impact on architectural production during the ’50s and ’60s. Although the predominant urban model in the main African Portuguese colonisation cities privileged single-family housing, here and there, we find a few detail plans issued from the Athens Charter and that foster the construction of collective housing units. These buildings, addressed to an urban colonial middle class, make a significant mark in the largest cities between the ’50s and the ’60s. Although much smaller in size than the Marseille Housing Unit, these are mixed housing, service and shopping blocks that stem from the premises of their reference model and test new housing typologies fit for a tropical climate. In Maputo, the Tonelli building, the Montepio de Mocambique building or in Lobito, the Universal building are good examples of na interpretation of the Corbusian prototype. These projects reflect not only an appropriate response to climate characteristics but also the colonial society’s desire for modernisation. Such works, a legacy of the Unité and of the modern principles, are however belated examples, at a time when a critical awareness as to the dogmatism of the Modern Movement was arising.In Angola and Mozambique, Le Corbusier’s work had a special impact on architectural production during the ’50s and ’60s. Although the predominant urban model in the main African Portuguese colonisation cities privileged single-family housing, here and there, we find a few detail plans issued from the Athens Charter and that foster the construction of collective housing units. These buildings, addressed to an urban colonial middle class, make a significant mark in the largest cities between the ’50s and the ’60s. Although much smaller in size than the Marseille Housing Unit, these are mixed housing, service and shopping blocks that stem from the premises of their reference model and test new housing typologies fit for a tropical climate. In Maputo, the Tonelli building, the Montepio de Mocambique building or in Lobito, the Universal building are good examples of na interpretation of the Corbusian prototype. These projects reflect not only an appropriate response to climate characteristics but also the colonial society’s desire for modernisation. Such works, a legacy of the Unité and of the modern principles, are however belated examples, at a time when a critical awareness as to the dogmatism of the Modern Movement was arising.Este trabalho foi financiado por fundos nacionais através da FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., no âmbito do projeto UIDB/04026/2020

    Comparação entre o tratamento ortodôntico com aparelho fixo e Invisalign®: estudo piloto

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    Objetivos: Realizar uma comparação entre o tratamento com aparelho ortodôntico fixo e o tratamento orthodontics com alinhadores Invisalign® e perceber qual o impacto que um ou outro tratamento tem ao nível da saúde periodontal, dor e estética, percebendo qual dos dois apresenta mais vantagens. Métodos: Estudo piloto, por aplicação de um questionário online, dirigido aos pacientes da clínica Cerejeira & Leão em tratamento com aparelho ortodôntico fixo e Invisalign®. Resultados: Nesta investigação, a amostra constituiu um total de 60 participantes dos quais 30 participantes faziam tratamento ortodôntico convencional e os restantes 30 utilizaram o Invisalign®. Verificou-se que 16,7% dos participantes do grupo convencional notaram alteração da cor da gengiva após a colocação do aparelho e 10% dos participantes do grupo Invisalign® afirmaram o mesmo. Observou-se que 33,3% dos participantes que usavam Invisalign® referiram um nível zero de dor após as consultas de controlo enquanto que no grupo convencional apenas 6.7% dos participantes relataram dor nível zero. Houve apenas três respostas com nível oito de dor pertencentes ao grupo convencional. Quanto à estética 60% dos participantes do grupo Invisalign® afirmaram que o seu aparelho ortodôntico não lhe prejudicava a estética enquanto que no grupo convencional apenas 46,7% afirmaram o mesmo. Conclusão: Não se verificaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas ao nível da saúde periodontal e da estética entre os dois grupos. Relativamente ao nível de dor houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os dois grupos tendo sido relatado um nível de dor inferior no grupo Invisalign®.Objectives: Perform a comparison between fixed braces and orthodontics treatment with Invisalign® aligners and understand what impact one or the other treatment has on periodontal health, pain and esthetics, realizing which of the two has more advantages. Methods: Pilot study, by applying an online questionnaire, addressed to patients at Cerejeira & Leão clinic in treatment with fixed orthodontic appliance and Invisalign®. Results: In this investigation, the sample constituted a total of 60 participants of which 30 participants were doing conventional orthodontic treatment and the remaining 30 used the Invisalign® system. It was found that 16.7% of participants in the conventional group noticed a change in gingiva color after placement of the appliance and 10% of participants in the Invisalign® group said the same. It was observed that 33.3% of the participants wearing Invisalign® reported a level zero pain after the control visits while in the conventional group only 6.7% of the participants reported level zero pain. There were only three responses with pain level eight belonging to the conventional group. As for aesthetics, 60% of the participants in the Invisalign® group stated that their orthodontic appliance did not affect their aesthetics, while in the conventional group only 46.7% said the same. Conclusion: There were no statistically significant differences in periodontal health and esthetics between the two groups. Regarding the level of pain, there were statistically significant differences between the two groups, with a lower level of pain reported in the Invisalign® group

    Relatório de estágio na Editora MediaXXI

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    Este relatório tem como objetivo descrever as atividades realizadas no meu estágio na MediaXXI. Irá focar-se nos projetos em que participei e ajudei a concretizar. Estes projetos tem lugar principalmente na área da comunicação e de promoção de eventos. Irei então explicar como o meu trabalho os influenciou através dos meus conhecimentos adquiridos no mestradoThis report aims to describe the activities during my internship in the publisher MediaXXI. It will focus on the projects that I had taken part and helped to materialize. These projects are related with comunication and promotion of events and I will explain how my work influenced them, using my knowledge aquired during my master´s degreeMestrado em Estudos Editoriai
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