10 research outputs found

    Web based methodologies and techniques to monitor electronic resources use in university libraries

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    The aim of this paper is to measure user satisfaction and the quality of the electronic resources consultation services offered by the Milano Bicocca University Library

    Le indagini sull’utilizzo delle risorse elettroniche remote della Biblioteca dell’Universitá di Milano-Bicocca

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    Electronic resources are a growing property in academic library systems. The “hybrid” model is characterized by a strong presence of digital resources and services joining or substituting books, paper journals and the traditional methods of bibliographic research. The shift from a traditional to a hybrid library system requires important financial investments, so the analysis and the monitoring of the service supply has a particular meaning in this sense. The Library Management performed two surveys on electronic resource usage and evaluation after the experience of scholars and academic researchers. The article presents the results and analysis for the years 2001 and 2002

    Web based methodologies and techniques to monitor electronic resources use in university libraries

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    The aim of this paper is to measure user satisfaction and the quality of the electronic resources consultation services offered by the Milano Bicocca University Library

    Some notes about the distributive compensation ratio

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    Recently Zenga has proposed a normalized compensation index based on a decomposition of the mean difference of the sum Y of the k variates X1, ..., Xk. This paper proposes a decomposition of the above index to evaluate the percent contribution of a generic variate Xj to compensation. Moreover, the importance of a comparison between the observed value of the index and its value under the hypothesis of distributive independence is emphasized, to understand exhaustively the concept of compensation. The index’s capability of measuring compensation of a complex phenomena, possibly composed by a number of different elements, is shown by a numerical example and by two applications to real data (a sample survey of total income of Italian families in 2001 and a dataset concerning marks of graduate students of Milano-Bicocca University in four exams)

    La mortalité par maladies cardio-vasculaires dans les pays industrialisés

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    Mortality from Cardiovascular Diseases in Developed Countries The analyses of the trend in mortality by causes of death in developed countries shows that since the end of the XlXth century a radical change happened in the typology of causes of death. One can see that cardiovascular diseases (cvd) are, since more than the last 10 years, the first cause of death. In this paper we have tried to examine this development by the following way: for the first period of the XlXth century, we have retained the broad trends in the development of mortality by cvd; then, we have studied more analytically this mortality for the recent time. By this way we have studied mortality trends by cvd since 1950, either in a global way, or by three groups of causes of death.L'analyse de l'évolution de la mortalité par causes dans les pays industrialisés a fait apparaître qu'à partir de la fin du XIXe siècle il y a eu un changement radical dans la typologie des causes de décès. On voit ainsi qu'aujourd'hui les maladies cardio-vasculaires (m.c.v.) sont depuis quelques décennies la première cause de décès. La démarche adoptée dans cet article pour approfondir cette évolution a été la suivante : on a considéré d'abord les lignes générales de l'évolution de la mortalité par m.c.v. pendant la première moitié du XXe siècle ; on a ensuite fait une étude plus analytique de cette mortalité pour la période récente. On a ainsi étudié l'évolution de la mortalité par m.c.v. depuis 1950 soit dans son ensemble soit selon trois groupes de causes de décès : cardiopathies, maladies cérébro-vasculaires et maladies des vaisseaux.Maffenini W. La mortalité par maladies cardio-vasculaires dans les pays industrialisés. In: Espace, populations, sociétés, 1984-3. La mortalité adulte dans les pays industrialisés. pp. 87-100

    Territorial mobility based on census data: estimation of migration flows

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    The questions asked in many population censuses on place-of-residence at one or several fixed past dates allow the number of migrants during a specific period of time to be calculated. However, the questions asked in the censuses are retrospective, so that the migrants who died or emigrated abroad during the period considered are not included. There is no way of estimating the number of migrants who emigrated abroad; on the other hand, a simple method is available to estimate the number of migrants who died. In this paper this method of estimation is applied to data from the Italian censuses of 1971 and 1981

    Osservazioni sullo scostamento medio dalla media bipolare

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    Nel 2005, Walter Maffenini e Michele Zenga hanno introdotto la media bipolare quale nuovo criterio di sintesi per caratteri ordinali. Per media bipolare s’intende una distribuzione che concentra tutta la numerosità dei casi su un’unica modalità (categoria) del carattere o, al massimo, su due modalità contigue ed è coerente con il tradizionale concetto di dominanza statistica basata sulle frequenze retro-cumulate. L’anno successivo, lo stesso Maffenini e Mariangela Zenga hanno esteso la media bipolare alle variabili discrete e hanno introdotto una misura di variabilità per questo tipo di variabili: lo scostamento medio dalla media bipolare. Tale indice si presta a essere utilizzato anche nel caso in cui alle categorie del carattere ordinale siano attribuiti dei punteggi (ranghi). Come per i più comuni indici di variabilità, può essere interessante definire il valore massimo che lo scostamento medio dalla media bipolare può assumere. Ciò richiede preventivamente di definire la distribuzione di massima variabilità, la quale, però, è diversa a seconda che la numerosità dei casi sia pari o dispari. Da tale distribuzione si ricava la corrispondente media bipolare, che risente non solo della numerosità pari o dispari, ma anche del fatto che le modalità del carattere discreto (o i ranghi attribuiti al carattere ordinale) possono, a loro volta, essere pari o dispari. Obiettivo principale del presente lavoro è fornire, ove possibile, un’espressione generale del massimo dello scostamento medio dalla media bipolare e mostrare alcuni esempi che verificano l’utilità d’impiego di questo indice

    Les accidents de la circulation en Italie et en France

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    Maffenini (Walter), Rallu (Jean-Louis). - Road Accidents in Italy and France Modelling is used to study the various factors that affect road safety : legislation, number of cars, total road mileage, type of road, users, type of accident etc., in comparing the experience of the two countries. Comparison of the French and Italian experience brings out a number of formerly unknown distinctive aspects that clearly characterize mortality from road accidents in France, and which can be considered as major causes of the high number of accidents in that country. In France, more deaths from road accidents occur at night, during the weekend, at places other than road intersections, and which involve one driver by himself (with or without pedestrians) than in Italy. At all adult ages, mortality rates from road accidents, are much higher for French than for Italian drivers. French driving behaviour on the roads also has implications for mortality rates among pedestrians and cyclists. Though speed may be a contributory factor, the circumstances and types of accidents point to a significant role being played by the consumption of alcohol in French road accidents.Maffenini (Walter), Rallu (Jean-Louis). - Les accidents de la circulation en Italie et en France La modélisation des accidents considère les différents facteurs de la sécurité : législation, parc automobile, circulation (km parcourus), catégories de route, d'usagers, types d'accidents etc. La comparaison de la France et de l'Italie, vis-à-vis de plusieurs de ces variables, a fait ressortir des traits distinctifs, méconnus jusqu'à présent, qui caractérisent fortement la mortalité par accidents de la route en France et sont la cause de son niveau élevé. La France a beaucoup plus de tués la nuit, en week-end, dans des accidents hors intersection et seul (avec ou sans piétons) que l'Italie. La mortalité et la létalité des conducteurs français sont aussi beaucoup plus élevées que pour les conducteurs italiens à tous les âges adultes. La manière de conduire des Français se répercute aussi sur la mortalité des piétons et des cyclistes. Bien que la vitesse soit aussi en cause, les circonstances et les types d'accidents montrent le rôle important de la consommation d'alcool en France.Maffenini (Walter), Rallu (Jean-Louis). - Los accidentes de la circulación en Italia y en Francia El establecimieto de modelos de accidentes, considéra los diferentes factores de la seguridad : legislación, numero de automobiles, circulación (kilométrage), categoría de vias de circulación, de usuarios, tipos de accidentes, etc.. y permite además. efectuar compara- ciones entre dos pafses. La comparación entre Francia e Italia hace resaltar aspectos de di- ferenciación, desconocidos hasta el présente, que caracterizan fuertemente, en Francia, la mortal idad por accidentes de la circulación y que son la causa de su proporc ión elevada. En Francia hay mucho más muertos durante la noche, en fin de semana, en accidentes fuera de las intersecciones y solo (con o sin peatones) que en Italia. La mortalidad y la letalidad de los conductores franceses son también muco más elevadas que para los conductores Italianos, en todas las edades adultas. La manera de conducir de los Franceses repercute también sobre la mortalidad de los peatones y de los ciclistas. Si bien la veloci- dad esta en causa, en Francia, las circunstancias y los tipos de accidentes muestran el roi importante del consumo de alcohol.Maffenini Walter, Rallu Jean-Louis. Les accidents de la circulation en Italie et en France. In: Population, 46ᵉ année, n°4, 1991. pp. 913-940