47 research outputs found

    An investigation of the continuing professional development practices of Indonesian academic libraries

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    This paper reports on ongoing research examining the present and desired state of academic library staff education and professional development in Indonesia. The long term goal of the research is to determine ways in which Indonesian academic libraries and their staff can be supported in order to assist universities in producing high quality research, teaching, and learning outcomes.A survey was delivered to managers of libraries serving Indonesian public universities. The survey instrument used in this research was based on that used in the neXus2 survey distributed to Australian library managers in 2007. The paper includes a comparison of survey results on key outcomes for Indonesian and Australian library managers.The paper reports on the library policies and practices regarding the current level and type of continuing professional development and work place training; and the management, funding and prioritization of continuing professional development in Indonesian academic libraries. This paper reports the results of one of the few major studies of library staff development undertaken in a developing country

    Standard Operational Procedures for Congregational Services During The Covid-19 Pandemic at The Head Office Of Shafira Tour Travel Surabaya.

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    This study aims to see the standard operating procedures for services performed by Shafira Tour Travel Surabaya during the covid-19 pandemic. First, to see how the operational standards were enforced before the pandemic. Second, to see how the differences in services after the pandemic are seen from the planning changes and innovations that Shafira made during the covid-19 pandemic. In this study, the authors used qualitative research methods. The qualitative method is used because it is considered practical to describe and explain service procedures before the pandemic. Then, for data collection techniques, the author uses triagulation techniques, namely data collection by observing, utilizing documentation, and interviews. The results of this study explain that Shafira before the pandemic had carried out service standards in accordance with those set by the government. Then for planning changes, Shafira has done for the good and did it gradually and carefully, but the leadership did not involve employees who were affected by changes in the work system. Then, the innovations made were by changing the work system and implementing health protocols, but not increasing digital capabilities because they had done it before the pandemic

    Education and continuing professional development for Indonesian academic librarians: a survey

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    This paper reports base-line data on the current levels of education, skills, and knowledge of Indonesian academic librarians, and provides an insight into their continuing professional development. The paper reports: the current level of qualifications of librarians working in Indonesian academic libraries; the current level and type of continuing professional development and work place training in Indonesian academic libraries.The paper includes the results of a questionnaire delivered to all librarians working in Indonesian public universities. The survey instrument was based on that used in the NEXUS survey distributed to Australian ILS professionals in 2006. The paper includes a comparison of survey results on key indicators for Indonesian and Australian library and information staff

    The Influence Of Product, Price, and Promotion on Purchase Decisions For Hajj and Umrah Packages Shafirah Tour and Travel Gresik Branch

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    The technique used for this research is a quantitative. This study uses an associative hypothesis. The author uses data analysis and classical hypothesis testing and multiple linear regression to respond to the research design. This study obtained six responses from all summary statements related to products, prices, and promotions. Here are the instructions: ​First, product (X1), price (X2), and promotion (X3) data affect purchasing decisions (Y) are affected simultaneously. the p value of the three variables is 0,000. Second, product (X1), price (X2), and promotion (X3) can have a major effect on purchasing decisions (Y). The p value of the three variables is 0.000 < 0.05. Third, the correlation value of purchasing decisions obtained by the product, price, and promotion variables is 0.970. This value indicates a very high value regarding the independent and dependent variables. Fourth, the product gets 0.617, the price is 0.905, and the promotion is 0.815. This determines the price-related value obtained by a very strong distribution result, then a moderate product contribution, and a strong promotional contribution. Fifth, the dominant price variable value is 0.905. Sixth, the regression model is intended to predict future purchasing decisions, because the SEE value is smaller than the standard deviation, namely 1.255 < 5.448

    Buku Panduan Perpustakaan IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya 2004

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    Adanya buku ini sebagai upaya untuk memberikan pemahaman kepada pengguna perpustakaan. Memberikan panduan bagaimana cara mendapatkan informasi/ilmu pengetahuan yang diperlukan dengan cepat, tepat dan mudah

    Analisis Efisiensi Biaya dengan Menggunakan Metode Parametrik Stochastic Frontier Analysis pada Bank Umum

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    Pendekatan parametrik yang digunakan untuk menilai efisiensi biaya suatu bank dihitung dengan menggunakan pendekatan Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) dengan estimasi fungsi biaya. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 79 bank umum, diantaranya 4 bank Persero, 22 BUSN Devisa, 18 BUSN Non Devisa, 22 BPD, 7 bank campuran, dan 6 bank asing. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa selama periode pengamatan yakni dari tahun 2007 sampai dengan tahun 2009 tingkat efisiensi bank umum tertinggi dicapai oleh bank BUSN Devisa sebesar 0,893434 atau 89,34% sedangkan tingkat efisiensi yang terendah dicapai oleh bank Asing sebesar 0,741046 atau 74,10%. Hal ini disebabkan Bank BUSN Devisa sudah mengoptimalkan pengeluaran dari input yaitu harga dana, harga tenaga kerja, dan harga modal fisik. Sedangkan rata-rata input yakni harga dana, harga tenaga kerja, dan harga modal fisik pada bank Asing lebih tinggi. Hasil pengujian hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan tingkat efisiensi biaya bank umum antar kelompok bank Persero, BUSN Devisa, BUSN Non Devisa, BPD, Bank Campuran, dan Bank Asing. Dari hasil analisis tingkat efisiensi tiap kelompok bank dapat disimpulkan bahwa upaya untuk meningkatkan tingkat efisiensi pada perbankan perlu perhitungan yang konsisten, baik dari segi keragaman data observasi yang digunakan maupun komponen variabel input dan output yang digunakan

    Buku Panduan Perpustakaan IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya 2005

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    Pembuatan buku ini untuk memberikan pemahaman tentang pentingnya peranan perpustakaan untuk mendapatkan informasi/ilmu pengetahuan yang dibutuhkan. buku ini juga merupakan guiding book (buku pegangan) bagi pengguna perpustakaan, agar dapat memperoleh informasi/ilmu pengetahuan yang diperlukan secara cepat, tepat dan efesien, sesuai dengan harapan pengguna perpustakaan

    Education and continuing professional development for Indonesian academic librarians

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    Indonesia has a rapidly developing higher education system, but previous evidence suggests that it is inadequately served by academic libraries and librarians. This research sets out to examine this phenomenon in light of Indonesia status as a developing nation with a history of recent improvements in higher education. Despite the injection of additional funding the impact has yet to be felt in terms of the role or status of the academic library services and librarians.The particular focus of the research is on the skills and abilities of academic library staff. This issue examined in terms of the emerging roles required of academic librarians, and the subsequent changes to formal library and information science (LIS) education and continuing professional development (CPD) that are necessary in order to equip academic librarians with the skills and abilities they require.The study addresses the following research question: What changes are needed to the education and continuing professional development of Indonesian academic librarians to optimize the development and delivery of academic library services?To answer this research question, the project addresses the following objectives: a. Assess the current and required level of education qualifications of librarians working in Indonesian academic libraries. b. Assess the current and required level of continuing professional development of librarians working in Indonesian academic libraries. c. Analyze the perception of Indonesian academic librarians regarding their role in developing library services and in supporting academic quality. d. Analyze the perception of university and library managers in Indonesian higher education about the current and future role of academic librarians. e. Assess the role of education and continuing professional development in the delivery of services by Indonesian academic libraries, when compared to other factors in the development of those services. f. Develop recommendations to improve the effectiveness of library and information science education in Indonesia and its support of the country’s academic library services.The methodologies used include an extensive quationnaire survey of librarians and library managers working in Indonesian public universities. Both questionnaires are based on recent similar Australian surveys in order to provide comparable data to a fully developed higher education and academic library system. In addition, interviews were conducted with twenty-two participants, consisting of academic lirarians, academic library managers, university managers, heads of LIS schools and heads of relevant professional associations.The outcome consists of a series of thirteen recommendations aimed at transforming the Indonesian LIS education and CPD for academic librarians. The recommendations include consideration of the minimum formal education requirements for Indonesian academic librarians, the need to extend access to education by the use of distance learning, and the role of the Indonesian Librarians Association (Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia)

    Public Service Quality to Improve Public Satisfaction in Religious Affairs Office, Cilawu District, Garut District

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    The purpose of this research is to find out the types of public services in the Cilawu District Religious Affairs Office, to understand the pattern of service used in the Cilawu District Religious Affairs Office, to identify factors that are influencing the quality of public services, and to analyze the quality of public services in the Cilawu District Office of Religious Affairs using the SERVQUAL method. This research shows that the Cilawu District Religious Affairs Office offers governmental, public, and general services to the public. Also, the pattern of service used in the Cilawu District Religious Affairs Office is the old public administration. Next, factors that influence the quality of public services in the Cilawu District Office of Religious Affairs are work motivation, communication skills, work experience, responsibility, leadership, and work environment. Lastly, the service quality at the Cilawu District Religious Affairs Office is good since the five aspects of SERVQUAL have positive feedback from the public


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    PENERAPAN PERSONAL HYGIENE KARYAWAN PABRIK ROTI DI KOTA BANDUNG Imas Maesaroh, Sudewi Yogha, Sri Subekti Program Studi Pendidikan Tata Boga, Departemen Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga, Fakultas Pendidikan Teknik dan Kejuruan, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia [email protected] ABSTRAK Berdasarkan hasil studi pendahuluan di pabrik roti R, menunjukan bahwa salah satu prinsip hygiene sanitasi makanan dan minuman menurut Departemen Kesehatan RI belum terpenuhi yakni dalam pengolahan makanan. Dalam pengolahan produk, karyawan pabrik Roti R belum memperhatikan syarat yang ditetapkan oleh Departemen Kesehatan yaitu personal hygiene. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui penerapan personal hygiene karyawan pabrik roti berkaitan dengan kebersihan tubuh karyawan, kesehatan karyawan, pakaian yang digunakan karyawan ketika bekerja serta perilaku karyawan ketika bekerja. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Alat pengumpulan data berupa wawancara dan observasi. Sampel penelitian ini adalah seluruh Karyawan Pabrik Roti R. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Penerapan personal hygiene karyawan pabrik roti di kota Bandung pada aspek kesehatan pribadi dan aspek perilaku pada saat bekerja termasuk ke dalam kriteria baik, pada aspek kebersihan tubuh termasuk ke dalam kriteria cukup baik, sedangkan pada aspek pakaian yang digunakan ketika bekerja termasuk ke dalam kriteria buruk. Persentase penerapan personal hygiene karyawan pabrik roti di kota Bandung secara umum adalah sebagian kecil termasuk ke dalam kriteria baik dan lebih dari setengahnya termasuk ke dalam kriteria cukup baik. Rekomendasi dari penelitian ini diharapkan pihak pengurus pabrik dapat bekerja sama dengan institusi terkait untuk melakukan penyuluhan atau diklat mengenai pentingnya personal hygiene bagi karyawan pengolahan makanan, serta menyediakan sarana dan prasarana lain yang mendukung personal hygiene karyawan. Rekomendasi bagi peneliti selanjutnya dapat melakukan penelitian lanjutan tentang sanitasi dan hygiene pabrik roti di kota Bandung. Kata Kunci : Personal Hygiene, Karyawan, Pabrik Roti APPLICATION OF PERSONAL HYGIENE EMPLOYEES BREAD FACTORY IN BANDUNG CITY Imas Maesaroh, Sudewi Yogha, Sri Subekti Study Program Of Culinary Education, Departement of Home Economic Education, Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education, Indonesia University of Education [email protected] ABSTRACT Based on the results of a preliminary study in the R bread factory, it shows that one of the principles of food and beverage sanitation hygiene according to the Indonesian Ministry of Health has not been fulfilled, namely in food processing. In processing products, R bread factory employees have not paid attention to the conditions set by the Ministry of Health, namely personal hygiene.The purpose of this study was to determine the application of bread factory employee personal hygiene related to employee body hygiene, employee health, clothing used by employees when working and employee behavior when working. The research method uses descriptive methods with a quantitative approach. Data collection tools in the form of interviews and observations. The population in this study were bread factory employees in the city of Bandung. The application of personal hygiene of bread factory employees in the city of Bandung on aspects of personal health and behavioral aspects at work included in the criteria of good, aspects of body hygiene included in the criteria quite good, while the aspect of clothing that is used when working is included in the criteria of bad. The percentage of the personal hygiene application of bread factory employees in the city of Bandung in general is a small part included in the criteria of good and more than half included in the criteria quite good. Recommendations from this study are expected the factory management can work together with related institutions to conduct counseling or training on the importance of personal hygiene for food processing employees, as well as providing other facilities and infrastructure that supports employee personal hygiene. Recommendations for further researchers can carry out further research on sanitation and hygiene of bread factories in the city of Bandung. Key Words : Personal Hygiene, Employees, Bakerie