66 research outputs found

    Non-invasive estimation of muscle fibre size from high-density electromyography

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    Because of the biophysical relation between muscle fibre diameter and the propagation velocity of action potentials along the muscle fibres, motor unit conduction velocity could be a non-invasive index of muscle fibre size in humans. However, the relation between motor unit conduction velocity and fibre size has been only assessed indirectly in animal models and in human patients with invasive intramuscular EMG recordings, or it has been mathematically derived from computer simulations. By combining advanced non-invasive techniques to record motor unit activity in vivo, i.e. high-density surface EMG, with the gold standard technique for muscle tissue sampling, i.e. muscle biopsy, here we investigated the relation between the conduction velocity of populations of motor units identified from the biceps brachii muscle, and muscle fibre diameter. We demonstrate the possibility of predicting muscle fibre diameter (R2 = 0.66) and cross-sectional area (R2 = 0.65) from conduction velocity estimates with low systematic bias (∼2% and ∼4% respectively) and a relatively low margin of individual error (∼8% and ∼16%, respectively). The proposed neuromuscular interface opens new perspectives in the use of high-density EMG as a non-invasive tool to estimate muscle fibre size without the need of surgical biopsy sampling. The non-invasive nature of high-density surface EMG for the assessment of muscle fibre size may be useful in studies monitoring child development, ageing, space and exercise physiology, although the applicability and validity of the proposed methodology need to be more directly assessed in these specific populations by future studies

    Gene coexpression clusters and putative regulatory elements underlying seed storage reserve accumulation in Arabidopsis

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    Abstract Background In Arabidopsis, a large number of genes involved in the accumulation of seed storage reserves during seed development have been characterized, but the relationship of gene expression and regulation underlying this physiological process remains poorly understood. A more holistic view of this molecular interplay will help in the further study of the regulatory mechanisms controlling seed storage compound accumulation. Results We identified gene coexpression networks in the transcriptome of developing Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) seeds from the globular to mature embryo stages by analyzing publicly accessible microarray datasets. Genes encoding the known enzymes in the fatty acid biosynthesis pathway were found in one coexpression subnetwork (or cluster), while genes encoding oleosins and seed storage proteins were identified in another subnetwork with a distinct expression profile. In the triacylglycerol assembly pathway, only the genes encoding diacylglycerol acyltransferase 1 (DGAT1) and a putative cytosolic "type 3" DGAT exhibited a similar expression pattern with genes encoding oleosins. We also detected a large number of putative cis-acting regulatory elements in the promoter regions of these genes, and promoter motifs for LEC1 (LEAFY COTYLEDON 1), DOF (DNA-binding-with-One-Finger), GATA, and MYB transcription factors (TF), as well as SORLIP5 (Sequences Over-Represented in Light-Induced Promoters 5), are overrepresented in the promoter regions of fatty acid biosynthetic genes. The conserved CCAAT motifs for B3-domain TFs and binding sites for bZIP (basic-leucine zipper) TFs are enriched in the promoters of genes encoding oleosins and seed storage proteins. Conclusions Genes involved in the accumulation of seed storage reserves are expressed in distinct patterns and regulated by different TFs. The gene coexpression clusters and putative regulatory elements presented here provide a useful resource for further experimental characterization of protein interactions and regulatory networks in this process.</p

    A higher effort-based paradigm in physical activity and exercise for public health: making the case for a greater emphasis on resistance training

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    It is well known that physical activity and exercise is associated with a lower risk of a range of morbidities and all-cause mortality. Further, it appears that risk reductions are greater when physical activity and/or exercise is performed at a higher intensity of effort. Why this may be the case is perhaps explained by the accumulating evidence linking physical fitness and performance outcomes (e.g. cardiorespiratory fitness, strength, and muscle mass) also to morbidity and mortality risk. Current guidelines about the performance of moderate/vigorous physical activity using aerobic exercise modes focuses upon the accumulation of a minimum volume of physical activity and/or exercise, and have thus far produced disappointing outcomes. As such there has been increased interest in the use of higher effort physical activity and exercise as being potentially more efficacious. Though there is currently debate as to the effectiveness of public health prescription based around higher effort physical activity and exercise, most discussion around this has focused upon modes considered to be traditionally ‘aerobic’ (e.g. running, cycling, rowing, swimming etc.). A mode customarily performed to a relatively high intensity of effort that we believe has been overlooked is resistance training. Current guidelines do include recommendations to engage in ‘muscle strengthening activities’ though there has been very little emphasis upon these modes in either research or public health effort. As such the purpose of this debate article is to discuss the emerging higher effort paradigm in physical activity and exercise for public health and to make a case for why there should be a greater emphasis placed upon resistance training as a mode in this paradigm shift

    Behavior of motor units during submaximal isometric contractions in chronically strength-trained individuals

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    Neural and morphological adaptations combine to underpin the enhanced muscle strength following prolonged exposure to strength training, although their relative importance remains unclear. We investigated the contribution of motor unit (MU) behavior and muscle size to submaximal force production in chronically strength-trained athletes (ST) versus untrained controls (UT). Sixteen ST (age: 22.9 ± 3.5 yr; training experience: 5.9 ± 3.5 yr) and 14 UT (age: 20.4 ± 2.3 yr) performed maximal voluntary isometric force (MViF) and ramp contractions (at 15%, 35%, 50%, and 70% MViF) with elbow flexors, whilst high-density surface electromyography (HDsEMG) was recorded from the biceps brachii (BB). Recruitment thresholds (RTs) and discharge rates (DRs) of MUs identified from the submaximal contractions were assessed. The neural drive-to-muscle gain was estimated from the relation between changes in force (DFORCE, i.e. muscle output) relative to changes in MU DR (DDR, i.e. neural input). BB maximum anatomical cross-sectional area (ACSAMAX) was also assessed by MRI. MViF (+64.8% vs. UT, P < 0.001) and BB ACSAMAX (+71.9%, P < 0.001) were higher in ST. Absolute MU RT was higher in ST (+62.6%, P < 0.001), but occurred at similar normalized forces. MU DR did not differ between groups at the same normalized forces. The absolute slope of the ΔFORCE - ΔDR relationship was higher in ST (+66.9%, P = 0.002), whereas it did not differ for normalized values. We observed similar MU behavior between ST athletes and UT controls. The greater absolute force-generating capacity of ST for the same neural input demonstrates that morphological, rather than neural, factors are the predominant mechanism for their enhanced force generation during submaximal efforts