73 research outputs found

    PKM Pemanfaatan Limbah Kurma Dan Buahnya Menjadi Minuman Kopi, Susu Kurma Pada UMK OEMAH KURMA “NAF” Di Kelurahan MedokanAyu, Kecamatan Rungkut, Kota Surabaya

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    Kegiatan  PKM  ini  akan  bekerja  sama  dengan  mitra  pengusaha  kecil  yang memanfaatkan  limbah  kurma  berupa  biji  kurma  yang  dibuat  kopi  dan  buah  kurmanya  diolah menjadi susu kurma. Biji kurma yang biasanya dibuang dan menjadi limbah ,oleh Ibu Sulastri sebagai  pemilik  UMK  Oemah  Kurma  “NAF”  dimanfaatkan  menjadi  kopi  kurma  yang  nikmat rasanya  dan  tidak  berkafein.  Disamping  mengolah  limbah  biji  kurma  UMK  Oemah  Kurma “NAF”  mengolah  buah  kurma  menjadi  berbagai  olahan  pangan  antara  lain  minuman  susu kurma,  jus  kurma,    kue-kue  berbahan  kurma  yang  telah  dipasarkan  keseluruh  wilayah    Kota Surabaya. Usaha ini telah berjalan sejak tahun 2018, dengan rata-rata produksi  200-300 botol per  bulan.  UMK  Oemah  Kurma  “NAF”  belum  mampu  memenuhi  pemintaan  dikarenakan :belum memiliki mesin penggiling kopi sendiri, kapasitas blender yang kecil,  masih rendahnya pengetahuan Manajemen Usaha dan Pemasaran, dan jangkauan pemasaran yang masih dalam lingkup Kota Surabaya. Solusi yang ditawarkandan Metode Pelaksanaan : 1.Pengadaan teknologi tepat guna. 2.Pelatihan  Ketrampilan  pemakaian  alat  serta  Pelatihan  Pembukuan  Sederhana  & Pendampingan. 3.Pembuatan Media Pemasaran : Brosur, Kartu Nama dan Banner.  4. Metode pelatihan dan pendampingan Learning By Doing, dan Metode Partisipatif.  Hasil kegiatan: Introdusir, mesin Gilingan Kopi dan blender membuat hasil produksi kopi dan susu  kurma  semakin  meningkat,  selain  itu,  dengan  fasilitasi  Brosur,  Kartu  Nama  dan  Banner yang dapat digunakan agar produknya dapat lebih dikenal masyarakat luas.   Kata Kunci : Kurma, Biji Kurma, Pengolahan Limbah Kurma


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    The objectives of this research were to examine and analyze: (1) the effect of entrepreneurial orientation toward marketing performance, (2) the effect of market orientation toward marketing performance, (3) the effects of market turbulence and culture on the strong/weak impact of entrepreneurial orientation toward marketing performance, (4) the effects of market turbulence and culture on the strong/weak impact of market orientation toward marketing performance. The populations of this study were all “Melati” hotels in East Java, as many as 463 hotels spread across cities/regencies in East Java. The sample units were the “Melati” hotels and the respondents were the owners/managers of “Melati” hotels, as many as 90 people. The samples were determined through two stages: the sample area was determined by using Judgment Sampling and the sample of hotels in each city/region which have been selected was defined by Proportional Area Random Sampling. The data analysis used was PLS (Partial least Square). The research result showed that entrepreneurial orientation did not have a significant effect on marketing performance. It was evident that market orientation was influential to marketing performance. The market turbulence as a moderating variable weakened the influence of entrepreneurial orientation and market orientation toward marketing performance. Culture is obviously a moderating effect on entrepreneurial orientation toward marketing performance. There was a coefficient of positive interaction, therefore, culture as the moderator strengthened the influence of entrepreneurial orientation toward marketing performanc


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    The objectives of this research were to examine and analyze: (1) the effect of entrepreneurial orientation toward marketing performance, (2) the effect of market orientation toward marketing performance, (3) the effects of market turbulence and culture on the strong/weak impact of entrepreneurial orientation toward marketing performance, (4) the effects of market turbulence and culture on the strong/weak impact of market orientation toward marketing performance. The populations of this study were all “Melati” hotels in East Java, as many as 463 hotels spread across cities/regencies in East Java. The sample units were the “Melati” hotels and the respondents were the owners/managers of “Melati” hotels, as many as 90 people. The samples were determined through two stages: the sample area was determined by using Judgment Sampling and the sample of hotels in each city/region which have been selected was defined by Proportional Area Random Sampling. The data analysis used was PLS (Partial least Square). The research result showed that entrepreneurial orientation did not have a significant effect on marketing performance. It was evident that market orientation was influential to marketing performance. The market turbulence as a moderating variable weakened the influence of entrepreneurial orientation and market orientation toward marketing performance. Culture is obviously a moderating effect on entrepreneurial orientation toward marketing performance. There was a coefficient of positive interaction, therefore, culture as the moderator strengthened the influence of entrepreneurial orientation toward marketing performanc

    Pengaruh Pembayaran SPaylater dan Potongan Harga terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Produk Fashion pada pengguna Shopee di Surabaya

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    Needs are everything that is needed by humans to maintain and develop their survival, the form of needs can be in the form of goods and services. In the current 5.0 era, people have started using marketplace applications to meet their needs, which provide various needs such as clothing, electronic devices, food, etc. One of them is the Shopee marketplace, Shopee does a lot of promotions to attract potential customers. Promotions provided by the Shopee marketplace are providing SPaylater payment facilities and price discounts to attract consumers to use and purchase goods or services at Shopee. Therefore, this research was carried out with the aim of analyzing whether Spaylater Payments and Price Discounts affect Purchase Decisions for fashion products for Shopee users in Surabaya, this research is a type of Quantitative research, the object of this research is consumers who have purchased fashion products from Shopee users in Surabaya. with a total sample of 100 using a purposive non-probability sampling technique. The data collection technique in this study used an electronic questionnaire included in the Google form, and will then be analyzed with the help of the SPSS application. The results that have been obtained from a series of tests that have been carried out, namely the SPaylater Payment Variable and Price Discounts, have an influence on the Purchase Decision of fashion products for Shopee users in Surabaya

    Analisis Pengaruh Bauran Pemasaran Jasa Terhadap Minat Pengunjung Pada Obyek Wisata Museum Kesehatan Dr. Adhyatma, MPH Surabaya

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    The role of museums in Indonesian society is still very minimal. From a marketing perspective, it can be said museum in Indonesia have not been utilizing the concept of marketing communication. One of the museum in Surabaya is the Museum of Health Dr. Adhyatma, MPH. For the manager of the museum 's need to pay attention to the factors that can stimulate consumers are sourced from marketers or often called the marketing mix, such as: product, price, promotion, place, people, process, physical evidence, so as to improve customer service visit the visitor's interest Health Museum of Dr. Adhyatma, MPH Surabaya. This research was conducted in order to determine and analyze the influence of eight factors of marketing mix to interest visitors to visit the Museum of Health Dr Adhyatma, MPH Surabaya. In terms of the method used, this study is a conclusive studies with statistical hypothesis testing coupled with the aim to test the hypotheses put forward. Form of survey research design, the research conducted by distributing questionnaires. The samples were 135 visitors Museums of Health Dr. Adhyatma, MPH Surabaya. The scale of measurement in this study is using a Likert Scale. The analysis technique used Structural Equation Modeling ( SEM ). The conclusion that can be drawn from this finding is variable product, price, promotion, place, people, process, physical evidence, and customer service significant positive effect on the interest of visitors to the Museum of Health Dr. Adhyatma, MPH Surabaya. In connection with the matter, the manager of the museum needs to provide training to employees on a regular basis and in accordance with their respective sectors, respectively, so that later an employee is able to provide fast service and appropriate expectations of visitors.Keywords: product, price, promotion, place, people, process, physical evidence, customer service and visitor interes


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    In today's modern era, the need for the world of fashion is getting bigger.  Various types of brands have sprung up in Indonesia.  One of them is the Ergo brand.  Erigo is one of the local clothing brand names that elevates and promotes products that are comfortable to wear, affordable prices, varied designs and motifs, and a large selection of colors that make Erigo much in demand by buyers.  In this study, it explains the effect of Brand Awareness and Digital Marketing on Purchasing Decisions of Erigo products for students at the University of 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya.  This study aims to determine how significant the influence of Brand Awareness and Digital Marketing on the Purchase Decision of Erigo products for students at the University of 17 August 1945 Surabaya.  This study used a quantitative method with a questionnaire research instrument or a questionnaire made by the researcher himself.  The population in this study were students at the University of 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya who had bought Erigo products.  The data analysis technique used in this research is instrument test, classical assumption test, multiple linear regression test, determination test, and hypothesis test.  The results of this study indicate that Brand Awareness and Digital Marketing have a positive and significant influence, either partially or simultaneously on the Purchase Decision of Erigo products for students at the University of 17 August 1945 Surabaya

    Pengaruh Harga Inovasi Produk Dan Promosi Melalui Media Online Instagram Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Survey Pada Konsumen Di Toko Handmade Shoes Surabaya)

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    ABSTRACT               The company must determine the marketing strategy used to compete. The marketing strategy applies the target market and marketing mix or better known as 4P (product, place, price and promotion). Companies are competing to dominate market share. By having a unique product, consumers will be interested, in this way the company will dominate the market. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Price, Product Innovation and Promotion on Consumer Purchasing Decisions in Surabaya Handmade Shoes Stores. As for supporting this research, the authors use quantitative methods with survey research using questionnaires as instruments. The population in this study were consumers who bought bags and shoes at the Handmade Shoes Store in Surabaya. The sample of this study used a non-probability sampling method (non-random sampling) with a purposive sampling technique of 100 respondents. The data analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that all independent variables namely Price, Product Innovation and Promotion through Instagram Online Media have a positive influence on the dependent variable namely the Purchasing Decision.Keywords: Price, Product Innovation, Promotion and Purchasing Decisions


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    Abstrack The bussiness world is growing rapidly everyday. This situation make the enterpreneurs doing varrious efforts to create a superior product to make consumers buy their products. The entrepreneurs need the right strategy to create a product with a good quality and different with the products from their competitors. The aims of this research is to find out and analyze the influence of product quality, product design, and brand image on purcase decision of Exsport bag in Surabaya. The type of research used is quantitaive. The data was collected by quesionnare. The population in this research is consumers which have bought the Exsport bags in Surabaya. The sample that used is non probability sampling methods with purposive sampling technique, with a sample of 96 respondents. The data analysis methods used is multiple regression anaylsis, t test, adn F test.The result of this research shows that all the independent variabels that are product quality, product design, and brand image both partially and simultanously are having a positive and significanly on the dependent variable that is purcase decision. Keywords : Product Quality, Product Design, Brand Image, Purchase Decisio

    Pengaruh Pembayaran SPaylater dan Potongan Harga terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Produk Fashion pada pengguna Shopee di Surabaya

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    Needs are everything that is needed by humans to maintain and develop their survival, the form of needs can be in the form of goods and services. In the current 5.0 era, people have started using marketplace applications to meet their needs, which provide various needs such as clothing, electronic devices, food, etc. One of them is the Shopee marketplace, Shopee does a lot of promotions to attract potential customers. Promotions provided by the Shopee marketplace are providing SPaylater payment facilities and price discounts to attract consumers to use and purchase goods or services at Shopee. Therefore, this research was carried out with the aim of analyzing whether Spaylater Payments and Price Discounts affect Purchase Decisions for fashion products for Shopee users in Surabaya, this research is a type of Quantitative research, the object of this research is consumers who have purchased fashion products from Shopee users in Surabaya. with a total sample of 100 using a purposive non-probability sampling technique. The data collection technique in this study used an electronic questionnaire included in the Google form, and will then be analyzed with the help of the SPSS application. The results that have been obtained from a series of tests that have been carried out, namely the SPaylater Payment Variable and Price Discounts, have an influence on the Purchase Decision of fashion products for Shopee users in Surabay


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    Nowadays, Indonesian soccer in the modern era has begun to move forward into a large industry. Persebaya Surabaya is also known as one of the biggest clubs in Indonesia with the enthusiasm of its supporters. Until finally Persebaya succeeded in opening "Persebaya Store" as a business entity that specializes in selling Persebaya Marchandise Surabaya. The author conducts research with the title "Effect of Brand Image, Product Design, and Product Quality on the purchasing decisions of Persebaya Store products in Surabaya" in order to find out how much influence the brand image, product design, and quality of persebaya store products in consumer purchasing decisions.This research uses puposive sampling technique to determine the number of respondents as much as 96 people. The analysis used in this study is Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. The stages before a regression analysis is carried out by conducting a validity and reliability test, then a classical assumption test is performed. After a regression analysis a partial test (t test), and the coefficient of determination test (R2), and simultaneous significance test (statistical test) f).The results of regression analysis in this study indicate that brand image, product design, and product quality have a positive influence on purchasing decisions with the equation. The The results of the analysis using the t test show that brand image, product design, and product quality have a significant influence individually on purchasing decisions.  Keywords: Brand Image, Product Design, Product Quality