27 research outputs found

    Pegon as Indigenous and the Cultural Confrontation (18-19 century)

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    This study is uncovering a Pegon script as a symbol of Islamic resistance in Java in the 18-19th century. The author argues that the emergence of Pegon Script based on primordial and political reasons because most of the Javanese people were still using symbols and beliefs previous. Therefore, syncretism is a theological fact of the conversion process is not yet complete culture in the Islamization of the Javanese people. Acculturation between Arabic letters and the Java language has become a barometer of local independence Islam in Java since centuries ago. The authors look at the elements of resistance of scholars in the use of the Pegon script. This situation described in the socio-historical context, which showed that the colonialism era was ongoing on Java in the eighteenth to the nineteenth century. While on the other hand, the wave of Islamic Puritanism also became a threat of local Islam. Thus, the Pegon script was a symbol of resistance to colonialism and Islamic exclusivism by the scholars and Javanese people. By the socio-historical approach, this study seeks to explore the symbolic meanings of resistances of Islam in Java by Pegon Script. Keywords: Pegon Script, Islamic Resistance, Colonialism


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    Pandemik CoVID-19 menjadi bencana global, membawa dampak tidak hanya bagi kesehatan dunia, namun semua aspek kehidupan seperti, sosial, ekonomi, politik dan budaya, agama dan pendidikan. Hal ini menunjukkan masyarakat berada dalam situasi yang penuh risiko. Ancaman-ancaman massal seperti serangan teroris, penyebaran virus, bencana alam dan bencana lainnya akan membahayakan penduduk dunia yang tingkat mobilitas dan konektivitasnya semakin tinggi. Maka diperlukan perhatian yang cukup besar untuk teori persepsi risiko dan peran persepsi risiko dalam pengambilan keputusan. Situasi saat ini memperlihatkan bahwa umat Muslim telah berada pada era masyarakat risiko. Hal ini tidak serta merta berarti bahwa semua semua aspek kehidupan berisiko, namun kehidupan akan selalu diwarnai oleh berbagai risiko yang akan mempengaruhi proses di masyarakat. Artikel ini mencoba menganalisa konteks sosial masyarakat Muslim modern dengan perspektif sosiologi masyarakat berisiko khususnya pada masa pandemik CoVID-19. Pandemi Covid-19 juga memperlihatkan bahwa sesungguhnya Negara-negara tidak siap, nampak pada sulitnya Negara mengontrol disiplin dan tanggung jawab masyarakat, yang semakin menunjukkan ketidaksiapan dalam menghadapi masyarakat berisiko. Dalam hal ini dibutuhkan tidak hanya tata kelola publik yang baik namun juga tata kelola risiko di tengah kompleksitas masyarakat dinamis


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    Pandemik CoVID-19 menjadi bencana global, membawa dampak tidak hanya bagi kesehatan dunia, namun semua aspek kehidupan seperti, sosial, ekonomi, politik dan budaya, agama dan pendidikan. Hal ini menunjukkan masyarakat berada dalam situasi yang penuh risiko. Ancaman-ancaman massal seperti serangan teroris, penyebaran virus, bencana alam dan bencana lainnya akan membahayakan penduduk dunia yang tingkat mobilitas dan konektivitasnya semakin tinggi. Maka diperlukan perhatian yang cukup besar untuk teori persepsi risiko dan peran persepsi risiko dalam pengambilan keputusan. Situasi saat ini memperlihatkan bahwa umat Muslim telah berada pada era masyarakat risiko. Hal ini tidak serta merta berarti bahwa semua semua aspek kehidupan berisiko, namun kehidupan akan selalu diwarnai oleh berbagai risiko yang akan mempengaruhi proses di masyarakat. Artikel ini mencoba menganalisa konteks sosial masyarakat Muslim modern dengan perspektif sosiologi masyarakat berisiko khususnya pada masa pandemik CoVID-19. Pandemi Covid-19 juga memperlihatkan bahwa sesungguhnya Negara-negara tidak siap, nampak pada sulitnya Negara mengontrol disiplin dan tanggung jawab masyarakat, yang semakin menunjukkan ketidaksiapan dalam menghadapi masyarakat berisiko. Dalam hal ini dibutuhkan tidak hanya tata kelola publik yang baik namun juga tata kelola risiko di tengah kompleksitas masyarakat dinamis


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    Internationalization has become a trend in Indonesian higher education for late decades. Indonesian universities are competing to implement the internationalization program in various ways. However, internationalization programs at Islamic universities are often translated differently depending on the philosophy underlying the university, the leadership implemented in the university and the available resources. One of the internationalization programs upheld in the Islamic university is student mobility including inbound and outbound that can be an entrance to the development of the international programs. Student mobility programs seem to be strategic in strengthening relations among universities in this global era. In addition, this can be the first step in the internationalization of higher education institutions. Each university has its uniqueness and excellency so that this uniqueness can be used as a characteristic for a university in conducting the student mobility program. In this disruption era its very important to let students study from the real experience of global challenge. This article presents the concept of Islamic world view in the formulation of the strategy of internationalization of Universitas Islam Sultan Agung (UNISSULA). There are two major points addressed in this article. First is related to the Islamic philosophy employed in the university. It starts from how Islamic philosophy is carried out in student mobility program and how it has been practiced in the global context. Technically this concept is reflected in the process of preparing the nominated students, equalizing the curriculum and recruiting prospective student mobility programs. Second is related to the challenge and opportunities for student mobility as the internationalization strategy. This study about student mobility as an internationalization strategy began in 2015- 2018 by taking two countries, Netherland and Korea, for inbound and outbound programs. The consideration of taking these two cases is to represent the characteristics (though not all) of the European and Asian regions. That the internationalization process is not only formed by sending Indonesian students abroad but also the acceptance of overseas students in Indonesia. Foreign partner students must also understand that being international does not only mean going or going to "west." However, other countries other than the US, Europe, and Australia are essential parts that shape the International itself. Keywords: Internationalization, student mobility, international cooperation, globalization


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    ABSTRACTPhilosophy and education are two things that cannot be separated. Philosophy is the basic foundation or direction for achieving the implementation and goals of education. Education aims to shape human beings in achieving complete humanity. Even Islam offers a concept of human beings, namely the prototype of humans who carry out their duties as khalifatullah fil ardh; humans who not only have intellectual intelligence (IQ), but also spiritual (SQ) and emotional intelligence (EQ). The problems that arise, complaints about the increasingly widespread individualist, materialist, and pragmatic nature of the community are allegedly because the modern education system ignores the basics of the value of education and only pursues material benefits. This article offers a solution to answer the challenges of education in the modern era which refers to the philosophical value of education. Especially the concept of the philosophy of Islamic education taught by al-Ghazali. In his education philosophy, al-Ghazali did not recognize the separation between religious education and general education without linking of them. There is no aqliyah term without including syar'iyyah. Cognitive aspects are not developed without involving affective and psychomotor aspects at once. Because faith, knowledge, and charity always go side by side. Keywords: Philosophy, al-Ghazali, Education, Modern Era, Islamic Educatio


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    Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan kajian pustaka (Library Research) yang dilakukan dengan berdasarkan karya tulis untuk mencari data dan menggunakan metode kajian deskriptif analitis atau kualitatif yang berfokus pada pengamatan yang mendalam. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Kontribusi Abu Yusuf dalam bidang ekonomi sangat besar, diantara pemikirannya antara lain: konsep keuangan publik yang meliputi tata kelola pendapatan negara dan pendistribusiannya serta mekanisme pasar (supply-demand). Abu Yusuf juga memandang negara yang didalamnya diwakili penguasa wajib memberikan kesejahteraan kepada segenap rakyatnya. Untuk mendukung itu, Abu Yusuf memberikan rekomendasi kebijakan antara lain: memperbaiki sistem perpajakan menjadi lebih transparan dan adil, mengklasifikasikan berbagai sumber yang bisa menjadi pendapatan negara (keuangan publik) serta menyerahkan pembentukan harga barang di pasar lewat mekanisme permintaan dan penawaran secara utuh. Di Indonesia sendiri, pemerintah menerapkan kebijakan keuangan publik yang serupa dengan di era Abu Yusuf. Misalnya Bea cukai yang serupa dengan ‘Usyr di era Abu Yusuf dengan landasan hukum UU No. 1O tahun 1995 yang kemudian mengalami revisi menjadi UU No. 17 tahun 2006. Didalam prinsip penarikan pajak, Indonesia menggunakan self assesment, Sistem ini yang dulu ditentang oleh Abu Yusuf karena menimbulkan kedzaliman dan ketidakadilan. Sealin itu, pemerintah Indonesia juga mengembangkan berbagai proyek yang tujuannya untuk kemaslahatan bersama yaitu dengan mendirikan berbagai BUMN untuk menunjang pembangunan nasional berjalan dengan cepat dan tepat sasaran.Kata Kunci: Abu Yusuf, Ekonomi, Keuangan Publik, Indonesi

    Migrant Workers and Higher Education: Paradoxes of Democratization of Higher Education

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    Migrant Workers and Higher Education issues seem two different contradictory topics. Many research on migrant workers often associates them with pragmatical activities, the working class, and marginal groups. On the other hand, Higher Education (HE) is more often associated with idealistic spaces, middle classes, and academics environment. This paper presents the phenomenon of Indonesian migrant worker-students in South Korea. We found the increasing number of Indonesian migrant workers who pursue higher education through overseas Indonesian Open University (Universitas Terbuka) in Korea and ICT-based Korean local universities. We examine how migrant workers take advantage of the transformation of higher education. We try to answer whether higher education experienced democratization will reduce social inequality, or on the contrary, it will be trapped in an educational capitalization that sharpens the gap

    TRADISI GREBEG BESAR DI MASYARAKAT KABUPATEN DEMAK (Studi Komparasi Nilai-Nilai Budaya Era Sunan Kalijaga Dan Era Modern)

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    AbstractThis type of research is field research, namely research activities that collect data are done by being directly on the object, especially in an effort to collect data and various information. The object of this research is "The Great Grebeg Tradition in Demak Regency Community (Comparative Study of Cultural Values of the Sunan Kalijaga Era and Modern Era)". The results of this study are to show that big grebeg is a traditional ceremony that has religious ritual value for the citizens of Demak Regency to welcome the coming of Eid Hajj on every 10th of Dhulhijjah, but as the development of the Great Grebeg era is now used as an exhibition venue for the Demak community and its surroundings without reducing the sacred value of the great Grebeg ceremony itself. Many different processions and cultural values of the great Grebeg era of Sunan Kalijaga with the big grebeg held in the modern era, the values contained in the great Grebek era of Sunan Kalijaga Previously the saints held large grebegs as propaganda media, the values contained in the big grebek of the modern era including the means of traditional ceremonies, religion / worship, mutual cooperation, harmony, solidarity, patriotism, leadership, responsibility, ethics, aesthetics, economics. The symbolic meaning of the big grebeg tradition is as a means of respect and a symbol of community unity within the cultural sphere. Keywords: History, Great Grebeg, Tradition

    Mosques as Dangerous Places: Media Framing of Mosques During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Penelitian ini mengkaji artikel berita dari media tentang pemberitaan masjid pada masa pandemi Covid-19. Pembacaan dari kajian tersebut dilakukan secara tekstual (deskriptif) dalam konteks ekonomi politik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis framing yang fokus menganalisis bagaimana media mengkonstruksi masjid selama implementasi kebijakan penutupan masjid. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Kompas.com dan NU.or.id meriwayatkan penutupan masjid secara konservatif dan bahwa kebijakan pemerintah untuk menutup sementara masjid dari aktivitas ibadah umat Islam merupakan suatu keharusan yang tidak dapat ditentang oleh umat Islam. Sedangkan Republika.co.id dan Suaramuhammadiyah. Id terbingkai dalam narasi kritis bahwa penutupan masjid merupakan kebijakan pemerintah yang tidak konsisten dan diskriminatif. Analisis pada kajian ini meliputi politik redaksional media dalam pemberitaan masjid pada masa Pelaksanaan Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat (PPKM). Kajian difokuskan pada Kompas Online, Republika Online, NU Online, dan Suaramuhammadiyah Online. Kepentingan bisnis media dapat membingkai ideologi media dan politik serta salah dalam menggambarkan kontribusi konstruktif umat Islam untuk memerangi COVID-19

    Dialectics of Transnational Mobility, Class, and Cultural Intermediary among Indonesian Migrant Worker-Students in South Korea

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    Cosmopolitanism among migrant workers may present the result of interpretations between transnational mobility, class, and cultural intermediary. The purposes of this study describe the dynamics of travel and immigration, and higher education experiences that have let Indonesian migrant workers at work in any place both in and out of campus areas and how the transformational processes of the migrant worker from transnational into cosmopolitan. Applying the ethnographic method this research was carried out during 2018-2019, which took Indonesian migrant worker-students aged 20-35 years in South Korea as informants. This research found that the broader social, cultural, and individual agendas are one way of recognizing a new cosmopolitanism. There are two factors that influence the cosmopolitanism process of Indonesian migrant workers; first, the transnational migration process. Second, the process of cultural intermediation in universities. This study reveals significant differences in how Indonesian migrant workers respond to the possibilities and opportunities of transnational mobility, from developing the cultural acceptance skills needed in their life trajectories to building network relationships with other transnational actors. Higher education for migrant workers has introduced another form of work, namely cultural intermediation, which can be seen as a cosmopolitan process._________The original draft of this article has been presented on the International Conference on Language, Linguistics, and Literature (COLALITE) UNSOED, 2020