269 research outputs found

    Temps de travail, temps de prière : les entrepreneurs algériens face à l’irruption du sacré dans l’entreprise

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    S’appuyant sur une enquête qualitative conduite en Kabylie (Algérie), cet article se propose d’analyser la gestion du temps par les entrepreneurs algériens à l’heure où le pays opère sa transition d’un modèle de développement fortement dirigiste à une économie de marché, avec tout ce que cette mutation implique comme transformation dans les attitudes et les comportements sociaux des individus, tant vis-à-vis du travail qu’à l’égard du temps. L’article met l’accent notamment sur les conflits de temporalité entre les rythmes de la production industrielle et les prescriptions religieuses, qui donnent lieu à une véritable négociation entre l’entrepreneur et ses salariés.Based on a qualitative study conducted in Kabylie, Algeria, this article analyses the time management of Algerian employers at the moment when the country was undergoing its transition from a strongly dirigiste model of development to a market economy, including all that involved for individuals’ attitudinal and behavioural change with respect to time as well as to work. The article focuses particularly on conflicts arising from the time frames of industrial production and religious practice. These led to a significant negotiation between employer and employee

    Entrepreneurs d'ici et de là-bas

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    National audienceL’objectif de cet article est d’analyser la manière dont les entrepreneurs d’origine maghrébine en France contribuent au développement de leur pays d’origine. Au-delà de l’apport caractérisé par l’envoi de l’argent aux membres de la famille restés au pays, il s’agit plus largement ici de s’interroger sur les reconfigurations du lien entre migration et développement. Repenser le lien au pays d’origine s’impose à l’heure même où l’on assiste en France à l’émergence de nouvelles figures de l’immigration ayant connu une mobilité sociale ascendante et qui peuvent jouer un rôle important dans le processus de développement de leur pays d’origine (investir, créer des emplois et réduire la pauvreté). De la même façon, l’expérience entrepreneuriale est également une forme de quête identitaire forte dans le sens où les circulations entre ici et là-bas sont à la fois une forme d’affirmation de soi que l’expression d’une identité fragmentée et clivée entre l’ici et là-bas

    Travail et organisation du travail dans les PME algériennes

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    S’appuyant sur une enquête de terrain et une monographie d’une entreprise de montage, de commercialisation et d’installation de chambres froides à Béjaia (Petite Kabylie), cet article a pour objet d’analyser la question de l’organisation du travail et des relations sociales dans les petites et moyennes entreprises algériennes à l’heure où le pays entame sa transition d’une économie dirigée où la grande entreprise publique était la norme industrielle dominante à une économie de marché qui semble désormais réhabiliter la petite entreprise. Il s’agit de s’interroger entre autres sur les modes spécifiques ou dominants de gestion de la main-d’œuvre et de voir si l’on n’assiste pas finalement à l’émergence dans ces petites structures d’un processus allant dans le sens de la gestion rationalisée et modernisée des ressources humaines.Based on field research and the monography of a company involved in the assembly, marketing and installation of cold storage rooms in Béjaia (Small Kabylia), this article aims to analyze the organization of work and social relationships in small and medium-sized enterprises in Algeria at a time when the country begins its transition from a socialist economy where the large public company was the dominant industrial norm to a market economy that now seems to rehabilitate small businesses. Among other questions, the article examines the specific or dominant modes of management of the workforce and considers whether one is not witnessing in the end the emergence in these small structures of a process tending towards the modernized and streamlined management of human resources

    On some Properties of Forward and Backward Stochastic Differential Equations with Jumps

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    The aim of this Ph.D. thesis is to study the problem of existence and uniqueness by relaxing the Lipschitz condition on generators of backward stochastic differential equations with jumps. The first topic deals with multidimensional Markovian BSDEs driven by a Poisson random measure and independent Brownian motion. Existence results for such equations with continuous generators that satisfy the usual linear growth condition are proved. The second topic is concerned with a class of quadratic BSDEs with jumps where the generators show quadratic growth in the Brownian component and non-linear functional form with respect to the jump term. We establish the existence (and sometimes the uniqueness) of solutions as well as a comparison and strict comparison principles under no monotonicity condition in the third argument of the generator. Probabilistic representations of solutions to some classes of quadratic partial integral differential equations are given by means of solutions of these QBSDEJs. This thesis presents three chapters. The first chapter focuses on the existence and uniqueness of the solution to multidimensional Markovian BSDEJs under the global Lipschitz property of the generator and square-terminal value. We prove, under the Lipschitz condition, that the BSDEJ's adapted solution can be represented in terms of a given Markov process and some deterministic functions. The second chapter is concerned with multidimensional Markovian BSDEJs in two cases. In the first case, when the generator is continuous with respect to the first and second variables and satisfies the Lipschitz condition with respect to the third variable. In the second case, when the generator is continuous with respect to the three variables. The existence of a solution (not necessarily unique) to BSDEJs under study is proved by using the so-called L^2-domination technique and some regularization and approximations arguments. Furthermore, some special cases of linear and sub-linear growth conditions and the regularity of the generator are discussed. We conclude this chapter with several examples of the Markov process having the L^2-domination property. The third chapter is devoted to the existence and/or uniqueness of the solutions to a variety of types of QBSDEJs. More precisely, the solvability of some QBSDEJs via several examples dealing with different generators of other quadratic forms. Furthermore, two comparison theorems are established. Finally, this chapter deals with the relationship between quadratic BSDEJs and QPIDEs with measurable generators. This connection provides a probabilistic representation of viscosity solutions of some QPIDEs, which is proved by means of the Feynman-Kac formula

    Les incendies de forêt en Algérie. Historique, bilan et analyse

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    L'auteur essaie, à partir d'une analyse historique et statistique, de montrer la place du feu dans l'écosystème forestier en Algérie. Il arrive à la conclusion que l'homme, par ses différentes activités a été et est encore la cause principale de tout déclenchement du feu, du fait de ses anciennes habitudes agricoles et pastorales. Il estime que, pendant la seule période correspondant à la guerre de libération, presque la moitié de la végétation de la forêt algérienne a été la proie de nombreux feux et que depuis, la fréquence des incendies de forêts ne cesse de s'accroître. Ce sont les forêts de pin d'Alep qui ont le plus brûlé. Il conclut que, dans l'avenir, toute politique de protection des forêts contre les incendies doit impérativement prendre en compte le volet socio-économique, les populations riveraines étant les protecteurs potentiels des forêts

    Les pratiques managériales dans les PME algérienne, quel impact sur leurs développements : Cas des PME de la région de la soummam

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    إن عدم الاهتمام من قبل السلطات العامة بسبب هيمنة نموذج الشركات الكبرى، رأت المؤسسات الصغرى والمتوسطة في الجزائر نفسها بدون مصداقيتها وتتسم بالركود في ظل النظام الاشتراكي. كما هو الحال في العديد من البلدان ، كان مرجع السياسات الصناعية في الجزائر في السنوات التي أعقبت الاستقلال هي الشركات الكبرى.Neglected by the public authorities because of the predominance of the paradigm of big business and the gigantism of the years of interventionism, the SME in Algeria saw itself discredited or even stigmatized under the socialist regime. As in many countries, the referent for industrial policies in Algeria in the years after independence was big business.Négligées par les pouvoir publics à cause de la prédominance du paradigme de la grande entreprise et du gigantisme des années du dirigisme, la pme en Algérie se voyait déconsidérées voir même stigmatisée sous le régime socialiste. Comme dans beaucoup de pays, le référent des politiques industrielles en Algérie dans les années poste indépendance étaient la grande entreprise

    Chronic dehydration affects hydroelectrolytic equilibrium and adrenal gland morphology in wistar rat: comparison with Gerbillus tarabuli

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    Shortage of water supply is the most stressful condition that can meet man and animals. Since the adrenal gland plays a pivotal role in the stress response, the objective of this work is to study, in the male Wistar rat, the repercussions of chronic dehydration on adrenal gland structure compared to that of a desert rodent: Gerbillus tarabuli. Adults and male Wistar rats and gerbils were divided into: i) control rats (n=8) given free access to tap water); ii) dehydrated rats (n=8) given 2% NaCl solution ad libitum for 7 days and (iii) G.tarabuli (n=6) given barely seeds ad libitum without access to water. Chronic dehydration caused strong adreno-chromaffin cells degranulation in rats. For the gerbils, adrenal zona fasciculate and medulla features suggest respectively an increased production and release of glucocorticoides but a basal stress hormones release. These results suppose that shortage of water in arid environment does not represent a stress factor for this species.Keywords: adrenal gland; chronic dehydration; plasmatic parameters; histology; Wistar rat; Gerbillus tarabul

    Monitoring Forest Recovery Following Wildfire and Harvest in Boreal Forests Using Satellite Imagery

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    In eastern Canada, spruces (Picea spp.) and pines (Pinus spp.) are among the main commercial species being logged for their lumber or wood fiber. Annually, about 175 million seedlings are planted in areas totaling ~100,000 ha. Appropriate microsite selection is essential during reforestation operations, given that it can improve the chances of survival and initial growth of the seedlings. In fir (Abies spp.) and spruce forests of eastern Canada, the optimal characteristics of establishment microsites have yet to be identified; these would be determined by different physical and climatic variables operating at several scales. Our study determined the influence of climatic (regional-scale), edaphic (stand-scale), local (microsite-scale) and planting conditions on the establishment substrate and initial growth of black spruce (Picea mariana Britton, Sterns and Poggenb.) and jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.). Substrate characterization and growth monitoring (three growing seasons) for the two species were conducted on 29 planted cutblocks that were distributed over an east-west climatic gradient (precipitation and temperature) in the balsam fir and black spruce-feather moss forests of Quebec (Canada). Linear mixed models and multivariate analyses (PCAs) determined the effects of climatic, edaphic and micro-environmental variables and their interactions on the establishment substrate and seedling initial growth. The predictive models explained, respectively, 61% and 75% of the growth variability of black spruce and jack pine. Successful establishment of black spruce and jack pine depended upon regional conditions of precipitations and temperature, as well as on their interactions with stand-scale edaphic variables (surface deposit, drainage and slope) and local variables (micro-environmental) at the microsite-scale (establishment substrate types and substrate temperature). Mineral, organo-mineral and organic establishment substrates exerted mixed effects on seedling growth according to regional precipitation and temperature conditions, as well as their interactions with edaphic and local variables at the stand and microsite-scales, respectively

    Anti-inflammatory and healing effect of leaf-flower mixture extract of Cytisus triflorus L

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    Objective: The present study aims to study the anti-inflammatory and healing effects of the crude leaf and flower mixture extract of Cytisus triflorus L., known in Algeria as Igoulli. Methodology and results: The method consists of studying the anti-inflammatory effect by measuring the diameter of edema of the paw of rats that received carrageenan. In addition, 2 cm diameter circular incision wounds were made in rats to evaluate the healing activity of the crude leaf and flower mixture extract of Cytisus triflorus L. at doses of 200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg. The anti-inflammatory effect of C. triflorus showed that E.Br at the dose 400 mg has the higher activity, which induces a significant decrease in the thickness of the rat paw from the second hour, its effects being similar to those of Diclofenac. The percentages of inhibition of edema at 4 h and 6 h are 80.05 and 88.56% for E.Br and Diclofenac respectively. With respect to healing activity, the results show that after 18 days, complete healing was achieved with almost two concentrations of crude C. triflorus, tissue remodeling and reoccurrence of hair was observed at level of scars. Conclusion: The results of the study show that the leaf extract and flower extract of Cytisus triflorus L. has healing and anti-inflammatory properties that could justify the use of this plant in traditional medicine against inflammatory diseases. Keywords: Cytisus triflorus, anti-inflammatory, healing activity