242 research outputs found

    Internet Advertising in France vs. Slovakia (comparison study)

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    Advertising, marketing and commercial activities on the Internet are the most recent trends of the last few years. In most countries of the world, the Internet is operated on a fully commercial basis. More than a half of its users need it for commercial purposes. Marketing experts in businesses are the main users of information from the Internet. This article is focused at the customer’s view at the Internet advertising in France a compare the results of the France and previous Slovak marketing researches. Keywords: Internet marketing, internet advertising, Internet advertising acceptation, France, Slovaki

    Exploration of factors that influence Plasmodium falciparum fitness and virulence

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    Malaria is an ancient disease that still has profound impact on human population. The virulence of the most lethal malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, can be attributed to several features of the parasite. P. falciparum is known for its indiscriminate red blood cell (RBC) invasion and aptitude for cytoadherence. The latter is associated with various disease pathologies. Thisthesis explores factors that influence the virulence and fitness of P. falciparum, both from the host and parasite perspective. The association between ABO blood groups and protection from severe malaria has sparked many studies, and blood group O has emerged as protective against severe disease. This protection has been attributed to the binding of uninfected RBCs (uRBC) by the parasitized RBC (pRBC), a mechanism known as rosetting. Using a robust high-throughput flow cytometric method, we characterized rosetting for six parasite strains/isolates in all four major ABO blood groups. Rosettes formed in non-O blood shielded the major parasite surface antigen (PfEMP1) from antibody recognition. As blood group A is further subdivided based on qualitative and quantitative properties of the A-antigen, we found that levels of A-antigen on RBCs were positively correlated with rosette sturdiness against disruption by heparin and antibodies. RIFINs, another large family of surface antigens, has been implicated in blood group A rosetting. Members of this family can be divided into A- and B-RIFINS, depending on cellular localization and parasite stage expression. To set the scene for future studies of RIFINS, we generated and validated antibodies for various antibody-based methods. We identified two nonrosetting RIFIN-expressing parasite lines that had not been characterized before. Their dominant rif transcripts were identified by RNA sequencing. As PfEMP1s along with RIFINs and other surface adhesins must be trafficked and inserted into the pRBC membrane to fulfil their cytoadhesive function, we hypothesized that his process might be affected by varied conditions in the host. Here, we describe the loss of pRBC’s adhesive capacities in acidified environment for rosetting and placental binding parasite stains. The reduction was associated with the loss of surface exposed PfEMP1 due to disturbances in the last steps of PfEMP1 trafficking and membrane insertion. Heparin-derivatives, including sevuparin, have sparked interest as possible adjunctive therapeutics in severe malaria treatment. Here, we investigated the mechanisms behind the invasion inhibition by clinically well-tolerated sevuparin and explored the additional antiparasitic properties of this compound. Sevuparin severely affected parasite intracellular development with delayed schizogony and reduced parasitemia after drug removal. The metabolic disturbances manifested in abnormal morphology, abundant extracellular parasites, and reduction of PfEMP1 on the pRBC surface. Inhibition by sevuparin was distinct from classical plasmodial surface anion channel (PSAC) inhibitors, suggesting the involvement of other channels or transporters. Using protein pull-downs from membranes of pRBCs and uRBCs, we identified putative sevuparin interactomes. Due to the identification of multiple human proteins linked to cation homeostasis and haemolysis, we measured cellular sodium levels. Upon treatment with sevuparin, cellular sodium levels were increased in pRBCs, whereas no differences were noted in uRBCs. In conclusion, we found that A-antigen levels on RBCs affect rosette characteristics, which should be considered in future studies investigating associations between blood group A and risk to develop severe malaria. We have validated tools for the study of RIFIN family of proteins and their possible function in disease pathogenesis. In addition, we demonstrated that PfEMP1 trafficking to the surface is pH sensitive. Finally, we showed that sevuparin has multimodal activity against malaria parasites

    Qualification model spacecraft tests for DEMP, SGEMP, and ESD effects

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    The development of a satellite design demonstration test program is described. The test approach is comprehensive in that it includes the effects from electrostatic discharge (ESD), system generated electromagnetic pulse (SGEMP), as well as dispersed electromagnetic pulses (DEMP). The comprehensive test concept is based on the similarity of the satellite's response to several environments

    What impact do healthcare digital libraries have? An evaluation of national resource of infection control at the point of care using the Impact-ED framework

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    Over the last decade billions of dollars' worth of investments have been directed into ICT solutions for healthcare. In particular, new evidence-based digital libraries and web portals designed to keep busy clinicians up to date with the latest evidence were created in the UK and US. While usability and performance of digital libraries were widely researched, evaluation of impact did not seem to be sufficiently addressed. This is of major concern for healthcare digital libraries as their success or failure has a direct impact on patients' health, clinical practice, government policies and funding initiatives. In order to fill this gap, we developed the Impact-ED evaluation framework measuring impact on four dimensions of digital libraries-content, community, services and technology. Applying a triangulation technique we analysed pre- and post-visit questionnaires to assess the clinical query or aim of the visit and subsequent satisfaction with each visit, mapped it against weblogs analysis for each session and triangulated with data from semi-structured interviews. In this paper, we present the complete description of the Impact-ED framework, a definition of the comparative Impact score and application of the framework to a real-world medical digital library, the National Resource of Infection Control (NRIC, http://www.nric.org.uk), to evaluate its impact at the point of care and demonstrate the generalisability of this novel methodology. We analysed the data from a cohort of 53 users who completed the registration questionnaire, of which 32 completed pre- and post-visit questionnaires of which 72 sets were matched for analysis and five users out of these were interviewed using Dervin's method. NRIC is generally perceived to be a useful resource with 93 % of users reporting it provides relevant information regularly or occasionally (n = 28) and provided relevant information in over 65 % of visits (n = 47). NRIC has a positive impact on user knowledge in over half of visits to the library (52. 8 %), NRIC actual impact score Ia = 0.65 and the study revealed several areas for potential development to increase its impact. © 2012 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

    Ajakirjanike ja sportlaste/treenerite vaheline suhtlus Eesti spordiajakirjanduses

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    Evaluating the Online Activity and Searching Behaviour of Users of a Medical Digital Library

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    The National electronic Library of Infection (NeLI) is a UK-based resource, providing free access to current best-available evidence in Infectious Disease for the public and professionals alike. The content of the NeLI is intended to be developed and maintained by an online community of professionals. The library is currently running as a pilot website and analysis of the behaviour of current users, in particular professionals in the field of infectious disease is necessary to inform development of the new NeLI website. A web log analysis was undertaken for the period January 2002 to June 2003. In particular use by hospital/National Health Service (NHS)-based users was evaluated. Results indicate an increase in activity during the period and an increase in the number of hospital/NHS-based users. Hospital/NHS-based users were more likely to return to the site, spend more time on the site and to view more pages than other users. In addition, a free text search facility was added in July 2003 and an analysis of the queries entered into this search has also informed further library development and will be evaluated in future research. Further research is now necessary to promote the library among professionals and develop the online community

    User Customisation of Agent Profiles in the National electronic Library for Communicable Disease

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    The Internet provides overwhelming amount of medical information. However, healthcare professionals often cannot find the information they need when they need it and if they do the quality may be uncertain. A new Internet digital library, the National electronic Library for Communicable Disease (NeLCD), is addressing this issue by providing a single-entry portal to evidence-based information on treatment, investigation and prevention of communicable disease. Autonomous Intelligent Agents are essential for the development and runtime of the NeLCD library as they perform autonomously a number of tasks related to the search, assist humans in information publishing, the document review process and data exchange. In this paper, we present an application of Intelligent Agents in user profiling and customisation. In particular, they allow users to personalise the search, modify the input controlled vocabulary and customize the search results to better meet their needs. In addition, they can autonomously alert users about new postings according to their interests. Profiling of Intelligent Search Agents (ISA) and Pro-active Alert Agents (PAA) allows extensive customisation of the library according to user’s personal preferences, professional background and medical specialty

    SNAP-testi teise eesti versiooni ebatavalise taju skaala uuring

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    Magistritöö on osa Mittekohaneva ja kohaneva isiksuse küsimustiku (SNAP, The Schedule for Nonadaptive and Adaptive Personality; Clark, 1993, 2009) eesti keelde adapteerimise projektist. Eesmärgiks oli uurida, millisele kohale teiste temperamendi- ja isiksusejoonte seas paigutuvad Ebatavalise taju skaalaga mõõdetavad kognitiivsed moonutused ja kuivõrd võimalik oleks seda kasutada peamiselt A-klastri isiksushäiretega seostuvate “veidrate" joonte mõõtmiseks. Kinnitust leidis Ebatavalise taju skaala ühtsus: sisereliaablus oli hea ning väidetel oli ühisosa, mis kirjeldas iseärasusi enda ja ümbruse tajumisel. Ebatavalise taju skaalaga mõõdetavate kognitiivsete moonutuste esinemine ei olnud seotud I telje psühhootiliste sümptomite ega psühhoaktiivsete ainete tarvitamisega. Tulemusi Ebatavalise taju skaalal ennustasid nii üld- kui patsientide valimis kõige tugevamalt Negatiivse temperamendi ja Õigustatuse skaalad. Ebatavalise taju skaala võimaldas ennustada tulemusi skisotüüpse, piirialase ja nartsissistliku isiksushäire skaaladel.http://tartu.ester.ee/record=b2656628~S1*es