57 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkap opini masyarakat muallaf Kampung Sawah terhadap da’wah Yayasan Al Islam. Metode penelitian: Kualitatif. Hasil penelitian : Pertama, masyarakat Kampung Sawah Kelurahan Jati Melati Pondok Melati Bekasi Jawa Barat sebagian besar memberikan opini yang positif terhadap da’wah Yayasan Al Islam baik itu kegiatan da’wah yang dilakukan oleh Yayasan Al Islam. Kedua, sebagian besar masyarakat memberikan tanggapan yang positif  terhadap keberadaan yayasan Al Islam yaitu memberikan tanggapan bahwa keberadaan Yayasan Al Islam memberikan Manfaat. begitu juga dengan keberadaan Yayasan Al Islam sebagian besar masyarakat kenal dengan keberadaan Yayasan Al Islam. walaupun demikian sebagian besar mmasyarakat Kampung Sawah Kelurahan Jati Melati Pondok Melati Bekasi Jawa Barat tidak pernah mengikuti kegiatan da’wah yang dilakukan oleh Yayasan Al Islam. Ketiga, dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan sebagian besar nara sumber mengatakan dengan adanya Yayasan Al Islam masjid atau mushalla mengalami perkembangan dan ada juga dari para nara sumber mengatakan bahwa masing-masing masjid atau mushalla mengembangkan dirinya sendiri. Keempat, dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan kegiatan-kegiatan yang di lakukan atau yang dijalankan oleh Yayasan Al Islam secara garis besar meliputi bidang pendidikan, bidang keagamaan, bidang sosial, dan bidang kemanusiaan

    ANABUSRA RUMUS ANAK KEREMPENG: Making Students Motivated in Doing Assesment Honestly

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    ANABUSRA RUMUS ANAK KEREMPENG: Making Students motivated in doing assesmenthonestly at SMA Negeri 7 Padang. The purpose of this paper is to outline and to shareexperiences whether" ANABUSRA RUMUS ANAK KEREMPENG technique " can increase themotivation of the learners to perform daily tests honestly. In this case, the honesty in theassessment required as a prelude to setting up the golden generation of character.Thisexperience was written after conducting assessment of learning subjects in English curriculumof 2013. This evaluation technique was done every KD (Kompetensi Dasar or BasicCompetences) and applied in any implementation of daily tests. At first, it was difficult toconduct this way because teacher must formulate a matter of daily tests and continued byanalyzing the test results of students with Anates Application. Not all students who couldaccomplish materials each KD. After that, the results of the tests are distributed to the studentsby signing the form of the return the test results. This activity was followed up by theimplementation of remedial programs for students who were not completed yet and enrichmentprogram for students who were already accomplished. Experience shows that the use of thetechnique of " ANABUSRA RUMUS ANAK KEREMPENG " could increase the motivation oflearners in the learning. Once they saw the test results returned by the teacher, they preparedto take remedial and enrichment programs. They were motivated once wanted to improve theirgrades. With the process of formulating test items that were preceded by analyzing therelationship SKL (passing grade standard), KI (Core Competences), KD (Basic Competences)and IPK (Competences- achieved indicators) which then produced the syllabus, lesson plans,the formulation of questions based on those of the IPK. It was continued by analyzing the testusing Anates, returning the test results of students and implementing remedial and enrichment,so that it made the assessment activities more transparent and the learners were encouragedmore to improve the achievement of learning outcomes


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    Research purposes: This study aims to determine the da'wah strategy applied by the Al-Fajar Berseri Foundation to people with mental rehabilitation or ODGJ (People with Mental Disorders) with the strategies applied to them so that it can also be applied to people with mental rehabilitation who are outside , or if it can be applied to other normal people. Research Methods: The method used in this research is using qualitative methods using purposive sampling data analysis techniques combined with the Miles & Huberman interaction analysis model with the theory of da'wah strategy proposed by Al-Bayanuni, namely by taking some samples from a large number of representatives of the population to explore further important information regarding the strategy of da'wah and coaching and mental recovery of people with mental disabilities into other normal people. Conclusion: In the results of this study, it was found that the strategy carried out by the Al-Fajar Bereri Foundation for people with mental rehabilitation, there were at least 2 stages, 1. At this stage, the chairman of the Al-Fajar Bereri Foundation, namely Marsan Susanto, gave water ruqyah, massage and massage and traditional ingredients. 2. And in the second stage this is done by the coaches by providing educational offerings such as the Koran, learning to pray, managing daily personality, sports, singing, etc. At this stage, the Chairperson of the Al-Fajar Bereri Foundation, namely Marsan Susanto, provides ruqyah water, massage and massage and traditional ingredients. 2. And in the second stage this is done by the coaches by providing educational offerings such as the Koran, learning to pray, managing daily personality, sports, singing, etc. At this stage, the Chairperson of the Al-Fajar Bereri Foundation, namely Marsan Susanto, provides ruqyah water, massage and massage and traditional ingredients. 2. And in the second stage this is done by the coaches by providing educational offerings such as the Koran, learning to pray, managing daily personality, sports, singing, etc


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    Tujuan Penelitian: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan aspek-aspek pendidikan pemuda dalam perspektif  hadits serta untuk mengetahui bagaimana metode pendidikan pemuda dalam perspektif  hadits. Metode Penelitian: Penelitian ini termasuk dalam jenis penelitian kepustakaan (Library research) dikarenakan sumber-sumber datanya bersumber dari sumber-sumber tertulis, baik yang berkaitan langsung dengan materi yang dikaji maupun tidak secara langsung. Kemudian dari segi penajiannya materi ini bersifat deskriptif analisis, sebab penelitian ini berusaha menggambarkan secara utuh metode dan aspek-aspek pendidikan pemuda sebagaimana yang diajarkan oleh Rasulullah SAW. Hasil Penelitan:  Berdasarkan hasil analisa penulis terhadap hadits-hadits pendidikan pemuda Akhirnya penulis dapat mengambil kesimpulan melalui penelitian ini bahwa konsep pendidikan pemuda perspektif hadits sebagai berikut: Pertama, Tujuan pendidikan pemuda dalam hadits nabi adalah untuk pemenuhan aspek-aspek aqidah, aspek keilmuan dan intelektualitas pemuda, aspek sosial kemasyarakatan dan aspek akhlak. Kedua, Program pendidikan pemuda dalam persepektif hadits adalah memenuhi aspek-aspek yang terdapat dalam tujuan pendidikan pemuda yaitu aspek aqidah, aspek keilmuan dan intelektualitas  aspek sosial kemasyarakatan dan aspek akhlak. Ketiga, Proses pendidikan bagi pemuda memerlukan bimbingan dan arahan dari pendidik sebagaimana dalam hadits nabi SAW, Nabi selalu membimbing, memberikan nasehat kepada para pemuda dengan menggunakan beberapa proses atau metode diantaranya: metode nasehat, metode menyerukan secara, metode memberikan hadiah, metode Perumpamaan atau Tamsil (Permisalan), metode perintahkan dan larangan , metode halaqah atau majlis, metode lemah lembut

    Perceptional gaps among women, husbands and family members about intentions for birthplace: a cross-sectional study

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    Objetivo: as mulheres são mais propensas a dar à luz em um centro de saúde quando suas famílias estão de acordo com o local de nascimento. No entanto, nas áreas rurais da Tanzânia, as mulheres são muitas vezes marginalizadas do processo de decisão. Este estudo fez previsoes de intenção para o local do parto e fatores para reduzir as lacunas de percepção entre as mulheres grávidas, seus maridos e familiares identificados. Método: estudo transversal explicativo realizado em três aldeias no nordeste da Tanzânia. Os participantes foram 138 mulheres grávidas e suas famílias que responderam ao Questionário de Intenção sobre Parto (BIQ), medindo o conhecimento, atitude, percepcão de controle comportamental, normas subjetivas e intenção para lugar de parto. Análise descritivas, ANOVA, Qui-quadrado e regressão linear múltipla foram utilizados para analisar os dados. Resultados: o modelo de regressão mostrou que o conhecimento, percepcão de controle comportamental e normas subjetivas previram intenção de lugar de parto (R2 = 0,28). Enquanto 81% das mulheres grávidas pensavam que seus maridos eram os decisores para seu parto, apenas 38% dos maridos e 37% dos membros da família concordaram. As mulheres grávidas tiveram escores significativamente mais baixos sobre o item “Vou me preparar para o parto com a minha família”, em comparação com os maridos (p < 0,01) e outros membros da família (p < 0,001). Conclusão: Proporcionar preparação para o parto baseada em evidencias e a redução das lacunas de percepção identificadas podem melhorar a intenção das mulheres para dar à luz em unidades de saúde.Objective: women are more likely to give birth at a health facility when their families agree with the birthplace. However, in rural areas of Tanzania, women are often marginalized from decision-making. This study predicted birthplace intention and identified factors to reduce perceptional gaps among pregnant women, husbands and family members. Method: explanatory cross-sectional survey was conducted in three villages in North Eastern Tanzania. Participants were 138 pregnant women and their families who answered the Birth Intention Questionnaire (BIQ), measuring knowledge, attitude, perceived behavioral control, subjective norms and intention for birthplace. Descriptive analysis, ANOVA, Chi-square, and multiple linear regression was used to analyze the data. Results: the regression model showed that knowledge, perceived behavioral control, and subjective norms predicted intention for birthplace (R2 = .28). While 81% of pregnant women thought their husbands were decision-makers for their birth, only 38% of husbands and 37% of family members agreed. Pregnant women had significantly lower scores on the item “I will prepare for childbirth with my family” compared with husbands (p < .01) and other family members (p < .001). Conclusion: providing evidence-based birth preparation and reducing the identified perceptual gaps may enhance women’s intention to deliver at health facilities.Objetivo: las mujeres son más propensas a dar a luz en un centro de salud cuando sus familias están de acuerdo con el lugar de parto. Sin embargo, en las zonas rurales de Tanzania, las mujeres son a menudo marginadas de la toma de decisiones. Este estudio predijo la intención del lugar de parto y los factores identificados para reducir la brecha de percepción entre las mujeres embarazadas, esposos y miembros de la familia. Método: encuesta transversal explicativa llevada a cabo en tres aldeas en el noreste de Tanzania. Los participantes fueron 138 mujeres embarazadas y sus familias, que respondieron al Cuestionario sobre Intención del Parto (BIQ), que mide el conocimiento, la actitud, percepción de control del comportamiento, las normas subjetivas y la intención de lugar de parto. Se utilizaron análisis descriptivo, ANOVA, Chi-cuadrado y regresión lineal múltiple para analizar los datos. Resultados: el modelo de regresión mostró que el conocimiento, la percepción de control del comportamiento, y las normas subjetivas predijeron la intencion del lugar de parto (R2 = 0,28). Mientras que el 81% de las mujeres embarazadas pensaba que sus maridos estaban encargados de tomar decisiones para el nacimiento, sólo el 38% de los esposos y el 37% de los miembros de la familia estuvieron de acuerdo. Las mujeres embarazadas tenían puntuaciones significativamente más bajas en el tema “Me prepararé para el parto con mi familia”, en comparación con los maridos (p < 0,01) y otros miembros de la familia (p < 0,001). Conclusión: proporcionar la preparación al parto basada en la evidencia y reducir las brechas de percepción identificadas pueden mejorar intención de las mujeres a dar a luz en centros de salud

    Evaluation of a reproductive health awareness program for adolescence in urban Tanzania-A quasi-experimental pre-test post-test research

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    Sub-Saharan Africa is among the countries where 10% of girls become mothers by the age of 16 years old. The United Republic of Tanzania located in Sub-Saharan Africa is one country where teenage pregnancy is a problem facing adolescent girls. Adolescent pregnancy has been identified as one of the reasons for girls dropping out from school. This study's purpose was to evaluate a reproductive health awareness program for the improvement of reproductive health for adolescents in urban Tanzania. A quasi-experimental pre-test and post-test research design was conducted to evaluate adolescents' knowledge, attitude, and behavior about reproductive health before and after the program. Data were collected from students aged 11 to 16, at Ilala Municipal, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. An anonymous 23-item questionnaire provided the data. The program was conducted using a picture drama, reproductive health materials and group discussion. In total, 313 questionnaires were distributed and 305 (97.4%) were useable for the final analysis. The mean age for girls was 12.5 years and 13.2 years for boys. A large minority of both girls (26.8%) and boys (41.4%) had experienced sex and among the girls who had experienced sex, 51.2% reported that it was by force. The girls' mean score in the knowledge pre-test was 5.9, and 6.8 in post-test, which increased significantly (t=7.9, p=0.000). The mean behavior pre-test score was 25.8 and post-test was 26.6, which showed a significant increase (t=3.0, p=0.003). The boys' mean score in the knowledge pre-test was 6.4 and 7.0 for the post-test, which increased significantly (t=4.5, p=0.000). The mean behavior pre-test score was 25.6 and 26.4 in post-test, which showed a significant increase (t=2.4, p=0.019). However, the pre-test and post-test attitude scores showed no statistically significant difference for either girls or boys. Teenagers have sexual experiences including sexual violence. Both of these phenomena are prevalent among school-going adolescents. The reproductive health program improved the students' knowledge and behavior about sexuality and decision-making after the program for both girls and boys. However, their attitudes about reproductive health were not likely to change based on the educational intervention as designed for this study

    Stability and deformation of oil droplets during microfiltration on a slotted pore membrane

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    This article was published in the Journal of Membrane Science [© Elsevier] and the definitive version is available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.memsci.2012.01.034The effect of interfacial tension between two fluids, on the passage and rejection of oil droplets through slotted pore membranes is reported. A mathematical model was developed in order to predict conditions for 100% cut-off of oil droplets through the membrane as a function of permeate flux rate. Good agreement of theoretical predictions with experimental data shows that the model can be applied to the filtration of deformable droplets through slotted pore membranes. At high interfacial tension (40 mN/m) with lower flux (200 l m−2 hr−1)droplets of crude oil (27 API) were 100% rejected at droplet diameter 4.3 μm using a 4 μm slotted pore membrane. At lower interfacial tension (5 mN/m), with the same flux rate, 100% rejection occurred at 10 μm droplet diameter using the same membrane. It was also found that the droplet rejection efficiency below the 100% cut-off was roughly linear with drop size, down to zero rejection at zero drop diameter. Hence, the model, coupled with this approximate correlation, can be used to predict dispersed oil drop concentration from a known feed drop size distribution

    Shear enhanced microfiltration and rejection of crude oil drops through a slotted pore membrane including migration velocities

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    This article was published in the Journal of Membrane Science [© Elsevier] and the definitive version is available at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0376738812004991Shear enhanced microfiltration of crude oil/water emulsion is investigated and the effect of an applied shear rate on the rejection of droplets by the membrane is reported. Applying vibration provides shear rate at the membrane surface leading to shear-induced migration and an inertial lift of drops/particles. Both phenomena tend to move the droplets away from the membrane surface. The shear-induced migration and inertial lift increase with increasing of the shear rate. A mathematical model is presented to account for the presence of both phenomena. The developed model is used for theoretical prediction of 100% cut-off of crude oil droplets by the membrane with, and with-out, vibration applied. A satisfactory agreement of the model predictions with experimental data shows that the model can be successfully used for a theoretical prediction of 100% cut-off of droplets by slotted pore membranes. Rejection of droplets increased with applying shear rate: at 8000 s-1 shear rate and 200 l m-2 hr-1 flux rate 3 to 4 μm radius droplets were almost completely rejected reducing 400 ppm of crude in the feed to 7 ppm in the permeate