96 research outputs found

    Actas do 10º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica

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    Actas do 10º Encontro Portugês de Computação Gráfica, Lisboa, 1-3 de Outubro de 2001A investigação, o desenvolvimento e o ensino na área da Computação Gráfica constituem, em Portugal, uma realidade positiva e de largas tradições. O Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica (EPCG), realizado no âmbito das actividades do Grupo Português de Computação Gráfica (GPCG), tem permitido reunir regularmente, desde o 1º EPCG realizado também em Lisboa, mas no já longínquo mês de Julho de 1988, todos os que trabalham nesta área abrangente e com inúmeras aplicações. Pela primeira vez no historial destes Encontros, o 10º EPCG foi organizado em ligação estreita com as comunidades do Processamento de Imagem e da Visão por Computador, através da Associação Portuguesa de Reconhecimento de Padrões (APRP), salientando-se, assim, a acrescida colaboração, e a convergência, entre essas duas áreas e a Computação Gráfica. Este é o livro de actas deste 10º EPCG.INSATUniWebIcep PortugalMicrografAutodes

    Use of Co-occurrences for temporal expressions annotation

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    The annotation or extraction of temporal information from text documents is becoming increasingly important in many natural language processing applications such as text summarization, information retrieval, question answering, etc.. This paper presents an original method for easy recognition of temporal expressions in text documents. The method creates semantically classified temporal patterns, using word co-occurrences obtained from training corpora and a pre-defined seed keywords set, derived from the used language temporal references. A participation on a Portuguese named entity evaluation contest showed promising effectiveness and efficiency results. This approach can be adapted to recognize other type of expressions or languages, within other contexts, by defining the suitable word sets and training corpora.FC

    Estratégias de rega na cultura da romãzeira: Um caso de estudo no Alentejo

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    A romãzeira é uma cultura muito bem-adaptada ao clima Mediterrânico que, nos últimos anos, surge na forma de pomares intensivos de regadio na região do Alentejo. O ensaio decorreu em 2018, na região do Baixo Alentejo, num pomar com cerca de 5 anos (cv. Wonderful). O objetivo foi avaliar três estratégias de rega: rega em conforto hídrico (rega do agricultor - Controlo), rega deficitária controlada na fase de floração-início da formação do fruto (25 % da ETc – RDC1) e rega deficitária controlada na fase final de crescimento do fruto-maturação (25 % da ETc – RDC2). O efeito destas estratégias foi avaliado periodicamente através do crescimento vegetativo, estado hídrico das fruteiras, produção, propriedades físico-químicas e nutricionais dos frutos produzidos. A estratégia RDC2 revelou-se a mais interessante como alternativa à forma de condução da rega do agricultor, com uma poupança de água de 23,4 %; um aumento na produtividade física da água e da produtividade económica da água de 22 % e 23 %, respetivamente. A análise preliminar dos resultados, do ano 2018, sugere que o recurso à rega deficitária pode contribuir para uma maior eficiência do uso de água de rega, aumentando a sustentabilidade ambiental desta cultura de regadio

    Surgical correction of scoliosis: Numerical analysis and optimization of the procedure

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    A previously developed model is used to numerically simulate real clinical cases of the surgical correction of scoliosis. This model consists of one-dimensional finite elements with spatial deformation in which (i) the column is represented by its axis; (ii) the vertebrae are assumed to be rigid; and (iii) the deformability of the column is concentrated in springs that connect the successive rigid elements. The metallic rods used for the surgical correction are modeled by beam elements with linear elastic behavior. To obtain the forces at the connections between the metallic rods and the vertebrae geometrically, non-linear finite element analyses are performed. The tightening sequence determines the magnitude of the forces applied to the patient column, and it is desirable to keep those forces as small as possible. In this study, a Genetic Algorithm optimization is applied to this model in order to determine the sequence that minimizes the corrective forces applied during the surgery. This amounts to find the optimal permutation of integers 1, ... , n, n being the number of vertebrae involved. As such, we are faced with a combinatorial optimization problem isomorph to the Traveling Salesman Problem. The fitness evaluation requires one computing intensive Finite Element Analysis per candidate solution and, thus, a parallel implementation of the Genetic Algorithm is developed

    Interacção 2010: actas da 4ª Conferência Nacional em Interacção Humano-Computador

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    Prefácio: Encontramo-nos perante mais uma edição do congresso nacional sobre Interacção, o “Interacção 2010”, um evento científico cuja regularidade tem permitido consolidar a sua natureza profundamente transdisciplinar. A referência do congresso continua a ser a área científica internacional de “Human-Computer Interaction”, uma área que tem ganhado relevância e valor no progresso sócio-económico desta última década, onde o ser humano e a coisa social assumem a prioridade que lhes é devida. O “Interacção” tem assumido sempre a condição da debater um vasto leque de temas, mas sempre em contextos de mediação tecnológica e onde o objectivo final é servir a condição humana. Esta edição continua a confirmar esta atitude que se reflecte nas grandes áreas temáticas que anunciou para submissão de trabalhos: Concepção, Desenvolvimento e Estudo da Interacção, Tecnologias e Aplicações de Suporte à Interacção, Aspectos Humanos, Sociais e Organizacionais, e Contextos de Interacção diversos. A resposta da comunidade científica nacional ao apelo de participação foi de extrema eficiência e riqueza. Foram submetidos um total de 64 artigos longos, artigos curtos e posters e/ou demos. O resultado da avaliação (“double-blind”) pelos revisores, e as conversões de formato sugeridas a alguns autores, conduziram a que o leitor venha a encontrar nestas actas 21 artigos longos, 20 artigos curtos e 15 posters. Por insuficiência de propostas de demos esta possibilidade de exposição não foi considerada. Esta quantidade crescente de trabalho em relação a edições anteriores do “Interacção”, e os três oradores convidados (2 internacionais e 1 nacional), originaram um programa de trabalho que incontornavelmente se estendeu a três dias de trabalho contrariando os tradicionais dois dias de congresso. O programa decorreu de 13 a 15 de Outubro de 2010 na Universidade de Aveiro e as 8 sessões que o caracterizaram foram organizadas respeitando os temas: i) Interfaces Multi-toque; ii) Interacção com Dispositivos Móveis; iii) Concepção e Desenvolvimento da Interacção; iv) Realidade Virtual e Aumentada; v) Visualização de Informação; vi) Videojogos e Interacção; vii) Acessibilidade e viii) Interacção em Contextos Diversos. Por fim, e porque um evento desta natureza não se consegue organizar sem a mobilização, o trabalho de grande qualidade e a dedicação de várias pessoas, importa agradecer a todos os elementos da Comissão Organizadora, e aos estudantes voluntários que ajudaram em toda a logística, bem como a todos os elementos da Comissão de Programa e aos revisores externos que também aceitaram analisar trabalhos submetidos. Aos nossos convidados, Francisco Providência, Jennifer Preece e Shahram Izadi, pela disponibilidade de estarem e partilharem connosco o seu conhecimento e experiência na área, o nosso sincero obrigado. Pelo papel fundamental de um secretariado profissional e eficiente fica ainda o nosso agradecimento à Anabela Viegas. Terminamos com o especial agradecimento a todos os autores e conferencistas que acreditaram na competência e rigor de toda esta equipa para acolher o seu trabalho e expô-lo publicamente. Despedimo-nos acreditando que o "Interacção" continuará por terras lusas, quiçá numa toada cada vez mais internacionalizada, e deixando votos para que a edição de 2012 seja pautada por igual sucesso e entusiasmo; a área da Interacção assim o exige e merece. Bem hajam. Aveiro, Outubro de 2010. Óscar Mealha, Daniel Tércio, Beatriz Sousa Santos, Joaquim Madeira.publishe

    Circulating pyruvate is a potent prognostic marker for critical COVID-19 outcomes

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    COVID-19; Cuantificación fluorométrica; PiruvatoCOVID-19; Quantificació fluoromètrica; PiruvatCOVID-19; Fluorometric quantification; PyruvateBackground: Coronavirus-19 (COVID-19) disease is driven by an unchecked immune response to the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus which alters host mitochondrial-associated mechanisms. Compromised mitochondrial health results in abnormal reprogramming of glucose metabolism, which can disrupt extracellular signalling. We hypothesized that examining mitochondrial energy-related signalling metabolites implicated in host immune response to SARS-CoV-2 infection would provide potential biomarkers for predicting the risk of severe COVID-19 illness. Methods: We used a semi-targeted serum metabolomics approach in 273 patients with different severity grades of COVID-19 recruited at the acute phase of the infection to determine the relative abundance of tricarboxylic acid (Krebs) cycle-related metabolites with known extracellular signaling properties (pyruvate, lactate, succinate and α-ketoglutarate). Abundance levels of energy-related metabolites were evaluated in a validation cohort (n=398) using quantitative fluorimetric assays. Results: Increased levels of four energy-related metabolites (pyruvate, lactate, a-ketoglutarate and succinate) were found in critically ill COVID-19 patients using semi-targeted and targeted approaches (p<0.05). The combined strategy proposed herein enabled us to establish that circulating pyruvate levels (p<0.001) together with body mass index (p=0.025), C-reactive protein (p=0.039), D-Dimer (p<0.001) and creatinine (p=0.043) levels, are independent predictors of critical COVID-19. Furthermore, classification and regression tree (CART) analysis provided a cut-off value of pyruvate in serum (24.54 µM; p<0.001) as an early criterion to accurately classify patients with critical outcomes. Conclusion: Our findings support the link between COVID-19 pathogenesis and immunometabolic dysregulation, and show that fluorometric quantification of circulating pyruvate is a cost-effective clinical decision support tool to improve patient stratification and prognosis prediction.This work has been developed in the framework of the COVIDOMICS’ project supported by Direcció General de Recerca i Innovació en Salut (DGRIS), Departament de Salut, Generalitat de Catalunya (PoC-6-17 and PoC1-5). The research was also funded by the Programa de Suport als Grups de Recerca AGAUR (2017SGR948), the SPANISH AIDS Research Network [RD16/0025/0006]-ISCIII-FEDER (Spain) and the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Infecciosas-ISCIII [CB21/13/00020], Madrid, Spain. LR is supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) under grant agreement “CD20/00105” through the program “Contratos Sara Borrell”. FV is supported by grants from the Programa de Intensificación de Investigadores (INT20/00031)-ISCIII and by “Premi a la Trajectòria Investigadora dels Hospitals de l’ICS 2018”. AR is supported by a grant from IISPV through the project “2019/IISPV/05” (Boosting Young Talent), by GeSIDA through the “III Premio para Jóvenes Investigadores 2019” and by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) under grant agreement “CP19/00146” through the Miguel Servet Program. This study was also supported by grants SAF2015–65019-R and RTI2018–093919-B-100 (to SF-V.) funded by MCIN/AEI and by “ERFD A way of making Europe”; PI19/01337 to FV, PI20/00095 to VC.-M, PI20/00326 to AR and PI20/00338 to JV funded by ISCIII, cofinanced by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and from Fundación Bancaria Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona (HR20-00051 to SF-V). The Spanish Biomedical Research Center in Diabetes and Associated Metabolic Disorders (CIBERDEM) (CB07708/0012) is an initiative of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III. SF-V acknowledges support from the Miguel Servet tenure-track program (CP10/00438 and CPII16/00008) from the Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria, cofinanced by the ERDF. VC-M acknowledges support from the Ramón y Cajal program (RYC2019-026490-I) from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, cofinanced by the ERDF. The work was also supported by Consejeria de Salud y Familia (COVID-0005-2020), Consejeria de Transformacion Economica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades Junta de Andalucia (CV20-85418to ER-M) and Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) under grant agreement CP19/00159 to AGV “a way to make Europe”. ER-M was supported by the Spanish Research Council (CSIC). The funders have no roles in study design, data collection, data analysis, interpretation or the writing of this research

    Euterpe edulis pulp products and your effect on liver and kidney of in vivo model of colorectal cancer: Histopathological analysis / Produtos da polpa de Euterpe edulis e seus efeitos no fígado e nos rins em modelo in vivo de câncer colorretal: Análise histopatológica

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    The objective was to report the injuries on liver and kidney promoted by experimental colorectal carcinogenesis induction in rats and evaluate the effect of supplementation with Euterpe edulis M. pulp products on resolution of this injuries. Colorectal carcinogenesis with 1,2-dimethylhydrazine was induced in young male rats, allocated into: C - induced to carcinogenesis; CJ - induced to carcinogenesis and supplemented with juçara fruit pulp; and CE - induced to carcinogenesis and supplemented with juçara fruit lyophilized extract. Nine animals were a negative control. Supplementation occurred three times a week, totaling 54 days of administration with 1 mg of cyanidin-3-glycoside per kilogram live weight. The hepatic and renal histopathological injuries were assessed at 10 and 23 weeks. In liver, at 10-week biliary hyperplasia was more evident in colorectal cancer induced groups compared to N group (p = 0.0230), as well as megalocytosis (p = 0.0269), and juçara fruit-based product do not promote cytoprotection. At 23-week biliary hyperplasia continued present, and liver necrosis was evident in C group and CJ group. Hepatic degeneration was greater in C group, and megalocytosis was evident in the cancer-induced groups, without cytoprotection by juçara fruit-based product. In kidney, at 23-week, renal congestion was more evident in CJ group, and tubular degeneration in C and CE groups. Important hepatic and renal injuries were observed in rats induced to colorectal cancer and the supplementation with juçara fruit-based product, in the dose used, did not interfere in the prevention and resolution of these injuries, mainly with the chronic use

    Circulating pyruvate is a potent prognostic marker for critical COVID-19 outcomes

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    Background: Coronavirus-19 (COVID-19) disease is driven by an unchecked immune response to the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus which alters host mitochondrial-associated mechanisms. Compromised mitochondrial health results in abnormal reprogramming of glucose metabolism, which can disrupt extracellular signalling. We hypothesized that examining mitochondrial energy-related signalling metabolites implicated in host immune response to SARS-CoV-2 infection would provide potential biomarkers for predicting the risk of severe COVID-19 illness. Methods: We used a semi-targeted serum metabolomics approach in 273 patients with different severity grades of COVID-19 recruited at the acute phase of the infection to determine the relative abundance of tricarboxylic acid (Krebs) cycle-related metabolites with known extracellular signaling properties (pyruvate, lactate, succinate and α-ketoglutarate). Abundance levels of energy-related metabolites were evaluated in a validation cohort (n=398) using quantitative fluorimetric assays. Results: Increased levels of four energy-related metabolites (pyruvate, lactate, a-ketoglutarate and succinate) were found in critically ill COVID-19 patients using semi-targeted and targeted approaches (p<0.05). The combined strategy proposed herein enabled us to establish that circulating pyruvate levels (p<0.001) together with body mass index (p=0.025), C-reactive protein (p=0.039), D-Dimer (p<0.001) and creatinine (p=0.043) levels, are independent predictors of critical COVID-19. Furthermore, classification and regression tree (CART) analysis provided a cut-off value of pyruvate in serum (24.54 µM; p<0.001) as an early criterion to accurately classify patients with critical outcomes. Conclusion: Our findings support the link between COVID-19 pathogenesis and immunometabolic dysregulation, and show that fluorometric quantification of circulating pyruvate is a cost-effective clinical decision support tool to improve patient stratification and prognosis prediction.This work has been developed in the framework of the COVIDOMICS’ project supported by Direcció General de Recerca i Innovació en Salut (DGRIS), Departament de Salut, Generalitat de Catalunya (PoC-6-17 and PoC1-5). The research was also funded by the Programa de Suport als Grups de Recerca AGAUR (2017SGR948), the SPANISH AIDS Research Network [RD16/0025/0006]-ISCIII-FEDER (Spain) and the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Infecciosas-ISCIII [CB21/13/00020], Madrid, Spain. LR is supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) under grant agreement “CD20/00105” through the program “Contratos Sara Borrell”. FV is supported by grants from the Programa de Intensificación de Investigadores (INT20/00031)-ISCIII and by “Premi a la Trajectòria Investigadora dels Hospitals de l’ICS 2018”. AR is supported by a grant from IISPV through the project “2019/IISPV/05” (Boosting Young Talent), by GeSIDA through the “III Premio para Jóvenes Investigadores 2019” and by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) under grant agreement “CP19/00146” through the Miguel Servet Program. This study was also supported by grants SAF2015–65019-R and RTI2018–093919-B-100 (to SF-V.) funded by MCIN/AEI and by “ERFD A way of making Europe”; PI19/01337 to FV, PI20/00095 to VC.-M, PI20/00326 to AR and PI20/00338 to JV funded by ISCIII, cofinanced by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and from Fundación Bancaria Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona (HR20-00051 to SF-V). The Spanish Biomedical Research Center in Diabetes and Associated Metabolic Disorders (CIBERDEM) (CB07708/0012) is an initiative of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III. SF-V acknowledges support from the Miguel Servet tenure-track program (CP10/00438 and CPII16/00008) from the Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria, cofinanced by the ERDF. VC-M acknowledges support from the Ramón y Cajal program (RYC2019-026490-I) from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, cofinanced by the ERDF. The work was also supported by Consejeria de Salud y Familia (COVID-0005-2020), Consejeria de Transformacion Economica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades Junta de Andalucia (CV20-85418to ER-M) and Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) under grant agreement CP19/00159 to AGV “a way to make Europe”. ER-M was supported by the Spanish Research Council (CSIC). The funders have no roles in study design, data collection, data analysis, interpretation or the writing of this research.Peer reviewe

    Alteração epigenética no gene BDNF, status social e de saúde como preditores da insegurança alimentar e nutricional em cafeicultores familiares

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    Introduction: state of Food and Nutritional Security (FNS) is one that should guarantee the right of permanent access to quality food and in sufficient quantity without prejudicing access to other basic rights. In Brazil, rural family farming establishments represent 84.4% of total agricultural establishments and contribute to more than 70% of all food consumed by Brazilians. In this context, the production of the coffee commodity stands out. However, despite being food producers, they do not earn a good income. Slow economic activity can lead to loss of wages and income, illness, as well as food insecurity (FNiS). In addition, the molecular effects of FNiS are poorly studied, especially epigenetic. Objective: the objective of the present study is to analyze the association between Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) DNA methylation and socio demographic, lifestyle, and epigenetic factors, among coffee farmers in the Caparaó zone, in Espirito Santo, Southeast Brazil. Methods: the study was carried out in 22 randomly selected coffee producing communities in Zona Caparaó, an area that produces coffee of recognized quality. A total of 570 coffee farming households, 18 to 60 years of age, were included in the study by answering a questionnaire about socioeconomic characteristics, land use and ownership, behavior, health, and working conditions. FNiS evaluation was carried out using the Brazilian Food Insecurity Scale. BDNF exon I methylation was examined by methylation-specific PCR. Body mass index and biochemical analyses were performed. Logistic regression models were used to verify factors associated with FNiS (p&lt;0.05). Data were analyzed using the Stata® statistical software package version 14. Results: the FNiS prevalence found was 23.68%. In multivariable logistic regression, the occurrence of FNiS was associated with hypermethylation of exon I of the BDNF promoter exon I [ORa = 5.03 (95% (1.98, 12.82)] when compared to the unmethylated gene. Moreover, FNiS was associated with excessive workload [ORa = 3.36 (1.23, 9.22)], possession of less land (hectares) [ORa = 0.77 (0.67, 0.90)] and greater number symptoms and / or illnesses in real life [ORa = 1.12 (]. Conclusion: there is a high prevalence of Food Insecurity in the studied region. This phenomenon was associated with epigenetic factors (BDNF methylation), excessive workload, small land ownership and a greater number of diseases / symptoms. Food insecurity is a psychosocial stressor that can lead to epigenetic changes in the BDNF gene, responsible for regulating cognitive functions, neuronal survival and involved in the genesis of psychiatric diseases.Introdução: o Estado de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional (SAN) é aquele que deve garantir o direito de acesso permanente à alimentação de qualidade e em quantidade suficiente sem prejudicar o acesso a outros direitos básicos. No Brasil, os estabelecimentos de agricultura familiar rural representam 84,4% do total de estabelecimentos agropecuários e contribuem com mais de 70% de todos os alimentos consumidos pelos brasileiros. Nesse contexto, destaca-se a produção da commodity café. No entanto, apesar de serem produtores de alimentos, não auferem bons rendimentos. A lenta atividade econômica pode levar à perda de salários e renda, doenças e insegurança alimentar (INSAN). Além disso, os efeitos moleculares da INSAN são pouco estudados, sobretudo epigenéticos. Objetivos: o objetivo do presente estudo é analisar a associação entre a metilação do promotor do BDNF e a INSAN e a associação da INSAN com fatores sociodemográficos, de estilo de vida e epigenéticos, em cafeicultores da zona do Caparaó, no Espírito Santo, Sudeste do Brasil. Método: o estudo foi realizado em 22 comunidades cafeeiras selecionadas aleatoriamente na Zona do Caparaó, área que produz café de reconhecida qualidade. Um total de 570 famílias de cafeicultores, entre 18 a 60 anos, foram incluídos no estudo e responderam a um questionário sobre características socioeconômicas, uso e posse da terra, hábitos de vida, saúde e condições de trabalho. A avaliação da INSAN foi realizada por meio da Escala Brasileira de Insegurança Alimentar. A metilação do éxon I do BDNF foi examinada por PCR específica para metilação. Índice de massa corporal e análises bioquímicas foram realizadas. Modelos de regressão logística foram utilizados para verificar os fatores associados à INSAN (p&lt;0,05). Os dados foram analisados usando o software estatístico Stata® versão 14. Resultados: a prevalência de INSAN encontrada foi de 23,68%. Na regressão logística multivariada, a ocorrência de INSAN foi associada a hipermetilação do éxon I do promotor do gene BDNF [ORa = 5,03 (95% (1,98, 12,82)] quando comparado ao gene não metilado. Além disso, a INSAN foi associada a carga de trabalho excessiva [ORa = 3,36 (1,23, 9,22)], posse de menos hectares de terra [ORa = 0,77 (0,67, 0,90)] e maior número de sintomas e/ou doenças da vida real [ORa = 1,12 (]. Conclusão: o estudo mostrou uma alta prevalência de Insegurança Alimentar na região analisada. Esse fenômeno foi associado a fatores epigenéticos (metilação do gene BDNF), carga horária excessiva, pequena propriedade de terra e maior número de doenças/sintomas. A INSAN pode ser um estressor capaz de promover alterações epigenéticas no gene BDNF, importante gene regulador da cognição, crescimento e sobrevivência neuronal e envolvido com doenças psiquiátricas