143 research outputs found

    Self-recruitment in anemonefish and the impact of marine ornamental fishery in Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia: implications for management and conservation

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    The yearly amount of traded by middlemen on Spermonde Archipelago (Indonesia) is estimated to about 140,000 specimens A. ocellaris and more than 31,000 anemones. Both A. ocellaris and sea anemone densities (p < 0.01) were significantly lower at reefs with a high exploitation than at reefs with a low exploitation. The size of A. ocellaris individuals was significantly smaller in Barrang Lompo than in Samalona (p < 0.01). The private alleles and allelic richness in Samalona were 4% significantly higher than in Barrang Lompo. The allelic richness was positively correlated with the fish density (p < 0.05). Fish stays largely in place despite its pelagic larvae stage (44 % - 60.7 % self-recruitment). The genetic relatedness revealed a close relation between individuals within a group of A. ocellaris in Barrang Lompo. Conversely, unrelated individuals of A. ocellaris in Samalona and of A. perideraion in Barrang Lompo were observed. Altogether, these results provide important insights how marine ornamental fishery has impacted the population of anemonefish and its host in Spermonde Archipelago

    Identifikasi Scatophagus argus yang dipasarkan di Jakarta berdasarkan Analisis Morfologi dan DNA Barcoding

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    Species list of economical fish landed in Muara Baru Modern Fish Market, Jakarta needs to be examined. Fish species information needs to know the species of fish being traded. However, many species are difficult to identify morphologically. The aim of this research was to identify fish based on their morphological characters and DNA barcoding. The methods of this research were morphologic, morphometric, and molecular identification with DNA barcoding using PCR. Morphological analysis results showed that fish samples have unique characteristics in the presence of spots on their bodies and fading in the abdomen. Morphometric observations were made with 19 different characters and weight measurements. The 19 fish characters observed have a standard deviation of <1, mean that the fish samples taken have a size that was not much different. A comparison ratio of 18 morphometric characters to total length (PT) showed variable results. Genetic analysis of the fish studied had the Max Score and Total Score was same, 1201, Query Coverage was 95%, and Ident was 100%. Based on morphological analysis and DNA barcoding used by fish species identified as Scatophagus argus species. Both methods were successfully carried out and the two methods complement each other to identify fish species correctly and accurately. Jumlah ikan ekonomis yang banyak diperjualbelikan di Pasar Muara Baru, Jakarta perlu dilakukan penelitian. Informasi spesies ikan perlu diketahui untuk mengetahui jenis ikan yang diperjualbelikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi morfologi ikan dengan pendekatan studi morfometrik dan DNA barcoding. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu pengamatan morfologi dan pengukuran morfometri serta identifikasi molekuler dengan DNA barcoding menggunakan PCR. Hasil analisis morfologi menunjukkan bahwa sampel ikan memiliki karakteristik yang unik dengan adanya corak totol di seluruh tubuhnya dan memudar di bagian perut. Pengamatan morfometrik dilakukan dengan 19 karakter yang berbeda serta pengukuran berat. 19 karakter ikan yang diamati memiliki standar deviasi yang <1, artinya sampel ikan yang terambil memiliki ukuran yang tidak jauh berbeda. Rasio perbandingan 18 karakter morfometri terhadap panjang total (PT) menunjukkan hasil yang bervariasi. Analisis genetik dari ikan  yang diteliti memiliki Max Score dan Total Score sama yaitu 1201 dengan Query Coverage 95%, dan Ident 100%. Berdasarkan analisis morfologi dan DNA barcoding yang digunakan spesies ikan teridenfikasi spesies Scatophagus argus.  Kedua metode tersebut berhasil dilakukan dan kedua metode tersebut saling melengkapi untuk melakukan identifikasi spesies ikan secara tepat dan akurat

    Penentuan Jenis Ikan Layang ( Decapterus spp) Dengan Menggunakan Metode Analisis Morfologi Dan DNA Barcoding

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    Ikan layang (Decapterus spp) merupakan ikan yang memiliki nilai ekonomis penting di Indoneisa. Ikan pelagis kecil ini menjadi salah satu target utama penangkapan di perairan Indonesia. Ikan layang diimaanfatkan menjadi berbagai olahan ikan yang banyak diminati oleh masyarakat Indoneisa. Tingginya laju eksploitasi ikan layang membuat ikan tersebut mengalami penurunan stok di alam, untuk dapat mengelola pegakjian stok suatu spesies di alam hal mendasar yang perlu dilakukan adalah memastikan jenis ikan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memastikan suatu spesies ikan dengan mengidentifikasi secara morofologi dan teknik DNA barcoding. Hasil analisis morfologi menunjukan sampel ikan yang dianalisis memiliki kemiripan dengan genus Decapterus spp, sedangkan berdasarkan analisis DNA barcoding menunjukan hasil hingga mencapai tingkat spesies yaitu Decapterus macrosoma dengan presentasi kesamaan identifikasi hingga 97%. Kata Kunci : analisis morfologi, DNA barcoding, Decapterus spp


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    Aktivitas penangkapan madidihang telah dilakukan secara terus menerus hingga saat ini karena memiliki nilai ekonomis yang tinggi. Sementara tingkat pemanfaatan sumber daya madidihang dalam beberapa tahun terakhir belum dipelajari dengan baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pemanfaatan penangkapan madidihang di Indonesia dalam 10 tahun terakhir dan kondisi potensial daerah pemijahan. Analisis dilakukan dengan pendekatan Spawning Potential Ratio (SPR) berdasarkan data panjang cagak madidihang dari berbagai macam alat tangkap. SPR akan dijadikan sebagai titik rujukan biologi dalam memperkirakan tingkat pemanfaatan madidihang. Data panjang cagak yang dianalisis berjumlah 31.735 ekor, dengan panjang minimum 43 cmFL dan maksimum 183 cmF. Rerata panjang madidihang tersebut berkisar 103,7-143,8 cmFL dan terdistribusi secara normal. Madidihang yang tertangkap diasumsikan telah matang secara seksual atau matang gonad (SL50 &gt; Lm). Status perikanan pada 2012, 2007, dan 2006 berdasarkan nilai SPR masuk ke dalam kategori over-exploited (SPR&lt;20%), pada 2011 dan 2013-2018 masuk ke dalam kategori moderate (20% &lt; SPR &lt; 40%), sedangkan pada 2008, 2009, dan 2010 masuk ke dalam kategori under-exploited (SPR &gt; 40%) yang bermakna bahwa pada tahun tersebut potensi pemanfaatan madidihang masih rendah dibandingkan nilai referensi biologi yang dimiliki madidihang.Yellowfin tuna fishing activity has been carried out continuously until now because it has a high economic value. Meanwhile, the level of yellowfin tuna resource utilization in recent years has not been well studied. This study aims to determine the utilization level of yellowfin tuna fishing in Indonesia and the potential conditions of spawning areas. The analysis was conducted using the Spawning Potential Ratio (SPR) approach based on the fork length data of yellowfin tuna from various fishing gears. SPR will be used as a biological reference point in estimating the exploitation rate of yellowfin tuna. The fork length data analyzed were 31,735 individuals, with a minimum length of 43 cmFL and maximum length of 183 cmFL. The mean length of yellowfin tuna ranged from 103.7-143.8 cmFL and normally distributed. Caught yellowfin tuna can be assumed to be sexually mature or gonadal maturity (SL50&gt; Lm). Fishery status in 2012, 2007, and 2006 based on the SPR value was categorized as over-exploited (SPR &lt;20%), in 2011 and 2013-2018 was categorized as moderate (20% &lt;SPR &lt;40%), while in 2008, 2009 and 2010 was categorized as under-exploited (SPR&gt; 40%), which means that in those years, the potential utilization of yellowfin tuna is still low compared to the biological reference value of yellowfin tuna


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    Ikan lidah merupakan ikan ekonomis penting yang menjadi salah satu komoditas yang diperdagangkan di Tempat Pelelangan Ikan (TPI) Muara Angke. Ikan lidah memiliki keunikan karena metamorfosis mereka, kebiasaan membenamkan diri dalam substrat dan sirip pektoralnya yang terdegradasi sedangkan sirip lainnya saling bertemu. Terdapat enam spesies ikan lidah dari famili Cynoglossidae yang dapat ditemukan di Indonesia, sedangkan penelitian terkait identifikasi ikan lidah masih terbatas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan memastikan spesies ikan lidah yang diperdagangkan di TPI Muara Angke berdasarkan pengukuran morfometrik dan DNA Barcoding menggunakan sekuen COI. Hasil analisis morfologi menggunakan literatur menunjukkan bahwa ikan lidah sampel memiliki kemiripan karakteristik morfologi dengan Cynoglossus lingua dan Cynoglossus arel yang kemudian diyakini sebagai C. arel berdasarkan ciri diagnostiknya. Berdasarkan analisis DNA barcoding diperoleh spesies Cynoglossus cf. arel dengan identifikasi kesamaan 100% yang tercantum dalam GenBank. Dari hasil analisis morfologi dan DNA barcoding menunjukkan bahwa ikan lidah yang diperdagangkan di TPI Muara Angke merupakan ikan dari famili Cynoglossidae, genus Cynoglossus, spesies Cynoglossus arel.Tongue Fish Identification Traded in Muara Angke Fish Auction Based on Morphometric and DNA Barcoding Using COI Sequences. Tongue fish is an important economical fish which is one of the commodities traded at Muara Angke Fish Auction. Tongue fish are unique because of their metamorphosis, their habit of immersing themselves in the substrate, and their pectoral fins degraded while the other three fins are confluent. There are six species of tongue fish from the Cynoglossidae family that can be found in Indonesia, whereas the study about tongue fish identifications are limited. The present study aims to identify and clarify the species of tongue fish traded at Muara Angke Fish Auction based on morphometric measurements and DNA Barcoding using the COI sequence. The results of the morphological analysis using the literature showed that the tongue fish samples had similar morphological characteristics with Cynoglossus lingua and Cynoglossus arel which were then believed to be C. arel based on their diagnostic characteristics. DNA barcoding analysis of tongue fish sample shows Cynoglossus cf. arel with 100% similarity identification listed in GenBank. From the results of morphological analysis and DNA barcoding showed that the tongue fish traded at TPI Muara Angke are fish from the family Cynoglossidae, genus Cynoglossus, species of Cynoglossus arel


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    Kerang hijau merupakan organisme laut yang terancam karena kontaminasi logam berat seperti timbal dan tembaga yang ada pada perairan Teluk Lampung. Selain mengancam organisme kerang, logam berat juga menjadi ancaman bagi organisme simbion. Bakteri yang terpapar logam berat secara terus menerus nantinya akan bisa beradaptasi (resistansi) dengan cemaran logam berat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan bioakumulasi kerang hijau asal Teluk Lampung dan menguji kemampuan resistensi bakteri simbion terhadap logam berat timbal (Pb) dan tembaga (Cu) serta melakukan identifikasi molekular untuk mengetahui jenis dari bakteri simbion yang terpilih. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menganalisis kandungan logam berat pada sampel air dan kerang hijau kemudian diisolasi bakteri simbionnya dan diseleksi menggunakan media Luria Bertani agar dengan menambahkan konsentrasi logam berat, kemudian diuji tingkat ketahanannya terhadap logam berat Pb dan Cu yang ditambahkan terus menerus dari konsentrasi 100 ppm sampai 1000 ppm hingga bakteri tidak dapat tumbuh lagi secara maksimal. Setelah itu, dilakukan identifikasi molekular untuk mengetahui jenis bakteri dan direkonstruksi untuk melihat kedekatan molekular. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa air dan kerang hijau telah melebihi baku mutu dan isolat bakteri resisten terhadap logam berat Pb pada kisaran 100-1000 ppm dan logam berat Cu pada kisaran 100-700 ppm. Identifikasi molekular terhadap sampel terpilih yaitu STL09 dan STL11 menunjukkan bahwa bakteri simbion merupakan jenis dari spesies bakteri Bacillus sp.Green mussels are marine organisms that are threatened due to heavy metal pollution such as lead and copper in marine waters. In addition, to threatening shell organisms heavy metals are also a threat to symbiont organisms. Bacteria exposed to heavy metals continuously will later be able to adapt (resistance) to heavy metal contamination. This study aims to determine the concentration of heavy metals lead (Pb) and copper (Cu) in green mussels from Lampung Bay and to test the resistance of symbiotic bacteria to Pb and Cu as well as to conduct molecular identification to determine the type of selected symbiotic bacteria. This research was conducted by analyzing the content of heavy metals in water samples and green mussels then isolated the symbiotic bacteria and selected using Luria Bertani agar by adding heavy metal concentrations, then tested the level of resistance to Pb and Cu which were added continuously from concentrations of 100 ppm to 1000 ppm to bacteria can no longer grow optimally. After that, molecular identification was carried out to determine the type of bacteria and reconstructed to see the molecular proximity. The results showed that the water and green mussels had exceeded the quality standard and were classified as polluted. Bacterial isolates were resistant to Pb in the range of 100-1000 ppm and Cu in the range of 100-700 ppm. Molecular identification of the selected samples, namely STL09 and STL11, showed that the symbiont bacteria were a type of bacterial species Bacillus sp


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    Tridacna (kima) merupakan bivalvia yang berukuran besar dan memiliki peran penting dalam ekologi. Ukuran dan warna menarik yang menjadi daya tarik hingga mengalami overexplotation. Langkah perlindungan perlu dilakukan, salah satunya pengukuran kepadatan, variasi ukuran yang banyak ditemukan dan identifikasi spesies berdasarkan morfologi dan DNA barcoding. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi kima dengan metode DNA barcoding serta mengevaluasi ukuran dan kepadatan populasinya di Perairan Maluku Utara. Metode penelitian menggunakan DNA barcoding dan identifikasi morfologi berupa warna mantel dan variasi ukuran cangkangnya serta pengukuran kepadatan kima yang ditemukan di Perairan Maluku Utara. Hasil identifikasi berdasarkan DNA barcoding dan identifikasi morfologi menunjukan hasil yang sama, yaitu terdeteksi tiga jenis kima, Tridacna crocea, Tridacna squamosa, dan Tridacna maxima. Perbedaan ukuran dan bentuk cangkang serta warna mantel yang timbul, memperkuat ketiga jenis tersebut sebagai spesies yang berbeda. Selain itu, bentuk clade pohon filogenetik antara sampel dengan data genbank membentuk clade yang sama. Kondisi kepadatan kima pada perairan ini menunjukan hasil yang sama dengan lokasi lain, yaitu nilainya kurang dari 1 /m2. Nilai kepadatan &lt; 1 m2 dapat mengarahkan bahwa spesies tersebut mengalami penurunan atau mengarah pada overexploitatation. Sehingga, data penelitian ini dapat dijadikan sebagai referensi penilaian untuk kegiatan konservasi kima.Tridacna (kima) is a giant bivalve that is important to ecology. Attractive sizes and colours are the main attraction of overexploitation. Protection must occur, such as density measurement, size variations, and species identification based on morphology and DNA barcodes. This study aimed to identify clams using the DNA barcode method and to evaluate their population size and density in North Maluku waters. The research method uses DNA barcodes, morphological identification of mantle colour and shell size variations, and measurements of the density of clams found in North Maluku waters. The results were helpful based on DNA barcoding. They helped detect the morphology of the same results. Namely, three types of clams, Tridacna crocea, Tridacna squamosa, and Tridacna maxima, were detected. Differences in the shell's size and shape and the mantle's colour strengthen the three types as distinct species. In addition, the clade shape of the phylogenetic tree between the samples and GenBank data from the same clade. The condition of clam density in these waters showed the same results as other locations, namely less than 1/m2. A value density of &lt; 1 m2 may suggest that the species is declining or lead to over-exploitation. Thus, this research data can be used as a reference for assessing chemical conservation activities

    Variasi Temporal Kelompok Ikan Terumbu Karang di Pulau Tidung Kecil Menggunakan eDNA Metabarkoding dan Sensus Visual

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    Coral reef fish are play key role in coral reef ecosystem. The presence of reef fish affected by antrophogenic and natural factors, such seasonal changes. This study aimed to asess the temporal variation of coral reef fish group in Tidung Kecil Island using eDNA metabarcoding and Undewater Visual Census. This research was conducted at December 2019 (West season) and August 2020 (East season). Target group are dominated in west season (64.1%) and east season (59.25%) using eDNA metabarcoding. While, major group fish are the highest relative abundance in both season by using Underwater Visual Census. Family Carangidae are the highest species richness (15 species) in wet season and Serranidae (3 species) in east season, respectively.  Futhermore, famili Pomacentridae are the most richness species in west and east seasons 10 and 11 species respectively. Thus, it can be concluded these two methods are effective for monitoring structure or abundance of coral reef fish based on seasonal variation. Ikan karang menjadi indikator dalam menilai keanekaragaman hayati di ekosistem tersebut. Keberadaan ikan di ekosistem terumbu karang dapat dipengaruhi oleh faktor antropogenik dan faktor alam salah satunya perubahan musim. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kelimpahan kelompok ikan terumbu karang di Pulau Tidung Kecil menggunakan eDNA metabarkoding dan Sensus Visual. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada bulan Desember 2019 (musim barat) dan Agustus 2020 (musim timur). Ikan target mendominasi pada musim barat dan timur dengan persentase sebesar 64.11% dan 59.25%. Sensus visual berhasil mendeteksi ikan mayor dengan persentase tertinggi 62.5% di musim barat dan 82.8% di musim timur. Famili Carangidae merupakan famili dengan jumlah spesies tertinggi di musim barat (15 species) dan Siganidae di musim timur menggunakan eDNA metabarkoding (3 species). Hasil UVC menunjukkan famili Pomcentridae memilki jumlah spesies tertinggi di kedua musim (11 dan 10 spesies) menggundakan sensus visual. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa kedua metode tersebut dapat menjadi pendekatan dalam monitoring struktur atau kelimpahan ikan terumbu karang berdasarkan musim.

    Comparison of Macrozoobenthic Abundance in Seagrass Ecosystem During Full and Neap Moon at Panggang Island Seribu Islands

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    Macrozoobenthic is one of the organisms whose existence is widely present in the seagrass ecosystem. This study aimed to analyze the differences in individual abundance and macrozoobenthic species in full-moons and neap, to see the correlation of macrozoobenthic abundance with seagrass closure, and to know the contribution of macrozoobenthic species to seagrass habitat. The study was conducted in Panggang Island with 3 makrozoobenthic observation stations in the seagrass ecosystem at March and April 2016. Makrozoobenthic data collection in seagrass systematically using 1x1 m quadrant transect method and 10 cm diameter corer for infauna. Analyzing the density, seagrass cover and macrozoobenthic abundance. Analysis statistics of macrozoobenthic abundance data using ANOVA test, macrozoobenthic density correlation with seagrass cover using simple linear regression and contribution of species on full moon and neap using SIMPER analysis. The result of this research shows that there is no real difference of macrozoobenthic individual abundance in full moon and neap. While the species obtained significant significant differences. The SIMPER analysis shows the highest contribution of macrozoobenthic species in each station on the full moon and the neap is the species of Cerithium salebrosum. Conclusions The density of macrozoobenthic species shows a marked difference in the full moon and the neap, but not the individual abundance

    Management on Coral Reef Ecosystem in the Siantan Tengah District, Anambas Islands

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    Coral reef ecosystem management in Siantan Tengah District, Anambas Islands need to be improved to obtain the optimal results. Currently, the coral reef ecosystem management is conducted sectorally, therefore, it can cause a damage on coral reef ecosystem. The purposes of this study were to analyze sustainability status of coral reefs managements in the District Central Siantan and to formulate the sustainability of coral reef ecosystem management. Multi Dimensional Scaling (MDS) with Rap-Insus COREMAG approach was used to analyze the sustainability status of coral reef management. The results showed that the sustainability status of coral reef management in Siantan Tengah District was sustainable with multidimensional index of 51.457. Dimensions that need to be improved to achieve the optimal management of coral reef ecosystems in a sustainable manner is social dimension to the value of sustainability by 42.324 and institutional dimensions of 49.85 which is classed as less sustainable. This results of this research are expected to be able to facilitate the stakeholders to arrange the sustainability of coral reef ecosystem management in the Siantan Tengah District