1,225 research outputs found

    Proline-derived structural phases on Cu{311}

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    Structural phases formed by adsorption of L-proline onto a Cu{311} surface in ultra-high vacuum were investigated using reflection-absorption infrared spectroscopy, low-energy electron diffraction and scanning tunnelling microscopy. An ordered structural phase formed by self-assembly of L-prolinate with (2,1;1,2) periodicity, and a transition from pure l3 bonding to a mixture of l3 and l2 bonding with increasing exposure at 300 K, were observed. This behaviour has broad parallels with that previously seen with alaninate and glycinate on Cu{311}, but the detailed correlation between structure and bonding, and their evolution during subsequent annealing, are markedly different for prolinate as compared to alaninate and glycinate. At annealing temperatures around 480–490 K, a new structural phase with (5,3;4,6) periodicity emerges. We tentatively attribute this to pyrrole-2-carboxylate, formed by dehydrogenation and aromatization of the pyrrolidine ring of prolinate. The observation of equal areas of the two possible mirror domains associated with the two possible adsorbate–substrate bonding enantiomers implies a prochiral intermediate.The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council is acknowledged for financial support.This is the final published version. It first appeared at http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11244-015-0400-2

    Development of an In Silico Profiler for Respiratory Sensitisation

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    In this article, we outline work that led the QSAR and Molecular Modelling Group at Liverpool John Moores University to be jointly awarded the 2013 Lush Science Prize. Our research focuses around the development of in silico profilers for category formation within the Adverse Outcome Pathway paradigm. The development of a well-defined chemical category allows toxicity to be predicted via read-across. This is the central approach used by the OECD QSAR Toolbox. The specific work for which we were awarded the Lush Prize was for the development of such an in silico profiler for respiratory sensitisation. The profiler was developed by an analysis of the mechanistic chemistry associated with covalent bond formation in the lung. The data analysed were collated from clinical reports of occupational asthma in humans. The impact of the development of in silico profilers on the Three Rs is also discussed

    Investigation of the Verhaar scheme for predicting acute aquatic toxicity: improving predictions obtained from Toxtree ver. 2.6

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    Assessment of the potential of compounds to cause harm to the aquatic environment is an integral part 8 of the REACH legislation. To reduce the number of vertebrate and invertebrate animals required for 9 this analysis alternative approaches have been promoted. Category formation and read-across have 10 been applied widely to predict toxicity. A key approach to grouping for environmental toxicity is the 11 Verhaar scheme which uses rules to classify compounds into one of four mechanistic categories. 12 These categories provide a mechanistic basis for grouping and any further predictive modelling. A 13 computational implementation of the Verhaar scheme is available in Toxtree v2.6. The work 14 presented herein demonstrates how modifications to the implementation of Verhaar between version 15 1.5 and 2.6 of Toxtree have improved performance by reducing the number of incorrectly classified 16 compounds. However, for the datasets used in this analysis, version 2.6 classifies more compounds as 17 outside of the domain of the model. Further amendments to the classification rules have been 18 implemented here using a post-processing filter encoded as a KNIME workflow. This results in fewer 19 compounds being classified as outside of the model domain, further improving the predictivity of the 20 scheme. The utility of the modification described herein is demonstrated through building quality, 21 mechanism-specific Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship (QSAR) models for the compounds 22 within specific mechanistic categories

    Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) Informed Modeling of Aquatic Toxicology: QSARs, Read-Across, and Interspecies Verification of Modes of Action.

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    Alternative approaches have been promoted to reduce the number of vertebrate and invertebrate animals required for the assessment of the potential of compounds to cause harm to the aquatic environment. A key philosophy in the development of alternatives is a greater understanding of the relevant adverse outcome pathway (AOP). One alternative method is the fish embryo toxicity (FET) assay. Although the trends in potency have been shown to be equivalent in embryo and adult assays, a detailed mechanistic analysis of the toxicity data has yet to be performed; such analysis is vital for a full understanding of the AOP. The research presented herein used an updated implementation of the Verhaar scheme to categorize compounds into AOP-informed categories. These were then used in mechanistic (quantitative) structure-activity relationship ((Q)SAR) analysis to show that the descriptors governing the distinct mechanisms of acute fish toxicity are capable of modeling data from the FET assay. The results show that compounds do appear to exhibit the same mechanisms of toxicity across life stages. Thus, this mechanistic analysis supports the argument that the FET assay is a suitable alternative testing strategy for the specified mechanisms and that understanding the AOPs is useful for toxicity prediction across test systems

    Development of a Fragment-Based in Silico Profiler for Michael Addition Thiol Reactivity

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    The Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) paradigm details the existing knowledge that links the initial interaction between a chemical and a biological system, termed the molecular initiating event (MIE), through a series of intermediate events, to an adverse effect. An important example of a well-defined MIE is the formation of a covalent bond between a biological nucleophile and an electrophilic compound. This particular MIE has been associated with various toxicological end points such as acute aquatic toxicity, skin sensitization, and respiratory sensitization. This study has investigated the calculated parameters that are required to predict the rate of chemical bond formation (reactivity) of a dataset of Michael acceptors. Reactivity of these compounds toward glutathione was predicted using a combination of a calculated activation energy value (Eact, calculated using density functional theory (DFT) calculation at the B3YLP/6-31G+(d) level of theory, and solvent-accessible surface area values (SAS) at the α carbon. To further develop the method, a fragment-based algorithm was developed enabling the reactivity to be predicted for Michael acceptors without the need to perform the time-consuming DFT calculations. Results showed the developed fragment method was successful in predicting the reactivity of the Michael acceptors excluding two sets of chemicals: volatile esters with an extended substituent at the β-carbon and chemicals containing a conjugated benzene ring as part of the polarizing group. Additionally the study also demonstrated the ease with which the approach can be extended to other chemical classes by the calculation of additional fragments and their associated Eact and SAS values. The resulting method is likely to be of use in regulatory toxicology tools where an understanding of covalent bond formation as a potential MIE is important within the AOP paradigm

    Validation of a fragment-based profiler for thiol reactivity for the prediction of toxicity: skin sensitisation and tetrahymena pyriformis

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    This study outlines the use of a recently developed fragment-based thiol reactivity profiler for Michael acceptors to predict toxicity towards Tetrahymena pyriformis and skin sensitisation potency as determined in the Local Lymph Node Assay (LLNA). The results showed that the calculated reactivity parameter from the profiler, -log RC50(calc), was capable of predicting toxicity for both endpoints with excellent statistics. However, the study highlighted the importance of a well-defined applicability domain for each endpoint. In terms of Tetrahymena pyriformis this domain was defined in terms of how fast or slowly a given Michael acceptor reacts with thiol leading to two separate quantitative structure-activity models. The first, for fast reacting chemicals required only –Log RC50(calc) as a descriptor, whilst the second required the addition of a descriptor for hydrophobicity. Modelling of the LLNA required only a single descriptor, -log RC50(calc), enabling potency to be predicted. The applicability domain excluded chemicals capable of undergoing polymerisation and those that were predicted to be volatile. The modelling results for both endpoints, using the –log RC50(calc) value from the profiler, were in keeping with previously published studies that have utilised experimentally determined measurements of reactivity. This results demonstrate the output from the fragment-based thiol reactivity profiler can be used to develop quantitative structure-activity relationship models where reactivity towards thiol is a driver of toxicity

    Proposal of an in silico profiler for categorisation of repeat dose toxicity data of hair dyes

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    This study outlines the analysis of repeat dose toxicity data taken from Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) opinions for commonly used hair dyes in the European Union. Structural similarity was applied to group these chemicals into categories. Subsequent mechanistic analysis suggested that toxicity to mitochondria is potentially a key driver of repeat dose toxicity for chemicals within each of the categories. The mechanistic hypothesis allowed for an in silico profiler consisting of mechanism-based structural alerts to be proposed. This in silico profiler is intended for grouping chemicals into mechanism-based categories within the Adverse Outcome Pathway paradigm

    On-chip stimulated Brillouin scattering and its applications

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    We review recent demonstration of stimulated Brillouin scattering in a chalcogenide photonic chip and its application to optical and microwave signal processing tasks. The interaction between light and sound via stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) was exploited in chalcogenide photonic circuits to achieve on-chip SBS slow and fast light, microwave photonic filters, and dynamic gratings using travelling-wave geometry. Using a ring-resonator geometry, photonic-chip based Brillouin laser was demonstrated. © 2013 SPIE
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