1,577 research outputs found

    Sabotage in Contests: A Survey

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    A contest is a situation in which individuals expend irretrievable resources to win valuable prize(s). ‘Sabotage’ is a deliberate and costly act of damaging a rival’s' likelihood of winning the contest. Sabotage can be observed in, e.g., sports, war, promotion tournaments, political or marketing campaigns. In this article, we provide a model and various perspectives on such sabotage activities and review the economics literature analyzing the act of sabotage in contests. We discuss the theories and evidence highlighting the means of sabotage, why sabotage occurs, and the effects of sabotage on individual players and on overall welfare, along with possible mechanisms to reduce sabotage. We note that most sabotage activities are aimed at the ablest player, the possibility of sabotage reduces productive effort exerted by the players, and sabotage may lessen the effectiveness of public policies, such as affirmative action, or information revelation in contests. We discuss various policies that a designer may employ to counteract sabotage activities. We conclude by pointing out some areas of future research

    Decoration supplementation and male–male competition in the great bowerbird (Ptilonorhynchus nuchalis): a test of the social control hypothesis

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    Many animals use signals to communicate their social status to conspecifics, and the social control hypothesis suggests that social interactions maintain the evolutionary stability of status signals: low-quality individuals signal at a low level to prevent high-quality individuals from “punishing” them. I examined whether the numbers of decorations at bowers are socially controlled in the great bowerbird (Ptilonorhynchus nuchalis). In two populations, I supplemented males with decorations to determine whether they (a) rejected supplemental decorations and (b) experienced increased bower destruction from rivals. In contrast to the social control hypothesis, males in both populations accepted most supplemental decorations. Though the mean destruction rate did not increase during supplementation in either population, one of the study populations (Townsville) exhibited a negative correlation between the numbers of decorations naturally displayed at bowers and the change in destruction rate during the experiment. Townsville males that naturally had few decorations at their bowers also had more decorations stolen by other males during supplementation than males that naturally had many decorations. These results suggest that the numbers of decorations at bowers are an honest signal of the male's ability to defend his display site from rivals in at least one population of the great bowerbird (Townsville), but they do not support the social control hypothesis because males at both sites failed to limit signal expression. I discuss how the external nature of bower decorations and their availability in the environment may influence the costs and benefits of decoration theft and social control

    Time preferences and risk aversion: tests on domain differences

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    The design and evaluation of environmental policy requires the incorporation of time and risk elements as many environmental outcomes extend over long time periods and involve a large degree of uncertainty. Understanding how individuals discount and evaluate risks with respect to environmental outcomes is a prime component in designing effective environmental policy to address issues of environmental sustainability, such as climate change. Our objective in this study is to investigate whether subjects' time preferences and risk aversion across the monetary domain and the environmental domain differ. Crucially, our experimental design is incentivized: in the monetary domain, time preferences and risk aversion are elicited with real monetary payoffs, whereas in the environmental domain, we elicit time preferences and risk aversion using real (bee-friendly) plants. We find that subjects' time preferences are not significantly different across the monetary and environmental domains. In contrast, subjects' risk aversion is significantly different across the two domains. More specifically, subjects (men and women) exhibit a higher degree of risk aversion in the environmental domain relative to the monetary domain. Finally, we corroborate earlier results, which document that women are more risk averse than men in the monetary domain. We show this finding to, also, hold in the environmental domain

    Using read-across to build physiologically-based kinetic models: Part 1. Development of a KNIME workflow to assist analogue selection for PBK modelling

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    Read-across refers to the process by which information from one (source) chemical is used to infer information about another similar (target) chemical. This method can be used to fill data gaps and so inform safety assessment where data are lacking for chemicals of interest. As one chemical cannot be considered as absolutely similar to another, only similar with respect to a given property, it is essential to justify the selection of similar chemicals (analogues) for the purposes of read-across. A previously created dataset of available physiologically-based kinetic (PBK) models (referred to as the PBK modelling dataset or PMD) was used in the development of a KNIME workflow. KNIME is a freely-available, open-source analytics platform that allows users to create workflows to analyse and visualise data. The KNIME workflow described here was designed to identify chemical analogues with a corresponding model in the PMD. The PMD combined with the KWAAS enables PBK model information from source chemical(s) to be used in a read-across approach to help develop new PBK models for target chemicals. This KNIME workflow was applied to six chemicals, representing different types of chemical classes (drugs, cosmetics, botanicals, industrial chemicals, pesticides, and food additives) to assess its applicability across various industries. Information acquired from these PBK models can be used to support safety assessment of chemicals and reduce reliance on animal testing

    Using Read-Across to Build Physiologically-Based Kinetic Models: Part 2. Case Studies for atenolol and flumioxazin

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    Read-across, wherein information from a data-rich chemical is used to make a prediction for a similar chemical that lacks the relevant data, is increasingly being accepted as an alternative to animal testing. Identifying chemicals that can be considered as similar (analogues) is crucial to the process. Two resources have been developed previously to address the issue of analogue selection and facilitate physiologically-based kinetic (PBK) model development, using read-across. Chemical-specific PBK models, available in the literature, were collated to form a PBK model dataset (PMD) of over 7,500 models. A KNIME workflow was created to accompany this PMD that can aid the selection of appropriate chemical analogues from chemicals within this dataset (i.e. chemicals that are similar to a target of interest and are known to have an existing PBK model). Information from the PBK model for the source chemical can then be used in a read-across approach to inform the development of a new PBK model for the target. The application of these resources is tested here using two case studies (i) for the drug atenolol and (ii) for the plant protection product, flumioxazin. New PBK models were constructed for these two target chemicals using data obtained from source chemicals, identified by the workflow as being similar (analogues). In each case, the published PBK model for the source chemical was initially reproduced, as accurately as possible, before being adapted and used as a template for the target chemical. The performance of the new PBK models was assessed by comparing simulation outputs to existing data on key kinetic properties for the targets. The results demonstrate that a read-across approach can be successfully applied to develop new PBK models for data-poor chemicals, thus enabling their deployment during early-stage risk assessment. This assists prediction of internal exposure whilst reducing reliance on animal testing

    Building Irish families through surrogacy: medical and judicial issues for the advanced reproductive technologies

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    Surrogacy involves one woman (surrogate mother) carrying a child for another person/s (commissioning person/couple), based on a mutual agreement requiring the child to be handed over to the commissioning person/couple following birth. Reasons for seeking surrogacy include situations where a woman has non-functional or absent reproductive organs, or as a remedy for recurrent pregnancy loss. Additionally, surrogacy may find application in any medical context where pregnancy is contraindicated, or where a couple consisting of two males seek to become parents through oocyte donation. Gestational surrogacy is one of the main issues at the forefront of bioethics and the advanced reproductive technologies, representing an important challenge to medical law. This analysis reviews the history of surrogacy and clinical and legal issues pertaining to this branch of reproductive medicine. Interestingly, the Medical Council of Ireland does not acknowledge surrogacy in its current practice guidelines, nor is there specific legislation addressing surrogacy in Ireland at present. We therefore have developed a contract-based model for surrogacy in which, courts in Ireland may consider when confronted with a surrogacy dispute, and formulated a system to resolve any potential dispute arising from a surrogacy arrangement. While the 2005 report by the Commission on Assisted Human Reproduction (CAHR) is an expert opinion guiding the Oireachtas' development of specific legislation governing assisted human reproduction and surrogacy, our report represents independent scholarship on the contractual elements of surrogacy with particular focus on how Irish courts might decide on surrogacy matters in a modern day Ireland. This joint medico-legal collaborative also reviews the contract for services arrangement between the commissioning person/s and the surrogate, and the extent to which the contract may be enforced

    Study protocol to investigate the effect of a lifestyle intervention on body weight, psychological health status and risk factors associated with disease recurrence in women recovering from breast cancer treatment

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    Background Breast cancer survivors often encounter physiological and psychological problems related to their diagnosis and treatment that can influence long-term prognosis. The aim of this research is to investigate the effects of a lifestyle intervention on body weight and psychological well-being in women recovering from breast cancer treatment, and to determine the relationship between changes in these variables and biomarkers associated with disease recurrence and survival. Methods/design Following ethical approval, a total of 100 patients will be randomly assigned to a lifestyle intervention (incorporating dietary energy restriction in conjunction with aerobic exercise training) or normal care control group. Patients randomised to the dietary and exercise intervention will be given individualised healthy eating dietary advice and written information and attend moderate intensity aerobic exercise sessions on three to five days per week for a period of 24 weeks. The aim of this strategy is to induce a steady weight loss of up to 0.5 Kg each week. In addition, the overall quality of the diet will be examined with a view to (i) reducing the dietary intake of fat to ~25% of the total calories, (ii) eating at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day, (iii) increasing the intake of fibre and reducing refined carbohydrates, and (iv) taking moderate amounts of alcohol. Outcome measures will include body weight and body composition, psychological health status (stress and depression), cardiorespiratory fitness and quality of life. In addition, biomarkers associated with disease recurrence, including stress hormones, estrogen status, inflammatory markers and indices of innate and adaptive immune function will be monitored. Discussion This research will provide valuable information on the effectiveness of a practical, easily implemented lifestyle intervention for evoking positive effects on body weight and psychological well-being, two important factors that can influence long-term prognosis in breast cancer survivors. However, the added value of the study is that it will also evaluate the effects of the lifestyle intervention on a range of biomarkers associated with disease recurrence and survival. Considered together, the results should improve our understanding of the potential role that lifestyle-modifiable factors could play in saving or prolonging lives

    Crystal Structure of a Charge Engineered Human Lysozyme Having Enhanced Bactericidal Activity

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    Human lysozyme is a key component of the innate immune system, and recombinant forms of the enzyme represent promising leads in the search for therapeutic agents able to treat drug-resistant infections. The wild type protein, however, fails to participate effectively in clearance of certain infections due to inherent functional limitations. For example, wild type lysozymes are subject to electrostatic sequestration and inactivation by anionic biopolymers in the infected airway. A charge engineered variant of human lysozyme has recently been shown to possess improved antibacterial activity in the presence of disease associated inhibitory molecules. Here, the 2.04 Å crystal structure of this variant is presented along with an analysis that provides molecular level insights into the origins of the protein's enhanced performance. The charge engineered variant's two mutated amino acids exhibit stabilizing interactions with adjacent native residues, and from a global perspective, the mutations cause no gross structural perturbations or loss of stability. Importantly, the two substitutions dramatically expand the negative electrostatic potential that, in the wild type enzyme, is restricted to a small region near the catalytic residues. The net result is a reduction in the overall strength of the engineered enzyme's electrostatic potential field, and it appears that the specific nature of this remodeled field underlies the variant's reduced susceptibility to inhibition by anionic biopolymers