149 research outputs found

    An Islamic Analysis of Beijing Declaration on Women Rights in some selected Local Government Areas of Yobe State

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    This Research investigates an Islamic Analysis of the Beijing Declaration on Women Rights in some selected Local Government Areas of Yobe State, Nigeria. It ponders on the history of women rights, concept and  its roles in political, social, Economic and religious aspect in Yobe State. Analytical research methodology has been used in preparing this paper. Findings have shown that, Beijing Declaration on Women rights in some selected local Government Areas in Yobe State has not reached most of the women especially in the rural areas, because their rights are more of western than Islamic. Also Women are empowered with many rights and protections under Islamic law and honoured with a dignified stature in the society Parents as well. Finally, this paper  recommended that, husbands and Muslim communities should provide sound Islamic Education to their women at home before being exposed to secular education, also Islamic scholars should diversify their knowledge and learn more about western propaganda in order to expose its evil intention

    A study of flow and heat transfer of nanofluids: between two parallel plates, over a wedge and past a stretching sheet

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    This thesis investigates analytically and numerically the flow and heat transfer of nanofluids: between two infinite parallel plates, over a wedge, and past a stretching sheet. Two problems have been considered for the parallel plates. A mathematical model of squeezing unsteady nanofluid flow is studied firstly in the presence of thermal radiation, and secondly, in the presence of both thermal radiation and heat generation/absorption. The solutions are obtained by using homotopy perturbation method (HPM) and fourth-order Runge-Kutta with shooting technique (RK4). The flow of nanofluids over a wedge leads to the derivation of the Falkner-Skan equation and this problem have been solved using the optimal homotopy asymptotic method (OHAM). Finally, three issues have been considered for nanofluids past the stretching sheet. Firstly, we considered a problem of flow and heat transfer of nanofluids over a dynamic stretching sheet with non-linear velocity and variable thickness in the presence of Brownian motion and thermal radiation. Secondly, the effect of a chemical reaction is taken into account. These two problems have been investigated using the OHAM and RK4. Lastly, a mathematical model for the effect of chemical reaction in a natural convective boundary-layer flow of nanofluids has been evolved. The HPM with Pade approximation (HPM-Pade) along with RK4 is used to solve the nonlinear governing equations. It is found that the thermal radiation had recorded a significant influence, in which it has been observed that the growing value of the thermal radiation parameter results to the decrease in the temperature profile in the case of squeezing flow problem. Thereby both the thermal boundary layer thickness and temperature profile have substantially risen in the flow and heat transfer over a stretching sheet cases. From the subsequent cases, we also found that the temperature is high due to the increase in both the Brownian motion and the thermophoresis parameters, while the scenario reverses as the nanoparticle concentration only increases with the strengthen thermophoresis parameter and slow down with an increase in the Brownian motion parameter

    Assessment of the microbiological quality of some locally made candies sold at some primary schools at Sharada

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    No AbstractKeywords: Candies, Bacteria, Fungi, Primary Schools and Pupil

    Roles of Farmers’ Cooperatives in Agricultural Development In Sabuwa Local Government Area of Katsina State, Nigeria

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    The cooperative movements among farmers are viewed to be instrumental to Agricultural transformation and boosting productivity in the sector. For some decades, cooperatives have been playing remarkable roles towards the growth and development of the national economy. The study aimed at assessing the farmers’ cooperative roles in Agricultural development in Sabuwa local government area Katsina State, Nigeria. The primary data was collected with the aid of structured questionnaire as a major research instrument for the study. A purposive sampling technique was employed in the selection of 60 samples among registered farmers’ cooperative members in the study area. Data was analysed by measures of central tendencies such as frequencies, mean, percentages and multiple regression techniques. The study revealed that income generation (r = 759), duration of cooperative experience (r = 681), type of agricultural activities (r = 715) and quality of leadership (r = .874) were found to be significantly correlated with the roles of the farmers’ cooperatives in agricultural development at .05 alpha value while membership enrolment in terms of population size (r = 423) was found to have a weak correlation. Based on the findings, it was recommended among other things that agricultural policy makers and economic planners should take into cognizance the morale boosters for the cooperative organizations such as lowering interest rates on granting credit facilities, empowering the farmers’ cooperatives to perform through legislative control and adopting cooperatives as an effective strategy towards socio-economic transformation of the less-privileged and disadvantaged lagging areas and by so doing, it will assist in fostering regional balance in our developmental efforts. Keywords: Agriculture Cooperative Movement Farming Developmen


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    This paper titled time series analysis for treatment of typhoid (etteric) fever in Maiduguri; using Arima model, the paper has noticed that the data displayed both a trend and seasonality; the trend indicates a reduction in the most recent year's data. Using autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation function (ACF and PACF), the data can also be utilized to determine the model's order. The model obtained is subjected to model diagnostics in order to determine its efficiency and the model is used to forecast the typhoid fever. From the forecast graph shows that there may be a decrease in future years due to the pattern of the series the impression, we obtain from the graph is that predicted series seems to be trend upward and then downward. ARIMA (1,0,0) has the minimum value of AIC therefore it found to be best model. Hence, the model to fit the typhoid fever based on diplomatic test, which is LJung Box test from the family of Box Janks procedure, then our P-value is less than 0.05 level of significant, we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the typhoid fever is statistically significant at 5% level of significant. Forecast of typhoid fever from February to December 2025 we also conclude that the typhoid fever is stable. Improve Sanitation and Hygiene: Implement measures to improve sanitation and hygiene practices, especially in areas with high disease prevalence. This may include promoting access to clean water, proper waste management, and hygiene education campaigns

    Heritability of some quantitative characters in five varieties of maize (Zea mays l.,) under the influence of various levels of nitrogen

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    field experiment was conducted at the Kano University of Science and Technology Wudil teaching and research farm during the 2010 and 2011 rainy seasons. Five varieties of maize were studied to estimate  components of genetic variance and heritability of some quantitative  characters that might exist among them, under the influence of different levels of Nitrogen fertilizer. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design, and replicated three times. The genotype ×  different levels of nitrogen fertilizer (G × N) influenced the expression of the ear height and yield component. Analysis of variance for plant height revealed highly significant differences among varieties with genotypic coefficient of variation (1.67%) which is smaller than the phenotypic coefficient of variation (1.72%). The estimate of broad-sense heritability was high (0.79), thus showing the presence of considerable amount of genetic variation in total phenotypic variation. While the analysis of variance for ear height showed highly significant differences among genotypic coefficient of variation (0.93%) which is smaller than the  phenotypic coefficient of variation (1.05%). The estimate of broad-sense heritability was high (0.49) indicating the presence of considerable amount of genetic variation in total phenotypic variation. The results confirmed thefindings of other researchers on high heritability for plant height. Analysis of variance for grain yield per plot showed greater Genotypic variance than the environmental variance with genotypic coefficient of variation (5.33%) which is smaller than the phenotypic Coefficient of variation (6.24%)and the estimate of broad sense heritability (0.78) was moderately high.Keywords: Heritability, variation, ear height, genes

    Malignant diseases in Jos

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    Background: Cancer non-communicable disease was believed to be rare in the tropics. With gradual adoption of western life style, malignant tumours have continued to be a significant cause of morbidity in our enviroment. The past decade has witnessed increased rate of cancers in various centers in Nigeria. This is as a result of campaign mounted by Nigeria cancer society and more health centers have established oncology units there by facilitating better management for these patients. Methods: Records of all cancers in the department of Pathology were retrospectively examined over a period of 15 years. The information was broken into two 1985-1994 and 1995-2002.This period correspond with the time which cancer society and the Teaching Hospital started free cancer screening programmes. Results: There was over 53% increase in the proportion of cancers between 1995-2002. The commonest cancers were that of cervix, Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, and breast in that order, between 1985-1994. In 1995-2002 the commonest cancers were breast, cervix, prostate, and Non- Hodgkin's lymphoma in that order. Conclusion: There will be relative increase of cancer in our environment as communicable diseases are gradually being treated and eradicated. Establishment of more oncology units in our tertiary health centers will certainly prolong the life of the patients and improve their quality of life. Keywords: Cancer, epidemiological, follow up, oncology centre Annals of African Medicine Vol.2(2) 2003: 49-5

    Enumeration of coliforms in fermented milk product (nono) sold in Samaru, Kaduna State, Nigeria

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    The quality of cow milk is reduced by microbial contamination and this poses a health risk to humans. One hundred fermented milk products (nono) sold within Samaru, Zaria were collected to determine the bacterial quality of nono using total aerobic plate and coliform counts on Nutrient and MacConkey agar plates respectively, The isolation of Escherichia coli was with the use of Eosin Methylene Blue agar. The mean pH of the nono samples from ten retail outlets ranged from 3.2 in Samaru leather research to 3.8 each in Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and ICSA market. Other mean pH values were as follows: Suleiman Hall and Dogon Ichi 3.3 each, Community market, Faculties of Science and Arts, 3.5 each, Samaru market and Hayin Dogo, 3.6 each. The highest total aerobic plate count of 1.390 x 1013 CFU/mL was from site B while the least of 0.789 x 1013 CFU/mL was from site G. The mean coliform count ranged from 2.10Ă—1010 to 5.12 Ă—1010 CFU/mL. Site F had the least of 2.10 Ă— 10 10 while site H had the highest count (5.12 Ă—1010) closely followed by site E (5.03 Ă—1010). Out of 100 samples obtained, 46 (46%) yielded colonies suspected to be E. coli. On confirmation, after biochemical characterization, only 27 (58.7%) out of the 46 presumptive samples were positive for E. coli. An E. coli isolation rate of 27% was recorded out of the 100 nono samples, with the highest prevalence of 50% in nono samples from site I and the least of 10% from site E. The prevalence of other coliforms in the 100 samples were Enterobacter (8%), Klebsiella (6%), Citrobacter (2%) and Proteus (3%) species. The study has shown that fermented milk, nono is contaminated and can pose a health hazard to consumers of this product.Keywords: Coliforms, Escherichia coli, Milk, Nono, Samar

    Social Issues in Nigeria Development: A General Overview

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    The paper attempts to demystify some of the social issues that have made it difficult to generate meaningful development in Nigeria despite the huge resources at its disposal.  In doing, this we x-ray some of the development theories that informed the strategies adopted by various regimes in Nigeria since independence to achieve development. Adopting the political economy theoretical framework, the paper identifies analyses and proffer possible solutions to these social issues. Keywords: Development, Modernization, Dependency, Corruption, Political Economy and Leadership

    Time Series Analysis for The Treatment of Typhoid (Enteric) Fever in Maiduguri: Using Arima Model

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    This research employs the ARIMA model to conduct a thorough time series analysis on the treatment of typhoid (enteric) fever in Maiduguri. The study reveals the presence of both trend and seasonality in the data, with the trend indicating a recent reduction in the recorded data. Using autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation function (ACF and PACF), the data can also be utilized to determine the model's order. The model obtained is subjected to model diagnostics to determine its efficiency and the model is used to forecast the typhoid fever. From the forecast graph shows that there may be a decrease in future years due to the pattern of the series the impression, we obtain from the graph is that predicted series seems to be trend upward and then downward. ARIMA (1,0,0) has the minimum value of AIC therefore it found to be best model. Hence, the model to fit the typhoid fever based on diplomatic test, which is LJung Box test from the family of Box Janks procedure, then our P-value is less than 0.05 level of significant, we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the typhoid fever is statistically significant at 5% level of significant. Forecast of typhoid fever from February to December 2025 we also conclude that the typhoid fever is stable. Improve Sanitation and Hygiene: Implement measures to improve sanitation and hygiene practices, especially in areas with high disease prevalence. This may include promoting access to clean water, proper waste management, and hygiene education campaigns.Keyword: ARIMA Model, Typhoid fever, Box janks, WHO, Model diagnostic
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