94 research outputs found

    On Critical Relative Distance of DNA Codes for Additive Stem Similarity

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    We consider DNA codes based on the nearest-neighbor (stem) similarity model which adequately reflects the "hybridization potential" of two DNA sequences. Our aim is to present a survey of bounds on the rate of DNA codes with respect to a thermodynamically motivated similarity measure called an additive stem similarity. These results yield a method to analyze and compare known samples of the nearest neighbor "thermodynamic weights" associated to stacked pairs that occurred in DNA secondary structures.Comment: 5 or 6 pages (compiler-dependable), 0 figures, submitted to 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2010), uses IEEEtran.cl

    Adaption of the Students’ motivation towards science learning (SMTSL) questionnaire into Albanian language

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    This study focused at adapting the students’ motivation towards science learning questionnaire (SMTSL) into the Albanian version, originally developed by Tuan, Chin, and Shieh (2005), into a different cultural context, focusing on chemistry learning subject. 366 students from natural sciences high school enrolled in 10th, 11th and 12th grade were randomly selected to be part of the study. The present study applied and confirmed the questionnaire with 35 items and 6 subscales, same as in orginal version. The questionnaires’ reliability (α.86) was acceptable for the Kosovar context and study’s findings were in compliance with the results of the previous studies. SMTSL’s factioral structure was confirmed using explanatory factor analysis. Results showed that the questionnaire is valid and six-subscales motivation construct can be applied in this study’s cultural setting and sample with reference to learning chemistry


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    Softueri ka qenë pjesë e tregut modern për shumë vite. Kemi disa metodologji të zhvillimit që përdoren në ditët e sotme. Burimet e pakta, konkurenca e ashpër si dhe kërkesat gjithnjë e në ndryshim të biznesit kërkojnë modele të zhvillimit të softuerit që janë sa më efikase dhe fleksibile. Edhe pse disa prej kompanive kanë metodologjinë e tyre përshtatëse të zhvillimit, pjesa më e madhe përodrin dy prej llojeve më të njohur siq janë: Plan Drvien dhe Agile metodologjitë. Plan Driven metodologjitë konsiderohen si formë tradicionale e zhvillimit të softuerit që përkrahin planifikimin e plotë, dokumentacion të detajuar dhe dizjan gjithëpërfshirës. Metodologjitë Agile gjatë viteve të fundit përdoren shumë nga komuniteti i inxhinierisë softuerike. Këto ndryshe nga Plan Driven përdorin cikle të shkurtëra përsëritëse dhe mbështesin shkëmbimin e njohurive në grup në vend të dokumentacionit. Në këtë punim diplome është paraqitur krahasimi mes këtyre dy metodologjive dhe janë prezentuar nga dy procese më të përdorura nga secila metodologjië. Proceset për metodologjinë Plan Driven janë Waterfall dhe V-Model ndërsa për metodologjinë Agile janë Extreme Programming dhe Scrum. Këto procese janë spjeguar në mënyrë më të detajuar duke përfshirë të gjithë hapat e zhvillimit nëpër të cilat kalojnë ato si dhe avantazhet dhe disavantazhet e tyre

    DNA Codes Based on Stem Similarities Between DNA Sequences

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    DNA codes consisting of DNA sequences are necessary for DNA computing. The minimum distance parameter of such codes is a measure of how dissimilar the codewords are, and thus is indirectly a measure of the likelihood of undetectedable or uncorrectable errors occurring during hybridization. To compute distance, an abstract metric, for example, longest common subsequence, must be used to model the actual bonding energies of DNA strands. In this paper we continue the development [1,2,3] of similarity functions for q-ary n-sequences The theoretical lower bound on the maximal possible size of codes, built on the space endowed with this metric, is obtained. that can be used (for q = 4) to model a thermodynamic similarity on DNA sequences. We introduce the concept of a stem similarity function and discuss DNA codes [2] based on the stem similarity. We suggest an optimal construction [2] and obtain random coding bounds on the maximum size and rate for such codes

    Random Coding Bounds for DNA Codes Based on Fibonacci Ensembles of DNA Sequences

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    We consider DNA codes based on the concept of a weighted 2-stem similarity measure which reflects the ”hybridization potential” of two DNA sequences. A random coding bound on the rate of DNA codes with respect to a thermodynamic motivated similarity measure is proved. Ensembles of DNA strands whose sequence composition is restricted in a manner similar to the restrictions in binary Fibonacci sequences are introduced to obtain the bound

    An α-disconnected space has no proper monic preimage

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    AbstractAll spaces are compact Hausdorff. α is an uncountable cardinal or the symbol ∞. A continuous map τ:X→Y is called an α-SpFi morphism if τ-1(G) is dense in X whenever G is a dense α-cozero set of Y. We thus have a category α-SpFi (spaces with the α-filter) which, like any category, has its monomorphisms; these need not be one-to-one. For general α, we cannot say what the α-SpFi monics are, but we show, and R.G. Woods showed, that ∞-SpFi monic means range-irreducible. The main theorem here is: X has no proper α-SpFi monic preimage if and only if X is α-disconnected. This generalizes (by putting in α = ∞) the well-known fact: X has no proper irreducible preimage if and only if X is extremally disconnected. If, in our theorem, we restrict to Boolean spaces and apply Stone duality, we have the theorem of R. Lagrange, that in Boolean α-algebras, epimorphisms are surjective.The theory of spaces with filters has a lot of connections with ordered algebra—Boolean algebras of course, but also lattice-ordered groups and frames. This paper is a contribution to the development of this topological theory

    Asphalt Concrete Overlay Optimization Based on Pavement Performance Models

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    The life cycle length of pavement with asphalt concrete material (ACM) surfacing is significantly influenced, in addition to transport loading and climatic conditions, by design method and rehabilitation timing. Appropriate overlay thickness calculation and estimation of optimal rehabilitation time are crucial to maximizing life cycle length and, concurrently, reducing road administration costs and road user costs. This article describes a comprehensive method of ACM rehabilitation design. For optimization of life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) based design, mathematical analytical solution in combination with experimental verification of physical, mechanical, and fatigue characteristics is utilized. Pavement performance, that is, functions mathematically describing pavement’s degradation characteristics of operational capability, is represented by longitudinal and transverse unevenness; these are used to describe relations between traffic loading and pavement’s bearing capacity on 1 : 1 scale. Optimizing of rehabilitation plan is carried out by making a cost benefit analysis (CBA) for several rehabilitation scenarios in which different rehabilitation timing produces different capital cost requirements and social benefits. Rehabilitation scenarios differ in technology, the design of which needs to be mathematically optimized, and timing of rehabilitation execution. This article includes a case study for the sake of illustration of practical results and verification of applicability of used methodology
