245 research outputs found

    Microarcsecond Radio Imaging using Earth Orbit Synthesis

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    The observed interstellar scintillation pattern of an intra-day variable radio source is influenced by its source structure. If the velocity of the interstellar medium responsible for the scattering is comparable to the earth's, the vector sum of these allows an observer to probe the scintillation pattern of a source in two dimensions and, in turn, to probe two-dimensional source structure on scales comparable to the angular scale of the scintillation pattern, typically ∌10ÎŒ\sim 10 \muas for weak scattering. We review the theory on the extraction of an ``image'' from the scintillation properties of a source, and show how earth's orbital motion changes a source's observed scintillation properties during the course of a year. The imaging process, which we call Earth Orbit Synthesis, requires measurements of the statistical properties of the scintillations at epochs spread throughout the course of a year.Comment: ApJ in press. 25 pages, 7 fig

    Scattering of Gravitational Waves by the Weak Gravitational Fields of Lens Objects

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    We consider the scattering of the gravitational waves by the weak gravitational fields of lens objects. We obtain the scattered gravitational waveform by treating the gravitational potential of the lens to first order, i.e. using the Born approximation. We find that the effect of scattering on the waveform is roughly given by the Schwarzschild radius of the lens divided by the wavelength of gravitational wave for a compact lens object. If the lenses are smoothly distributed, the effect of scattering is of the order of the convergence field Îș\kappa along the line of sight to the source. In the short wavelength limit, the amplitude is magnified by 1+Îș1+\kappa, which is consistent with the result in weak gravitational lensing.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, A&A Letters, in press, minor changes, references adde

    The Performance and Calibration of the CRAFT Fly's Eye Fast Radio Burst Survey

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    Since January 2017, the Commensal Real-time ASKAP Fast Transients survey (CRAFT) has been utilising commissioning antennas of the Australian SKA Pathfinder (ASKAP) to survey for fast radio bursts (FRBs) in fly's eye mode. This is the first extensive astronomical survey using phased array feeds (PAFs), and a total of 20 FRBs have been reported. Here we present a calculation of the sensitivity and total exposure of this survey, using the pulsars B1641-45 (J1644-4559) and B0833-45 (J0835-4510, i.e.\ Vela) as calibrators. The design of the survey allows us to benchmark effects due to PAF beamshape, antenna-dependent system noise, radio-frequency interference, and fluctuations during commissioning on timescales from one hour to a year. Observation time, solid-angle, and search efficiency are calculated as a function of FRB fluence threshold. Using this metric, effective survey exposures and sensitivities are calculated as a function of the source counts distribution. The implied FRB rate is significantly lower than the 3737\,sky−1^{-1}\,day−1^{-1} calculated using nominal exposures and sensitivities for this same sample by \citet{craft_nature}. At the Euclidean power-law index of −1.5-1.5, the rate is 10.7−1.8+2.7 (sys) ± 3 (stat)10.7_{-1.8}^{+2.7}\,{\rm (sys)} \, \pm \, 3\,{\rm (stat)}\,sky−1^{-1}\,day−1^{-1} above a threshold of 57±6 (sys)57\pm6\,{\rm (sys)}\,Jy\,ms, while for the best-fit index for this sample of −2.1-2.1, it is 16.6−1.5+1.9 (sys) ±4.7 (stat)16.6_{-1.5}^{+1.9} \,{\rm (sys)}\, \pm 4.7\,{\rm (stat)}\,sky−1^{-1}\,day−1^{-1} above a threshold of 41.6±1.5 (sys)41.6\pm1.5\,{\rm (sys)}\,Jy\,ms. This strongly suggests that these calculations be performed for other FRB-hunting experiments, allowing meaningful comparisons to be made between them.Comment: 21 pages, 15 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in PAS

    Sensitivity of cross-sectional compliance to manufacturing tolerances for wind turbine blades

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    Wind-turbine blades are complex structures and, despite advancements in analysis techniques, differences persist between predictions of their elastic response and experimental results. This undermines confidence in the ability to reliably design and certify novel blade designs that include self-regulating features like bend-twist coupling To address these discrepancies, this study investigates the influence of manufacturing tolerances on the compliance properties of blade cross-sections, focusing specifically on a previously disregarded feature: the trailing edge bond-line. To conduct this investigation, the validated cross-sectional modelling tools BECAS and VABS are used to demonstrate that even small geometric variations can have significant influence on cross-sectional stiffness properties. The results are further examined and substantiated through the utilisation of 3D finite element models, adopting both shell and solid elements. We conclude that an accurate geometric representation of the cross-section is necessary to adequately capture the shear flow within it and assure accurate predictions on cross-sectional stiffness properties.</p

    Dual-Frequency Observations of 140 Compact, Flat-Spectrum Active Galactic Nuclei for Scintillation-Induced Variability

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    The 4.9 GHz Micro-Arcsecond Scintillation-Induced Variability (MASIV) Survey detected a drop in Interstellar Scintillation (ISS) for sources at redshifts z > 2, indicating an apparent increase in angular diameter or a decrease in flux density of the most compact components of these sources, relative to their extended emission. This can result from intrinsic source size effects or scatter broadening in the Intergalactic Medium (IGM), in excess of the expected (1+z)^0.5 angular diameter scaling of brightness temperature limited sources due to cosmological expansion. We report here 4.9 GHz and 8.4 GHz observations and data analysis for a sample of 140 compact, flat-spectrum sources which may allow us to determine the origin of this angular diameter-redshift relation by exploiting their different wavelength dependences. In addition to using ISS as a cosmological probe, the observations provide additional insight into source morphologies and the characteristics of ISS. As in the MASIV Survey, the variability of the sources is found to be significantly correlated with line-of-sight H-alpha intensities, confirming its link with ISS. For 25 sources, time delays of about 0.15 to 3 days are observed between the scintillation patterns at both frequencies, interpreted as being caused by a shift in core positions when probed at different optical depths. Significant correlation is found between ISS amplitudes and source spectral index; in particular, a large drop in ISS amplitudes is observed at spectral indices of < -0.4 confirming that steep spectrum sources scintillate less. We detect a weakened redshift dependence of ISS at 8.4 GHz over that at 4.9 GHz, with the mean variance at 4-day timescales reduced by a factor of 1.8 in the z > 2 sources relative to the z < 2 sources, as opposed to the factor of 3 decrease observed at 4.9 GHz. This suggests scatter broadening in the IGM.Comment: 30 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    Why Do Compact Active Galactic Nuclei at High Redshift Scintillate Less?

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    The fraction of compact active galactic nuclei (AGNs) that exhibit interstellar scintillation (ISS) at radio wavelengths, as well as their scintillation amplitudes, have been found to decrease significantly for sources at redshifts z > 2. This can be attributed to an increase in the angular sizes of the \muas-scale cores or a decrease in the flux densities of the compact \muas cores relative to that of the mas-scale components with increasing redshift, possibly arising from (1) the space-time curvature of an expanding Universe, (2) AGN evolution, (3) source selection biases, (4) scatter broadening in the ionized intergalactic medium (IGM) and intervening galaxies, or (5) gravitational lensing. We examine the frequency scaling of this redshift dependence of ISS to determine its origin, using data from a dual-frequency survey of ISS of 128 sources at 0 < z < 4. We present a novel method of analysis which accounts for selection effects in the source sample. We determine that the redshift dependence of ISS is partially linked to the steepening of source spectral indices ({\alpha}^8.4_4.9) with redshift, caused either by selection biases or AGN evolution, coupled with weaker ISS in the {\alpha}^8.4_4.9 < -0.4 sources. Selecting only the -0.4 < {\alpha}^8.4_4.9 < 0.4 sources, we find that the redshift dependence of ISS is still significant, but is not significantly steeper than the expected (1+z)^0.5 scaling of source angular sizes due to cosmological expansion for a brightness temperature and flux-limited sample of sources. We find no significant evidence for scatter broadening in the IGM, ruling it out as the main cause of the redshift dependence of ISS. We obtain an upper limit to IGM scatter broadening of < 110\muas at 4.9 GHz with 99% confidence for all lines of sight, and as low as < 8\muas for sight-lines to the most compact, \sim 10\muas sources.Comment: 38 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Time domain studies of Active Galactic Nuclei with the Square Kilometre Array

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    Variability of radio-emitting active galactic nuclei can be used to probe both intrinsic variations arising from shocks, flares, and other changes in emission from regions surrounding the central supermassive black hole, as well as extrinsic variations due to scattering by structures in our own Galaxy. Such interstellar scattering also probes the structure of the emitting regions, with microarcsecond resolution. Current studies have necessarily been limited to either small numbers of objects monitored over long periods of time, or large numbers of objects but with poor time sampling. The dramatic increase in survey speed engendered by the Square Kilometre Array will enable precision synoptic monitoring studies of hundreds of thousands of sources with a cadence of days or less. Statistics of variability, in particular concurrent observations at multiple radio frequencies and in other bands of the electromagnetic spectrum, will probe accretion physics over a wide range of AGN classes, luminosities, and orientations, as well as enabling a detailed understanding of the structures responsible for radio wave scattering in the Galactic interstellar medium

    Does circular polarisation reveal the rotation of quasar engines?

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    Many radio sources like quasars, blazars, radio galaxies, and micro-quasars exhibit circular polarisation (CP) with surprising temporal persistent handedness. As a possible explanation we propose that the CP is due to Faraday conversion (FC) of linear polarisation (LP) synchrotron light which propagates along a line-of-sight (LOS) through twisted magnetic fields. The rotational nature of accretion flows onto black holes naturally generates the required magnetic twist in the emission region, independent of whether it is a jet or an ADAF. The expected twist in both types of flows is of the order of what is required for optimal CP generation. This scenario requires that Faraday rotation (FR) is insignificant in the emission region. Although this is an assumption, it relaxes constraints on the plasma parameters, that were given in scenarios which rely on FR, since there the strength of FR can not be too far from the optimum. The proposed mechanism works in electron-positron (e+-) as well as electron-proton (e/p) plasma. In the latter case, the emission region should consist of individual flux tubes with independent polarities in order to suppress too strong FR. The predominant CP is expected to mostly counter-rotate (rotation is measured here in sky-projection) with respect to the central engine in all cases (jet or ADAF, e+- or e/p plasma). If the proposed mechanism is indeed operating, it will allow to measure the sense of rotation of quasar engines. The engine of SgrA* is then expected to rotate clockwise and therefore counter-Galactic, as do the young hot stars in its vicinity, which are thought to feed SgrA* by their winds. Similarly, we expect the microquasars SS 443 and GRS 1915+105 to rotate clockwise. Generally, sources with Stokes-V0) are expected to rotate clockwise (counter-clockwise) in this scenario.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, version accepted by A&

    Confirmation and Analysis of Circular Polarization from Sagittarius A*

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    Recently Bower et al. (1999b) have reported the detection of circular polarization from the Galactic Center black hole candidate, Sagittarius A*. We provide an independent confirmation of this detection, and provide some analysis on the possible mechanisms.Comment: 14 pages, to appear in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    The Micro-Arcsecond Scintillation-Induced Variability (MASIV) Survey II: The First Four Epochs

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    We report on the variability of 443 flat spectrum, compact radio sources monitored using the VLA for 3 days in 4 epochs at ~ 4 month intervals at 5 GHz as part of the Micro-Arcsecond Scintillation-Induced Variability (MASIV) survey. Over half of these sources exhibited 2-10% rms variations on timescales over 2 days. We analyzed the variations by two independent methods, and find that the rms variability amplitudes of the sources correlate with the emission measure in the ionized Interstellar Medium along their respective lines of sight. We thus link the variations with interstellar scintillation of components of these sources, with some (unknown) fraction of the total flux density contained within a compact region of angular diameter in the range 10-50 micro-arcseconds. We also find that the variations decrease for high mean flux density sources and, most importantly, for high redshift sources. The decrease in variability is probably due either to an increase in the apparent diameter of the source, or a decrease in the flux density of the compact fraction beyond z ~ 2. Here we present a statistical analysis of these results, and a future paper will the discuss the cosmological implications in detail.Comment: 62 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa
