1,217 research outputs found

    Representaciones colectivas en los orĂ­genes de la identidad peronista

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    En el horizonte de las tradiciones politicas argentinas, el peronismo supo distinguirse desde sus orígenes por la capacidad para construir un imaginario colectivo que afirma el sentido unitario de la heterogénea fuerza política en formación, integrando en un dispositivo común a los Estados provinciales y las elites políticas locales. Un proceso de subordinación inicialmente conflictivo, en el cual se fueron definiendo los roles específicos de los poderes políticos locales en ese dispositivo nacional. En un contexto así dado, este trabajo se ocupa de las principales representaciones que se van elaborando en los años formativos del peronismo, a propósito de las fechas-símbolos en las que se despliegan rituales con los que se va construyendo una identidad política, tomando como objeto específico de análisis el espacio provincial santafesino.On the horizon of Argentine political traditions, Peronism was characterised from its origins by fue ability to build a collective imaginary that states the unitary meaning of this heterogeneous political force in its formative stage, integrating into a common device the provincial states and local political elites. It was a process of initially conflictive subordination, which gradually defined the specific roles of the local political powers in this national system. In that context, this paper addresses the key representations that were developed in the formative years of the Peronist Party, referring to the symbolic dates when rituals concerned with the construction of a political identity were developed. The specific spatial focus of this article is the Province of Santa Fe, Argentina.Fil: Macor, Darío. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnica

    Direct observation of a "devil's staircase'' in wave-particle interaction

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    We report the experimental observation of a "devil's staircase'' in a time dependent system considered as a paradigm for the transition to large scale chaos in the universality class of hamiltonian systems. A test electron beam is used to observe its non-self-consistent interaction with externally excited wave(s) in a Travelling Wave Tube (TWT). A trochoidal energy analyzer records the beam energy distribution at the output of the interaction line. An arbitrary waveform generator is used to launch a prescribed spectrum of waves along the slow wave structure (a 4 m long helix) of the TWT. The resonant velocity domain associated to a single wave is observed, as well as the transition to large scale chaos when the resonant domains of two waves and their secondary resonances overlap. This transition exhibits a "devil's staircase'' behavior for increasing excitation amplitude, due to the nonlinear forcing by the second wave on the pendulum-like motion of a charged particle in one electrostatic wave.Comment: remplacement des figures 7, 8, 9 par rapport au premier depo

    Sibling Survivors of Suicide: A Retrospective Exploration of Familial Attachment During Bereavement

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    The following qualitative study retrospectively explored the adolescent experiences and reactions of adult survivors to their loss of a sibling to suicide. The study employed Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) to inform subsequent interpretation of interview data collected from a sample of five adult sibling survivors of suicide. Criteria for an individual’s participation included being of at least 25 years old at the time of the interview and that they experienced the loss of a sibling to suicide while they themselves were between the ages of 12 and 21 years old. Participant responses to an attachment self-report measure—Attachment Style Questionnaire (Feeney, Noller, & Hanrahan, 1994)—were also collected. Interview transcript analysis provided the framework for exploring how attachment behavior, viewed through a systems-oriented lens, influenced the bereavement process for these individuals. Key concepts for understanding the various components of the research were defined, including an explanation of attachment theory and the systems framework that was used to conceptualize the research. Participant accounts and research findings detailed the surviving sibling’s experiences of feeling overlooked and dismissed in the time following their sibling’s death and of feeling unaware, uninformed, or excluded from knowledge of happenings within their family related to their sibling. Other findings of the research included that sibling survivors of suicide may make efforts to seek support from others outside the surviving family system or instead attempt to rely on themselves to cope with and manage feelings of grief following the death of their sibling. This was found to also relate to the sibling survivor’s experience of putting emotional processing of their sibling’s death on hold. Given identified themes, the discussion section describes the contextual perceptions of the participants as they reflected on family dynamics following their loss

    Reading Schiller. Ethics, aesthetics, and religion

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    Why Machiavelli and the Making of German Identity?

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    Poder legislativo y democracia electoral : Santa Fe, 1912-1930

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    En este trabajo se pone el foco en el ámbito legislativo de un espacio subnacional, la provincia de Santa Fe, en el período de democratización electoral que se abre con la sanción, a nivel nacional, de la ley electoral Sáenz Peña, en 1912, y culmina con el primer golpe de estado en la Argentina. A lo largo de estos años en que la provincia estará gobernada por el partido radical interesa analizar: 1. la composición de la legislatura tratando de establecer en qué medida el personal político circula, se renueva o si lo que predomina es la presencia de una elite política que insiste en la permanencia en sus bancas a lo largo del período en estudio; 2. los principales temas de la agenda legislativa; 3. la permeabilidad de la institución legislativa y sus miembros a los conflictos sociales y políticos de esos años.This paper puts the focus on the legislative front of a subnational state, the province of Santa Fe, in the period of electoral democracy that opens with the sanction, nationally, of Sáenz Peña electoral law in 1912, and culminates with the first coup in Argentina. Throughout these years the province will be governed by the Radical Party want to analyze: 1. the composition of the legislature trying to establish to what extent the political staff circulates, is renewed or if what prevails is the presence of a political elite that insists on remaining in their seats throughout the study period, 2. major legislative agenda items 3. permeability of the legislative institution and its members to the social and political conflicts of those years.Fil: Macor, Darío. Universidad Nacional del LitoralFil: Piazzesi, Susana. Universidad Nacional del Litora

    Channeling chaotic transport in a wave-particle experiment

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    A numerical and experimental study of a control method aimed at channeling chaos by building barriers in phase space is performed on a paradigm for wave-particle interaction, i.e., a traveling wave tube. Control of chaotic diffusion is achieved by adding small apt modifications to the system with a low additional cost of energy. This modification is realized experimentally through additional waves with small amplitudes. Robustness of the method is investigated both numerically and experimentally

    Biogas engine waste heat recovery using organic Rankine cycle

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    Italy is a leading country in the biogas sector. Energy crops and manure are converted into biogas using anaerobic digestion and, then, into electricity using internal combustion engines (ICEs). Therefore, there is an urgent need for improving the efficiency of these engines taking the real operation into account. To this purpose, in the present work, the organic Rankine cycle (ORC) technology is used to recover the waste heat contained in the exhaust gases of a 1 MWel biogas engine. The ICE behavior being affected by the biogas characteristics, the ORC unit is designed, firstly, using the ICE nameplate data and, then, with data measured during a one-year monitoring activity. The optimum fluid and the plant configuration are selected in both cases using an “in-house” optimization tool. The optimization goal is the maximization of the net electric power while the working fluid is selected among 115 pure fluids and their mixtures. Results show that a recuperative ORC designed using real data guarantees a 30% higher net electric power than the one designed with ICE nameplate conditions
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