3,054 research outputs found

    Impact on maternity professionals of novel approaches to clinical audit feedback

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    We compared three approaches to feedback of clinical audit findings relating to miscarriage in 15 Scottish maternity services (printed report alone; report plus Action Planning Letter; report plus face-to-face Facilitated Action Planning). We surveyed clinicians to measure Theory of Planned Behaviour constructs (in the context of two audit criteria) before and after feedback (n=253) and assessed perceptions of the audit through in-depth interviews (n=17). Pre-feedback, clinicians had positive attitudes and strong subjective norms and intentions to comply, although perceived behavioural control was lower. Generally, positive attitudes, subjective norms and intentions increased after feedback but for one of the two criteria (providing a 7-day miscarriage service), perceived behavioural control decreased. No changes over time reached statistical significance and analysis of covariance (adjusting for pre-feedback scores) showed no consistent relationships between method of feedback and post-feedback construct scores. Interviews revealed positive perceptions of audit but frustration at lack of capacity to implement changes. While interventions which increased intensity of feedback proved feasible and acceptable to clinicians, we were unable to demonstrate that they increased intention to comply with audit criteria.This study was funded by NHS Quality Improvement Scotland

    Latitude dependence of co-rotating shock acceleration

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    Energetic particle observations in the outer heliosphere (approx 12 A. U.) by the LECP instruments on the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 spacecraft are discussed that show a definite latitude dependence of the number and intensity of particle enhancements produced by corotating interplanetary regions during an interval when no solar energetic particle events were observed. The particle enhancements are fewer in number and less intense at higher (approx 20 deg.) heliolatitudes. However, the similar spectral shapes of the accelerated particles at the two spacecraft indicate that the acceleration process is the same at the two latitudes, but less intense at the higher latitude

    We are more than one story: Embracing creativity and compassion through Learning Together

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    People’s experiences of the criminal justice system and, indeed, higher education are dominated by stories. We encourage service user input across the criminal justice system, and endeavour to understand the student experience in higher education, but we rarely think about how politically driven agendas reduce everything, and indeed everyone, to one experience, one identity, and ultimately, one story. Drawing upon our experience of Learning Together, we utilise the concept of storytelling to illustrate how pedagogical creativity and compassion can recast long-standing narratives about ‘service users’ and students so that new, informed stories can emerge

    Interleukin (IL)–12 and IL-23 Are Key Cytokines for Immunity against Salmonella in Humans

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    Patients with inherited deficiency of the interleukin (IL)–12/IL-23–interferon (IFN)–g axis show increased susceptibility to invasive disease caused by the intramacrophage pathogens salmonellae and mycobacteria. We analyzed data on 154 patients with such deficiency. Significantly more patients with IL-12/IL-23–component deficiency had a history of salmonella disease than did those with IFN-g–component deficiency. Salmonella disease was typically severe, extraintestinal, and caused by nontyphoidal serovars. These findings strongly suggest that IL-12/IL-23 is a key cytokine for immunity against salmonella in humans and that IL-12/IL-23 mediates this protective effect partly through IFN-g–independent pathways. Investigation of the IL-12/IL-23–IFN-g axis should be considered in patients with invasive salmonella disease

    Charged Higgs phenomenology in the flipped two Higgs doublet model

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    We study the phenomenology of the charged Higgs boson in the "flipped" two Higgs doublet model, in which one doublet gives mass to up-type quarks and charged leptons and the other gives mass to down-type quarks. We present the charged Higgs branching ratios and summarize the indirect constraints. We extrapolate existing LEP searches for H+H- and Tevatron searches for t tbar with t --> H+ b into the flipped model and extract constraints on MH+ and the parameter tan(beta). We finish by reviewing existing LHC charged Higgs searches and suggest that the LHC reach in this model could be extended for charged Higgs masses below the tb threshold by considering t tbar with t --> H+ b and H+ --> q qbar, as has been used in Tevatron searches.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures. V2: added refs on H+W- associated productio

    Early Interferon-γ Production in Human Lymphocyte Subsets in Response to Nontyphoidal Salmonella Demonstrates Inherent Capacity in Innate Cells

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    Background Nontyphoidal Salmonellae frequently cause life-threatening bacteremia in sub-Saharan Africa. Young children and HIV-infected adults are particularly susceptible. High case-fatality rates and increasing antibiotic resistance require new approaches to the management of this disease. Impaired cellular immunity caused by defects in the T helper 1 pathway lead to intracellular disease with Salmonella that can be countered by IFNγ administration. This report identifies the lymphocyte subsets that produce IFNγ early in Salmonella infection. Methodology Intracellular cytokine staining was used to identify IFNγ production in blood lymphocyte subsets of ten healthy adults with antibodies to Salmonella (as evidence of immunity to Salmonella), in response to stimulation with live and heat-killed preparations of the D23580 invasive African isolate of Salmonella Typhimurium. The absolute number of IFNγ-producing cells in innate, innate-like and adaptive lymphocyte subpopulations was determined. Principal Findings Early IFNγ production was found in the innate/innate-like lymphocyte subsets: γδ-T cells, NK cells and NK-like T cells. Significantly higher percentages of such cells produced IFNγ compared to adaptive αβ-T cells (Student's t test, P<0.001 and ≤0.02 for each innate subset compared, respectively, with CD4+- and CD8+-T cells). The absolute numbers of IFNγ-producing cells showed similar differences. The proportion of IFNγ-producing γδ-T cells, but not other lymphocytes, was significantly higher when stimulated with live compared with heat-killed bacteria (P<0.0001). Conclusion/Significance Our findings indicate an inherent capacity of innate/innate-like lymphocyte subsets to produce IFNγ early in the response to Salmonella infection. This may serve to control intracellular infection and reduce the threat of extracellular spread of disease with bacteremia which becomes life-threatening in the absence of protective antibody. These innate cells may also help mitigate against the effect on IFNγ production of depletion of Salmonella-specific CD4+-T lymphocytes in HIV infection

    The temperature of the Icelandic mantle from olivine-spinel aluminum exchange thermometry

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    New crystallization temperatures for four eruptions from the Northern Volcanic Zone of Iceland are determined using olivine-spinel aluminum exchange thermometry. Differences in the olivine crystallization temperatures between these eruptions are consistent with variable extents of cooling during fractional crystallization. However, the crystallization temperatures for Iceland are systematically offset to higher temperatures than equivalent olivine-spinel aluminum exchange crystallization temperatures published for MORB, an effect that cannot be explained by fractional crystallization. The highest observed crystallization temperature in Iceland is 1399 ± 20°C. In order to convert crystallization temperatures to mantle potential temperature, we developed a model of multilithology mantle melting that tracks the thermal evolution of the mantle during isentropic decompression melting. With this model, we explore the controls on the temperature at which primary melts begin to crystallize, as a function of source composition and the depth from which the magmas are derived. Large differences (200°C) in crystallization temperature can be generated by variations in mantle lithology, a magma's inferred depth of origin, and its thermal history. Combining this model with independent constraints on the magma volume flux and the effect of lithological heterogeneity on melt production, restricted regions of potential temperature-lithology space can be identified as consistent with the observed crystallization temperatures. Mantle potential temperature is constrained to be math formula °C for Iceland and math formula °C for MORB