360 research outputs found

    Occurrence and dynamics of Impatiens parviflora depending on various environmental conditions in the protected areas in Slovakia

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    Biological invasion as one of the main threats to natural ecosystems has big economic impact on conservation of nature. Studies of the population biology of invasive species may allow more precise focus on specific plant and soil characteristics involved in invasiveness. The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between selected biological population characteristics of Impatiens parviflora and a few chosen chemical and physical soil features. Sites were selected because of the poor mapping of invasive plants in the protected natural areas and their interactions with specific soil characteristics. Research on I. parviflora was realised during a vegetation season in three forest nature reserves in Prešov district, Slovakia. Some population biological characteristics of I. parviflora as one of the most invasive plant species in Slovakia and Central Europe were surveyed. The correlation  between the numbers of plants was analysed, as well as select population biological characteristics of I. parviflora (plant height, width of the largest leaf and the number of flowers/fruits) on some select chemical and physical soil  attributes (soil pH, bulk density, porosity and soil moisture) were analysed. The results suggest  that biological characteristics of I. parviflora in three different microhabitats – a meadow (a habitat without tree vegetation), a habitat close to the stumps and a habitat under dense tree vegetation seemed to influence the selected soil parameters. Our results showed that I. parviflora prefers acidic and non-compacted soil conditions. Sunlight and soil moisture do not show statistically significant differences on any biological characteristic of the population. The results also suggest that the autecology of I. parviflora in Western and Central Europe is not very well known and deserves further study


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    Spatial econometrics presents irreplaceable tool for regional analysis. Omitting additional information about geographical location of observed units could neglect some important influences. The spatial weight matrix W determining neighbourhood relations and degree of influence between observed units belongs to the main components of spatial analysis. Various specification approaches of this non-stochastic matrix could be applied. There is a commonly held belief that spatial regression models are sensitive to spatial weight structure. Some analytics consider it as a myth and points out incorrect interpretation of the model coefficients or misspecified models. Does it really matter what kind of specification is used? This contribution brings an empirical example of several approaches to neighbourhood specification and compares obtained results. According to findings of this analysis, especially spillover effects are incomparable. That confirms unequal performance of spatial structures. The W matrix should be built carefully at the beginning of each spatial analysis task.  &nbsp

    Lifting the Fog over Mitochondrial Chloride Channels

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    The current through mitochondrial chloride channels was first described in 1987. Subsequently, several types of ion channels permeable to chloride and other anions were found in the mitochondria of different origins. The increasing number of electrophysiological studies, however, yielded only more ambiguity rather than order in the field of chloride channels. This uncertainty was slightly reduced by two different studies: experiments that showed a significant role of chloride channels in the process of mitochondrial membrane potential oscillations and experiments that localized chloride intracellular ion channel (CLIC) proteins in cardiac mitochondrial membranes. Our recently published single-channel electrophysiological experiments are well in line with the channel activity of recombinant CLIC proteins. The experimental evidence seems to be inevitably, though slowly converging on a connection between single-channel activity and the identity of the mitochondrial chloride channel protein

    Key competencies of civil engineering faculty graduates in Slovak republic

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    One of the main tasks of university is to provide an education which supported the expert, as well as the key competencies of graduates. The gained expert competencies are preconditions for the implementation of selected ocupations. On the other hand, there is not always a direct correlation between success of graduates in school and their professional life. Moreover, the employers in the construction sector claim that the key competencies – skills and attitudes of person and its readiness for the life quality are very important. The key competencies enable person to continuously update its knowledge and skills needed in practice. The definition and selection of key competencies of university graduates are always influenced by valuable and crucial needs of society. Therefore, we cannot define the key competencies in generally for the university graduates. This paper is focused on the definition of key competencies for graduates of study programme “Technology and Management in Construction” at Civil Engineering Faculties in Slovakia through the processing of various sources – the competence profile of graduates which was defined by teachers of this study programme and by the structured interviews with employers

    Chapter Bioremediation of Chlorobenzoic Acids

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    Hydraulic engineerin


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    Target Normal Sheath Acceleration method was employed at PALS to accelerate ions from laser-generated plasma at intensities above 1015 W/cm2. Laser parameters, irradiation conditions and target geometry and composition control the plasma properties and the electric field driving the ion acceleration. Cu nanoparticles deposited on the polymer promote resonant absorption effects increasing the plasma electron density and enhancing the proton acceleration. Protons can be accelerated in forward direction at kinetic energies up to about 3.5 MeV. The optimal target thickness, the maximum acceleration energy and the angular distribution of emitted particles have been measured using ion collectors, X-ray CCD streak camera, SiC detectors and Thomson Parabola Spectrometer


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    Target Normal Sheath Acceleration method was employed at PALS to accelerate ions from laser-generated plasma at intensities above 1015 W/cm2. Laser parameters, irradiation conditions and target geometry and composition control the plasma properties and the electric field driving the ion acceleration. Cu nanoparticles deposited on the polymer promote resonant absorption effects increasing the plasma electron density and enhancing the proton acceleration. Protons can be accelerated in forward direction at kinetic energies up to about 3.5 MeV. The optimal target thickness, the maximum acceleration energy and the angular distribution of emitted particles have been measured using ion collectors, X-ray CCD streak camera, SiC detectors and Thomson Parabola Spectrometer

    Youth in the Kaleidoskope: Civic Participation Types in Estonia and the Czech Republic

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    This paper presents an exploratory typological analysis of young people (aged 15–30) as political and civic actors in Estonia and the Czech Republic. We compare youth civic engagement patterns in these two East European countries, sharing similar socio-historical contexts, and analyse the sociodemographic and attitudinal profiles of the resulting participation types. The study draws on Estonian and Czech data sets collected from November to December 2016 within the Horizon 2020 project CATCH-EyoU – Constructing AcTive CitizensHip with European Youth: Policies, Practices, Challenges and Solutions. Two independent methods (latent class analysis and cluster analysis) demonstrated shared patterns in the political and civic activities employed by the Estonian and Czech participants, suggesting the existence of four clearly distinguishable types of young citizens. A more detailed analysis revealed that the socio-demographic and attitudinal profiles of active young people, and therefore, the factors of political socialization, differed quite substantially in the two countrie

    Острый панкреатит с точки зрения врача-интенсивиста

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    The paper considers the basic principles of the pathophysiology, as well as the diagnosis and treatment of patients with severe acute pancreatitis. Key words: acute pancreatitis, pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatment.В статье рассматриваются основные принципы патофизиологии острого панкреатита, диагностика и лечение больных с тяжелой формой острого панкреатита. Ключевые слова: острый панкреатит, патофизиология, диагностика, лечение

    Electromagnetic Modes in Deformed Nuclei

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    A strength function method is adopted to describe a coupling between electric and magnetic modes of different multipolarity. The collective vibrations are analysed for a separable residual interaction in the framework of the random-phase approximation. The coupling between M2M2 and E1E1 giant resonances is considered as an illustrative example.Comment: 7 pages (latex), 1 figure (ps file), an invited talk at the workshop "Symmetries and Spin - Praha 98", to be published in Czech.J.Phys., 199