13 research outputs found

    Enhancing monitoring and transboundary collaboration for conserving migratory species under global change: The priority case of the red kite

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    Calls for urgent action to conserve biodiversity under global change are increasing, and conservation of migratory species in this context poses special challenges. In the last two decades the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) has provided a framework for several subsidiary instruments including action plans for migratory bird species, but the effectiveness and transferability of these plans remain unclear. Such laws and policies have been credited with positive outcomes for the conservation of migratory species, but the lack of international coordination and on-ground implementation pose major challenges. While research on migratory populations has received growing attention, considerably less emphasis has been given to integrating ecological information throughout the annual cycle for examining strategies to conserve migratory species at multiple scales in the face of global change. We fill this gap through a case study examining the ecological status and conservation of a migratory raptor and facultative scavenger, the red kite (Milvus milvus), whose current breeding range is limited to Europe and is associated with agricultural landscapes and restricted to the temperate zone. Based on our review, conservation actions have been successful at recovering red kite populations within certain regions. Populations however remain depleted along the southern-most edge of the geographic range where many migratory red kites from northern strongholds overwinter. This led us to a forward-looking and integrated strategy that emphasizes international coordination involving researchers and conservation practitioners to enhance the science-policy-action interface. We identify and explore key issues for conserving the red kite under global change, including enhancing conservation actions within and outside protected areas, recovering depleted populations, accounting for climate change, and transboundary coordination in adaptive conservation and management actions. The integrated conservation strategy is sufficiently general such that it can be adapted to inform conservation of other highly mobile species subject to global change.Financial and logistic support were provided by GREFA, IREC, UCLM (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha), CSIC and MITECO.Peer reviewe

    Genetic Determination of Migration Strategies in Large Soa-ring Birds: Evidence from Hybrid Spotted Eagles

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    Hereby we show that genetic determination in soaring birds is also more important than hitherto ascertained. We used GPS-telemetry to compare the autumn journeys and wintering ranges of two closely related large raptorial bird species (Lesser Spotted Eagle – 27, Greater Spotted Eagle – 21) and hybrids between them (14). That is remarkable part of GSEs and hybrids population on western margin of the range. Hybrids timed their migrations similarly to one parental species but had wintering distributions and home range sizes like the other. Tracking data was supported by ring recovery and habitat suitability modelling. These results suggest a strong genetic influence on migration strategy via a segregated dominance effect, although it does not rule out the contribution of social interactions. No differences between sexes was found. We wish maybe, to find easy solutions, but these appear to be complex

    Ranging behaviour of an adult female greater spotted eagle (Clanga clanga) wintering in Sudan for 10 years, as revealed by satellite telemetry

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    Using global position system (GPS) technology, we tracked an adult female greater spotted eagle (Clanga clanga) on its wintering grounds in the Sudan-South Sudan borderland during 2005–2015. There were 10 909 GPS locations for this bird in the non-breeding range. Throughout the study, the eagle showed fidelity to its wintering grounds. The non-breeding season coincided with the dry season. The median arrival date was 11 October (n = 10). The median departure date (n = 10) was 4 March, and was less variable than the arrival date. The 95% kernel density estimate (KDE) for all years was 33 838 km2, and the 50% KDE encompassed 6 585 km2. The wintering range was split between two areas, west and east, with the eagle typically arriving in the western area, where it stayed for some time. It then moved about 330 km to the eastern area, where it would remain for a few weeks before departing for Europe in the spring. In both the western and eastern subareas, the annual home ranges overlapped to a variable extent (14–99%). The high degree of fidelity to the wintering grounds shown by this bird was mirrored by the behaviours of two other adult greater spotted eagles that we tracked (using >1 tracking devices) for 15 years that wintered in South Sudan and Turkey. The number of greater spotted eagles that winter in Africa is a matter of speculation, although virtually all individuals are likely to pass through a narrow corridor near Suez, Egypt. Collectively, these tracking data and the findings of other studies suggest that greater spotted eagles from the western parts of the European breeding range often move to Africa. Further, the Sudd wetlands in South Sudan are important for greater spotted eagles and other rare bird species during the non-breeding season