390 research outputs found


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    The main purpose of this paper is to engage with the ideas of Suresh Canagarajah – a highly acknowledged scholar from Penn State University, in the United States of America – on translingual research and practice. In order to do so, an interview with him was jointly planned by Ruberval Franco Maciel (UEMS) and Cláudia Hilsdorf Rocha (UNICAMP) and carried out in August 2019, during an event held in Brazil. Taking into account the increasing number of studies on translingualism worldwide in the past few years and the leading role played by Canagarajah’s work in this field, the interview aimed at expanding views and contributing to broaden the scholarship in this area. To situate and contextualize the author’s ideas, some considerations on translanguaging as a language theory and educational approach are firstly made. As a result, Canagarajah’s voice and points of view are put in dialogue with a plurality of ideas, highlighting the complex, dynamic and challenging nature of a translingual turn in contemporary times and its possible connections with Brazilian language studies. Translingual work intertwined with affective, multimodal and multisensory approaches is considered a possible and interesting path to be explored in the near future

    Evaluación del impacto que tuvo la Maestría en Educación y Procesos Cognoscitivos (ITESO), en los propios procesos cognitivos de sus egresados

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    El objetivo de esta investigación fue identificar en los egresados de la Maestría en Educación y Procesos Cognoscitivos del ITESO qué elementos del posgrado les resultaron significativos y qué evidencias de cambio detectan en su práctica profesional y en sus procesos cognoscitivos. La metodología que se consideró pertinente para la realización de esta investigación fue la cualitativa; se aplicaron cuestionarios y se realizó un grupo focal para conocer la voz de los egresados con respecto a sus propias transformaciones

    Re-creando la matemática a partir de la teoría triádica

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    El trabajo realizado en la institución va de la mano con el quehacer diario, a partir de la teoría tríadica, propuesta realizada por Gregorio Waldermar en la cual logra articular la visión del cerebro unitriádico con la dinámica del juego tríadico, éste afirma que el cerebro es un sistema compuesto por tres procesos mentales distintos, pero interligados, sinérgicos: cerebro central o reptílico, cerebro derecho o emocional e intuitivo, cerebro izquierdo o lógico (Velandia. 2006). A partir de la aplicación del revelador del cociente mental tríadico podemos medir la proporcionalidad de los tres cerebros de cada uno de los estudiantes y así lograr diseñar y plantear herramientas didácticas para el fortalecimiento de los procesos mentales, proponemos temas que permiten reflexionar en su utilidad y manejo de entornos, los trabajos colaborativos y la construcción de elementos para la clase, el análisis de las problemáticas de convivencia y la participación como parte de la solución a conflictos nos permiten llevar a cabo el proyecto que se amplía cada año según las necesidades de nuestro entorno escolar basándonos siempre en el desarrollo de la lógica matemática y construcción de seres integrales. Los estudiantes de nuestra institución han desarrollado un sentido de pertenencia por la misma al presentar el proyecto a otras instituciones, en la participación se incluyen todos los ciclos, las charlas, consultas y diferentes actividades han dado pie para que los estudiantes compartan lo aprendido y aprendan de lo compartido con sus pares y se apropien del conocimiento matemático

    Public spaces as knowledgescapes:Understanding the relationship between the built environment and creative encounters at Dutch university campuses and science parks

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    The success of university campuses depends on the interrelations between creative encounters and the built environment, conceptualised here as spatial affordances for creativity. Such an interface plays a fundamental role in interactions for knowledge sharing and the exchange of ideas on campus. Due to campus public spaces generally being considered as the leftovers between buildings and classrooms, undermanaged, and overlooked, little is known about the extent to which this built environment enables or inhibits creative encounters in such spaces. The inner-city campuses and science parks (SPs) of Amsterdam and Utrecht, the case-studies of this research, differ in terms of their location relative to the city, their masterplan typologies and the arrangement of buildings. However, they are similar in terms of the aforementioned issues of public spaces. The novelty of this research is the attempt to overcome such issues using an innovative mixed-methods approach that tests the ‘spatial affordances for creativity’ with empirical data collection and analysis. This raises the importance of mapping, quantifying and analysing the spatial distribution of momentary perceptions, experiences, and feelings of people with methods such as volunteered geographic information (VGI). The results show that proximity between multiple urban functions and physical features, such as parks, cafés and urban seating are important when it comes to explaining the high frequency of creative encounters between people. Urban designers of campuses can use the applied method as a tool to plan and design attractive public spaces that provide creativity through the transfer of tacit knowledge, social well-being, positive momentary perceptions, sense of community, and a sense of place

    Formação de professores e relações étnico-raciais

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    This work has the objective to investigate the contribution of Continuing Education offered to teachers who works in public schools of Guarulhos in relation to anti-racist practices in the school environment. Relates the initiatives from this area with the treatment of the ethnic-racial relations inside schools and analyze the influence that these courses have in generation of pedagogical practices in the classroom. Part of the confirmation of the advance that the Continuing Education of teachers have been in the country in last decades is many times driven by deficiencies identified in the initial education of these professionals. In this perspective this study is directed to approach the topic of the ethnic-racial relations in the continuing education of teachers through the researches of Libâneo (1999,2004), Candau (1996), Gatti (2010), Formosinho (2011), Gomes (2005), Imbernón (2009), Munanga (2006, 2009) e Cavaleiro (2000). Initially treats of continuing education of teachers presenting the path of these education in last years as well as the challenges that the teachers have faced to participate of the courses which are offered to them. Focus the treatment of the ethnic-racial relations in the formative processes of the teachers through the conceptual examination of race, racism, ethnic as well as the ideological construction of the myth of racial democracy in Brazil. Presents the field and the individuals whose participated of the empirical research even as the interviews performed by teachers of public schools of Guarulhos. Thereby it concludes that the crescent number of the continuing education about the ethnic-racial relations in public schools have not reached all the teachers. When formative processes are carried out in the school environment this reach represents a higher percentage of teachers and significant changes in the pedagogical practices of them. Therefore the courses, discussions and trainings offered to the teachers about the ethnic-racial relations can contribute and induce positively the teachers practices providing a process of understanding and responsibility about the theme.O presente trabalho tem como objetivo investigar a contribuição das formações continuadas ofertadas a professores da rede municipal de Guarulhos em relação às práticas antirracistas no ambiente escolar. Relaciona as iniciativas deste campo com o trato das relações étnico-raciais no interior das escolas e analisa a influência que estas formações têm na geração de práticas pedagógicas em sala de aula. Parte da constatação do avanço que a formação contínua de professores tem tido no país nas últimas décadas, muitas vezes impulsionada por deficiências identificadas na formação inicial desses profissionais. Nesta perspectiva, o estudo é direcionado para aproximar o tema das relações étnico-raciais nas formações continuadas de professores, a partir dos estudos de Libâneo (1999, 2004), Candau (1996), Gatti (2010), Formosinho (2011), Gomes (2005), Imbernón (2009), Munanga (2006, 2009) e Cavalleiro (2000). Trata inicialmente da formação continuada de professores, apresentando a trajetória dessa formação nos últimos anos, assim como os desafios que os professores têm enfrentado para participar dos cursos que lhes são oferecidos. Focaliza o trato das relações étnico-raciais nos processos formativos dos professores, a partir do exame conceitual de raça, racismo, etnia, assim como da construção ideológica do mito da democracia racial no Brasil. Apresenta o campo e os sujeitos que fizeram parte da investigação empírica, assim como as entrevistas realizadas com professores da rede municipal de Guarulhos. Conclui-se assim que o crescente número de formações continuadas sobre o tema das relações étnico-raciais na rede, não têm alcançado todos os professores. Quando processos formativos são realizados no ambiente escolar este alcance representa não somente uma porcentagem maior, mas mudanças significativas nas práticas pedagógicas dos docentes participantes. Desta forma, os cursos, palestras e formações oferecidos aos professores, sobre as relações étnico-raciais, podem contribuir e influenciar de forma positiva as práticas docentes propiciando um processo de conscientização e responsabilização em relação ao tema.Dados abertos - Sucupira - Teses e dissertações (2013 a 2016

    Implementación técnica de una arquitectura orientada a integrar conocimiento externo heterogéneo en motor de reglas

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    En un contexto de negocios globalizado donde la completitud de la información es la suma de varias partes, resolver problemas se convierte en una tarea que involucra tiempo, análisis y experiencia. Una organización ve limitado su ámbito de acción porque necesita información de terceros para evaluar en forma íntegra y completa una colección de datos. Para superar estos problemas se propone implementar un motor de reglas capaz de interactuar mediante reglas con servicios usando Json como mensajería de intercambio de datos. El modelo propuesto mejora la capacidad de conocimiento al compartir información entre sistemas heterogéneos usando los estándares de la comunidad para resolver problemas complejos.Workshop: WISS - Innovación en Sistemas de SoftwareRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic