719 research outputs found

    Self-Expression in Speech Act

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    My aim in this paper is to examine Mitchell S. Green’s notion of self-expression and the role it plays in his model of illocutionary communication. The paper is organized into three parts. In Section 2, after discussing Green’s notions of illocutionary speaker meaning and self-expression, I consider the contribution that self-expression makes to the mechanisms of intentional communication; in particular, I introduce the notion of proto-illocutionary speaker meaning and argue that it is necessary to account for acts overtly showing general commitments that are not ‘marked’ as being specific to one or another illocutionary force. In Section 3, I focus on Green’s account of expressive norms and argue that their function is to stabilize rather than constitute the structure of illocutionary signaling systems; moreover, I examine critically Green’s idea according to which expressive norms enable us to indicate the force of our speech acts and suggest that they play a key role in the mechanisms for epistemic vigilance. Finally, in Section 4, I elaborate on the idea of discourse-constituted thoughts—or, in other words, thoughts that ex- ist in virtue of being expressed in making certain conversation-bound speech acts—and use it to develop a more comprehensive model of the expressive dimension of speech acts


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    Gricean insinuation and the fake one-way mirror effect

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    The insinuating speaker, when successful, achieves two goals: they introduce a contentious content into a conversation while simultaneously marking it as not being officially stated. This positioning allows the speaker to plausibly deny any intention behind the implied message when challenged. I argue that reconciling the communicative nature of insinuation and its off-record status within the Gricean framework of overt communication appears to present a significant conceptual puzzle. In this paper, I address this challenge by introducing the notion of Gricean insinuation, which I define as communication that is both partially overt and partially covert. I start by exploring the nature and complexity of the insinuation puzzle mentioned earlier and reviewing two existing Gricean solutions to it. Then, I proceed to analyse three concepts relevant to the insinuation phenomenon: indirectness, cancellability, and plausible deniability. Following this, I introduce the concept of Gricean insinuation. In particular, I use the common ground framework to elucidate what I refer to as the ‘Fake One-Way Mirror Effect’, and apply the resulting model to explain some examples of insinuation as acts of off-record communication. In conclusion, I assess the model’s effectiveness and propose directions for future research

    Między inferencjonizmem i antyinferencjonizmem: spór o naturę kompetencji komunikacyjnej po odkryciu zjawiska niedookreślenia językowego

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    Spór między inferencjonizmem oraz antyinferencjonizmem — dwoma konkurencyjnymi ujęciami natury kompetencji komunikacyjnej — toczy się w ramach paradygmatu postgriceowskiego w wyniku sformułowania tezy o niedookreśleniu językowym. Autor niniejszego rozdziału omówi tezy o niedookreśleniu językowym ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem konsekwencji, do których prowadzi ona w ramach griceowskiego myślenia o komunikacji. Zwróci jednocześnie uwagę na prezentację dwóch stanowisk inferencjonistycznych oraz dwóch stanowisk antyinferencjonistycznych. Do grona tych pierwszych zaliczy teorię relewancji oraz teorię rozbudowanego schematu aktów mowy.Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Influence of unsteady pressure-flow conditions on strength of steel pipelines with volumetric defects reinforced by composite sleeves

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    Structural integrity and risk management have a wide interest because of its practical applications, such as oil and gas pipelines, piping systems under pressure in power stations, urban water, and heating networks. The main goal of this paper is twofold. Firstly, to estimate the unsteady pressureflow variations in a gas transmission grid within the framework of sequential data assimilation. This technique enables to determine accurately the maximum pressure at the localized defect on the pipeline by merging measurements that contain random errors into the inexact numerical flow model. For this purpose, a particle filter is used. The semi-discretization approach is applied to convert the nonisothermal flow model into an initial value problem of ordinary differential equations. The spatial discretization is based on a five-point, fourth-order finite difference approximation and the time marching was done using a diagonally implicit Runge-Kutta scheme. Secondly, to study the strength of steel tubes reinforced with composite sleeves containing localized part-wall thickness losses caused by corrosion while taking into consideration a safe operating pressure. For a steel thin-walled cylinder containing a wrap of fiberglass with epoxy resin, the burst pressure and sleeve thickness are determined. Finally, the repaired pipeline with a fiber-reinforced composite sleeve is investigated. The results enable operators to handle problems of corroded steel pipelines and develop effective repair activities during operation. For this reason, current research is important for the maintenance of underground steel networks. Document type: Articl

    Analiza wpływu wilgotności i temperatury powietrza na wartość współczynnika przewodności cieplnej λ materiałów termoizolacyjnych stosowanych wewnątrz pomieszczeń

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    The aim of the article is to present the issues related to the use of climate panels as insulating materials used inside buildings. The study involved four materials, the two of them is a lightweight cellular concrete, the other two were produced on the basis of lime silicate. The main aim of the laboratory tests was to determine the coefficient of thermal conductivity λ depending on the changing temperature and humidity. Based on research the sorption materials curves were determined. The study allows you to specify the amount of moisture that can be accepted by the material in specific temperature and humidity conditions. In addition, the examined coefficients of thermal conductivity compared with the values declared by suppliers to assess compliance with the data contained in the data sheet.Artykuł ma na celu przybliżenie problematyki związanej z wykorzystywaniem płyt klimatycznych jako materiałów termoizolacyjnych stosowanych wewnątrz pomieszczeń. Badaniom poddano cztery materiały, dwa z nich to lekkie betony komórkowe pozostałe dwa wyprodukowano na bazie silikatów wapiennych. Głównym celem badań laboratoryjnych było wyznaczenie współczynnika przewodności cieplnej λ w zależności od zmieniających się wartości wilgotności i temperatury. Na podstawie badań wyznaczono również krzywe sorpcyjne materiałów. Badanie to umożliwia określenie ilości wilgoci, jaką może przyjąć materiał w danych warunkach cieplno-wilgotnościowych. Ponadto zbadane współczynniki przewodności cieplnej porównano z wartościami deklarowanymi przez producentów materiałów celem oceny zgodności z danymi zawartymi w kartach technicznych

    Narodowy Rejestr Chorych na Cukrzycę w Polsce : program pilotażowy

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    Wstęp. Pilotażowy projekt Rejestru Dorosłych Chorych na Cukrzycę w Polsce został przeprowadzony w latach 2006–2009. Został on sfinansowany z funduszy Ministerstwa Zdrowia. Celem projektu była ocena jakości opieki diabetologicznej w kilka lat po przystąpieniu Polski do Unii Europejskiej. Materiał i metody. Kwestionariusze dotyczące danych pacjentów z cukrzycą były wypełniane przez lekarzy diabetologów w 39 różnych ośrodkach diabetologicznych w Polsce. Dane zawarte w kwestionariuszach zawierały pytania o: wiek, płeć, BMI, typ i czas trwania cukrzycy, rodzaj leczenia hipoglikemizującego, HbA1c, profile glikemii, lipidogram, ciśnienie tętnicze, powikłania cukrzycy, choroby towarzyszące i ich leczenie oraz inne aspekty opieki. Kwestionariusze były analizowane w centralnym ośrodku. Wyniki. Uzyskano dane 7606 pacjentów: 15,0% z typem 1 cukrzycy (T1DM), 80,9% z typem 2 cukrzycy (T2DM), 1,9% z innymi typami cukrzycy i 2,2% z cukrzycą ciążową. Grupa chorych z T1DM i T2DM charakteryzowała się odpowiednio: liczebnością 1134 (52,4% kobiet) i 6119 (55,5% kobiet), średnim wiekiem 40,9 i 63,8 lat, średnim czasem trwania cukrzycy 14,6 i 9,7 lat. Średni poziom HbA1c wynosił dla T1DM i T2DM odpowiednio 7,69 i 7,25%. Parametry gospodarki lipidowej dla T1DM i T2DM wynosiły: cholesterol całkowity 4,84 i 5,06 mmol/l; LDL-cholesterol 2,73 i 2,90 mmol/l; HDL-cholesterol 1,58 i 1,30 mmol/l; triglicerydy 1,26 i 1,95 mmol/l; ciśnienie tętnicze 127,4/77,7 i 139,8/81,8 mmHg. Odsetek pacjentów spełniających kryteria wyrównania wynosił odpowiednio dla: HbA1c £ 7,0% i £ 6,5%: T1DM 39,4 i 22,6%, T2DM 52,1 i 32,8%; cholesterol całkowity < 4,5 mmol/l: T1DM 40,1%, T2DM 32,6%; triglicerydy < 1,7 mmol/l: T1D 82,1%, T2D 53,2%; ciśnienie tętnicze < 130/80 mm Hg: T1DM 31,9%, T2DM 12,9%. Częstość występowania mikronaczyniowych powikłań cukrzycy wynosił odpowiednio dla chorych z T1DM i T2DM: retinopatia 38,4 i 23,4%; nefropatia 15,2 i 8,5%; neuropatia obwodowa 25.3 i 25.4%; neuropatia autonomiczna 9,6 i 5,4%. Wnioski. Dane uzyskane w Rejestrze obrazują obecny stan opieki diabetologicznej w Polsce, który wykazuje tendencję do poprawy w porównaniu do badania DEPAC przeprowadzonego w krajach Europy środkowo-wschodniej, w tym w Polsce w okresie przystąpienia do Unii Europejskiej (2004). Pomimo tego trendu większość pacjentów wciąż nie spełnia kryteriów wyrównania cukrzycy rekomendowanych przez krajowe i międzynarodowe zalecenia. (Diabet. Klin. 2012; 1, 1: 3–11)Background. Over the years 2006–2009 a pilot project of the Polish Diabetes Registry for Adults financed by the Polish Ministry of Health was performed. The objective was to assess outpatient diabetes care a few years after joining the European Union. Material and methods. Questionnaires for randomly enrolled patients were completed by diabetologists in 39 outpatient diabetes centers in different parts of Poland. Data concerning age, sex, BMI, diabetes type and duration, hypoglycemic treatment, glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c), lipids levels, blood pressure (BP), diabetes complications, concomitant diseases and their treatment, and other aspects of medical care were collected. The questionnaires were analysed centrally. Results. Data on 7606 individuals were available: 15.0% with type 1 diabetes (T1DM); 80.9% with type 2 diabetes (T2DM); 1.9% with other types of diabetes; and 2.2% with gestational diabetes. T1DM and T2DM cohorts consisted of 1134 (52.4% women) and 6119 (55.5% women) patients, mean age 40.9 and 63.8 years, mean diabetes duration 14.6 and 9.7 years, respectively. Mean HbA1c for T1DM and T2DM was 7.69 and 7.25%. Lipid parameters for T1DM and T2DM were as followed: mean total cholesterol (TC) 4.84 and 5.06 mmol/l; mean LDL-cholesterol (LDL) 2.73 and 2.90 mmol/l; mean HDL-cholesterol (HDL) 1.58 and 1.30 mmol/l; mean triglycerides (TG) 1.26 and 1.95 mmol/l; mean blood pressure (BP) 127.4//77.7 and 139.8/81.8 mmHg. The following proportion of the patients within target were recorded: for HbA1c (£ 7.0% and £ 6.5%): T1DM 39.4 and 22.6%, T2DM 52.1 and 32.8%; for TC levels (< 4.5 mmol/l):T1DM 40.1%, T2DM 32.6%; for TG levels (< 1.7 mmol/l):T1DM 82.1%, T2DM 53.2%; for BP (< 130/80 mm Hg):T1DM 31.9%, T2DM 12.9%, respectively. Prevalence of microvascular complications among T1DM and T2DM was as followed: retinopathy 38,4 and 23,4%; nephropathy 15,2 and 8,5%; peripheral neuropathy 25.3 and 25.4%; autonomic neuropathy 9,6 and 5,4%. Conclusions. The data show the current quality of diabetes care in Poland, which seems to show some improvement as compared to the DEPAC survey performed at the accession to EU (2004). Nevertheless, the current Registry also indicates that most patients still do not meet the criteria of diabetes control defined by the local and international guidelines. (Diabet. Klin. 2012; 1, 1: 3–11

    Local populations of endangered Maculinea (Phengaris) butterflies are flood resistant

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    Semi-natural wet meadows are threatened by drainage, the abandonment of traditional management and climate change. The large blue butterflies Maculinea teleius and M. nausithous are flagship species associated with wet meadows and are the targets of many conservation programmes. However, there is little knowledge on the impact of natural catastrophes, such as floods, on the persistence of these butterflies. In our study we tested how a flood that resulted in the temporary inundation of meadows affected populations of M. teleius and M. nausithous. Studies were conducted in two consecutive seasons of 2009 (with ‘normal’ weather) and 2010 (with extreme rainfall and a consequent flood in May) in a wet meadow complex located in the Vistula River valley in southern Poland. In both years the abundance of adults was estimated for each local habitat patch (n = 55) within sympatric metapopulations of both species. Additionally, in June 2010, i.e. directly after the flood and shortly before the flight period, a total of 754 Myrmica ant nests in 10 habitat patches (6 inundated vs. 4 not inundated) were checked for the presence of Maculinea larvae and pupae. We found no impact of inundation on year-to-year changes in adult population sizes. The probability of occurrence of Maculinea larvae and pupae in ant nests was higher in temporarily inundated meadows. Our results indicate that temporary inundation occurring after long-term downpours does not negatively affect the investigated species even during the larval period in ant nests at ground level. This provides an argument against drainage works in wet meadows with Maculinea butterflies

    The Polish Diabetes Registry for Adults — a pilot study

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    Background. Over the years 2006–2009 a pilot project of the Polish Diabetes Registry for Adults financed by the Polish Ministry of Health was performed. The objective was to assess outpatient diabetes care a few years after joining the European Union.Material and methods. Questionnaires for randomly enrolled patients were completed by diabetologists in 39 outpatient diabetes centers in different parts of Poland. Data concerning age, sex, BMI, diabetes type and duration, hypoglycemic treatment, glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c), lipids levels, blood pressure (BP), diabetes complications, concomitant diseases and their treatment, and other aspects of medical care were collected. The questionnaires were analysed centrally.Results. Data on 7606 individuals were available: 15.0% with type 1 diabetes (T1DM); 80.9% with type 2 diabetes (T2DM); 1.9% with other types of diabetes; and 2.2% with gestational diabetes. T1DM and T2DMcohorts consisted of 1134 (52.4% women) and 6119 (55.5% women) patients, mean age 40.9 and 63.8 years, mean diabetes duration 14.6 and 9.7 years, respectively. Mean HbA1c for T1DM and T2DM was 7.69 and 7.25%. Lipid parameters for T1DM and T2DM were as followed: mean total cholesterol (TC) 4.84 and 5.06 mmol/l; mean LDL-cholesterol (LDL) 2.73 and 2.90 mmol/l; mean HDL-cholesterol (HDL) 1.58 and 1.30 mmol/l; mean triglycerides (TG) 1.26 and 1.95 mmol/l; mean blood pressure (BP) 127.4//77.7 and 139.8/81.8 mmHg. The following proportionof the patients within target were recorded: for HbA1c (£ 7.0% and £ 6.5%): T1DM 39.4 and 22.6%, T2DM 52.1 and 32.8%; for TC levels (&lt; 4.5 mmol/l):T1DM 40.1%, T2DM 32.6%; for TG levels (&lt; 1.7 mmol/l):T1DM 82.1%, T2DM 53.2%; for BP (&lt; 130/80 mm Hg):T1DM 31.9%, T2DM 12.9%, respectively. Prevalence of microvascular complications among T1DM and T2DM was as followed: retinopathy 38,4 and 23,4%; nephropathy 15,2 and 8,5%; peripheral neuropathy 25.3 and 25.4%; autonomic neuropathy 9,6 and 5,4%.Conclusions. The data show the current quality of diabetes care in Poland, which seems to show some improvement as compared to the DEPAC survey performed at the accession to EU (2004). Nevertheless, the current Registry also indicates that most patients still do not meet the criteria of diabetes control defined by the local and international guidelines. (Diabet. Klin. 2012; 1, 1: 3–11