23 research outputs found

    Single Hysteresis Model for Limited-availability Group with BPP Traffic, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2013, nr 3

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    This paper presents a single hysteresis model for limited-availability group that are offered Erlang, Engset and Pascal traffic streams. The occupancy distribution in the system is approximated by a weighted sum of occupancy distributions in multi-threshold systems. Distribution weights are obtained on the basis of a specially constructed Markovian switching process. The results of the calculations of radio interfaces in which the single hysteresis mechanism has been implemented are compared with the results of the simulation experiments. The study demonstrates high accuracy of the proposed model

    Polish regional differences in patient knowledge on atrial fibrillation and its management as well as in patterns of oral anticoagulant prescription

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    Background: The Jessa Atrial Fibrillation Knowledge Questionnaire (JAKQ) was successfully used to assess knowledge gaps in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). Aims: To evaluate the regional differences among Polish patients in their awareness of AF diagnosis and oral anticoagulation use. Methods: A total of 1583 patients with AF at a median (IQR) age of 72 (66–79) years completed the JAKQ in 3 cardiology centers (center I, Kraków; center II, Toruń; center III, Kielce) from January 2017 to June 2018. The final analysis included 1525 patients, 32.9% were on vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) and 67.1% on non-VKA oral anticoagulants (NOACs), that is, rivaroxaban and dabigatran (28.9% each), and apixaban (9.3%). Results: The mean (SD) score on the JAKQ was 55.5% (18.4%) with better results among patients on VKAs compared with NOACs (58% [18.3%] vs 54.3% [18.4%]; P = 0.0002) with time from AF diagnosis more than 12 months (57.4% [17.5%] vs 50% [19.9%]; P < 0.0001). There was a significant difference in the knowledge scores between the 3 centers (I, 59.5%; II, 48.5%; III, 54.3%; P < 0.0001). In all centers the number of correct answers correlated inversely with patient’s age (r = –0.20; P < 0.0001). NOACs were more frequently used in center III. The percentage of correct responses was lower in patients on reduced NOAC doses (35.4% of patients on NOACs), compared with the full-dose NOAC groups in center I (56.9% vs 62.5%; P = 0.012) and II (48.1% vs 56.2%; P = 0.003). Conclusions: Patients from a high-volume academic center showed better knowledge than their peers from district hospitals. There are large regional differences in prescription patterns of oral anticoagulants, including the preferred NOAC

    Potomstwo Jana i Marii Kazimiery Sobieskich w świetle źródeł zakonnych

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    Lublin Gains Independence in November 1918. The Military Aspect

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    The territory of the Lublin region at the turn of October and November 1918 was occupied by two countries – Germany (southern Podlasia) and Austria. Lublin was the see of the general Austrian governor. With regard to the military aspect the taking over of power in Lublin was decisive for the recapture of independence in the territory of the Austrian partition. The key role in this action was played by the Polish Military Organisation (Pol. POW), the organisation then in conspiracy, and a battalion of the Polish Armed Forces earlier under German command; the battalion arrived in Lublin in the beginning of November 1918. Soldiers and officers then in the Austrian army had also declared their intention of joining the Polish army; they were released from their oath by virtue of the Austrian head of the armed forces. In the first days of November 1918 the Polish army took over bloodlessly a complete control of Lublin. At that time the Poles from the Austrian army, remaining in the remaining garrisons of Austrian occupation, established Polish authorities with the support of the local cells of POW. In Podlasia the situation was more complicated because Germans were not willing to hand down power in garrisons, despite the fact that war activities had ended in Europe on 11th November 1918. Military clashes, often bloody, erupted (Międzyrzec Podlaski). The eastern administrative units of Podlasia as late as January 1919 came under Polish jurisdiction after the German army had completely evacuated the Ukraine and moved by train from Briest to East Prussia

    Advanced Considerations Concerning Impact of Applied Call Admission Control Mechanisms on Traffic Characteristics in Elastic Optical Network Nodes

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    Over the past few years, a significant increase in network traffic volumes has been observed. The ever growing bandwidth demands mean that a reliable and optimum service level needs to be ensured in communication systems for specific traffic categories. Optimal allocation and use of resources may be achieved through the use of call admission control (CAC) mechanisms implemented in network systems. The resource reservation mechanism and the threshold mechanism are two of the most popular CAC methods. In the reservation mechanisms, a certain number of resources is reserved for selected (predefined) services only. In the case of threshold mechanisms, the number of resources allocated to individual traffic classes depends on the network load. This article discusses the results of simulations verifying the impact of applied CAC mechanisms on the traffic characteristics in elastic optical network (EON) nodes with a Clos structure. Loss probability results obtained with the use of the simulator are presented as well


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    Artykuł ma na celu zwrócenie uwagi na trudności związane z wykonywaniem przez Głównego Inspektora Ochrony Środowiska (GIOŚ) obowiązków ciążących na tym organie na podstawie rozporządzenia nr 1013/06 Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady z 14 czerwca 2006 r. w sprawie przemieszczania odpadów, tj. w zakresie stwierdzenie, że międzynarodowe przemieszczanie odpadów w postaci pojazdu ma charakter nielegalny, i określenie sposobu postępowania z tym odpadem. Brak jasności i precyzyjności przepisów prawa materialnego w zakresie określenia zadań GIOŚ w tym zakresie (w kontekście braku szczegółowych wiążących wytycznych interpretacyjnych), powoduje „niepewność” co do prawidłowości prowadzonego postępowania i wydanego rozstrzygnięcia w sprawie uznania uszkodzonego pojazdu przewożonego przez granicę za odpad. Zwiększa to ryzyko naruszenia konstytucyjnego prawa własności, ale też prawdopodobieństwo zarzutu nienależytej implementacji unijnych norm prawnych przez organy administracji publicznej.***The purpose of the paper is to identify difficulties connected with the performance by Chief Inspector of Environmental Protection of the tasks defined in the Order No 1013 2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council dated 14 June 2006 on shipments of waste. It is claimed that international shipment of waste in the form of vehicle is illegal. The lack of clarity and accuracy of the regulations of substantive law concerning determination of CHIEP’ tasks in that field (especially in the context of the absence of binding guidelines for legal interpretation of these regulations) results in an uncertainty regarding accuracy of the judicial proceedings and decision recognising a damaged vehicle transported across the border as waste. This, in consequence, increases the risk of a breach of the constitutional ownership right, as well as the probability of allegation of improper implementation of the European Union law. Some alternative ways in which waste may be transported have been offered

    Skuteczność prawa administracyjnego na przykładzie regulacji z zakresu międzynarodowego przemieszczania odpadów

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    The purpose of the paper is to identify difficulties connected with the performance by Chief Inspector of Environmental Protection of the tasks defined in the Order No 1013 2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council dated 14 June 2006 on shipments of waste. It is claimed that international shipment of waste in the form of vehicle is illegal. The lack of clarity and accuracy of the regulations of substantive law concerning determination of CHIEP’ tasks in that field (especially in the context of the absence of binding guidelines for legal interpretation of these regulations) results in an uncertainty regarding accuracy of the judicial proceedings and decision recognising a damaged vehicle transported across the border as waste. This, in consequence, increases the risk of a breach of the constitutional ownership right, as well as the probability of allegation of improper implementation of the European Union law. Some alternative ways in which waste may be transported have been offered.Artykuł ma na celu zwrócenie uwagi na trudności związane z wykonywaniem przez Głównego Inspektora Ochrony Środowiska (GIOŚ) obowiązków ciążących na tym organie na podstawie rozporządzenia nr 1013/06 Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady z 14 czerwca 2006 r. w sprawie przemieszczania odpadów, tj. w zakresie stwierdzenie, że międzynarodowe przemieszczanie odpadów w postaci pojazdu ma charakter nielegalny, i określenie sposobu postępowania z tym odpadem. Brak jasności i precyzyjności przepisów prawa materialnego w zakresie określenia zadań GIOŚ w tym zakresie (w kontekście braku szczegółowych wiążących wytycznych interpretacyjnych), powoduje „niepewność” co do prawidłowości prowadzonego postępowania i wydanego rozstrzygnięcia w sprawie uznania uszkodzonego pojazdu przewożonego przez granicę za odpad. Zwiększa to ryzyko naruszenia konstytucyjnego prawa własności, ale też prawdopodobieństwo zarzutu nienależytej implementacji unijnych norm prawnych przez organy administracji publicznej

    Efficiency of administrative law on the example of the regulation on international shipment of waste

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    The purpose of the paper is to identify difficulties connected with the performance by Chief Inspector of Environmental Protection of the tasks defined in the Order No 1013 2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council dated 14 June 2006 on shipments of waste. It is claimed that international shipment of waste in the form of vehicle is illegal. The lack of clarity and accuracy of the regulations of substantive law concerning determination of CHIEP’ tasks in that field (especially in the context of the absence of binding guidelines for legal interpretation of these regulations) results in an uncertainty regarding accuracy of the judicial proceedings and decision recognising a damaged vehicle transported across the border as waste. This, in consequence, increases the risk of a breach of the constitutional ownership right, as well as the probability of allegation of improper implementation of the European Union law. Some alternative ways in which waste may be transported have been offered.Artykuł ma na celu zwrócenie uwagi na trudności związane z wykonywaniem przez Głównego Inspektora Ochrony Środowiska (GIOŚ) obowiązków ciążących na tym organie na podstawie rozporządzenia nr 1013/06 Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady z 14 czerwca 2006 r. w sprawie przemieszczania odpadów, tj. w zakresie stwierdzenie, że międzynarodowe przemieszczanie odpadów w postaci pojazdu ma charakter nielegalny, i określenie sposobu postępowania z tym odpadem. Brak jasności i precyzyjności przepisów prawa materialnego w zakresie określenia zadań GIOŚ w tym zakresie (w kontekście braku szczegółowych wiążących wytycznych interpretacyjnych), powoduje „niepewność” co do prawidłowości prowadzonego postępowania i wydanego rozstrzygnięcia w sprawie uznania uszkodzonego pojazdu przewożonego przez granicę za odpad. Zwiększa to ryzyko naruszenia konstytucyjnego prawa własności, ale też prawdopodobieństwo zarzutu nienależytej implementacji unijnych norm prawnych przez organy administracji publicznej