200 research outputs found


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    The study was based on the project sponsored by the Organization of American States which wasdeveloped by São Paulo Federal University College of Nursing aiming at analyzing the alcohol- and drug-relatedcourse contents taught in undergraduate nursing programs in Brazil. Its purpose was to evaluate teachingconditions concerning this theme in the undergraduate nursing program at Espírito Santo Federal Universitythrough a descriptive survey applied to 86 nursing students. To 95% of the students, the problem related to theconsumption of alcohol and drugs is a theme of great interest. The inclusion of these themes in nursing programsis a facilitating condition for the education of nurses in this area

    Conhecendo espécies de plantas da Amazônia: mogno (Swietenia macrophylla King- Meliaceae).

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    Development and characterization of an environmentallyfriendly process sequence (autohydrolysis and organosolv) for wheat straw delignification

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    The present work describes the delignification of wheat straw through an environmentally friendly process resulting from sequential application of autohydrolysis and organosolv processes. Wheat straw autohydrolysis was performed at 180°C during 30 min with a liquid–solid ratio of 10 (v/w); under these conditions, a solubilization of 44% of the original xylan, with 78% of sugars as xylooligosaccharides of the sum of sugars solubilized in the autohydrolysis liquors generated by the hemicellulose fraction hydrolysis. The corresponding solid fraction enrichment with 63.7% of glucan and 7.55% of residual xylan was treated with a 40% ethanol and 0.1% NaOH aqueous solution at a liquid–solid ratio of 10 (v/w), with the best results obtained at 180°C during 20 min. The highest lignin recovery, measured by acid precipitation of the extracted lignin, was 3.25 g/100 ml. The lignin obtained by precipitation was characterized by FTIR, and the crystallinity indexes from the native cellulose, the cellulose recovered after autohydrolysis, and the cellulose obtained after applying the organosolv process were obtained by X-ray diffraction, returning values of 21.32%, 55.17%, and 53.59%, respectively. Visualization of the fibers was done for all the processing steps using scanning electron microscopy.The authors thank Professor Juan Carlos Parajo from University of Vigo, for the assistance in the materials preparation under autohydrolysis process as well as the ALBAN program for the PhD fellowship support

    Tradução e validação da Clinician Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS-CA-5) em crianças e adolescentes portugueses

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to translate and validate into European Portuguese the CAPS-CA-5 (Clinician Administered PTSD Scale for Children and Adolescents), a semi-structured scale for the diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder in children and adolescents, according to the DSM-5 criteria. Material and Methods: This study was developed in three stages. In the first stage, the translation and back-translation of CAPS-CA-5 into European Portuguese was carried out. In the second stage, the version obtained in the previous step was subjected to a pre-test. In the third stage, the final version of CAPS-CA-5, the KIDCOPE questionnaires and the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale-Children were applied to 101 children who had experienced at least one potentially traumatic event. The children included in this study were between seven and 18 years old and had a follow-up period in a Child Psychiatry or Pediatrics Clinic in one of the three hospitals involved in this project of at least one month. Results: Regarding the confirmatory factor analysis, our results show that the CAPS-CA-5 is a suitable psychometric instrument to assess the diagnosis and symptoms severity of post-traumatic stress disorder according to DSM-5. Convergent validity was comparable to its original version. Although there were negative relationships with almost all of its clusters, these were not statistically significant when applied with the positive coping strategies of the KIDCOPE. The European Portuguese version of the CAPS-CA-5 showed a good internal consistency (Cronbach’s α for the total scale was 0.89). Conclusion: The European Portuguese version of CAPS-CA-5 has similar psychometric properties to its original versionIntrodução: O objetivo deste estudo foi traduzir e validar para português europeu a CAPS-CA-5 (Clinician Administered PTSD Scale for Children and Adolescents), uma escala semiestruturada para o diagnóstico de perturbação de stress pós-traumático em crianças e adolescentes, de acordo com os critérios do DSM-5. Material e Métodos: Este estudo foi desenvolvido em três etapas. Na primeira, foi realizada a tradução e contra-tradução da CAPS- -CA-5 para português europeu. Na segunda etapa, a versão obtida anteriormente foi submetida a um pré-teste. Na terceira etapa, a versão final da CAPS-CA-5, os questionários KIDCOPE e a Escala de Depressão, Ansiedade e Stresse - Crianças foram aplicados em 101 crianças que experienciaram pelo menos um evento potencialmente traumático. As crianças incluídas neste estudo tinham entre sete e 18 anos e tinham um período de acompanhamento em consulta de Psiquiatria Infantil ou Pediatria de pelo menos um mês, num dos três hospitais envolvidos neste projeto. Resultados: Em relação à análise fatorial confirmatória, os nossos resultados mostram que a CAPS-CA-5 é um instrumento psico-métrico adequado para avaliar o diagnóstico e a gravidade dos sintomas de perturbação de stresse pós-traumático de acordo com o DSM-5. A validade convergente foi comparável à versão original. Embora tenha havido relações negativas com quase todos os seus clusters, estas não foram estatisticamente significativas quando aplicadas com as estratégias de coping positivo do KIDCOPE. A versão em português europeu da CAPS-CA-5 apresentou boa consistência interna (α de Cronbach para a escala total foi de 0,89). Conclusão: A versão em português europeu do CAPS-CA-5 possui propriedades psicométricas semelhantes à sua versão originalinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    And after the Sensory Processing Disorders? - What answers does the DSM-5 have

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    Introduction: From the question of whether the diagnosis of Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) should have classification matching in the DSM-5 or whether it constitutes a pre-morbid condition for other pathologies, a retrospective study was conducted in 2016 titled Regulatory Disturbances: The Return to the Past - Conditioners of Evolution. The study did not show a significant association between the abnormal results obtained in the SDQ scale by children with PRPS and therapeutic intervention, which allowed us to conclude that it is imperative to rethink the intervention of these cases. From these results and the lack of corresponding diagnosis in DSM-5, the present study intends to understand what possible diagnoses these children have in the latency / adolescence and adult age and what are the therapeutic interventions required. Objectives: Characterize the sample of children diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder who used the psychiatry consultation at the unity of infant mental health (UPI) between 2006-2013; characterize the results obtained at the follow-up; check current medical status, pharmacological therapy, other therapeutic interventions, and if they present another corresponding diagnosis in the DSM-5. Methods: Retrospective and follow-up study using the Clinical Processes of the first consultations performed between the years 2006 and 2013 at the UPI. Evaluation of the current state was made by telephone through a structured interview to the main caregivers and the application of the SDQ. The information will be submitted to statistical processing (in SPSS®), with descriptive analysis and correlation of variables. The sample is of Convenience. Results: 55 children with SPD (N=55), 47 of their caregivers answered a telephone interview (n=47). No statistically significant association was found between any SPD type and current diagnosis of ADHD nor parental perception of current state. Significant association between SPD diagnosis and abnormal results in subscales of hyperactivity (p = 0.027) and behavior problems (p = 0.017) of the SDQ. Discussion and Conclusion: The wide dispersion of diagnoses found may pose two hypotheses: SPD should be considered as an independent diagnostic category; symptomatology (alterations in the SP) can be common to different pathologies. It is important to carry out prospective studies in children diagnosed with SPD, in order to determine if it may be a future diagnostic category in the DSM.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Agent based modelling helps in understanding the rules by which fibroblasts support keratinocyte colony formation

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    Background: Autologous keratincoytes are routinely expanded using irradiated mouse fibroblasts and bovine serum for clinical use. With growing concerns about the safety of these xenobiotic materials, it is desirable to culture keratinocytes in media without animal derived products. An improved understanding of epithelial/mesenchymal interactions could assist in this. Methodology/Principal Findings: A keratincyte/fibroblast o-culture model was developed by extending an agent-based keratinocyte colony formation model to include the response of keratinocytes to both fibroblasts and serum. The model was validated by comparison of the in virtuo and in vitro multicellular behaviour of keratinocytes and fibroblasts in single and co-culture in Greens medium. To test the robustness of the model, several properties of the fibroblasts were changed to investigate their influence on the multicellular morphogenesis of keratinocyes and fibroblasts. The model was then used to generate hypotheses to explore the interactions of both proliferative and growth arrested fibroblasts with keratinocytes. The key predictions arising from the model which were confirmed by in vitro experiments were that 1) the ratio of fibroblasts to keratinocytes would critically influence keratinocyte colony expansion, 2) this ratio needed to be optimum at the beginning of the co-culture, 3) proliferative fibroblasts would be more effective than irradiated cells in expanding keratinocytes and 4) in the presence of an adequate number of fibroblasts, keratinocyte expansion would be independent of serum. Conclusions: A closely associated computational and biological approach is a powerful tool for understanding complex biological systems such as the interactions between keratinocytes and fibroblasts. The key outcome of this study is the finding that the early addition of a critical ratio of proliferative fibroblasts can give rapid keratinocyte expansion without the use of irradiated mouse fibroblasts and bovine serum


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    A obesidade gera repercussões clinicas e alterações psicológicas como: ansiedade, depressão, alterações sexuais, baixa auto-estima e impacto negativo sobre a auto-imagem. Este trabalho avaliou sexualidade, ansiedade e depressão em mulheres após cirurgia bariátrica. Participaram do estudo 31 mulheres obesas grau III, com 6 a 12 meses de pós-operatório, acompanhadas no HU-UFMA de janeiro a julho de 2008. Foram usados os seguintes instrumentos: Inventário de Função Sexual Feminina (FSFI) e Inventários de Beck na avaliação de ansiedade e depressão. Após a cirurgia os resultados mostram idade média das pacientes de 40,4 e redução no IMC de 62,7%. Também ocorreu correlação positiva entre os domínios sexuais (desejo, excitação, lubrifcação, orgasmo, satisfação e desconforto/dor), indicando satisfação sexual das mulheres. Esses dados indicam que nas pacientes acompanhadas pelo SCB do HU-UFMA ocorreu melhora de aspectos relativos à ansiedade, depressão e sexualidade após a cirurgia bariátrica.Descritores: Sexualidade; Ansiedade; Depressão, Obesidade; Cirurgia Bariátrica.Abstract: Obesity has important effect on psychological status including sexual alterations, increased anxiety and depression, low self-esteem with negative impact on self-image. This work evaluated sexuality, anxiety and depression in women after bariatric surgery. In this study participated 31 obese class III women, with 6 the 12 months after operation, followed in the HU-UFMA from January to July of 2008. It was used as instruments for evaluation the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) and Beck Inventories for anxiety and depression. The results after the surgery showed that the average age were 40.4 years and BMI reduced 62.7%. There was a positive correlation among sexual domains (desire, excitement, lubrication, orgasm, satisfaction, and discomfort/pain), indicating sexual women satisfaction. These data suggest that in patients followed after the operation by the SCB of the HU-UFMA there was a positive psychological impact.Descriptors: Sexuality; Anxiety; Depression; Obesity; Bariatric Surger