687 research outputs found
La información escrita del farmacéutico mejora el cumplimiento de la antibioterapia
Non-compliance with therapeutic guidelines represents a potential public health risk, given that it contributes to bacterialresistance. One of the strategies used to improve compliance to such guidelines is to provide the patient with betterinformation in written form. The objectives of the present investigation were the following; To evaluate the influencethat written information, provided by the community pharmacist, has on compliance with antibiotic therapy, to verify theconsequences of degree of compliance on patient health, and to discover other factors influencing patient compliance.The experimental study was carried on patients that attend a community pharmacy for antibiotic prescriptions. Membersof the control group were given information in verbal form only, while members of the experimental group were giventhe same information in both verbal and written form. The degree of compliance was determined through telephoneinterviews, carried out the day after having finished treatment. 214 patients completed the study. A 14% increase incompliance among members of the experimental group was achieved. Patients that had completed treatment, had a betterperception of their own health than those that had not. Another factor found to have a significant influence oncompliance was the number of daily dosages.In conclusion, the written information provided by the pharmacist improves therapeutic compliance. Therapeutic complianceimproves patients’ perception of their state of health. The number of daily dosages also have an influence to bear, butcontradict appropriate antibiotic administration policies.El incumplimiento terapéutico es un riesgo potencial para la salud pública al contribuir al incremento de lasresistencias bacterianas. Una de las estrategias utilizadas para mejorar el cumplimiento terapéutico es el de mejorarla información del paciente mediante información escrita. Los objetivos fueron evaluar la influencia de la informaciónescrita del farmacéutico comunitario sobre el cumplimiento antibiótico, verificar sus consecuencias sobre lasalud y descubrir otros factores que influyan en el cumplimiento. Se trata de un estudio experimental en pacientesque acuden a una farmacia comunitaria con una prescripción antibiótica. Al grupo control se le da informaciónverbal sobre su tratamiento, y al grupo de intervención la misma información, pero también por escrito. Se mideel cumplimiento mediante encuesta telefónica al día siguiente de haber tenido que finalizar el tratamiento. 214pacientes finalizaron el estudio. Los pacientes del grupo de intervención incrementaron el cumplimiento terapéuticoen un 14,2%. Los pacientes que cumplen el tratamiento tienen una mejor percepción de salud respecto de losincumplidores. Otro factor que influye significativamente en el cumplimiento es la pauta posológica diaria. Estetrabajo concluye que la información escrita del farmacéutico mejora el cumplimiento terapéutico. El cumplimientoterapéutico mejora la percepción de salud de los pacientes
Atención farmacéutica, universidad y sistema sanitario
Una profesión integra a un conjunto de personas que ha recibido una formación específica, que realiza una actividad
reconocible y reglamentada, para resolver un problema que tiene la sociedad o para garantizar a sus miembros
un derecho reconocido, de una forma diferente al resto de las profesiones, y por la que percibe unos honorarios de
acuerdo a la responsabilidad contraída. Dicha responsabilidad, su grado de dificultad, su complejidad, obliga a un
nivel de formación coherente, para que los miembros de la sociedad queden tranquilos sabiendo que tienen profesionales
del máximo nivel atendiendo la resolución de ese problema o garantizando el derecho a defender
Atención farmacéutica, universidad y sistema sanitario
Una profesión integra a un conjunto de personas que ha recibido una formación específica, que realiza una actividad
reconocible y reglamentada, para resolver un problema que tiene la sociedad o para garantizar a sus miembros
un derecho reconocido, de una forma diferente al resto de las profesiones, y por la que percibe unos honorarios de
acuerdo a la responsabilidad contraída. Dicha responsabilidad, su grado de dificultad, su complejidad, obliga a un
nivel de formación coherente, para que los miembros de la sociedad queden tranquilos sabiendo que tienen profesionales
del máximo nivel atendiendo la resolución de ese problema o garantizando el derecho a defender
The effect of written information provided by pharmacists on compliance with antibiotherapy
El incumplimiento terapéutico es un riesgo potencial para la salud pública al contribuir al incremento de las
resistencias bacterianas. Una de las estrategias utilizadas para mejorar el cumplimiento terapéutico es el de mejorar
la información del paciente mediante información escrita. Los objetivos fueron evaluar la influencia de la información
escrita del farmacéutico comunitario sobre el cumplimiento antibiótico, verificar sus consecuencias sobre la
salud y descubrir otros factores que influyan en el cumplimiento. Se trata de un estudio experimental en pacientes
que acuden a una farmacia comunitaria con una prescripción antibiótica. Al grupo control se le da información
verbal sobre su tratamiento, y al grupo de intervención la misma información, pero también por escrito. Se mide
el cumplimiento mediante encuesta telefónica al día siguiente de haber tenido que finalizar el tratamiento. 214
pacientes finalizaron el estudio. Los pacientes del grupo de intervención incrementaron el cumplimiento terapéutico
en un 14,2%. Los pacientes que cumplen el tratamiento tienen una mejor percepción de salud respecto de los
incumplidores. Otro factor que influye significativamente en el cumplimiento es la pauta posológica diaria. Este
trabajo concluye que la información escrita del farmacéutico mejora el cumplimiento terapéutico. El cumplimiento
terapéutico mejora la percepción de salud de los pacientes.Non-compliance with therapeutic guidelines represents a potential public health risk, given that it contributes to bacterial
resistance. One of the strategies used to improve compliance to such guidelines is to provide the patient with better
information in written form. The objectives of the present investigation were the following; To evaluate the influence
that written information, provided by the community pharmacist, has on compliance with antibiotic therapy, to verify the
consequences of degree of compliance on patient health, and to discover other factors influencing patient compliance.
The experimental study was carried on patients that attend a community pharmacy for antibiotic prescriptions. Members
of the control group were given information in verbal form only, while members of the experimental group were given
the same information in both verbal and written form. The degree of compliance was determined through telephone
interviews, carried out the day after having finished treatment. 214 patients completed the study. A 14% increase in
compliance among members of the experimental group was achieved. Patients that had completed treatment, had a better
perception of their own health than those that had not. Another factor found to have a significant influence on
compliance was the number of daily dosages.
In conclusion, the written information provided by the pharmacist improves therapeutic compliance. Therapeutic compliance
improves patients’ perception of their state of health. The number of daily dosages also have an influence to bear, but
contradict appropriate antibiotic administration policies
Toward reliable hybrid WDM/TDM passive optical networks
Individual users and enterprises are increasingly relying on the access to internet services and cannot accept long interruption time as easily as before. Moreover, the main characteristics of next generation optical access (NGOA) networks, such as long reach and a large number of users per feeder line, turn the network reliability to an important design parameter to offer uninterrupted service delivery. In this regard, protection mechanisms become one of the crucial aspects that need to be considered in the design process of access networks. On the other hand, it should be noted that not all users can afford to pay a high extra cost for protection; hence, it is important to provide resilience in a cost-efficient way. A PON combining WDM and TDM technologies, referred to as hybrid WDM/TDM PON or HPON, is one of the most promising candidates for NGOA networks due to its ability to serve a large number of subscribers and offer high capacity per user. For these reasons, in this article, we propose HPON architecture offering different degrees of resilience depending on the user profiles (i.e., partial and full protection for residential and business access, respectively). Also, the investment cost of providing resilience for the proposed schemes is investigated considering various protection upgrade road maps. Our results confirm that protecting the shared part of network with a large number of users is required in order to keep the failure impact at an acceptable level, with less than 5 percent increase of investment cost compared to the unprotected case. Meanwhile, the proposed end-to-end protection for business users considerably reduces the risk of service interruption for this type of demanding user without a need to duplicate the deployment cost of an unprotected connection. Furthermore, a sensitivity analysis is performed to investigate the impact of changes in business user percentage and protection upgrade time on the deployment cost. The results may be used as advice on cost-efficient deployment of reliable fiber access networks
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