51 research outputs found

    Selected geotourist attractions of Central and Southern Mongolia

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    The paper provides information on geosites in central and southern Mongolia with an outline geological structure and history, remarks on Mongolian history, culture and every-day life as well as on lithology, relief, climate and wild nature of this remote country

    The effect of water activity on the eutectic point in natural granitic system

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    The water activity except for pressure is known to be the most important parameter affecting the eutectic point in granitic systems. Water saturated magmas have lower solidus temperatures than water undersaturated magmas (Johannes, Holtz 1996). Water activity influences also Ab-Or relation in granitic systems (Holtz et al. 1992). Mineral phases present in water saturated conditions differ from those present in water poor conditions (Dall’Agnol et al. 1999). This effect of water activity on the granitic system has so far been analyzed on synthetic materials. Other parameters which would affect the eutectic point might exist in a natural granitic system. Therefore, two natural samples of Wangrah granites from Australia were taken to analyze their crystallization path. They were chosen so they had very similar composition in terms of Qz-Ab-Or, but different in terms of Ca and Fe contents. The homogenous glass powder was used as a starting material. The water was added to reach water saturated conditions. The water and silver oxalate were added to reach water undersaturated conditions. Crystallization experiments with both samples were performed in cold seal pressure vessel (CSPV) in the temperature range of 680-720ºC for water saturated conditions and 765-815ºC for water undersaturated conditions. The pressure of 2 kbar and oxygen buffer NNO were established for 15 days. The phases were identified and glass composition was determined by an electron microprobe. The water content of glass was measured with the use of near infrared spectroscopy. The results were plotted on the Qz-Ab-Or diagram with application of Blundy and Cashman corrections (Blundy, Cashman 2001) for the An content. Two very similar compositions in terms of Qz-Ab-Or show a different position of their cotectic lines for water saturated conditions. One possible explanation of this fact is that the projection of Blundy and Cashman does not account accurately for the effect of Ca. The alternative explanation is that there must be other parameters controlling the position of the cotectic line, one of them may be Fe. In any case, one cannot simply project natural granite or rhyolites on the Qz-Ab-Or diagram to extract quantitative information on pressure or water activity of granites or rhyolites. A new set of experiments should be performed to clarify this problem

    Yield criteria for glaciotectonically deformed deposits

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    Most glaciotectonically deformed deposits, including varved clays and glacial tills, are characterised by cracks and fissures. This paper presents a method for describing the yield criteria for glacitectonically deformed cohesive deposits using a model of cracked geomaterial with isotropic or anisotropic matrix. The general representation of the limit conditions for anisotropic materials in plane-strain is used to determine the yield criterion. The yield criterion represents a convex, piece-wise surface in the three-dimensional stress space revealing explicitly global, plastic properties of the materials considered. An example of using proposed yield criteria to solve a bearing capacity problem of a strip foundation constructed on a glaciotectonically cracked layer is presented. The lower and upper-bound estimates of limit loads on the strip footing are given. The limit state analysis presented in this paper can be used to solve many other geotechnical engineering problems, for example, the stability of slopes and reinforced walls or the bearing capacity of pile foundations

    Insurance as an Instrument Hedging of Exclusion of Young Mothers from the Labour market

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    The paper analysis the situation of woman who are going back on the labor market after period of pregnancy and babysitting. After time of taking care of baby woman position on labor market is quite poor and in most cases worst than before babysitting. Business practice shows that time when woman if not working because of delivering a child or babysitting has many negative effects on her future employment status. In the article were also discussed current trends in Polish system that secure labor position for young mothers. Unfortunately system is not good enough, it does not solve problem and needs some new solutions. Article presents innovative form of preventing this negative effects. The proposed solution is to create special insurance for woman who are planning to get pregnant and who are predicts that it can effects negative on their future labor position

    Risks management and the gender mainstreaming policy

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    Celem poznawczym opracowania jest analiza możliwych implikacji wprowadzenia, zgodnie z wyrokiem Europejskiego Trybunału Sprawiedliwości (ETS) z dnia 1 marca 2011 roku w sprawie Test-Achats, zakazu różnicowania składki ubezpieczeniowej ze względu na płeć ubezpieczonego. W artykule postawiono tezę, że zakaz uwzględniania cechy płci w ubezpieczeniach gospodarczych, jest elementem niezgodnym z polityką równości szans w tym równości kobiet i mężczyzn i wpłynie niekorzystnie na rynki instrumentów ubezpieczeniowych. Analizie poddano bieżący stan polskiego rynku ubezpieczeń gospodarczych ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem postrzegania cechy płci jako czynnika wpływającego na zarządzanie ryzykiem w ubezpieczeniach. Wykorzystane metody badawcze to analiza porównawcza krajowych oraz unijnych aktów prawnych oraz ubezpieczeniowych produktów gospodarczych dla kobiet i mężczyzn.This paper analyses implications of the ruling made by EU Court of Justice in March 2011 in the case Test-Achats vs. the Council of Ministers. This ruling effectively forbid any differentiation of insurance premium depending on the sex of the insured person. Decision was supported by the statement that banning differentiation of insurance premium on basis of gender of the insured, as an element of the Gender Mainstreaming Policy element, may cause adverse effects on commercial insurance market. Most likely effects of this decision are: reduction of the quality of risk management process at assessment level, increase of the average insurance premium, reduction of the market product range, decreased demand for insurance products, impact on image of insurance companies, further inequalities between genders

    Risk management - unappreciated instrument of supply chain management strategy

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    Background: Unlike Enterprise Risk Management, which is certainly quite well rooted in business practice, Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) still continues to be dynamically developing subject of academic research, whereas its practical applications are rather scarce. Material and methods: On the basis of broad review of the current state of the art in world literature, significant  relevancies to the core processes and enterprise strategy are discussed.   Results: The paper shows some interesting from the enterprise's performance and competitiveness point of view additional benefits, potentially resulting from the proactive, consistent and effective implementation of the SCRM system. Conclusions: Some additional advantages from proactive supply chain risk management account for perceiving SCRM as multifunctional instrument of strategic SC management, exceeding established understanding RM as security and threat-prevention  tool only. Positive influence from SCRM onto SC performance and competitiveness can make reasonable to enhance its position within SCM strategy

    Influence of stiffness of the trapezoidal steel sheeting roof on the purlin resistance

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    W pracy badano nośność elementów konstrukcji wsporczej lekkiej obudowy hal stalowych z uwzględnieniem sprężystego podparcia bocznego wynikającego ze sztywności tarczowej obudowy (blach trapezowych). Przeprowadzono analizy parametryczne obciążenia granicznego płatwi zginanych jednokierunkowo. W analizach zmieniano schemat statyczny płatwi, przekrój oraz sztywność podparcia sprężystego na przesuw ich pasa górnego. Pominięto przy tym wpływ usztywnienia na obrót elementów, jakie zapewnia sztywność giętna obudowy. Wykazano, że stosowanie uregulowań normowych bez wykorzystania zaawansowanych metod obliczeniowych prowadzi do konserwatywnej oceny nośności granicznej konstrukcji wsporczej lekkiej obudowy.The study investigated the load-bearing capacity of the supporting structure elements of the lightweight steel hall cladding, considering the elastic lateral support resulting from the stiffness of the trapezoidal steel sheeting acting as diaphragm. Parametric analyses of the load-bearing capacity of purlins acting in major axis bending were performed. In the analyses, the static scheme of the purlins, the cross-section and the stiffness of the elastic translational support of their top flange were changed. This ignores the effect of stiffening on component rotation provided by the flexural rigidity of the cladding. It has been shown that the application of standard regulations without the use of advanced calculation methods leads to a conservative assessment of the limit load-bearing capacity of a cladding support structure

    Risk management and critical situations in supply chains

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    Problemy zarządzania ryzykiem i sytuacjami kryzysowymi w przedsiębiorstwach i w łańcuchach dostaw są, jak się wydaje, postrzegane jako obszary w dużym stopniu oddzielne zarówno w literaturze, jak i w standardach. Pomimo intuicyjnie oczywistych, istotnych zależności, oba te elementy strategii zarządzania są rzadko powiązane w zakresie stosowanych procedur i rozwiązań organizacyjnych. Przedmiotem niniejszego opracowania jest analiza aktualnej sytuacji w polskich przedsiębiorstwach i łańcuchach dostaw w zakresie zarządzania ryzykiem, zarządzania kryzysami oraz powiązań pomiędzy tymi obszarami strategii zarządzania. W publikacji zaprezentowano rezultaty prac przeprowadzonych w ramach projektu badawczego podjętego w Wyższej Szkole Logistyki.Problems of risk management and critical situations within organizations and supply chains seem to be perceived as - to a large extent - separate issues in literature, as well as in standards. Despite fairly obvious and substantial interdependencies, both of these elements of management strategy are rarely interconnected, when considering applied procedures and organizational solutions. The subject of this paper is to analyze the current situation in Polish enterprises and supply chains in the area of risk management, crisis management and links between both areas of the management strategy. The paper presents results of the research project undertaken in Poznań School of Logistics