24 research outputs found

    Device Optimization of Tris-Aluminum (Alq3) Based Bilayer Organic Light Emitting Diode Structures

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    In this work we present detailed analysis of the emitted radiation spectrum from tris(8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum (Alq3) based bilayer OLEDs as a function of: the choice of cathode, the thickness of organic layers, and the position of the hole transport layer/Alq3 interface. The calculations fully take into account dispersion in the glass substrate, the indium tin oxide anode, and in the organic layers, as well as the dispersion in the metal cathode. Influence of the incoherent transparent substrate (1 mm glass substrate) is also fully accounted for. Four cathode structures have been considered: Mg/Ag, Ca/Ag, LiF/Al, and Ag. For the hole transport layer, N,N'-diphenyl-N,N'-(3-methylphenyl)-1,1'-biphenyl-4,4'-diamine (TPD) and N,N'-di(naphthalene-1-yl)-N,N'-diphenylbenzidine (NPB) were considered. As expected, emitted radiation is strongly dependent on the position of the emissive layer inside the cavity and its distance from the metal cathode. Although our optical model for an OLED does not explicitly include exciton quenching in vicinity of the metal cathode, designs placing the emissive layer near the cathode are excluded to avoid unrealistic results. Guidelines for designing devices with optimum emission efficiency are presented. Finally, several different devices were fabricated and characterized and experimental and calculated emission spectra were compared

    Comparative Analysis of the 5S rRNA and Its Associated Proteins Reveals Unique Primitive Rather Than Parasitic Features in Giardia lamblia

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    BACKGROUND: 5S rRNA is a highly conserved ribosomal component. Eukaryotic 5S rRNA and its associated proteins (5S rRNA system) have become very well understood. Giardia lamblia was thought by some researchers to be the most primitive extant eukaryote while others considered it a highly evolved parasite. Previous reports have indicated that some aspects of its 5S rRNA system are simpler than that of common eukaryotes. We here explore whether this is true to its entire system, and whether this simplicity is a primitive or parasitic feature. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: By collecting and confirming pre-existing data and identifying new data, we obtained almost complete datasets of the system of three isolates of G. lamblia, two other parasitic excavates (Trichomonas vaginalis, Trypanosoma cruzi), and one free-living one (Naegleria gruberi). After comprehensively comparing each aspect of the system among these excavates and also with those of archaea and common eukaryotes, we found all the three Giardia isolates to harbor a same simplified 5S rRNA system, which is not only much simpler than that of common eukaryotes but also the simplest one among those of these excavates, and is surprisingly very similar to that of archaea; we also found among these excavates the system in parasitic species is not necessarily simpler than that in free-living species, conversely, the system of free-living species is even simpler in some respects than those of parasitic ones. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: The simplicity of Giardia 5S rRNA system should be considered a primitive rather than parasitically-degenerated feature. Therefore, Giardia 5S rRNA system might be a primitive system that is intermediate between that of archaea and the common eukaryotic model system, and it may reflect the evolutionary history of the eukaryotic 5S rRNA system from the archaeal form. Our results also imply G. lamblia might be a primitive eukaryote with secondary parasitically-degenerated features

    Imaginal Discs – A New Source of Chromosomes for Genome Mapping of the Yellow Fever Mosquito Aedes aegypti

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    Dengue fever is an emerging health threat to as much as half of the human population around the world. No vaccines or drug treatments are currently available. Thus, disease prevention is largely based on efforts to control its major mosquito vector Ae. aegypti. Novel vector control strategies, such as population replacement with pathogen-incompetent transgenic mosquitoes, rely on detailed knowledge of the genome organization for the mosquito. However, the current genome assembly of Ae. aegypti is highly fragmented and requires additional physical mapping onto chromosomes. The absence of readable polytene chromosomes makes genome mapping for this mosquito extremely challenging. In this study, we discovered and investigated a new source of chromosomes useful for the cytogenetic analysis in Ae. aegypti – mitotic chromosomes from imaginal discs of 4th instar larvae. Using natural banding patterns of these chromosomes, we developed a new band-based approach for physical mapping of DNA probes to the precise chromosomal positions. Further application of this approach for genome mapping will greatly enhance the utility of the existing draft genome sequence assembly for Ae. aegypti and thereby facilitate application of advanced genome technologies for investigating and developing novel genetic control strategies for dengue transmission

    Desempeño productivo de vaquillas suplementadas con 200 g de Profosmin Vita en Zamorano

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    20 p.La sección de remplazos de ganado lechero de la Escuela Agrícola Panamericana Zamorano cría vaquillas de las razas Holstein, Jersey, Pardo Suizo y sus cruces; las cuales están divididas en grupos según su peso y edad. Para el estudio se utilizaron 137 vaquillas, se formaron cinco grupos según la edad y el promedio de peso y se pesaron cada treinta días. Estos animales pasaron tres meses en confinamiento alimentándolos con una ración totalmente mezclada de ensilaje, concentrado y Profosmin Vita®; y dos meses en pastoreo con Cynodon nlemfuensis y Panicum maximun más concentrado y Profosmin Vita®. Las variables de este estudio fueron la ganancia diaria de peso (GDP) y el costo de utilizar alimento concentrado con Profosmin Vita y alimento concentrado sin Profosmin Vita. Las mayores GDP se obtuvieron en vaquillas Holstein entre las edades de 12.1 a 15 meses con 0.96 kg/día, en el grupo de 3 a 6 meses el cruce de Holstein reporto 0.90 kg/día y la raza Holstein con 0.80 kg/día. La menor GDP se encontroen el cruce de Pardo Suizo en el grupo de 3 a 6 meses reportando 0.19 kg/día y de igual forma la misma raza en las edades de 15.1 meses reportando 0.31 kg/día. El ahorro obtenido al suministrar 200 g de Profosmin Vita® en vaquillas de 3 a 9 meses de edad fue de 0.18.ElahorroobtenidosuministrandoProfosminVita®envaquillasde9.1amayoresde15.1mesesdeedadfuede0.18. El ahorro obtenido suministrando Profosmin Vita® en vaquillas de 9.1 a mayores de 15.1 meses de edad fue de 0.13.1. Índice de cuadro, figuras y anexos 2. Introducción 3. Materiales y métodos 4. Resultados y discusión 5. Conclusiones 6. Recomendaciones 7. Literatura citada 8. Anexos

    Multi-wavelength images detector for micro-cathodoluminescence analysis

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    A novel instrument capable of collecting the entire cathodoluminescence emission spectrum simultaneously with SEM scanning is presented in this work. The cathodoluminescence produced in a standard scanning electron microscope is collected and analyzed. The electronic signal used by the microscope to trigger the electron raster and produce an image is also used by the spectrograph to synchronize spectrum acquisition. At each point in the sample the complete spectrum is acquired. All the data are recorded and saved in an electronic file. With this information it is possible to reconstruct panchromatic and/or monochromatic images of the sample and correlate its optical properties with its microstructure. Instead of an elliptical mirror to collect the light in the conventional CL system, a single optical fiber is used. This new way of acquiring light permits a reduction in the work distance (down to 5 mm) in the microscope, thus achieving a better spatial resolution. Another advantage of this arrangement is that we can simultaneously use other detection modes such as backscattered electrons, x-rays etc. Examples showed here illustrate the capabilities of the instrument

    Assessment of in vitro removal of cholesterol oxidation products by Lactobacillus casei ATCC334

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    Cholesterol oxidation products (COPs) are a group of compounds formed during processing and storage of foods from animal origin. After ingestion, COPs are absorbed in the intestine and can be distributed to serum and various tissues, potentially promoting a variety of toxic effects. Therefore, inhibition of their intestinal absorption may contribute to reduce the health risks associated with dietary intake of COPs. Some studies have shown that drugs and dietary compounds may inhibit the intestinal absorption of dietary COPs. However, proven cholesterol- and/or food toxins-binding lactic acid bacteria have not been previously evaluated as potential COPs removal agents. The aim of this study was to assess the ability of Lactobacillus casei ATCC334 to remove COPs in aqueous solution. Results showed the ability of both growing and resting cells to remove COPs (ca. 30-60%). All COPs-bacterium interactions were specific and partly reversible, being resting cells the most efficient for COPs removal in a ranking order of 7-KC > 7alfa-OH/7beta-OH > triol > 5,6beta-EP > 5,6alfa-EP > 25-OH. Binding to the cell wall and/or cell membrane incorporation appears to be the most likely mechanisms involved on COPs removal by L. casei ATCC 334

    Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T polymorphism and Factor V Leiden variant in Mexican women with preeclampsia/eclampsia

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    The etiology of preeclampsia is still a matter of controversy. An association between hyperhomocysteinemia and preeclamptic patients has been described. A common missense mutation in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene is associated with increased plasma homocysteine concentrations. In addition, the polymorphism of gene encoding for Factor V Leiden G1691A is associated with a prothrombotic state in heterozygous subjects. Both mutations in these thrombophilic proteins appear to have different prevalence in the general population and in patients with preeclampsia/eclampsia (PE/E). We studied single nucleotide polymorphisms for MTHFR C677T and coagulation Factor V Leiden in 33 Mexican patients with PE/E as a genetic risk factor for these diseases, comparing with a normotensive pregnant control group. The genotype and allele frequencies of MTHFR C677T and Factor V Leiden mutations between Mexican women with PE/E and healthy controls were not different. We conclude that these polymorphisms do not contribute in the etiology of PE/E as it has been reported in other populations. � 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved