28 research outputs found

    An evolutionary conserved region (ECR) in the human dopamine receptor D4 gene supports reporter gene expression in primary cultures derived from the rat cortex

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Detecting functional variants contributing to diversity of behaviour is crucial for dissecting genetics of complex behaviours. At a molecular level, characterisation of variation in exons has been studied as they are easily identified in the current genome annotation although the functional consequences are less well understood; however, it has been difficult to prioritise regions of non-coding DNA in which genetic variation could also have significant functional consequences. Comparison of multiple vertebrate genomes has allowed the identification of non-coding evolutionary conserved regions (ECRs), in which the degree of conservation can be comparable with exonic regions suggesting functional significance.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We identified ECRs at the dopamine receptor D4 gene locus, an important gene for human behaviours. The most conserved non-coding ECR (D4ECR1) supported high reporter gene expression in primary cultures derived from neonate rat frontal cortex. Computer aided analysis of the sequence of the D4ECR1 indicated the potential transcription factors that could modulate its function. D4ECR1 contained multiple consensus sequences for binding the transcription factor Sp1, a factor previously implicated in DRD4 expression. Co-transfection experiments demonstrated that overexpression of Sp1 significantly decreased the activity of the D4ECR1 <it>in vitro</it>.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Bioinformatic analysis complemented by functional analysis of the DRD4 gene locus has identified a) a strong enhancer that functions in neurons and b) a transcription factor that may modulate the function of that enhancer.</p

    The partial skeleton StW 431 from Sterkfontein – Is it time to rethink the Plio-Pleistocene hominin diversity in South Africa?

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    The discovery of the nearly complete Plio-Pleistocene skeleton StW 573 Australopithecus prometheus from Sterkfontein Member 2, South Africa, has intensified debates as to whether Sterkfontein Member 4 contains a hominin species other than Australopithecus africanus. For example, it has recently been suggested that the partial skeleton StW 431 should be removed from the A. africanus hypodigm and be placed into A. prometheus. Here we re-evaluate this latter proposition, using published information and new comparative data. Although both StW 573 and StW 431 are apparently comparable in their arboreal (i.e., climbing) and bipedal adaptations, they also show significant morphological differences. Surprisingly, StW 431 cannot be unequivocally aligned with either StW 573 or other hominins from Sterkfontein commonly attributed to A. africanus (nor with Paranthropus robustus and Australopithecus sediba). This finding, together with considerations about the recent dating of Plio-Pleistocene hominin-bearing sites in South Africa and palaeoecological/palaeoclimatic conditions, raises questions whether it is justified to subsume hominins from Taung, Makapansgat and Sterkfontein (and Gladysvale) within a single taxon. Given the wealth of fossil material and analytical techniques now available, we call for a re-evaluation of the taxonomy of South African Plio-Pleistocene hominins. Such an endeavour should however go beyond the current (narrow) focus on establishing an A. africanus-A. prometheus dichotomy. Macho, Gabriele A. Fornai, Cinzia Tardieu, Christine Hopley, Philip Haeusler, Martin Toussaint, Miche

    Baboon Feeding Ecology Informs the Dietary Niche of <i>Paranthropus boisei</i>

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    <div><p>Hominins are generally considered eclectic omnivores like baboons, but recent isotope studies call into question the generalist status of some hominins. <i>Paranthropus boisei</i> and <i>Australopithecus bahrelghazali</i> derived 75%–80% of their tissues’ δ<sup>13</sup>C from C<sub>4</sub> sources, i.e. mainly low-quality foods like grasses and sedges. Here I consider the energetics of <i>P. boisei</i> and the nutritional value of C<sub>4</sub> foods, taking into account scaling issues between the volume of food consumed and body mass, and <i>P. boisei</i>’s food preference as inferred from dento-cranial morphology. Underlying the models are empirical data for <i>Papio cynocephalus</i> dietary ecology. <i>Paranthropus boisei</i> only needed to spend some 37%–42% of its daily feeding time (conservative estimate) on C<sub>4</sub> sources to meet 80% of its daily requirements of calories, and all its requirements for protein. The energetic requirements of 2–4 times the basal metabolic rate (BMR) common to mammals could therefore have been met within a 6-hour feeding/foraging day. The findings highlight the high nutritional yield of many C<sub>4</sub> foods eaten by baboons (and presumably hominins), explain the evolutionary success of <i>P. boisei,</i> and indicate that <i>P. boisei</i> was probably a generalist like other hominins. The diet proposed is consistent with the species’ derived morphology and unique microwear textures. Finally, the results highlight the importance of baboon/hominin hand in food acquisition and preparation.</p></div

    Illustration of the tensile stresses (σ) and resulting breakages in <i>P. boisei</i> teeth.

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    <p>Tensile stresses (σ) would occur when lateral loads are applied to a straight-walled tooth and the force vector is directed outside the dental tissue. Without decussating enamel, i.e. bundels of enamel prisms crossing over, transverse cracks initiated on the unloaded side will propagate through the tissue and will lead to catastrophic failure of the tooth. Cracks tend to travel along the protein-rich prism sheaths and are stopped by differently-oriented prisms. Such oblique/transverse breakages are frequently found in <i>P. boisei</i> teeth and are illustrated here in a sample of SEM pictures. Although these breaks may have occurred post mortem, they illustrate the plane of least resistance and thus allow an assessment of the loading conditions to which the tooth should not have been subjected <i>in vivo</i>. Images are not to scale and are for illustration only.</p

    Summary diagram of the composition of diet eaten by a 34–49 kg hominin.

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    <p>In (a) the empirical data for yearling <i>Papio cynocephalus</i> are shown. In (b) the basic model shown in (a) is scaled up to account for larger body masses and feeding on all C<sub>4</sub> sources is increased until the target of approximately 9700 kJ is reached (i). Then, once the model has been scaled to larger body masses, only the time feeding for stolons, leaves, meristem and seeds is increased (ii.), or on leaves (iii) or corms (iv); feeding time on fruits and invertebrates was kept constant to the level of yearling baboons (ii–iv). In (c) the models outlined in (b) are repeated with improved manipulations skills for the processing of corms (m = 2). In (d) only C<sub>4</sub> food sources that are well-suited to be broken down by <i>P. boisei</i> dento-cranial morphology, i.e. hard, brittle or soft, are selected. The effects of manipulatory capabilities (m) were tested. The models shown in (e) are considered most appropriate for inferences about the feeding ecology of <i>P. boisei.</i> These are achieved when all C<sub>4</sub> sources are selected, but only feeding time on corms is increased beyond the time observed in yearling baboons. The total time available for feeding, including foraging, is assumed to be 50% of the day in all models, i.e. 360 minutes.</p

    Change of ownership of a limited liability company

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    V diplomskem delu z naslovom »Sprememba lastništva družbe pri družbi z omejeno odgovornostjo« sem predstavila nasledstvo v lastništvu podjetja ter raziskala načine spremembe lastniške strukture pri družbi z omejeno odgovornostjo. V uvodnem poglavju sem najprej opredelila problem in področje raziskovanja ter namen, cilje in osnovne trditve raziskave. V nadaljevanju sem navedla predpostavke, omejitve in metode raziskave, ki sem jih uporabljala pri raziskovanju problema. V drugem poglavju sem se seznanila z nasledstvom v lastništvu podjetja, z dejavniki, ki vplivajo na prenos lastništva podjetja in s planiranjem nasledstva v lastništvu podjetja. Ugotovila sem, katere stopnje postopka zaposlovanja in izbire naslednikov je treba upoštevati za dosego uspešnega prenosa lastništva podjetja. Tretje poglavje je namenjeno opisu načinov spremembe lastniške strukture pri družbi z omejeno odgovornostjo. S pomočjo analize sem ugotovila, da lahko lastniško strukturo spremenimo preko brezplačnega prenosa poslovnega deleža, preko prodaje poslovnega deleža in preko statusnopravnega preoblikovanja družbe. V četrtem poglavju sem predstavila vpliv pravočasne in najugodnejše izbire načina spremembe lastniške strukture družbe na nadaljnji obstoj in delovanje podjetja pri naslednji generaciji. V zadnjem, petem in sklepnem poglavju sem povzela ključne ugotovitve in zaključila s predlogi izboljšav na področju spremembe lastniške strukture družbe.In the undergraduate thesis entitled "Change of ownership in a limited liability company", I presented the continuation and succession of companies and explored ways of changing ownership structure in a limited liability company. In the introductory chapter, the problem and research topic, goals, objectives and main statements are identified. In addition, the assumptions, limitations and methods of research that have been used are listed. In the second chapter, I became acquainted with the succession of the company, with factors that influence the transfer of ownership of the company and the importance of planning the inheritance. I have identified which stages of the recruitment process and which choice of successors have to be considered in order to achieve a successful transfer of the company. The third section is dedicated to description of modalities of changing ownership structure in a limited liability company. With the help of the analysis, I found out that the ownership structure can be changed through a free transfer, through a sale of the company and through a status transformation of the company. In the fourth chapter I have presented why is it important to start preparing for the change of ownership structure in advance and how the mode of transition can influence further existence of the company in the next generation. Finally, I have summarized the key findings and concluded with an affirmation of the thesis