126 research outputs found

    Hb40-61a: Novel analogues help expanding the knowledge on chemistry, properties and candidacidal action of this bovine α-hemoglobin-derived peptide

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    AbstractThis study expands the knowledge on chemical synthesis and properties of Hb40-61a as well as provides results of the first steps given towards knowing how it kills Candida cells. For the first time, this peptide, its all-D analogue (D-Hb40-61a) and its fluorescently labeled analogue (FAM-Hb40-61a) were successfully assembled on resin at 60°C using conventional heating in all steps. Purified and characterized, these peptides exhibited very low toxicity on human erythrocytes. Hb40-61a and D-Hb40-61a were equally active against Candida strains, ruling out sterically specific interactions on their working mechanism. Cell permeabilization assays confirmed progressive damage of the yeast plasma membrane with increasing concentrations of Hb40-61a. While experiment using the fluorescent probe DiBAC4(5) revealed that this synthetic hemocidin alters the yeast plasma membrane potential, test employing DPH indicated that Hb40-61a might affect its dynamics. Exposure of the yeast cells to FAM-Hb40-61a showed that the peptide accumulates in the cell membrane at the ½ MIC, but stains about 97% of the cells at the MIC. Such effect is salt-dependent and partially energy-dependent. These new findings indicate that the central target of Hb40-61a in Candida cells is the plasma membrane and that this synthetic hemocidin should be considered as a potential candidacidal for topic uses

    Paisagens-em-desastre no contexto da antropologia brasileira

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    Este artigo tem por objetivo demonstrar aproximações e possíveis ganhos analíticos e aplicados na associação entre as categorias de “desastre” e “paisagem”. O trabalho se inicia com dois exercícios de articulação entre as categorias: uma análise de imagens e uma pesquisa bibliométrica no Catálogo de Teses e Dissertações da Capes e na rede Scielo, além de uma discussão geral sobre desastres no Brasil. A seguir, são realizadas explorações teóricas sobre os dois termos separadamente. Por fim, são trazidas interconexões entre as temáticas, entendendo-as como categorias analíticas que são potencializadas quando articuladas. Tal articulação pode ser profícua à prevenção e reparação de uma série de “eventos críticos” que vêm ocorrendo no Brasil e no mundo e tendem a se tornar cada dia mais frequentes

    Etnográficas especial: Peru – Apresentação

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    Entre os dias 17 e 18 de maio de 2018 ocorreu o 3° Seminário de Investigação Urbana PUC Lima – USP, fruto de mais uma parceria entre o Laboratório do Núcleo de Antropologia Urbana (LabNAU) da Universidade de São Paulo, o Grupo de Estudos de Antropologia da Cidade (GEAC-USP) e o Centro de Investigación de la Arquitectura y la Ciudad da Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (CIAC/PUCP). Durante tais dias, graduandos, mestrandos e doutorandos das duas universidades apresentaram por meio de vi..

    La noción de autoridad pedagógica desde una perspectiva psicopedagógica. Sentidos, desarrollos teóricos y escenas

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    The research "The teaching authority and the new infancy and adolescence. Social meanings, obstacles and experiences", seeks to provide knowledge on the subject by identifying the transformations or historical persistences in the configuration of the implicit conceptions about the influence of authority in the teacher-student relationship. It is particularly interesting to know how, in times of socio-subjective transformations, teachers subjectively position themselves in the face of new infancy and adolescence. Since learning is always a binding situation, in the approach to the problem it is placed in central place: the relations and subjective teacher-student positions, and how the ways in which authority is exercised create or hinder the most optimal conditions for learning to take place. The aforementioned research generates questions, theoretically and methodologically stresses the problem and brings scientific knowledge to the field of psychopedagogical knowledge.La investigación “La autoridad docente y las nuevas infancias y adolescencias. Significaciones sociales, obstáculos y experiencias”, procura aportar conocimiento sobre la temática identificando las transformaciones o persistencias históricas en la configuración de las concepciones implícitas sobre la incidencia de la autoridad en las relaciones vinculares docentealumnos. Interesa especialmente conocer de qué manera en tiempos de transformaciones sociosubjetivas, los docentes se posicionan subjetivamente ante nuevas infancias y adolescencias. Dado que el aprendizaje es siempre una situación vincular, en el abordaje de la problemática se ubica en lugar central: las relaciones y las posiciones subjetivas enseñante-aprendiente y, cómo los modos en que se ejerce la autoridad crean u obstaculizan las condiciones más óptimas para que el aprendizaje se produzca. La investigación mencionada, genera interrogantes, tensiona teórica y metodológicamente el problema y aporta conocimiento científico al campo de conocimiento psicopedagógico

    Evaluación de la usabilidad de APIs web

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    En los últimos años las APIs web se han convertido en componentes clave para agilizar el proceso de construcción de aplicaciones. Debido a esto, resulta importante que estas sean fáciles de aprender y utilizar para no reducir la productividad de los programadores ni obstaculizar el proceso de desarrollo. La usabilidad de las APIs es entonces considerada un factor fundamental para su correcta adopción, y si bien existen estudios que proponen soluciones para evaluarla y mejorarla, estos abarcan mayormente APls locales; están más centrados sobre la documentación; suelen contemplar una limitada cantidad de características de usabilidad y, además, los resultados de investigaciones sobre usabilidad de APIs en general aún son insuficientes. Por estas razones, a través del presente trabajo se propone resolver algunos de los problemas recién mencionados mediante el estudio de la especificación OpenAPI y la construcción de un framework de evaluación de la usabilidad de APIs web.XIX Workshop Ingeniería de Software (WIS)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    Trends in outpatient malaria cases, following Mass Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLIN) distribution in epidemic prone and endemic areas of Kenya

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    Background: There were over 6 million case of malaria reported in Kenya in 2015 and it remains a major public health priority despite significant investments in interventions to control and prevent infections in high risk areas.Objectives: To analyse trends from 2011-2015, and report i) outpatient department (OPD) malaria case prevalence, ii) the proportion of confirmed malaria cases of all OPD cases stratified by age category, and iii) the proportion of the population potentially protected by long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs), following mass distribution of LLINs in malaria epidemic prone and endemic areas.Design: A retrospective study.Setting: Kenya’s Coast endemic, Lake endemic and Highland epidemic zones.Subjects: All outpatient malaria cases reported in the District Health Information System.Results: The proportion of people who received mass LLINs ranged from 80-95% in epidemic prone and endemic areas of Kenya. The coastal endemic zone had the lowest number of reported malaria cases at almost 840,000 in 2011, compared with the lake endemic zone which reported 4.3 million total cases. Confirmed malaria cases of all the OPD morbidity increased by 1%, 20% and 4% in the Highland epidemic prone, the Lake and Coast endemic region in 2011 to 2015, respectively. There was a trend towards fewer cases across all three high risk regions from 2012-2013, but this reversed with increasing cases being reported in 2014-2015.Conclusion: Despite a high LLIN coverage malaria cases increased over time. There is need for patient-level studies to assess if LLINs are being used appropriately and to look towards other complimentary malaria prevention strategies

    Estudio cualitativo de las funciones adultas. Instrumento de indagación

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    The research project titled "Use and clinical validation of an inquiry instrument for children in the psychological and psychopedagogical field" (PI 29/A394) seeks to expand the inquiry instrument for children created in the research project "The incidence of teaching models in children who learn. Design of an instrument for its analysis" to verify whether the properties found in children’s representations of adult models are preserved in individual clinical use. The study focuses on the individual stories of the subjects, deepening the knowledge about the subjective positions of teaching parents about the adult function and identifying in the data from the empirical information the convergence of senses of new investigation techniques complementary to the instrument already designed and validated in the previous research.El proyecto de investigación denominado “Uso y validación clínica de un instrumento de indagación para niños en el campo psicológico y psicopedagógico” (PI 29/A394), busca ampliar el instrumento de indagación para niños creado en el proyecto de investigación “La incidencia de modelos enseñantes en niños que aprenden. Diseño de un instrumento para su análisis” para verificar si las propiedades encontradas en las representaciones de los niños sobre los modelos adultos se conservan en el uso clínico individual.        El estudio se centra en las historias individuales de los sujetos profundizando el conocimiento sobre las posiciones subjetivas de enseñantes padres acerca de la función adulta e identificando en los datos provenientes de la información empírica la convergencia de sentidos de nuevas técnicas de indagación complementarias del instrumento ya diseñado y validado en la investigación que antecede

    “É tradição e o samba continua”: percursos, disputas e arranjos do carnaval de rua na cidade de São Paulo

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    O texto produz uma leitura sobre o carnaval de rua da cidade de São Paulo com especial foco para o período entre 2013 e 2018. Para isso, resgatam-se as origens das práticas carnavalescas na cidade, quando são trabalhadas algumas de suas especificidades e a multiplicidade de sujeitos envolvidos em sua construção. É esse movimento, então, que permite estabelecer paralelos de discursos e ações com o carnaval de rua em seu momento atual. Ao final, o texto pretende descrever as dinâmicas da política do carnaval e no carnaval, bem como a relação entre São Paulo - apropriações e usos de seus espaços - e a festa. Serão tratadas as disputas, tensões e arranjos entre as populações que vivem a cidade nesse período específico, ao mesmo tempo ritualístico, festivo e de suspensão de parte da ordem e fluxos tacitamente acordados na vida cotidiana.The text provides an interpretation of the Street Carnival in the city of Sao Paulo, with particular focus on the period between 2013 and 2018. To that end, it retraces the origins of Carnival practices in the city, working over some of their specificities and the multiple subjects involved in their making. This movement backwards allows parallels of rhetoric and action to be established with present-day Street Carnival. Towards the conclusion, the text aims to describe the dynamics of Carnival politics - and of Carnival policy - as well as the relationship between the celebration and the city of São Paulo, regarding the appropriation and use of its spaces. It explores the disputes, tensions and settlements among the populations that experience the city at this specific time of year. A time that is both ritualistic and festive; a time when the unspoken agreements on the order and flow of daily life are partially suspended