779 research outputs found

    Eye evolution simulation with a genetic algorithm based on the hypothesis of Nilsson and Pelger

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    The present work addresses for the first time the simulation of the evolution of an elemental eye by means of a simple genetic algorithm. The problem of the gradual evolution of a structure as complex as the eye was raised by Darwin, being still at the beginning of the 21st century a source of controversy between creationists and evolutionists. Taking as a starting point the paper of Nilsson and Pelger and their hypothesis that the evolution of the eye can be studied if we limit ourselves to its optical geometry, we show how eye evolution could take place gradually applying the principle of natural selection. Our model is limited to studying how an array of photosensitive epithelial cells is bent gradually to achieve a camera obscura

    Escherichia coli and Enterococcus faecalis are able to incorporate and enhance a pre-formed Gardnerella vaginalis biofilm

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    Gardnerella vaginalis is the most frequent microorganism found in bacterial vaginosis (BV), while Escherichia coli and Enterococcus faecalis are amongst the most frequent pathogens found in urinary tract infections (UTIs). This study aimed to evaluate possible interactions between UTIs pathogens and G. vaginalis using an in vitro dual-species biofilm model. Our results showed that dual-species biofilms reached significantly higher bacterial concentration than mono-species biofilms. Moreover, visualization of dual-populations species in the biofilms, using the epifluorescence microscopy, revealed that all of the urogenital pathogens co-existed with G. vaginalis. In conclusion, our work demonstrates that uropathogens can incorporate into mature BV biofilms.This work was supported by Portuguese National Funds (FCT) under the Strategic Project of UID/BIO/04469/2013 unit and co-funded by the project RECI/BBB-EBI/0179/2012 (FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-027462). JC and DM acknowledge the financial support of individual grants SFRH/BD/93963/2013 and SFRH/BD/87569/2012, respectively. NC is an Investigador FCT

    Economic and environmental assessment of small and decentralized wastewater treatment systems

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    The aim of the present work was the assessment of economic and environmental aspects of decentralised energy-saving wastewater treatment systems. The formulated investment and operation cost functions were adjusted by a power law function. The different wastewater systems serving population settlements between 50 p.e. and 250 p.e., presented associated investment costs varying from 400 €/p.e. to 200 €/p.e. and annual operation costs in the range of 70 €/p.e. to 20 €/p.e., respectively. A Life Cycle Analysis approach was used to compare the environmental impact alternative wastewater systems. The assessment was focused on two energy-saving systems (constructed wetland and slow rate infiltration) and a conventional one (activated sludge process). The low environmental impact of the energy-saving wastewater treatment systems was demonstrated, being the most relevant the global warming indicator. Options for reduction of life cycle impacts were assessed including materials used in construction and operation lifetime of the systems. A 10 % extension of operation lifetime of constructed wetland and slow rate infiltration systems lead to a 5 % and 7 % decrease in the abiotic depletion indicator, respectively, and to a 1 % decrease in CO2 emissions in both systems. Replacing steel with HDPE in the activated sludge tank resulted in a 1 % reduction in CO2 emission and 1 % in the abiotic depletion indicator. In the case of the Imhoff tank a 1 % reduction in CO2 emissions and 5 % in abiotic depletion indicator were observed when concrete was replaced by HDPE. Therefore, considering the huge potential of energy saving wastewater treatment systems, the overall environmental impact of such design alternatives should not be discarded.EU Program INTERREG III-B Atlantic Arc, Depuranat project (n.º 54)

    Life cycle assessment of wastewater treatment options for small and decentralized communities

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    Sustainability has strong implications on the practice of engineering. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is an appropriate methodology for assessing the sustainability of a wastewater treatment plant design. The present study used a LCA approach for comparing alternative wastewater treatment processes for small and decentralised rural communities. The assessment was focused on two energy-saving systems (constructed wetland and slow rate infiltration) and a conventional one (activated sludge process). The low environmental impact of the energy-saving wastewater treatment plants was demonstrated, the most relevant being the global warming indicator. Options for reduction of life cycle impacts were assessed including materials used in construction and operational lifetime of the systems. A 10% extension of operation lifetime of constructed wetland and slow rate infiltration systems led to a 1% decrease in CO2 emissions, in both systems. The decrease in the abiotic depletion was 5 and 7%, respectively. Also, replacing steel with HDPE in the activated sludge tank resulted in a 1% reduction in CO2 emission and 1% in the abiotic depletion indicator. In the case of the Imhoff tank a 1% reduction in CO2 emissions and 5% in the abiotic depletion indicator were observed when concrete was replaced by HDPE.(undefined

    La licenciatura en Estudios del Arte y Gestión Cultural de la Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes: la flexibilidad en el currículo a través de la interdisciplina

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    En el presente documento se realiza una reflexión y análisis sobre las transformaciones curriculares en la licenciatura en Estudios del Arte y Gestión Cultural de la Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes y la necesidad de aportes teórico metodológicos desde la interdisciplina y el pensamiento complejo situado en las revisiones del plan de estudios (PE) en tres momentos específicos: 2007, la creación del PE denominado en ese momento Ciencias del Arte y Gestión Cultural; 2015, la primera revisión curricular, con la modificación del nombre a Estudios del Arte y Gestión Cultural y el análisis estructural de la malla curricular; finalmente, la más reciente revisión entre 2021 y 2022, con los ajustes y actualizaciones necesarias frente al ciclo generacional con el plan de estudios vigente.In the present document, a reflection and analysis is carried out on the curricular transformations in the degree in Art Studies and Cultural Management of the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes and the need for theoretical-methodological contributions from interdisciplinary and complex thinking located in the revisions of the plan. of studies at three specific moments: 2007, the creation of the PE called at that time Art Sciences and Cultural Management; 2015, the first curricular revision, with the modification of the name to Art Studies and Cultural Management and the structural revision of the curricular mesh; finally, the most recent revision between 2021 and 2022, with the necessary adjustments and updates in view of the generational cycle with the current study plan

    Economic and environmental assessment of small and decentralized wastewater treatment systems

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    The aim of the present work was the assessment of economic and environmental aspects of decentralized energy-saving wastewater treatment systems. The formulated investment and operation cost functions were adjusted by a power law function. The different wastewater systems serving population settlements between 50 p.e. and 250 p.e., presented associated investment costs varying from €400/p.e. to €200/p.e. and annual operation costs in the range of €70/p.e.– €20/ p.e., respectively. A life cycle analysis approach was used to compare the environmental impact of alternative wastewater treatment systems. The assessment was focused on two energy-saving systems (constructed wetland and slow rate infiltration) and a conventional one (activated sludge process). Low environmental impact of energy-saving wastewater treatment systems was demonstrated, being the most relevant the global warming indicator. Options for reduction of life cycle impacts were assessed including materials used in construction and operation lifetime of the systems. A 10% extension of operation lifetime of constructed wetland and slow rate infiltration systems lead to a 5% and 7% decrease in the abiotic depletion indicator, respectively, and to a 1% decrease in CO2 emissions in both systems. Replacing steel with HDPE in the activated sludge tank resulted in a 1% reduction in CO2 emission and 1% in the abiotic depletion indicator. In the case of the Imhoff tank a 1% reduction in CO2 emissions and 5% in abiotic depletion indicator were observed when concrete was replaced by HDPE. Therefore, considering the huge potential of energy saving wastewater treatment systems, the overall environmental impact of such design alternatives should not be discarded.EU Program INTERREG III-B Atlantic Arc, Depuranat project (No. 54

    Cost-effectiveness analysis for sustainable wastewater engineering and water resources management : a case study at Minho–Lima river basins (Portugal)

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    A cost-effectiveness integrated methodology applied in a water resources management and sanitation project in Minho and Lima’s region (Portugal) is presented. First, environmental objectives and programmes of measures (PM) are established and priorities are identified using a cause–effect assessment matrix and a global effectiveness index. Aiming to achieve more demanding goals, some complementary actions are considered, including “decentralized low-energy wastewater treatment plants construction”. A geographic information system was used to select potential implementation sites, and suitable treatment processes for each location are identified. The centralized and decentralized wastewater treatment plants combination is promising, achieving a cost-effectiveness attendance of €1510/equivalent-inhabitant in Minho–Lima river basins

    Exportaciones peruanas de arándanos frescos a los Estados Unidos en el periodo 2011 – 2019

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    La presente investigación tiene como principal objetivo establecer la evolución de las exportaciones peruanas de arándanos hacia los EE. UU en el período 2011-2019. Nuestra investigación tiene un enfoque cuantitativo de diseño no experimental. El nivel es longitudinal. Debido a que los datos son Ex Post Facto, los cuales fueron organizados en base a nuestra variable Exportación, cuyo producto objeto de análisis es el arándano fresco, los datos obtenidos de nuestra fuente SUNAT fueron colocados en tablas y gráficos elaborados en Excel, donde se organiza la información de acuerdo a nuestros objetivos. Asimismo, indican la tendencia del periodo, tomando como referencia las siguientes dimensiones Volumen de Exportación, Precio y Valor FOB. Los resultados demuestran que las dimensiones: Volumen de exportación, Precio y Valor FOB, tienen un gran impacto en las exportaciones de arándanos a los Estados Unidos y la tendencia en cada una de las dimensiones de acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos. En conclusión, los EEUU ha ido incrementando la demanda de arándanos peruanos a través de los años, contribuyendo de esta manera al crecimiento en las exportaciones peruanas, lo cual beneficia el aspecto micro y macroeconómico. En efecto, Perú logró desarrollar capacidades en el sector agroexportador, además de potenciarlas, generando con ello la competitividad a nivel internacional

    Rol que desempeñan padres, madres o tutores de niños/as que escuchan el subgénero musical trap, en la Escuela Cristal Estelí, período 2018 – 2019.

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    El estudio tiene como objetivo analizar el rol que desempeñan los padres, madres o tutores de niños/as que escuchan el subgénero musical trap, y de manera específica lograr identificar los ámbitos de socialización de los menores, describir la percepción de los niños/as y de padres, madres o tutores en relación al subgénero trap, por último determinar las posibles repercusiones en el área cognitivo-conductual de los menores que escuchan este subgénero. El propósito es hacer conciencia, los adultos deben medir los riesgos que ocasiona que a través de una canción, los menores estén expuestos a palabras obscenas, fomentación al consumo de drogas, alcohol y denigración al género femenino. De acuerdo a los aspectos metodológicos, la investigación es de tipo mixto, con predominio cualitativo y de carácter exploratorio, debido a la poca base de antecedentes sobre el tema. Las técnicas utilizadas fueron: una encuesta, listado libre y tres tipos de entrevista. Según los resultados obtenidos, el rol que desempeñan las madres y tutoras, es que cumplen la mayoría de los deberes que tienen como responsables, entre estos, proporcionar educación, salud y comodidades económicas, sin embargo, no están ejerciendo una supervisión constante en el aprendizaje social de los niños/as y específicamente se encuentran ajenas a los gustos musicales de los menores

    Diseño del plan de intervención de la disfonía en las docentes de la fundación la alborada.

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    Diseño de plan de intervención para minimización de la disfonía en los docentes de Fundación la Alborada en Bogotá.La Fundación la Alborada una Opción para la Infancia, institución educativa que brinda protección a 300 niños y niñas de bajos recursos, la fundación actualmente cuenta con 24 docentes con título académico de Licenciatura en Educación Preescolar o Técnicas en Pedagogía Infantil, estas docentes se encuentran en constante dialecto con un tono de voz alto durante las 8 horas laborales diarias y los 7 días de la semana, debido a esto en la fundación las docentes presentan un ausentismo por dificultades fonéticas como la disfonía siendo esta una dificultad para su desempeño laboral. La Disfonía es una de las principales patologías fonéticas a las que se encuentran expuestos los trabajadores y es considerada como una enfermedad laboral según el decreto 1477 de 2014, en donde considera la disfonía como un esfuerzo vocal constante que se encuentra entre la clasificación mundial cie10 como la patología R490, por lo cual es importante identificar qué síntomas y que causas a corto y largo plazo conllevan esta enfermedad y cómo la podemos prevenir en el campo laboral de los docentes, dándoles a conocer una promoción y prevención frente a esta patología.The Fundación La Alborada an Option for Children, an educational institution that provides protection to 300 low-income boys and girls, the foundation currently has 24 teachers with a bachelor's degree in Preschool Education or Techniques in Child Pedagogy, these teachers are in constant dialect with a high tone of voice during the 8 working hours a day and 7 days a week, due to this in the foundation the teachers present absenteeism due to phonetic difficulties such as dysphonia, this being a difficulty for their job performance. Dysphonia is one of the main phonetic pathologies to which workers are exposed and it is considered an occupational disease according to Decree 1477 of 2014, where it considers dysphonia as a constant vocal effort that is among the world classification cie10 as R490 pathology, which is why it is important to identify what symptoms and causes in the short and long term entail this disease and how we can prevent it in the teachers' work field, making them aware of a promotion and prevention against this pathology