34 research outputs found

    Artérias destinadas ao útero e tuba uterina em gatas (Felis catus)

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    We worked with 36 non-defined race female, adults cats, obtained from donations. In 30 of these animals was inject in their arterial vases latex Neoprene 650, red-faced, for the systematical study of the origin and distribution of the arteries leading to the uterus and uterine tube. In 6 of these animals was utilized injection of Vinil Acetat, Spaltholz Diafanization Method and Radiography with contrast, to illustration our lead labor. We observed that the vases that lead to the uterine tube and to the uterus come from the ovaries arteries, uterine arteries and their collateral's (caudal vesical artery and urethral branch). In all observations (100%), the ovaric artery has its origin in the aorta artery and emits one branch in 56.67% of the observations to the uterine tube and in 43.33% of the times to the uterine horn and uterine tube. In all observations (100%), the uterine artery has its origin in the vaginal artery, as a unique vase, and emits 1-4 branches to the uterine cervix, 1-2 branches to the cervix and uterine body, 1-4 branches to the uterine body, 1-19 branches to the uterine horn, 1 branch to the uterine horn and uterine tube and 1 branch to the uterine tube. The caudal vesical artery and the urethral branch helps at irrigation of the cervix and the uterine body, when these ones go to the urethra and bladder, respectively. We're found anastomoses between the branches of the uterine artery and between these and the branches of the ovaric artery.Trabalhamos com 36 gatas adultas, SRD, obtidas através de doações. Em 30 desses animais foram injetados em seus vasos arteriais látex Neoprene 650 corado, para o estudo sistemático da origem e distribuição das artérias destinadas ao útero e tuba uterina. Seis desses animais foram utilizados para injeção de Acetado de Vinil, Método de Diafanização de Spaltholz e Radiografia de Contraste, para ilustrar nosso trabalho. Observamos que os vasos que se destinam à tuba uterina e ao útero provêm das artérias ováricas, artérias uterinas e suas colaterais (artéria vesical caudal e ramo uretral). Em todas as observações (100%), a artéria ovárica tem sua origem na aorta e emite um ramo em 56,67% das observações para a tuba uterina, e, em 43,33% das vezes, para o corno uterino e tuba uterina. Em todas as observações (100%), a artéria uterina tem sua origem na artéria vaginal, como um único vaso, e emite 1-4 ramos para a cérvix uterina, 1-2 ramos para a cérvix e corpo uterino, 1-4 ramos para o corpo uterino, 1-19 ramos para o corno uterino, 1 ramo para o corno uterino e tuba uterina e 1 ramo para a tuba uterina. A artéria vesical caudal e o ramo uretral auxiliam na irrigação da cérvix e corpo uterino, quando estes seguem para a uretra e bexiga, respectivamente. Encontramos anastomoses entre os ramos da artéria uterina e entre estes e os ramos da artéria ovárica


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    A concentração letal CL (I) (50-96h) e os efeitos histopatológicos do diquate para o piauçu (Leporinus macrocephalus) foram avaliados em três experimentos conduzidos em condições de laboratório. Os peixes foram expostos às concentrações de 0; 12; 18; 24; 30; 36; 42; 48; 54; e 60 mg de diquate/L e a histologia da brânquia e do fígado avaliada nos peixes sobreviventes. A concentração letal CL (I) (50-96h) foi de 34,76 mg/L. Nos tratamentos controle, 12 e 18 mg/L as brânquias dos peixes estavam revestidas por epitélio estratificado que em intervalos regulares formaram as lamelas secundárias, constituídas por duas camadas de células epiteliais pavimentosas, células pilares, células-cloreto e células mucosas. Nos tratamentos com 24, 30, 36, 42, e 48 mg/L ocorreu hiperplasia das células de revestimento, das mucosas e das células cloreto no espaço interlamelar. No tratamento com 54 mg/L verificou-se edema subepitelial e fusão apical das lamelas secundárias. O fígado do piauçu nos tratamentos controle e 12 mg/L apresentaram arranjo cordonal dos hepatócitos. Nos tratamentos com 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48 e 54 mg/L ocorreu congestão no interior dos capilares sinusóides. Nos tratamentos com 48 e 54 mg/L constatou-se a presença de grânulos de glicogênio no interior da célula, início de necrose dos hepatopâncreas, congestão e fusão celular. O diquate mostrou-se pouco tóxico para o L. macrocephalus, e as alterações histopatológicas que ocorreram na brânquia e no fígado dos peixes são reversíveis.

    Morfologia da placenta a termo e da interface materno-fetal da jumenta Pêga

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    O presente trabalho descreveu a morfologia placentária e a interface materno-fetal de jumentas da raça Pêga, quanto aos aspectos macroscópicos e microscópicos ao final da gestação. Foram avaliadas onze placentas, colhendo-se quatro fragmentos por placenta em duplicata, correspondentes ao corno uterino prenhe e ao corno uterino não prenhe. Fragmentos da interface materno-fetal, oriundos de uma jumenta com gestação a termo, foram obtidos durante o procedimento de cesariana. Os fragmentos foram examinados por microscopia de luz e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Na macroscopia, foi observado microcotilédone na interface com o endométrio caracterizando placentação difusa. À microscopia de luz na membrana corioalantoide foi observado o córion do tipo viloso, com vilos organizados em tufos vilosos, estroma de tecido conjuntivo e células trofoblásticas. Na interface materno-fetal, microplacentônios, formados pela interdigitação dos tufos vilosos, limitados pelas criptas maternas, circundados pelas arcadas, compostos por uma parte fetal trofoblástica e uma parte interna, observando-se a abertura de glândulas endometriais. À microscopia eletrônica de varredura, foi constatado que a membrana corioalantoide se encontrava coberta por tufos vilosos. Nos ápices dos vilos fetais, foram observadas protrusões de células do trofoblasto, carreando debris de tecidos maternos. Em corte transversal da interface materno-fetal, foi verificada a intrincada interdigitação dos vilos com as finas estruturas das carúnculas maternas, formando os microplacentônios. Os aspectos macro e microscópicos da placenta da jumenta, assim como as descrições da interface materno-fetal apresentaram similaridades com os observados na égua.This study describes the placental morphology and fetal-maternal interface regarding macroscopic and microscopic aspects from Pêga Jennies at end of pregnancy. Eleven placentas were evaluated after delivery, and four fragments from each placenta were taken in duplicate corresponding to the pregnant uterine horn and non-pregnant horn. Fragments from fetal-maternal interface were obtained from one Jennie at C- section. All fragments were submitted to light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Regarding the macroscopic aspect of the placenta, microcotyledons were observed at the endometrial interface, characterized by the diffuse aspect of the placenta. Light microscopy revealed villous type chorion at the chorioallantoic membrane, which were organized in agglomeration villi, presenting a connective tissue stroma and trophoblastic cells. At the fetal-maternal interface, micro placentation, which were composed by inter digitations of agglomeration of villi, limited by maternal crypts, circled by arcades, composed by a fetal trophoblast and an internal portion. In addition, endometrial glands opening were observed. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that the chorioallantoic membranes were covered by villi agglomerations. At the top of those fetal villi we observed cell protrusions from trophoblast cells, which carried debris from maternal tissues. A transversal section from the fetal- maternal interface represented an intricate villi interdigitation with thin maternal caruncle structures, which consist in micro placentation. Macro and microscopic aspects of Jennies’ placenta, as well as the fetalmaternal interface presented similarities with the observed in mares

    CSR - vilja eller krav från samhället? : En komparativ studie mellan Ica & Coops hålllbara utveckling

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    Undersöka och analysera en Ica butik och en Coop butik genom intervjuer, för att se och jämföra skillnader och likheter

    Artérias destinadas ao útero e tuba uterina em gatas (Felis catus)

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    Trabalhamos com 36 gatas adultas, SRD, obtidas através de doações. em 30 desses animais foram injetados em seus vasos arteriais látex Neoprene 650 corado, para o estudo sistemático da origem e distribuição das artérias destinadas ao útero e tuba uterina. Seis desses animais foram utilizados para injeção de Acetado de Vinil, Método de Diafanização de Spaltholz e Radiografia de Contraste, para ilustrar nosso trabalho. Observamos que os vasos que se destinam à tuba uterina e ao útero provêm das artérias ováricas, artérias uterinas e suas colaterais (artéria vesical caudal e ramo uretral). em todas as observações (100%), a artéria ovárica tem sua origem na aorta e emite um ramo em 56,67% das observações para a tuba uterina, e, em 43,33% das vezes, para o corno uterino e tuba uterina. em todas as observações (100%), a artéria uterina tem sua origem na artéria vaginal, como um único vaso, e emite 1-4 ramos para a cérvix uterina, 1-2 ramos para a cérvix e corpo uterino, 1-4 ramos para o corpo uterino, 1-19 ramos para o corno uterino, 1 ramo para o corno uterino e tuba uterina e 1 ramo para a tuba uterina. A artéria vesical caudal e o ramo uretral auxiliam na irrigação da cérvix e corpo uterino, quando estes seguem para a uretra e bexiga, respectivamente. Encontramos anastomoses entre os ramos da artéria uterina e entre estes e os ramos da artéria ovárica.We worked with 36 non-defined race female, adults cats, obtained from donations. In 30 of these animals was inject in their arterial vases latex Neoprene 650, red-faced, for the systematical study of the origin and distribution of the arteries leading to the uterus and uterine tube. In 6 of these animals was utilized injection of Vinil Acetat, Spaltholz Diafanization Method and Radiography with contrast, to illustration our lead labor. We observed that the vases that lead to the uterine tube and to the uterus come from the ovaries arteries, uterine arteries and their collateral's (caudal vesical artery and urethral branch). In all observations (100%), the ovaric artery has its origin in the aorta artery and emits one branch in 56.67% of the observations to the uterine tube and in 43.33% of the times to the uterine horn and uterine tube. In all observations (100%), the uterine artery has its origin in the vaginal artery, as a unique vase, and emits 1-4 branches to the uterine cervix, 1-2 branches to the cervix and uterine body, 1-4 branches to the uterine body, 1-19 branches to the uterine horn, 1 branch to the uterine horn and uterine tube and 1 branch to the uterine tube. The caudal vesical artery and the urethral branch helps at irrigation of the cervix and the uterine body, when these ones go to the urethra and bladder, respectively. We're found anastomoses between the branches of the uterine artery and between these and the branches of the ovaric artery

    Características regionais sobre a ultra-estrutura das células principais do epitélio do ducto epididimal de Agouti paca

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    The principal (P) cells of epididymidis surface epithelium of Agouti paca were related to processes of adsorptive endocvtosis and phase-fluid endocvtosis, as well as protein secretion apparently also occur. These findings had been proposed on the base the cytoplasmic ultrastructural features of P cells in which were seen an expressive number of vesicles with several shapes, sizes and internalized content occurring also smaller pits and pale small vesicles located next to the apical brush border of microvilli. Moreover, occurred coated vesicles, smooth surface vesicles and great vesicles; multivesicular bodies, endosomes and lysosomes mainly viewed on supranuclear and apical positions. Presence of an appocrine secretory pathway was characterized in P cells through the occurrence of apical cytoplasmic expansions, protruding into the ducts epididymidis lumina) compartment

    Avaliação mesoscópica da origem, distribuição e ramificação do nervo radial no braço do gato doméstico (Felis catus domesticus, Linnaeus, 1758)

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    The present study evaluated the origin, distribution and ramification of the radial nerves were studied in 30 adult domestic cats. The sample included 15 females and 15 males of unknown breed. The specimens were fixed in 10% formaldehyde solution. The radial nerve showed many fascicles from the origin also your ramification in superficial and deep branches. Radial nerves were observed to originate, in 16 cases (26.7%), from the ventral branch of the sixth cervical spinal nerve; in 60 cases (100%), from the ventral branch of the seventh cervical spinal nerve; in 60 cases (100%), from the ventral branch of the eight cervical nerve and in 60 cases (100%), from the ventral branch of the first thoracic nerve. The radial nerves branched out, in all of the animals studied (100.0%), to the tensor fasciae antebrachii, long, accessory, medial and lateral heads of the triceps branchii and anconeus muscles. The radial nerve emits of 14 to 25 nervous branches in this region. However, the branch of the sixth cervical spinal nerve and the nervous fascicles reveal significant differences (p <= 0.05), respectively, in or with relation to sex of the animals and the studied region.No presente estudo avaliou-se a origem, a distribuição e a ramificação do nervo radial de 30 gatos adultos, 15 machos e 15 fêmeas, sem raça definida, mediante dissecação mesoscópica, após a fixação dos espécimes em solução aquosa de formaldeído a 10%. O referido nervo mostrou-se polifasciculado desde a origem até sua ramificação em ramos superficial e profundo. Sua origem ocorreu a partir dos ramos ventrais do sexto (26,7%), sétimo (100,0%) e oitavo (100,0%) nervos espinhais cervicais e do ramo ventral do primeiro (100,0%) nervo espinhal torácico. Na região do braço, o nervo radial cedeu ramos musculares em todos os animais (100,0%) para os músculos tensor da fáscia do antebraço, cabeça longa do tríceps braquial, cabeça acessória do tríceps braquial, cabeça medial do tríceps braquial, cabeça lateral do tríceps braquial e ancôneo, emitindo de 14 a 25 ramos nervosos nesta região. O ramo ventral do sexto nervo espinhal cervical apresentou diferença significativa (p0,05) em relação ao sexo dos animais, ocorrendo quase que exclusivamente nas gatas, além dos fascículos nervosos, que diferiram significativamente de acordo com a região estudada

    Descrição anátomo-topográfica do coração da paca (Agouti paca)

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    Background: The domestic animals heart is a conical hollow viscera, surrounded by pericardium, laterally compressed, accompanying the thorax shape. Atriums constituted the heart basis and their auricles partially bound the initial portion of the aorta and pulmonary trunk. In mammals, heart is kept suspended in the thoracic cavity and the pericardic sac is fixed dorsally by great veins and arteries roots, and ventrally fixed to the sternum, although its fixation to the diaphragm varies among species. This paper aimed to describe morphological aspects of the heart of the paca, the second biggest Brazilian rodent.Materials, Methods & Results: There were used 12 hearts of adult pacas for this study, obtained from the UNESP, Jaboticabal, SP, which died due fights or anesthesia during bandages or radiograph exams. The thoracic aorta was filled with colored latex and the animal was set in a 10% formaldehyde solution for at least 72 hours. The thoracic cavity was dissected and hearts individualized and measured with a paquimeter, lateromedially, craniocaudally and dorsoventrally. The paca heart is placed between the first and fifth intercostal space (ICS), in a craniocaudal oblique position; its basis is craniodorsally positioned, on the middle third between the first and second ICS and its apex is located near the sternodiaphragmatic joint, on the fifth ICS, tilted to the left antimere. The heart is surrounded by pericardium, which from ventrocaudally is originated the sternopericardic ligament, that continues as phrenopericardic ligament. At the heart basis, the rising of the pulmonary trunk was observed and the conus arteriosus formed a typical projection. The aorta also rised from the heart basis and its arch, which was caudally curved, crossed dorsally the pulmonary trunk; the right cranial and caudal cava veins drained to the right atrium. There is a left cranial cava vein, which surrounded the left atrium and joined the right caudal cava vein on the right atrium. The azygos vein joins the right cranial cava vein and four pulmonary veins drained to the left atrium. At palpation, a hard structure on the rising of the aorta was observed, similarly to a cartilaginous tissue, which would be part of the cardiac skeleton. The left and right coronary arteries were observed in all hearts.Discussion: The paca heart is anatomica and topographically similar to those of domestic mammals, differing from them for being placed one intercostal space more cranial and due to the presence of two cranial cava veins, the left and the right ones, besides the presence of the caudal cava vein. This vascular description is similar to that of small rodents, as rats and mice. In paca heart, the sinus venous, the terminal crest, the oval fossa, the atrioventricular valvae, the papillary muscles and tendinous cords, besides smooth atriums and auricles covered by pectinate muscles, were observed. The sternopericardic ligament, which is dorsally elongated as phrenopericardic ligament, is similar to the one present in humans, pigs, castors, and different from the one observed in carnivorous, that presents the phrenopericardic ligament and from the one of horses and ruminants, which present the sternopericardic ligament