1,793 research outputs found

    Museus, cultura e turismo: uma visão sistémica de poder

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    O artigo faz uma aplicação de métodos sistémicos juridicos e organizacionais aos museus e a cultura, entendidos enquanto organizações turísticas e conjuntos complexos, concluindo pela sua consideração como fortes estruturas organizacionais de apreensão de poder regulatório do Estado


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    Análise da gestão das políticas (policy) e da legislação em educação nos governos de Fernando Henrique Cardoso e de Paulo Renato de Souza no Ministério da Educação (1995 a 2002) numa perspectiva de que as mesmas configuraram-se, com sentido hegemônico, na perspectiva da política (politics) neoliberal de globalização. De estudos críticos da legislação e da política educacional brasileira dos anos noventa (LDBEN/1996; Emenda Constitucional 14 e FUNDEF/1996; Plano Nacional de Educação/2001), realizadas por diferentes autores (MORAES, 2002; AZEVEDO, 2002; ROMANO e VALENTE, 2002; VALENTE, 2001; PINTO, 2002; SILVA Júnior, 2002), argumento que a complexidade dos processos desencadeados e a amplitude das reformas educativas exigem na implementação uma gestão que produza através das políticas e da legislação os objetivos propostos. Ou seja, desenvolve-se um processo de produção política (SPOSITO, 1996) da hegemonia através da gestão educacional por parte do Estado. Então, demonstro, através da análise dessas políticas e leis, bem como dos processos desencadeados, com dados ilustrativos de resultados, que a gestão desenvolvida pelo MEC (Ministério da Educação) visava a uma nova configuração na educação (concepções, valores e práticas), em conformidade com as necessidades dos processos produtivos - em ambiente de globalização - e de sua hegemonia na sociedade e no cotidiano. Este trabalho decorreu de pesquisa, discussão e avaliações das políticas e leis constituídas durante o governo de Paulo Renato de Souza (Ministério da Educação) e de Fernando Henrique Cardoso, de 1995 a 2002, realizadas no ano de 2003/1 no Centro Universitário FEEVALE (Novo Hamburgo/RS) com alunos/as de Políticas e Legislação da Educação Básica e faz parte de um projeto de tese em desenvolvimento na área da educação.Palavras-chave: Gestão. Produção política. Legislação. Hegemonia. Educação

    Trypanosoma brucei and Trypanosoma cruzi DNA mismatch repair proteins act differently in the response to DNA damage caused by oxidative stress

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    MSH2, associated with MSH3 or MSH6, is a central component of the eukaryotic DNA Mismatch Repair (MMR) pathway responsible for the recognition and correction of base mismatches that occur during DNA replication and recombination. Previous studies have shown that MSH2 plays an additional DNA repair role in response to oxidative damage in Trypanosoma cruzi and Trypanosoma brucei. By performing co-immunoprecipitation followed by mass spectrometry with parasites expressing tagged proteins, we confirmed that the parasites’ MSH2 forms complexes with MSH3 and MSH6. To investigate the involvement of these two other MMR components in the oxidative stress response, we generated knockout mutants of MSH6 and MSH3 in T. brucei bloodstream forms and MSH6 mutants in T. cruzi epimastigotes. Differently from the phenotype observed with T. cruzi MSH2 knockout epimastigotes, loss of one or two alleles of T. cruzi msh6 resulted in increased susceptibility to H2O2 exposure, besides impaired MMR. In contrast, T. brucei msh6 or msh3 null mutants displayed increased tolerance to MNNG treatment, indicating that MMR is affected, but no difference in the response to H2O2 treatment when compared to wild type cells. Taken together, our results suggest that, while T. cruzi MSH6 and MSH2 are involved with the oxidative stress response in addition to their role as components of the MMR, the DNA repair pathway that deals with oxidative stress damage operates differently in T. brucei

    Avaliação da eficiência de horticultores agroecológicos utilizando análise envoltória de dados.

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar as eficiências produtivas, de acordo com modelos de Análise Envoltória de Dados [(Data Envelopment Analysis) DEA], sob critérios agroecológicos, buscando a maior estabilidade e menor variabilidade sazonal, maior variedade/diversidade de itens produzidos e quantidade de itens disponibilizados para venda. O monitoramento e a avaliação das eficiências de lotes de agricultores pode auxiliar na gestão da agricultura familiar agroecológica. A metodologia DEA foi aplicada para medir a eficiência produtiva de dezessete lotes de agricultores familiares agroecológicos, localizados em uma faixa de dutos da Petrobras no Município de Nova Iguaçu-RJ, na baixada fluminense. Foram levantados dados primários listados em itens, quantidades e valor médio, referentes à produção disponibilizada para venda em feiras semanais distribuídas ao longo dos meses de janeiro a dezembro de 2009. Foi registrada uma relação conjunta de critérios agroecológicos, com foco econômico, social e ambiental. Pôde-se observar que sete lotes tiveram eficiência média composta acima do valor médio de 67,6%, variando de 71,3 a 86,6%

    Development of retrotransposon-based markers IRAP and REMAP for cassava (Manihot esculenta)

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    Retrotransposons are abundant in the genomes of plants. In the present study, inter-retrotransposon amplified polymorphism (IRAP) and retrotransposon-microsatellite amplified polymorphism (REMAP) markers were developed for the cassava genome (Manihot esculenta Crantz). Four cassava cultivars (Fécula Branca, IPR-União, Olho Junto, and Tamboara, two samples per cultivar) were used to obtain IRAP and REMAP fingerprints. Twelve designed primers were amplified alone and in combinations. The 42 IRAP/REMAP primer combinations amplified 431 DNA segments (bands; markers) of which 36 (8.36%) were polymorphic. The largest number of informative markers (16) was detected using the primers AYF2 and AYF2xAYF4. The number of bands for each primer varied from 3 to 16, with an average of 10.26 amplified segments per primer. The size of the amplified products ranged between 100 and 7000 bp. The AYF2 primer generated the highest number of amplified segments and showed the highest number of polymorphic bands (68.75%). Two samples of each cassava cultivar were used to illustrate the usefulness and the polymorphism of IRAP/REMAP markers. IRAP and REMAP markers produced a high number of reproducible bands, and might be informative and reliable for investigation of genetic diversity and relationships among cassava cultivars

    Creating new functional biomaterials: construction and production of Bone Morphogenetic 2-ELP hybrid proteins

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    Bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP-2) is a potent osteoinductive cytokine from the TGF-β superfamily that triggers the development of stem cells into osteoblasts. Its therapeutic interest has led to the development of various production systems for recombinant variables of BMP-2. Production has been achieved in expression systems ranging from animal cells to bacteria, but is always associated with three major drawbacks: low production rates (in animal cells), low activity (bacterial cells) and low solubility due to aggregation in inclusion bodies (bacterial cells) [1]. In this study we have developed a strategy to overcome the low production levels as well as the insolubility of BMP-2 in E. coli by fusing it with an elastin like polymer (ELP). This recombinant ELP, based on repetitions of the main monomer VPAVG, displays no measurable cytotoxicity [2] and exhibits thermoresponsive properties as well as hysteresis behaviour [3]. By exploring this thermal responsiveness we are able to purify the fusion protein using a simple and low cost method and thus avoid expensive chromatographic techniques. The mature human-BMP2 domain was cloned in frame to the N-terminus of the (VPAVG)n (n = 60 or 220) polymers. The production of the genetic constructs was achieved in E. coli BL21 (DE3) with Lysogeny Broth (LB) supplemented with lactose for auto-induction. Purification of the hybrid BMP2:(VPAVG)n polymers was accomplished by exploring the thermal responsiveness of the ELP tail. Physical and chemical characterization as well as bioactivity studies of both constructs are currently in progress. 1. Bessa P. C., Casal M., Reis R. L. (2008) “Bone morphogenetic proteins in tissue engineering: the road from laboratory to the clinic, part I (Basic concepts)”, Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine 2, 1-13; 2. Bessa, P., Machado, R., Nürnberger , S., Dopler, D., Banerjee, A., Cunha, A. M., Rodríguez-Cabello, C., Redl, H., van Griensven, M., Reis, R.L., Casal, M. 2010. Thermoresponsive self-assembled elastin-based nanoparticles for delivery of BMPs. Journal of Controlled Release 142: 312–318. 3. Machado R., Ribeiro A., Padrão J., Silva D., Nobre A., Teixeira J., Arias F., Cunha A., Rodroguez-Cabello J., Casal M. (2009) “Exploiting the natural ocurring elastin: construction, production and characterization of a recombinant thermoplastic protein-based polymer”, Journal of Nano Research, 6, 133-145

    Electrochemical behavior of parent and photodegradation products of some selected pesticides

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    Electrochemical behavior of pesticides is extensively studied, but little attention has been given to the study of their degradation products (by-products) by electrochemical methods. However, the degradation products of pesticides can be even more toxic then the parent products and such studies should be encouraged. Therefore, the objective of this work was to evaluate the electroactivity of by-products of imazaquin, methylparathion, bentazon and atrazine, generated by UV irradiation and measured using cyclic and differential pulse voltammetry and UV-visible absorption spectrophotometry. Results have shown that several by-products exhibit electroactivity, allowing, in some cases, the simultaneous determination of both parent and degradation products.EMBRAPACoordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES)CNPqFAPES

    Active Disturbance Rejection Control for Robot Manipulator

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    Active Disturbance Rejection Control (ADRC) is a control methodology used in chemical processes, aircraft, motors, and other systems. This paper compares the results of an ADRC controller to a Proportional Integral Derivative controller (PID), applied to two degrees of freedom robots. A Linear Extended State Observer (LESO) is used to reconstruct the state variables and unknown parameters needed to control the position of each link. The ADRC can achieve the tracking position and estimate the velocity of each link. The results of the simulation program are shown