85 research outputs found

    Molecular Identification of Burkholderia Cepacia Complex and Species Distribution Among Cystic Fibrosis Patients Seen at the Reference Center in Southern Brazil

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    Background: Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc) infections in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients are associated with decline in lung function and reduced survival. The potential transmissibility of Bcc among CF patients has been reported, indicating that strict segregation of CF patients with Bcc is crucial.Aims: To standardize the PCR-RFLP (polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism) assay in order to identify Bcc species and to establish the prevalence of Bcc species and their susceptibility profile among CF patients seen at the Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA).Methods: The classification of the clinical isolates recovered from respiratory tract specimens of CF patients as Bcc was achieved using the API-20NE® phenotypic commercial system. The identification of the Bcc species was performed using PCR-RFLP. The antimicrobial disk diffusion susceptibility testing was performed according to the CLSI (2006).Results: API-20NE® was able to identify Bcc isolates (244 specimens), such as B. cepacia, indicating that it was not able to distinguish among the Bcc species. The PCR-RFLP molecular method discriminated the eight reference Bcc species, thus validating the method for clinical isolates. Bcc prevalence determined by PCR-RFLP was 10.6% (26/244). The molecular analysis identified B. cenocepacia in 53.8% (14/26) of infected patients, B. multivorans in 15.4% (4/26), and B. vietnamiensis and B. ambifaria in 7.7% (2/26). The antibiotic resistance profile was variable among Bcc species.Conclusions: The PCR-RFLP method was validated for the identification of Bcc species. B. cenocepacia proved to be the most prevalent species among the CF patients seen at the HCPA

    Determinação do limite mínimo de detecção da técnica de nested-PCR para os poliomavírus JC e BK

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    Introdução: Os poliomavírus (JCV e BKV) causam infecção principalmente em adultos imunocomprometidos. Um diagnóstico sensível e específico é de fundamental importância para os pacientes portadores de JCV e BKV. Atualmente alguns laboratórios têm utilizado a técnica de PCR para a detecção do material genético destes vírus em amostras clínicas. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo é determinar o limite mínimo de detecção da técnica de nested-PCR para os poliomavírus JC e BK. Métodos: Diluições seriadas (100 cópias/mL; 50 cópias/mL; 25 cópias/mL; 10 cópias/mL; 5 cópias/mL e 1 cópia/mL) de controles positivos comerciais de JCV e BKV com concentração conhecida foram submetidas à técnica de nested-PCR semi-duplex. Foram testadas 11 vezes todas as diluições, para determinação do limite mínimo de detecção. Resultados: O limite mínimo de detecção da reação de nested PCR para os vírus JC e BK foi de 25 cópias/mL para ambos com 100% de positividade das diluições testadas na reação de PCR. Ainda, pudemos observar que resultados positivos fracos foram obtidos nas diluições de 1, 5 e 10 cópias/mL em algumas das repetições realizadas. As diluições de 25, 50 e 100 cópias/mL sempre obtiveram resultado francamente positivo. Conclusões: Estes valores são semelhantes aos relatados em outros estudos, contribuindo para indicar esta reação de PCR para potenciais fins diagnósticos

    Determinação do limite mínimo de detecção da técnica de nested-PCR para os poliomavírus JC e BK

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    Introdução: Os poliomavírus (JCV e BKV) causam infecção principalmente em adultos imunocomprometidos. Um diagnóstico sensível e específico é de fundamental importância para os pacientes portadores de JCV e BKV. Atualmente alguns laboratórios têm utilizado a técnica de PCR para a detecção do material genético destes vírus em amostras clínicas. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo é determinar o limite mínimo de detecção da técnica de nested-PCR para os poliomavírus JC e BK.Métodos: Diluições seriadas (100 cópias/mL; 50 cópias/mL; 25 cópias/mL; 10 cópias/mL; 5 cópias/mL e 1 cópia/mL) de controles positivos comerciais de JCV e BKV com concentração conhecida foram submetidas à técnica de nested-PCR semi-duplex. Foram testadas 11 vezes todas as diluições, para determinação do limite mínimo de detecção.Resultados: O limite mínimo de detecção da reação de nested PCR para os vírus JC e BK foi de 25 cópias/mL para ambos com 100% de positividade das diluições testadas na reação de PCR. Ainda, pudemos observar que resultados positivos fracos foram obtidos nas diluições de 1, 5 e 10 cópias/mL em algumas das repetições realizadas. As diluições de 25, 50 e 100 cópias/mL sempre obtiveram resultado francamente positivo.Conclusões: Estes valores são semelhantes aos relatados em outros estudos, contribuindo para indicar esta reação de PCR para potenciais fins diagnósticos.

    Determinação do Limite Mínimo de Detecção da Técnica de PCR “Nested” para o Vírus da Hepatite B (HBV)

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    All over the world, the hepatitis B virus (HBV) is considered one of the major problems of public health, despite vaccination. World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that more than 2 billions of persons are infected by HBV. Brazil is classified as an area of intermediary incidence by WHO. However, prevalence studies have detected differences of infection indexes in geographic re-gions: 8% in the Amazonian region, 2,5% in middle-west and Northeast, 2% in Southeast and 1% in South. A sensitive and specific diagnosis is very important to the HBV carrier patients. The aim of this study was to determine the minimum limit of detection of the nested PCR in house technique for HBV. Serial dilutions of one quantified sample of HBV (1000 copies/mL; 750 copies/mL; 500 copies/mL; 250 copies/mL) were submitted to a nested PCR. The target of PCR was viral core and pre-core region. Commercial kit, QiAmp, was employed to purify nucleic acids from the sample. The minimum detection limit found was 500 copies/mL or 10 copies per PCR reaction.Mundialmente, a hepatite pelo vírus B (HBV) é considerada um dos maiores problemas de saúde pública, apesar da vacina-ção. A Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) estima que mais de 2 bilhões de pessoas estejam infectadas pelo HBV. O Brasil é classificado como área de incidência intermediária pela OMS. No entanto, estudos de prevalência detectaram diferenças de índices de infecção nas regiões geográficas: 8% na região Amazônica, 2,5% nas regiões Centro-Oeste e Nordeste, 2% na Sudeste e 1% na região Sul. Um diagnóstico sensível e específico é de fundamental importância para os pacientes portadores do HBV. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar o limite mínimo de detecção da técnica de PCR “nested” “in house” para o HBV. Diluições seriadas de uma amostra quantificada de HBV (1000 cópias/mL; 750 cópias/mL; 500 cópias/mL; 250 cópias/mL) foram submetidas à técnica de PCR “nested”. O alvo da amplificação por PCR foi a região do core e pré-core do vírus. Para extração dos ácidos nucléicos da amostra foi empregado o kit comercial QIAmp. O limite mínimo de detecção encontrado foi de 500 cópias/mL ou 10 cópias por reação de PCR

    Diagnóstico de toxoplasmose disseminada através de técnica de reação em cadeia da polimerase realizada no lavado bronco-alveolar de paciente com SIDA

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    Pulmonary toxoplasmosis is a challenging diagnosis in immunosuppressed patients with nonspecific clinical picture and radiologic findings. We present a case of pneumonia due to Toxoplasma gondii diagnosed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid of a patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Coinfection with Pneumocystis jirovecii was found in the same specimen. Direct examination and culture for bacteria, mycobacteria and other fungus were negative. Despite the intensive management, respiratory compromise evolved rapidly, with the need for ventilatory support. Acute respiratory distress syndrome developed, and the patient died of multiple organ failure. This case illustrates that a high index of suspicion is necessary for diagnosis of pulmonary toxoplasmosis, a potentially fatal condition. Due to high diagnostic performance, PCR in BAL fluid should be included in the evaluation of immunosuppressed patients with nonspecific pulmonary diseases.O diagnóstico de toxoplasmose pulmonar em pacientes imunossuprimidos é difícil, devido ao quadro clínico e aos achados radiológicos inespecíficos. Neste artigo, relatamos o caso de uma paciente com síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida (SIDA), que apresentou pneumonia por Toxoplasma gondii diagnosticada através de reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) no lavado bronco-alveolar (LBA). A paciente apresentava co-infecção com Pneumocystis jirovecii. Os demais exames microbiológicos, como bacterioscópico, cultural para bactérias, micobactérias e fungos, foram negativos. Apesar do manejo intensivo, a paciente evoluiu com síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo e óbito por falência múltipla dos órgãos. Este caso demonstra que um alto índice de suspeita clínica é necessário para o diagnóstico de pneumonia por Toxoplasma gondii. Devido ao seu desempenho diagnóstico, o PCR para Toxoplasma gondii no LBA deve ser incluído na avaliação de pacientes imunossuprimidos com quadros pulmonares inespecíficos

    Enhancing tuberculosis diagnosis by polymerase chain reaction: An experience at a tertiary hospital

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    Introduction: Tuberculosis (TB) persists as a severe global public health issue. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the performance of an in-house TB PCR (polymerase chain reaction) in sputum.Methods: DNA from sputum specimens were submitted to a nested-PCR protocol for the IS6110 region detection. PCR results were compared to those of the traditional methods for TB diagnosis, i.e., acid-fast bacilli (AFB) smear microscopy and culture. We analyzed sputum samples obtained from 133 patients.Results: A total of 48 (36%) cultures yielded indeterminate results due to contamination. This high contamination rate may be explained by the fact that samples from fibrocystic patients were included in this study. Additionally, other five samples were positive for nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM). Therefore, it was possible to compare 80 patients for M. tuberculosis detection. We found 14 positive samples: five presented positive results in the three methods (5/14; 35.7%), two were positive in culture and PCR (2/14; 14.3%), one was positive in AFB and PCR (1/14; 7.1%), five were positive only in PCR (5/14; 35.7%) and 1 was positive only in culture (1/14; 7.1%). Thus, positivity rates for each technique were: 7.5% for AFB (6/80), 10% for culture (8/80) and 16.25% for PCR (13/80). Among the 48 patients who had indeterminate results in sputum culture, two samples were positive in PCR.Conclusion: Considering the limitations of the traditional methods, the use of PCR as a molecular technique could be advantageous for TB diagnosis.

    Enhancing tuberculosis diagnosis by polymerase chain reactio : an experience at a tertiary hospital

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    Introduction: Tuberculosis (TB) persists as a severe global public health issue. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the performance of an in-house TB PCR (polymerase chain reaction) in sputum. Methods: DNA from sputum specimens were submitted to a nested-PCR protocol for the IS6110 region detection. PCR results were compared to those of the traditional methods for TB diagnosis, i.e., acid-fast bacilli (AFB) smear microscopy and culture. We analyzed sputum samples obtained from 133 patients. Results: A total of 48 (36%) cultures yielded indeterminate results due to contamination. This high contamination rate may be explained by the fact that samples from fibrocystic patients were included in this study. Additionally, other five samples were positive for nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM). Therefore, it was possible to compare 80 patients for M. tuberculosis detection. We found 14 positive samples: five presented positive results in the three methods (5/14; 35.7%), two were positive in culture and PCR (2/14; 14.3%), one was positive in AFB and PCR (1/14; 7.1%), five were positive only in PCR (5/14; 35.7%) and 1 was positive only in culture (1/14; 7.1%). Thus, positivity rates for each technique were: 7.5% for AFB (6/80), 10% for culture (8/80) and 16.25% for PCR (13/80). Among the 48 patients who had indeterminate results in sputum culture, two samples were positive in PCR. Conclusion: Considering the limitations of the traditional methods, the use of PCR as a molecular technique could be advantageous for TB diagnosis

    Enhancing tuberculosis diagnosis by polymerase chain reaction: An experience at a tertiary hospital

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    Introduction: Tuberculosis (TB) persists as a severe global public health issue. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the performance of an in-house TB PCR (polymerase chain reaction) in sputum. Methods: DNA from sputum specimens were submitted to a nested-PCR protocol for the IS6110 region detection. PCR results were compared to those of the traditional methods for TB diagnosis, i.e., acid-fast bacilli (AFB) smear microscopy and culture. We analyzed sputum samples obtained from 133 patients. Results: A total of 48 (36%) cultures yielded indeterminate results due to contamination. This high contamination rate may be explained by the fact that samples from fibrocystic patients were included in this study. Additionally, other five samples were positive for nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM). Therefore, it was possible to compare 80 patients for M. tuberculosis detection. We found 14 positive samples: five presented positive results in the three methods (5/14; 35.7%), two were positive in culture and PCR (2/14; 14.3%), one was positive in AFB and PCR (1/14; 7.1%), five were positive only in PCR (5/14; 35.7%) and 1 was positive only in culture (1/14; 7.1%). Thus, positivity rates for each technique were: 7.5% for AFB (6/80), 10% for culture (8/80) and 16.25% for PCR (13/80). Among the 48 patients who had indeterminate results in sputum culture, two samples were positive in PCR. Conclusion: Considering the limitations of the traditional methods, the use of PCR as a molecular technique could be advantageous for TB diagnosis