318 research outputs found

    Autoimmunity of Gastrointestinal Tract

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    Gastrointestinal tract diseases are recognised as autoimmune based on typical histopathology, presence of autoantibodies in serum and clinical response to immunosuppressive therapy. Like in other autoimmune diseases, the inducing factor is unknown; however, accumulating data suggests an increasing role of microbiota homeostasis and relation between the immune system (mucous-associated lymphoid tissue) and microbiota in intestinal lumen. The inflammation process is now described as autoinflammation with inflammasome formation or autoimmune chronic inflammation with overproduction of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Diagnostic procedures include autoantibodies assay, histology of biopsy from intestinal mucous, genetic background (especially in celiac disease) and clinical symptoms. Therapy is adjusted to pathomechanism including regulation of microbiota homeostasis with pre-biotics and probiotics, inhibition of inflammatory process with steroids, classical immunosuppression and anti-cytokine monoclonal antibodies and haematopoietic stem cells transplantation in severe cases with therapy resistance, progression and life-threatening course. The aim of this chapter is to review mechanisms of autoinflammation and autoimmunity, diagnosis and therapy of gastrointestinal tract

    What is punk cabaret? An Attempt to Define and Exemplify the Phenomenon

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    The aim of the paper is to present punk cabaret — a new musical phenomenon on the music scene of the English-speaking countries. The author briefly presents its main representatives and cultural contexts, which is followed by an attempt to define the constitutive features of the genre in its musical, performative, and textual aspects. The former consist of prominent vocals, displaying both lyrical finesse and raw, punk-inspired force, with scant accompaniment evoking circus music and pre-war cabaret. Performance, playing a significant role in the genre, adds campy aesthetics and vintage flair. The textual layer, in turn, is characterised by dark humour, moral irreverence, disrespect for the established aesthetic canon, and the orientation towards social margins. All these facets — auditory, visual, and textual — are considered as inseparably intertwined and mutually interrelated in a constant play of contextualisation and allusions, with sound playing a vital role in text interpretation

    Polish infection control nurses : self-assessment of their duties and professional autonomy in different types of hospitals

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    Background The objective of the study is self-assessment of Polish infection control nurses (ICNs) in terms of the structure of professional tasks and autonomy of decision-making. Material and Methods A questionnaire survey was filled out by 208 ICNs (around 21% of all Polish ICNs) in 15 provinces located in Poland. The research encompassed ICNs surveillance healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) in 2014. Results The work time that ICNs devote to professional tasks and decision autonomy on the scale of 1–100% was as follows: 34% (67% of decision autonomy) was dedicated to detecting and registering HAIs, 12% (71%) – internal control, 10% (58%) – devising and implementing infection prevention practices, 10% (68%) – staff trainings, 8% (65%) – identification and study of outbreaks, 7% (58%) – promoting hand hygiene, 6% (51%) – consults with infected patients, 4% (57%) – consults on decontamination, 4% (54%) – consults on maintaining cleanliness, 3% (51%) – isolation and application of personal protective measures, 2% – other tasks. Infection prevention and control nurses estimated, on average, that their autonomy of decisions concerning the professional tasks performed amounted to 60%. Conclusions Infection control nurses in Poland have difficulty in achieving balance between tasks they perform and the authority they exercise. The ICN professional task structure is dominated by duties associated with monitoring hospital infections, however, the greatest decision autonomy is visible regarding internal control. Decision-making concentrated on internal control may hinder building a positive image of an ICN. We should strive to firmly establish professional tasks and rights of ICNs in legislation concerning performing the duties of a nurse and midwife. Med Pr 2018;69(6):605–61

    Right to one's own image

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    Právo na podobu Abstrakt Cílem této práce je popsat podmínky zachycování něčí podoby a následného užívání pořízené podobizny podle práva České republiky. Text se opírá o současný stav právní úpravy po přijetí nového občanského zákoníku s účinností ke dni 1. 1. 2014, ale vychází i ze starší odborné literatury a zejména judikatury. Práce začíná osvětlením ústavních základů ochrany osobnosti, na které navazuje výklad o ochraně osobnosti jako takové. Podstatná část textu je věnována právu na podobu a právu k podobizně. Obecně je možné zachytit něčí podobu jen po předchozím souhlasu dotčené osoby, ale existuje několik výjimek: zájmová, úřední, vědecká, umělecká a zpravodajská licence. Situace je odlišná u veřejně známých osobností, u nichž je úroveň ochrany jejich soukromí nastavena níž než ochrana soukromí "běžných" lidí. Přelomovým byl rozsudek Evropského soudu pro lidská práva ve věci von Hannover v. Německo v roce 2004, kde soud došel k závěru, že veřejnost má právo být informována o skutečnostech zasahujících do soukromí veřejně známých osobností za předpokladu, že tyto skutečnosti mohou v demokratické společnosti přispět k diskusi o otázkách veřejného zájmu. V případě zásahu do práva na podobu nebo do práva k podobizně je možno uplatnit zdržovací a odstraňovací nárok. Kromě toho je možno žádat náhradu...Right to one's own image Abstract The aim of this thesis is to describe the conditions of capturing someone's image and of further portrait use under the law of the Czech Republic. Its content is based on the state of play on legislation after adoption of the new Civil Code (effective since 1 January 2014) but reflects also older literature and especially case law. This thesis begins with an explanation of the constitutional fundamentals of personality protection, followed by a description of personality protection itself. The substantial part of the thesis focuses on the right to one's own image and to right to portrait. Generally, capturing one's appearance is possible only upon one's prior consent but there exist several exceptions: interest license, official license, scientific license, artistic license and newspaper license. The situation is different with public figures as the level of their privacy protection is lower than the level of privacy protection of "ordinary" people. The judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in the case of von Hannover v. Germany in 2004 was ground-breaking, saying that the public has the right to be informed about facts which intrude into the privacy of public figures, as long as these facts are capable of contributing to a debate on matters of public interest in a...Ústav práva autorského, práv průmyslových a práva soutěžníhoInstitute of Copyright, Industrial Property and Competition LawFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult

    Consumption of antibiotics and epidemiology of "Clostridioides difficile" in the European Union in 2016 : opportunity for practical application of aggregate ECDC data

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    Background: The most important pathomechanism of Clostridioides difficile infections (CDI) is post-antibiotic intestinal dysbiosis. CDI affects both ambulatory and hospital patients. Aim: The objective of the study was to analyze the possibility of utilizing databases from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control subject to surveillance for the purpose of identifying areas that require intervention with respect to public health. Methods: The analysis encompassed data concerning CDI incidence and antibiotic consumption expressed as defined daily doses (DDD) and quality indicators for antimicrobial-consumption involving both ambulatory and hospital patients in 2016. Results: In 2016, in the European Union countries, total antibiotic consumption in hospital and outpatient treatment amounted to 20.4 DDD (SD 7.89, range 11.04–39.69); in ambulatory treatment using average of ten times more antibiotics than hospitals. In total, 44.9% of antibiotics used in outpatient procedures were broad-spectrum antibiotics. We have found a significant relationship between the quality of antibiotics and their consumption: The more broad-spectrum antibiotics prescribed, the higher the sales of antibiotics both in the community sector and in total. CDI incidence did not statistically significantly correlate with the remaining factors analyzed on a country-wide level. Conclusion: Antibiotic consumption and the CDI incidence may depend on many national variables associated with local systems of healthcare organization and financing. Their interpretation in international comparisons does not give clear-cut answers and requires caution

    Selected aspects of the knowledge and practice concerning hand hygiene guidelines in the context of infection control structures in hospitals and long-term care facilities findings of a questionnaire survey

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    BackgroundHand hygiene (HH) is the simplest and the most fundamental means of hospital-acquired infection (HAI) prevention in both hospitals and long-term care facilities (LTCFs) which differ as to their structure, organization and epidemiology. The objective of this study was to evaluate the knowledge of, and attitudes towards, compliance with the HH guidelines by medical staff of LTCFs and hospitals, in the context of infection control organization.Material and MethodsThe study was carried out among medical staff of LTCFs and hospitals using an anonymous questionnaire designed by the authors. The questionnaire was composed of 22 questions.ResultsAmong 237 healthcare workers from LTCFs and hospitals (51.5% vs. 48.5%), the vast majority were women (97.5% vs. 94.8%), who were nurses (86.9% vs. 91.3%) with 21–30 years of experience (28.5% vs. 44.3%). The respondents, both working in hospitals and in LTCFs, declared that there was some surveillance of HAIs in their workplace – 78.8% vs. 87.8%, respectively, p = 0.082. However, the respondents from LTCFs significantly more often than those working in hospitals declared the lack of HAI registration (12.3% vs. 0.9%, p = 0.002), as well as the lack of surveillance of multidrug-resistant microorganisms (16.4% vs. 4.3%, p = 0.010). Although the knowledge of WHO HH guidelines was declared by over 90% of the respondents, only about 70% of them (with no significant difference between both types of facilities) properly indicated the 5 moments of HH.ConclusionsThe results of the study indicate that the organizational conditions and practice of HH in LTCFs and hospitals present some differences. Therefore, there is a need for observational studies concerning HH in the context of the structure and organization of infection control, as they are necessary for the development and implementation of effective programs to improve the situation in this field