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How Do Adult Songbirds Learn New Sounds? Using Neuromodulators to Probe the Function of the Auditory Association Cortex
The ability to associate sounds and outcomes is vital in the life history of many species. Animals constantly assess the soundscape for cues associated with threats, competitors, allies, mates or prey, and experience is crucial for those associations. For vocal learning species such as humans and songbirds, learning sounds (i.e. perception and association learning) is also the first step in the process of vocal learning. Auditory learning is thought to depend on high-order cortical brain structures, where sounds and meaning are bound. In songbirds, the caudomedial nidopallium (NCM) is part of the auditory association cortex and is known to be involved in sound learning and perception. During songbird development, NCM plays a role in song learning, but in adulthood, NCM’s role is less clear and a matter of controversy in the literature. Furthermore, NCM is a site of action of neuromodulators including neuroestradiol (E2) and dopamine (DA). E2 is known to be produced by NCM neurons that contain the enzyme aromatase, which converts testosterone into E2. E2 production is also known to increase in the NCM during social interactions, and exogenous E2 modulates neuronal firing, but its effects on auditory behavior have not been pinpointed. Effects of E2 within the mammalian and avian hippocampus had been previously reported to support spatial learning. My main goal in this dissertation was to clarify the role of NCM in adult zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). Towards this end, I developed experiments in which I manipulated and thus documented the effects of two neuromodulatory systems, E2 and DA. I first examined the role of E2 in auditory-dependent behavior. For this, I developed a novel operant conditioning task with social reinforcement. Using this task, I showed that inhibiting E2 production within NCM during learning impairs acquisition of auditory associations. However, after the learning process was completed, I found that E2 production and even NCM activity were no longer required for maintaining high auditory performance, suggesting that NCM does not play a role in memory retrieval or auditory discrimination in adults. These findings led me to develop the hypothesis that E2 in NCM modulates online associative learning signals. In mammals, plasticity in virtually all learning-related brain regions is dependent on dopamine (DA) regulation and E2-DA interactions have been reported in several of these regions. Much is known about DA signaling in brain areas involved in decision-making and reinforcement learning. I here review the literature on motor and, especially, sensory cortical regions and provide a comprehensive review of the current knowledge of DA’s roles in cortical regions involved in sensory and motor learning, paying especial attention to non-mammalian vertebrates. I found that this literature is surprisingly limited in mammals, and often non-existent in non-mammalian vertebrates. Then, I hypothesized that E2 could be operating on dopaminergic (DAergic) signaling in NCM, in which D1 receptor (D1R) mRNA had been reported. Since there were no data on the anatomical and functional effects of these receptors, I investigated whether D1R protein could be detected and D1R-mediated signaling modulated synaptic plasticity in NCM. Specifically, I found that D1R protein is prevalent in NCM neurons, especially in aromatase-, GABA-, and parvalbumin-positive neurons. Activating D1R in vitro reduced the amplitude of spontaneous GABAergic and glutamatergic currents and increased the frequency of the latter. Similarly, activating D1R in vivo reduced firing of putative-inhibitory interneurons, but increased firing of putative-excitatory projection neurons. Finally, I showed that D1R activation disrupted stimulus-specific adaptation of NCM neurons, a phenomenon reflective of active auditory memory formation. In conclusion, this dissertation advances the literature by providing direct evidence that E2 production within the auditory cortex affects sensory learning, potentially by tapping into the DAergic system, which itself modulates plasticity mechanisms associated with learning and memory. I propose that these findings could apply to other vertebrates that contain aromatase and DA receptors in their auditory cortex, including humans
Desmantelando Estereótipos: A Prática Interseccional da Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos
What role does a regional human rights court have in addressing stereotypes? This work aims to analyze how the Inter-American Court of Human Rights has incorporated, over the years, intersectionality as a theoretical and methodological tool in the construction of its decisions when situations of structural inequality are posed in which stereotypes were decisive for rights to be violated. The main argument presented is that, by identifying and recognizing stereotypes, the court seeks to dismantle them, promoting justice as anti-subordination and emancipation. In short, by identifying confluent power systems that function as social sites of oppression for certain groups, the intersectional perspective provides elements for the production of decisions committed to the idea of social justice that is only possible when it does not denigrate any segment of society.Qual é o papel que um tribunal regional de direitos humanos possui no enfrentamento dos estereótipos? Com base nessa indagação, o objetivo deste trabalho é analisar como a Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos tem incorporado, ao longo dos anos, a interseccionalidade enquanto ferramenta teórica e metodológica na construção de suas decisões quando estão postas situações de desigualdade estrutural em que os estereótipos foram decisivos para que direitos fossem violados. O principal argumento apresentado é de que, ao identificar e reconhecer os estereótipos, o tribunal busca desmantelá-los, promovendo justiça como antissubordinação e emancipação. Em suma, ao desvelar sistemas de poder confluentes que produzem locais sociais de opressão para determinados grupos, a perspectiva interseccional fornece elementos para a produção de decisões comprometidas com a ideia de uma justiça social que só é possível quando não amesquinha nenhum segmento da sociedade.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Estereótipos; Interseccionalidade; Perspectiva de Gênero; Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos
A dignidade da pessoa humana e o estado de coisas inconstitucional no constitucionalismo latino-americano
RESUMO:O presente trabalho pretende analisar o tratamento jurídico da dignidade da pessoa humana a partir do constitucionalismo latino americano. Num primeiro momento, verificar-se-á a essência da dignidade humana para o direito através de uma rápida evolução conceitual com base na história e na filosofia. Num segundo momento, o artigo abordará o movimento do chamado novo constitucionalismo latino-americano, a fim de verificar as possibilidades de inserção da Constituição brasileira de 1988. Por fim, far-se-á uma análise crítica da forma que a dignidade da pessoa humana vem sendo interpretada no instituto denominado Estado de Coisas Inconstitucional, especialmente nas decisões da Corte Constitucional da Colômbia e do Supremo Tribunal Federal. O desfecho da investigação pretende comprovar que há um simbolismo na decisão que adota o Estado de coisas inconstitucional em prol do respeito à dignidade humana.ABSTRACT:The present work is intended to analyze the legal treatment of the dignity of the human being from the Latin American constitutionalism. In the first instance, an essence of human dignity will be verified for the right through a rapid conceptual evolution based on history and philosophy. In a second moment, the article approaches the movement of the new Latin American constitutionalism, objecting to verificate the possibilities of insertion of the Brazilian Constitution of 1988. Finally, it will be done a critical analysis of the form that a dignity of the human person has been interpreted, especially in the decisions of Constitution Court of Colombia and the Supreme Court of Brazil. The outcome of the investigation is intended to prove that there is a symbolism in the decision that adopts the unconstitutional state of affairs in favor of respect for human dignity
O trabalho tem por objetivo discutir as contribuições da literatura para o campo do direito e das relações internacionais a partir da obra O último voo do flamingo, de Mia Couto. O trabalho do autor moçambicano narra uma série de acontecimentos que ocorrem em Tizangara, lugar fictício que representa uma Moçambique pós-colonial. Após uma série de explosões que matam os capacetes-azuis da ONU, um italiano comanda uma expedição para desvendar esses acontecimentos. Para além de Tizangara, inferimos que este lugar representa o imaginário colonial do sul global. Nessa perspectiva, apresentamos conceitos partindo do aporte das epistemologias do sul para refletir sobre a importância de uma crítica decolonial no direito e nas relações internacionais. A metodologia adotada pelo trabalho é fenomenológica, utilizando-se de abordagem interdisciplinar e investigação bibliográfica de natureza exploratória. Busca-se, assim, demonstrar que direito, literatura e relações internacionais não estão separados e seus usos podem desvelar o encobrimento de uma realidade fática, social e política que, muitas vezes, tem sua legitimidade negada
Time trends in breast cancer incidence and mortality in a mid-sized northeastern Brazilian city
Background: Breast cancer incidence within an area is usually proportional to the area’s income level. High-income areas have shown the highest incidence rates and since 2003, negative trends. As for mortality, rates are often higher in low-income regions. The purpose of this study was to analyze trends in incidence and mortality in a capital city of a northeastern Brazilian state with an intermediate human development index.
Methods: Incidence data from the Population-Based Cancer Registry of Aracaju and mortality data from the Official State Database for the period 1996–2006 were used. Incidence and mortality crude and age-standardized rates were calculated. Time trends were obtained using the Joinpoint Regression Model. Results: For the period studied, invasive breast cancer age-standardized incidence rates increased annually with an annual percentage change (APC) of 2.9 (95% CI: 1.2-4.6). Significant increasing trends were observed in groups aged 45–54 years (APC: 3.9, 95% CI: 1.4 to 6.6), and 55–64 years (APC: 5.6, 95% CI: 1.8 to 9.6). Age-standardized mortality rates did not show an increasing trend (APC: 3.0, (95% CI: -2.8 to9.1), except for the group aged 55–64 years (APC: 11.3, 95% CI: 1.1 to 22.4).
Conclusions: In the study community, breast cancer showed increasing incidence among women in the peri- and postmenopausal periods. However, mortality did not present increasing overall trends, except for among the group aged 55–64 years. For better outcomes, screening policies should focus on the peri- and postmenopausal periods of women’s lives to diagnose disease
O presente trabalho objetiva analisar os regimes internacionais e suas perspectivas na compreensão dos direitos humanos, dialogando com a proteção jurídica para refugiados no século XXI, observando o surgimento do instituto do refúgio e os novos desafios a serem enfrentados por esse sistema de proteção. O estudo abordará questões teóricas com base na revisão de literatura, com o objetivo de demonstrar a necessidade de uma outra compreensão das demandas surgidas a partir dos novos fluxos migratórios, considerados complexos, comparados aos que principiaram a proteção jurídica internacional para refugiados no período pós-Segunda Guerra Mundial. A abordagem aqui trazida diz respeito a um diálogo entre as teorias das relações internacionais e os Direitos Humanos, partindo da concepção convencional de Cançado Trindade, em que o Direito Internacional dos Refugiados se encontra dentro da sistemática tríplice de proteção internacional da pessoa humana. A observância dos antecedentes históricos que permearam o surgimento da proteção internacional para refugiados é indispensável para a atual compreensão da defasagem dos instrumentos normativos que não se alinham à complexidade das questões migratórias contemporâneas.
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