625 research outputs found

    Reabilitação sensório motora precoce na promoção do autocuidado higiene pessoal

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    As alterações da sensibilidade, frequentemente observadas na pessoa com acidente vascular cerebral, influenciam o desempenho do motor e condicionam a recuperação da funcionalidade, reduzindo a qualidade de vida destas pessoas. Neste sentido, o enfermeiro especialista em Enfermagem de reabilitação assume um papel de relevo na reabilitação destas alterações. Deste modo pretende-se verificar se a intervenção precoce do enfermeiro especialista em enfermagem de reabilitação nas alterações sensório motoras promovem o autocuidado higiene pessoal. Para tal, institui-se um plano de reabilitação com treino sensorial ativo e passivo e compararam-se os resultados da avaliação da sensibilidade, da força muscular, do equilíbrio e do autocuidado antes e após a sua implementação As seis pessoas que constituíram a amostra conseguiram recuperar, em algum grau, as alterações da sensibilidade dolorosa e da propriocepção no membro inferior. Não houve repercussões na propriocepção do membro superior ou da estereognosia. Todas obtiveram ganhos funcionais no autocuidado higiene pessoal, duas das quais readquiriram a independência total

    Multi-level modelling of longitudinal child growth data: a comparison of growth models in the generation XXI birth cohort

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    Several methods have been used by different authors to estimate growth curves. In this paper, five growth models are compared using weight and height data from 6668 children from the Generation XXI birth cohort. The goal was to determine the model(s) that better describe the growth pattern from birth to 10 years of age using mixed-effect modelling. The study compared the fitness of four structural (Jenss-Bayley, adapted Jenss-Bayley, Berkey-Reed 1st order and Berkey-Reed 2nd order) and one non structural (cubic spline based) model. The goodness of t of the models was examined using standard deviation of the residuals, Akaike Information Criterion and Bayesian Criterion. The adapted Jenss-Bayley and the spline based model had the better tting for weight while for height the better models were Berkey-Reed 2nd order and the spline

    Health(y) librairies?

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    Em arquivos e bibliotecas a presença de fungos é considerada nefasta pelas suas implicações na conservação e leitura de documentos históricos e pela sua associação a problemas de saúde sentidos pelos funcionários e utentes que frequentam estes locais. De acordo com alguns autores, os problemas de saúde mais reportados por funcionários em Bibliotecas e Arquivos são dermatite, rinite, alergias e asma. Embora revestida de inegável importância, existem poucos estudos internacionais sobre a temática e, em Portugal, a contaminação fúngica em ambiente arquivístico e em bibliotecas é ainda muito pouco conhecida. O estudo realizado em quatro Arquivos Portugueses teve como objectivo conhecer a contaminação fúngica, contribuindo para a análise da qualidade do ar interior desses espaços e sua comparação com estudos internacionais. Para isso foram recolhidas amostras de ar e de superfícies e estas foram analisadas por métodos clássicos de cultura e, quando necessário, por métodos de biologia molecular. A avaliação foi feita quantitativa e qualitativamente, considerando os requisitos legais em vigor. No que respeita à análise do ar, o número de unidades formadoras de colónias (UFC)/m3 nunca excedeu as 500 (limite legislado), tendo sido verificada contaminação interior em todos os locais estudados. Comparativamente aos estudos realizados anteriormente em contextos semelhantes foram encontrados níveis elevados de contaminação por leveduras nas amostras de ar analisadas em Arquivos Portugueses. Não foi identificado nenhum fungo patogénico neste estudo, mas em quase todas as amostras estavam presentes fungos potencialmente toxinogénicos. Dentro do grupo dos Aspergillus, o A.versicolor mostrou predominância, tendo este fungo reconhecidas capacidades de emissão de micotoxinas em ambiente de interior. A inclusão de amostras de superfície revelou-se vital para conhecer todo o espectro fúngico existente em cada um dos locais estudados, incluindo a detecção de Stachybotrys chartarum e a do fungo potencialmente queratinofílico, Chrysosporium carmichaelli. Tanto para a saúde como para a conservação, o recente estudo realizado em quatro arquivos permitiu retirar importantes conclusões e reforçar a necessidade de vigilância, sendo também útil para a definição de padrões de qualidade no campo do património cultural.ABSTRACT - Fungal presence in archives and librairies is considered worrisome for its implications in the conservation of historical documents and for its association with health issues reported by staff and public attending these premises. Dermatitis, rhinitis, allergies and asthma are the most frequently mentioned health problems. Despite its undeniable importance, this issue has seldom been studied abroad and, in Portugal, the context of fungal contamination in archives and librairies is still somewhat unknown. The study developed in four Portuguese Archives was designed to analyse indoor fungal contamination as a part of an indoor air quality evaluation. Air and surface samples were performed and analysed by both classical culturing methods and molecular biology protocols. The qualitative and quantitative results were compared to international data and current legislation. As far as air samples are concerned, the number of colony forming units (CFU) never exceeded the limit value of 500, with indoor contamination in all studied locations. Compared to previous studies in similar settings, the number of yeasts was higher in Portuguese Archives. No potentially pathogenic fungus was identified but potentially toxinogenic fungi were present in almost every sample taken. Within the Aspergillus group, A.versicolor was the most represented and this fungus has proven the ability to produce mycotoxins in indoor environments. Surface samples proved invaluable in revealing the spectra of fungal contamination, allowing the detection of Stachybotrys chartarum and the potentially keratinophylic Chrysosporium carmichaelli. For both health and conservation, this study allowed important conclusions to be drawn, namely the need for staff protection, environmental surveillance and definition of quality standards for Cultural Heritage

    Particulate matter distribution in selected Portuguese archives: a preliminary study

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    Particulate matter (PM) can have a significant impact on human health and on artifacts stored and kept inside museums and archives. To the author's knowledge, its immediate and/or longterm concentrations and distribution on Portuguese archives has never been determined. Four Portuguese archives (with and without HVAC/air filtration systems) were selected and the immediate concentration of airborne particulate matter was measured by active sampling. Indoor-outdoor ratios were also determined. International and national guidelines were used to ascertain the environment’s quality, both for the readers and staff and for the documents preserved in these institutions. Inside, PM2.5 ranged between 0.37μg/m3 and 27.61μg/m3, while PM10 ranged between 4.43μg/m3 and 285.52μg/m3. The lowest values were determined in storage rooms and the highest in reading rooms. In terms of human health, Portuguese guidelines for immediate PM10 concentration were not met in several locations. For conservation purposes, storage rooms were classified according to an original air quality grid. Air filtration systems proved valuable in maintaining a safe environment for our written heritage and the staff and readers that deal with it and care for it every day. This study constitutes the first snapshot of the particulate matter concentrations and distribution in Portuguese Archives

    Below the Nation State: Power Asymmetry and Jurisdictional Boundaries around the Archives of Madeira Archipelago

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    The main purpose of this chapter is to describe a case study developed in a sub-national context between the Autonomous Region of Madeira and the National Archive ‘Torre do Tombo’ (ANTT). Our analysis will focus theoretically on the etiologies of dispossession and empirically on a case study. Thus, the main questions that will lead this case study are: ‘Why were the Madeiran fonds taken in the past to or by ANTT?’ and ‘How were these Madeiran fonds represented in finding aids provided by ANTT and the RAM?’. Finally, based on nissological critiques,13 we will define and contextualise the notion of sub-national displaced archives as an underresearched subset of disputed archival claims, in order to reveal some particular aspects of this phenomenon.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Information representation in Displaced Archives: a meta-synthesis

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    The phenomenon of displaced archives emerges in the scientific literature as a kind of wicked problem. In addition to the conceptual diversity associated with this phenomenon present in the scientific literature from various fields (e.g., removed archives, migrated archives, seized archives, alienated archives, captured archives, diasporic archives, expatriated/repatriated archives, estray archival, disputed archival claims, replevin, etc.), there is a tendency in the scientific community to adopt the concept of displaced archives as a possible hypernym. The most recent definition of displaced archive is found in the report issued by the International Council on Archives through the Expert Group on Shared Archival Heritage, understood as "archives removed from the place of their creation, where the ownership of the archives is disputed by two or more parties" (Lowry 2020, 5). Nevertheless, one of the problems that makes this phenomenon a particular case is whether we can identify archives that are in the condition of displaced without there necessarily having to be claimant party(ies) for that purpose. Although the most recurrent focus in addressing this phenomenon has been around the problems of restitution, repatriation, return or relocation, the identification and, more incisively, the representation of these documentary sets have remained obscured in scientific discourse. According to Winn (2015), one of the limiting factors in the identification of displaced archives consists, among others, in the inexistence of information access tools. For Lowry, "the catalogue is the key" (2017a, 8), not only as an instrument of access to information where the processes of organization and description are materialized with a view to its retrieval and access, but also as a mechanism of information representation that derives from the powers of archival mediation. Studies on information representation suggest that, in the postmodern archival stream, it is not possible to ensure neutrality or impartiality in the representation of the content and structure of a fonds (MacNeil 2012) in finding aids. Such archival descriptions are supported by interpretative approaches that depend on the description and access policies adopted by custodians, which are not unrelated to the political, historical, socio-cultural, and institutional contexts of the environment where they were produced. Considering that the finding aids can be genologically diverse (e.g., catalogues, inventories, guides, scripts, directories, indexes and databases), it is considered more productive to focus on the representation of archival information, from the perspective of how a "fluid, evolving, and socially constructed practice" (Yakel 2003, 2) is constituted as "the core of archival description produced to facilitate access to archival materials in the background of their creation and custodial history" (Zhang 2012, 49). Considering that some of the studies on archival information representation have been problematized with greater incidence, although incipient, in Knowledge Organization and Information Science (Barros and Sousa 2020; Aguiar and Kobashi 2013; Tognoli 2013; Vital, Medeiros, and Brascher 2017; Corujo and Freitas 2021; Tognoli and Guimarães 2011; 2012; Troitiño Rodriguez 2018; Hjørland 2002), these studies have largely confined themselves to material and technical processes, physical (u. g., arrangement) and intellectual (u. g., classification and description), of concepts that conform to the bureaucratic dimension of the producers and/or custodial entities. In what concerns the displaced archives, the phenomenon itself challenges the core concepts of Archival Science, especially how these disputed documentary sets are represented from the point of view of provenance, integrity, organicity and how these representations are (re)constructed or destroyed in the process of archival mediation. Based on these aspects, and given the scarcity of studies on this topic, this article focuses on how the representation of information about archives removed from their original social and territorial contexts has been addressed in the scientific literature. Thus, we intend to conduct a survey of scientific literature that informs about the trajectory of the information representation process from the removal process to the claim by the dispossessed communities that can be theoretically relevant to the scope of Knowledge Organization. Thus, based on the above, it justifies performing a synthesis of knowledge from scientific literature called meta-synthesis (Sandelowski and Barroso 2010; Grant and Booth 2009; Finfgeld-Connett 2018). Thus, this article is structured as follows: section 2.0 formulates the starting question and research objectives; section 3.0 outlines the methodological assumptions for this type of qualitative literature synthesis; section 4.0 presents the results of the empirical investigation; section 5.0 makes concluding remarks around limitations and implications, as well as future lines of research.info:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersio

    Os cursos de pós-graduação interdisciplinar Stricto Sensu e as estradas pavimentadas para a interdisciplinaridade / The Stricto Sensu interdisciplinary postgraduate courses the paved roads for interdisciplinarity

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    A abertura de cursos de pós-graduação interdisciplinar no Brasil refletiu uma temática discutida há décadas e trouxe um contraponto ao conhecimento que privilegiaria algumas ciências. Hoje, quase 20 anos depois, existe uma relevante quantidade de trabalhos publicados que busca uma definição do conceito interdisciplinar na história dos Programas de Pós-Graduação. A inquietação com o tema contempla várias questões, dentre elas a avaliação dos cursos para obtenção de reconhecimento e validação pelo Ministério da Educação. O debate sobre os critérios de avaliação se intensificou recentemente após a divulgação, em 2017, do último resultado da avaliação pela Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior/CAPES — responsável por regulamentar e avaliar os cursos de pós-graduação no Brasil. Instituições como a Sociedade Brasileira Para o Progresso da Ciência, a Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-graduação Interdisciplinar em Sociais e Humanidades e a Academia Brasileira de Ciência participam de debates e elaboram suas contribuições, buscando promover mudanças na avaliação. As mudanças propostas, não só para os cursos da área interdisciplinar, abordam, entre outros temas, assimetrias regionais, novas áreas temáticas, internacionalização de trabalhos. Mas haveria uma resposta única para a elaboração de formato de avaliação considerando a diversidade dos Programas de Pós-graduação? Partindo deste contexto, este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar uma possibilidade de “classificação” de dois elementos de nosso estudo: os cursos de pós-graduação interdisciplinar stricto sensu e os periódicos de estrato superior A1— veículos de publicação escolhidos pela CAPES. Esta “classificação”, que busca estabelecer uma relação entre os dois elementos, foi elaborada para subsidiar uma tentativa de responder as seguintes questões: Seriam os caminhos traçados pelos periódicos os mesmos escolhidos pelos cursos para a interdisciplinaridade? Haveria convergências e/ou justaposições destes caminhos? A “classificação” apresentada neste trabalho tem como base as áreas de conhecimento definidas pela CAPES e foi construída a partir de um levantamento das descrições dos cursos e dos periódicos. A metodologia e o levantamento são partes integrantes de uma pesquisa de mestrado em andamento no HCTE/UFRJ. 